Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sonia Sanchez and Angela Davis, A Conversation, Sat., May 24, 5:30, Oakland Marriott, Room 208

Da Mayor Ras Baraka, Newark NJ

By Ted Sherman and Naomi Nix/The Star-Ledger
NEWARK — Ras Baraka, a councilman and fiery community activist who campaigned on the vow to "take back Newark" from outsiders, was elected mayor of New Jersey’s largest city in decisive fashion Tuesday night, declaring victory before the votes were even fully counted.
"We are the mayor!" he proclaimed, echoing his own campaign slogan.
With 150 of 162 precincts reporting, Baraka was swept into office, capturing 54 percent of the vote in the nonpartisan election — the first since Cory Booker decamped the city and set off for Washington. His opponent, Shavar Jeffries, who grew up in Newark after his teenage mother was murdered when he was just 10, followed with 46 percent.
In the contentious, high-stakes race marked by millions in independent expenditures that poured in from special interests pushing the agendas of both candidates, turnout was high on an election day that was remarkably free of rancor after weeks of angry street confrontations, mudslinging TV ads and the torching of a campaign bus.

MORE NEWARK ELECTIONS: Run-off races to be held in Central and West wards
It ended not long after the polls closed. At a celebration at the Robert Treat Hotel near the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, the mayor-elect took to the stage amid clusters of red, white and blue balloons, and a huge banner proclaiming "When I become mayor, we become mayor."
Flashing his fingers in a "V" for victory, Baraka shouted out, "We are the winners!"
The crowd cheered and clapped.
baraka-2.JPGBedlam erupts on the floor of the Tri-State Ballroom at the Robert Treat in downtown Newark as Ras Baraka flashes the crowd a victory sign after he beat Shavar Jeffries in today's mayoral election in Newark. 
He also gave tribute to his father, the late poet Amiri Baraka. "I know his spirit is in this room," he said, also thanking his mother, along with supporters, including Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and state Sen. Richard Codey (D-Essex), as he congratulated Jeffries for what he called a "hard-fought" race.
"When everybody didn’t believe, you believed," he said to the crowd. "Today is the day we say goodbye to the bosses."
Jeffries took the stage at the Golden Dome Athletic Center on the Rutgers-Newark campus at 10:20 tonight to concede the election.
"The time is now for us to move forward as one city, to move forward together." he said. "We ran a very spirited campaign."
Baraka, 45, a single father of three, will replace Mayor Luis Quintana, a city councilman who was temporarily handed the keys to the city after Booker — whose celebrity seemed to define Newark for more than a decade — won a special election last year to fill the seat of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), and left for Washington.
Left behind are mounting problems for the new mayor that include a $93 million budget deficit that has led to threats of a financial takeover by the state, the city’s highest murder rate since 1990, and protests over the continued state control of Newark’s still-failing school system.
A major focal point of the election was the debate over the schools and state-appointed Superintendent Cami Anderson’s controversial "One Newark" school reorganization plan — which calls for the relocation and consolidation of one-quarter of the city’s schools and turning over some neighborhood schools to charter operators.
Jeffries, 39, a law professor, former assistant attorney general and school board member who helped found a charter school, had been backed by charter school interests, along with the Essex County Democratic machine.
"When everybody didn't believe, you believed. Today is the day we say goodbye to the bosses."
Baraka, the principal of Central High School and a sharp critic of Anderson’s plan, was supported by the teachers’ unions.
The race between two men, however, was often less about issues than over who was the "authentic" Newarker. While both live in the city’s South Ward, less than two miles from each other and know each other well, both launched personal attacks against each other throughout the campaign.

