Sunday, September 8, 2013

Afro-Mexican Activists Demand Justice in the case of Malcolm Latif Shabazz's murder in Mexico City


Piden justicia en caso Malcolm Latif. Afromexicanos inician huelga de hambre.

Afro-Mexican activists are demanding justice in the case of the recent murder in Mexico City of Malcolm Latif Shabazz, the grandson of Malcolm X, and have started a hunger strike as part of their protest. This effort is being led by the Committee in Defense of the Naturalized and Afromexicans (El Comite Ciudadano de Defensa de los Naturalizados y Afromexicanos CCDNAM).
Among their demands they are calling for release of a video that may depict events surrounding the death of Shabazz; the establishment of an independent commission to examine the case; and for all Mexicans to renounce racism and violence.
The President of CCDNAM, Dr. Wilner Metelus, made the following statement about the protest:
We are here to support our brother Malcolm Latif who died last month in Mexico. To us, it was a hate crime.
We are indebted to Malcolm X, one of the great leaders of the past century. So we cannot stay silent over the manner in which they killed our brother Malcolm Latif. His family lives in the U.S. and we are showing that we are with them, that they are not alone.
We’re here to help our brothers in other countries who are supporting this fight. And we are in solidarity with thousands of Mexican families who have lost loved ones. We know that in this country there is no justice. We as humans have to fight.
Malcom Protests
Scene from a CCDNAM protest march in June in Mexico City
Jusitce for all
CCDNAM protest in front of the offices of the District Attorney for the Federal District
Club where Shabazz was killed
The Mexico City nightclub where Malcolm Latif Shabazz was murdered.
The clip below explaining the objectives of the CCDNAM-led protests is in Spanish.

The official blog of the CCDNAM.
See also this article on the protests in the San Francisco Bay View newspaper.
Information on the arrests of two suspects in the case.
Hat Tip to Davey D for following this story.

Malcolm Latif Shabazz (October 8, 1984 – May 9, 2013)
Malcolm Latif Shabazz (October 8, 1984 – May 9, 2013)

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