Ras Baraka wins Newark mayoral race, thanks his father late poet Amiri BarakaRas Baraka declares victory over opponent, Shavar Jeffries, in the Newark mayoral race. 05/13/14 (Video by Naomi Nix/The Star-Ledger)
Baraka, a high-octane member of the council and long-time critic of Booker, sought to define Jeffries as a tool of the party "bosses" and moneyed interests, while touting himself as the progressive candidate of the people. At one point, Jeffries complained that thousands of dollars had been spent on advertisements by the Working Families Organization, a group backing Baraka, which accused him of being aligned with Gov. Chris Christie and suggesting he was a puppet of "scary white people."
Baraka said the Jeffries campaign had portrayed him as a thug and a gang member after trying to broker a gang truce in 2004,
"They say I’m a thug, why did they burn my bus?" referring to two Jeffries campaign workers who were charged with setting a fire on Baraka’s campaign bus.
Much of the money spent on the mayoral campaign was not raised by the candidates, but rather by groups making independent expenditures on their behalf. According to the state Election Law Enforcement Commission, $2.6 million was spent on campaign ads, mailings and other support by seven groups that targeted the Newark election — the most independent spending every reported in a state local election. More than $1.7 million of that went to bolster Jeffries, with $945,000 spent in support of Baraka.
Brigid Harrison, a political science professor at Montclair State University, said the outside groups — which do not all disclose where their money comes from — contributed to the no-holds barred nature of the Newark election.
"I’m not saying candidate-based advertising doesn’t get down-and-dirty. But when outside groups get involved — with their high level of anonymity —it takes off the constraints."
BarakaWin.JPGRas Baraka on takes the stage at the Robert Treat Hotel moments after declaring victory in today's Newark mayoral election. 
Baraka had more name recognition going into the race and led in internal polls heading into the election. A poet in his own right who appeared on hip hop artist Lauryn Hill’s debut album, he is a graduate of Howard University and holds a master’s degree from St. Peter’s University.
Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, who had supported Jeffries, said people didn’t know Shavar.
"They got to know him over the past two months, it was just not enough," he said.
During the final hours of the election today, both campaigns aggressively pushed to get their base out and to the polls. Blaring sound trucks that slowly cruise the streets of Newark every election day, played hip-hop, salsa and rap soundtracks, while the amplified messages of the candidates echoed off buildings.
Throughout the city’s five wards, Jeffries’ fliers were handed out on street corners, brandished at busy intersections, and left on car windshields. Baraka’s get-out-the-vote crews were camped out at the busiest intersections, holding up signs and banners.
Both were active on social media, urging supporters to bolster the numbers.
Signs for both candidates plastered nearby poles and fences, while cars decorated with ballot position numbers honked as they drove by. Campaigns workers stood outside a school with fliers hoping to give their candidate the edge.
On West Market Street, Clarissa Andrade and Angelica Sanabria held their big orange Jeffries signs out to morning traffic — surrounded by a sea of blue Baraka workers.
Noemi Rodriguez said she decided to vote for Baraka after canvassers came to her home earlier this year. She complained to them about a tree near her home that was dangerous and falling apart. The next week it was fixed.
"There you just got my vote," she said.
State Troopers assigned were assigned to patrol the city throughout the day today, along with state monitors from the Attorney General’s office to deal with any voting-related legal issues, officials said.
About 30 deputy attorneys general were deployed to polling locations throughout the city, but they observed "nothing out of the ordinary," said spokesman Paul Loriquet.
Star-Ledger staff writers Seth Augenstein, Bill Wichert and Tom Wright-Piersanti contributed to this report.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ras Baraka and the Mayor of Newark NJ race today

Newark voters head to the polls in a steady stream

Seth Augenstein/The Star-LedgerBy Seth Augenstein/The Star-Ledger 
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on May 13, 2014 at 2:45 PM, updated May 13, 2014 at 3:42 PM

NEWARK — The contest between a high school principal and an attorney, two men from the city's South Ward, has apparently sparked enough interest to draw out more voters than most recent local elections.
But this is not a "street fight," exactly.
"During the James-Booker race they came out more then than they are now," said Henrietta Myrick, a longtime poll worker at West Side High School.
"It's more than usual," said Elaine Neves, a poll worker at East Side High School. "But it's not droves. It's steady."
There was elevated interest at the polls beginning at 6 a.m. — when they opened, said several poll workers at South Ward polling locations.
But the turnout still fell short of presidential-election levels — and also of the 2002 Newark race that pitted a young councilman named Cory Booker against longtime incumbent Mayor Sharpe James, which came to be refered to as a "street fight" after a documentary captured the incendiary race, said others.
"It's not that heavy, and it's been pretty quiet," said Martha Rodriguez, a poll worker at the Robert Treat Academy.
Both campaigns aggressively pushed to get their base out during the day. Throughout the city's five wards, Jeffries' fliers were handed out on street corners, brandished at busy intersections, and left on car windshields.
Baraka's camp was also present at the busiest intersections, holding up signs and banners. Both were active on social media, urging supporters to bolster the numbers.
Voters weighed in on the issues — crime, schools, economic development — but in different ways. For instance, Vernon Pinkney and Noble Milton were concerned about crime. For Pinkney, that meant a Baraka vote. It meant the opposite for Milton.
"Once you address crime, everything will follow that," said Milton.
"Schools are the most important," Pinkney said. "If we're not cultivating the youth, then these kids are going to be running these streets."
The voters also had different opinions on the contentious campaign, which fueled weeks of headlines. Tonya March, a Central Ward voter, said the battle actually would bring out the best in a potential leader.
"It doesn't matter. If you're a leader, you go through this small stuff," March said.
For some, the issues are secondary to the candidate himself.
"It was about picking the right man," said M. Santos, an East Ward voter, as he left his polling site with his wife.
Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University, has studied Newark politics and written about it ever since the 2002 race when she was a Yale graduate student watching Booker's failed campaign. This year, Jeffries' blitz of TV ads in recent days has pulled the race tighter than it has ever been, she said.
Today's effort to get voters to the polls will mean everything to tonight's results, Gillespie said.
"It's the GOTV (Get Out The Vote) that wins," Gillespie said. "It's the mobilizing of the vote on Election Day that will make the difference."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Towards the Elders Council

Greetings Family, 
I have been working on this project, in attempts to bring together some of the most progressive minds in our community to provide leadership on a National Level. One of the first orders of business is to begin the steps toward forming a viable and vocal Council of Elders, in consultation with Dr. Maaskelah Khemet, who has written the only book on the subject, as it pertains to the US. Dr. John Jackson, of the UNIA, has also offered his guidance and participation in building a COE. I will begin reaching out to other Elders around the country to employ their efforts also. The recent events in Nigeria demonstrate the conceerted need to have a unified, coordinated and conscious leadership Cadre coming from our community, who can speak on issues of Global and National conceerns to African Americans, specifically, and African people in general. Any recommendations you may have, please forward their email. We can no longer just depend to on the Congressional Black Caucus or Al Sharpton, to be the only voices of African people's interests. We need progressive voices willing to show leadership in advancing our collective interests. Please share your critiques and correctives of the plan below.

To represent and advocate for the collective interests of all African People in the Global Marketplace, and to engage African people in business and development enterprises, which reflect African values, goals and aspirations as component parts of the Global Community.


The Harambee Plan is designed to facilitate and protect the territorial and cultural integrity of the continent of Africa, and to define the substantive relationships between it, and its African Communities globally (diaspora). Residual vestiges of European and Western domination, exploitation and influences must be challenged, and the re-emergence of indigenous African solutions and approaches must be pursued and sought. It is the intent of the Harambee Plan to provide the institutional framework and structure to ensure and facilitate such a process. The Harambee Plan shall form relationships with persons and institutions which represent the values of African Community building in their development approaches for the African continent and diaspora. While Harambee will focus on African models and paradigms of Community/Nation Building, this is not at the total exclusion of other approaches, but does so with the recognition that their is a rich tradition in African Civilization which still requires exploration, and which inspires African Creative Genious. It is this creativity which Harambee Recognition seeks to penetrate and realize. The values which form the basis of this nexus are:
1. Respect for and Priority of the Human Interests
2. Respect for and Recognition as Spiritual Stewards of Nature, the Land and its Resources
3. Recognition of Health Care and Basic Education as Fundamental human rights
4. Fundamental Goal of Social Economy is economic equality which negates economic exploitation
5. In African Community, African values and ethics are Paramount, though we Respect and Recognize others.
6. African Creativity and Spirituality form a Synergy in how they are expressed in our culture
7. The Emerging African Personality does not seek to be Superior, but Supreme African in its Character and Expressions, as a value based proto-type.


There are basically two ways to become a part of the Harambee Family:
1. Person - One who has an invention, small business and seeks to become a part of the skills bank of Harambee Enterprises. Persons and/or groups can act as Consultants or Project Managers on any given projects
2. Institution - This would be a business, community institution and/or entity which subscribes to the Harambee Protocols, and which chooses to enter into an agreement, to partner on given projects as mutually agreed upon.
A database will be formed of such persons and institutions and determination made which have the needed and available resources to impact given projects as they arise. What will distinguish Harambee Consultants is not only their professionalism, proficiency, and ability, but their value orientation.
Harambee will also become clearinghouse for the authenticity and quality of goods and services which enter and exit the African Marketplace.


The House of Harambee is a communitarian concept, which means "Let' All Pull Together" in Swahili. We use this term because it captures the spirit of building family, community and nationhood in this Era of African Renaissance. African Renaissance is a term which refers to the period between 2011 and 2020, generally and it is the aim of the House of Harambee to qualify its meaning and significance, and to define in practical ways the parameters of the Renaissance Movement. As such, the House of Harambee (HOH) is a Think Tank which provides research and education which inform the formulation and promotion of policy, programs and projects which are based on fundamental and basic African values. Some of these values are to be found in the Kwanzaa Accords and are known by many, as the Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba); Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. Another set of values which form the foundation for the House of Harambee is the value system of Ma'at, which served as the social, moral, ethical, economic, political, cultural and spiritual foundation  for the longest lasting civilization in history, Ancient Kemet (Egypt). These values are known as the Seven Virtues of Ma'at; Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Propriety, and Reciprocity.
Values matter in this context, as they form the basis upon which social policy is determined and as African and African descended people, we can no longer afford to base our social policy considerations on the "values" of those who seek to oppress, exploit or are otherwise indifferent to our collective needs, interests and aspirations as National and/or Pan African Communities. Thus, Harambee is a Liberational Project, which recognizes that if Renaissance goals are to be achieved, then we must engage in the cultural battle to win the hearts and minds of our people, first, for until we win that battle, not only are our economic and political objectives unachievable, they are unthinkable, without the categories and concepts to conceive them. The value systems above,  and the others which we engage, give us the paradigmatic framework to meet these cultural challenges as we collectively seek to arrive at solutions, strategies, tactics, policies, programs and projects which advance our struggle forward to more progressive and final end.
In this regard, Harambee does not limit itself to just becoming a Think Tank, but also will take a pro-active posture of being an advocate and promoter for its' policy and strategic positions. This will be accomplished through our strategic partnerships with such groups as the Congress of African People, Friends of the African Union, African Scientific Institute, Urban Tech Fair, AJ Action Team, Simba Ghana, Yedma of Uganda, African Union, Sankofa Press,  Harambee Women,Harambee Men, Harambee Youth (these three form Harambee Circles) and other affiliates with whom we share a common vision. While these will be vital institutions by which our research and educational findings will be disseminated, the following will be key and distinct areas of focus which formulate the Harambee Plan:


1. Spiritual Development - Research into various African spiritual/religious traditions and those derived from them. Study will be done on the value/ethical base and system, fundamental practices, and rituals. This knowledge will be taught in Rites of Passage, in addition to the role of spirituality in dance, song, storytelling, drumming, etc. This component will also be charged with researching, institutionalizing and promotion of re-enforcing cultural institutions such as holidays, naming ceremonies, Birth Whispers, funerary services, Rites ceremonies and protocols, morning/evening exercise, Fasting/Health days and practices, Puberty Rites, etc.  

2. History - Study of methodologies to write corrected history; historiography; preserve archives, and the building of museums and libraries. Use of multi-media sources to discuss and disseminate Pan African History, and to promote this history in Theater, Film, Song, Storytelling, Radio, Dance and other communication instruments. These endeavors can form the basis of new industries. A true history of African history must be fully integrated into the educational system, such that parents and children benefit equally.

3. Social Organization
    A. Education - Study into various forms of African pedagogy and teaching modalities (dance, song, storytelling, theater, drum); expanding and refining the study of Africology and teaching its concepts in distance/virtual learning; developing content and a more conceptual basis for Black/Africana Studies program; means of establishing Pan African universities and accreditation system, recognized on a global level. Feeder (K-12)  schools, called Academy's will have specialized focus in STEM, Natural Healing, Communications, etc. Physical conditioning will include organized sports, yoga, capoeira, martial arts, nutrition, and weight training. Key to education is to discover indigenous forms of instruction which provide viable alternatives to Euro-centric forms, and which are more adapted to our learning capacities. Each of these modalities can and will be linked and channeled into the International Movement to bring literacy to all corners of the globe, based on our experience with African children and adults.
    B. Health - We must explore health care delivery systems which are adapted to the needs of our people and their respective communities. Clinics for rural areas, and Coops for urban centers should be coordinated and linked with each other. A key distinction and value orientation of African Health Care is that it is people centered and not profit motivated. Health care is a right and not a privilege, and therefore ways should be found to make it free where possible, and where not free, at least affordable. The goal is for free universal health care. Study and research should be done of African herbs, plants and botanicals for their medicinal value, along with their interactions with each other and known drugs where Integrative Medicine is required. Comparative studies should be done with other indigenous and wholistic systems, such as Oriental, Native American, Ayervedic, etc. Plants must be tested for medicinal value, before any reforestation processes are initiated. New industries include herbs and botanical farming especially for such herbs as Moringa, Neem, etc. Multi-media will be used to build a global market for these new industries, as dependence on Western drugs are reduced.  
     C. Collective Concern - We must develop our own systems for caring for the disadvantaged, sick, autistic, and those not a part of the economy yet. A guiding principle and value in this regard must be that everyone in community has a role and function, and most look to contribute in some meaningful and humane way. Noone in African community is considered to be a Welfare recipient. Each are valuable to the building of Community.  Again, traditional paradigms can serve as a model.
     D. Rebuilding Family Structures - Research must be done into family forms, and how to build support structures for them to be/become successful. Family must be linked to community and nation building projects. An integral part of rebuilding family is to research ways and means of personal healing by both Men and Women, and to aggressively address Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS). Our healers must receive specialty training to address this Mass phenomena. A key therapeudic model to explore, is that all become actively engaged in community building and Adult Rites of Passage.
      E. Youth Development - Providing youth with a quality childhood and preparing them to become responsible participants in Civil Society is one of our greatest challenges. While paradigms from traditional African society will be helpful, we must incorporate a Standardized Rights of Passage which can be applied throughout the Pan African Community, and which allows for social movement from one location to another, without loss of benefits and production. Certain principles of Rights of Passage must be institutionalized as part of the Curriculum. In exchange for Free or reduced rate for education, youth can agree to become trained for Crisis Intervention, Recovery and Rebuilding. Alternatives can be explored by being trained for survival training, working with infirmed Elderly, small children or other forms of National Service (Nigeria has such a system for study).
       F. Labor - Modern society, whether industrial or agrarian, must address the question of labor's relationship to production and provide equitable policies which mitigate against the possibility of exploitation of one class by another. This will be be one of the great challenges of the African Renaissance, if it is to live out the true and real meaning of its goals. In a class based society, the idea that the market will balance these relationships is totally erroneous, and is an area for serious research and remedies as we seek to build a new social order for people of African Descent.
       G. Gender - While certain of these areas of concern might be addressed in Family Development, family is not a remedy or solution for many, most gender issues. Africa has one of the longest traditions of inclusiveness of women in the social fabric. These traditions has been interrupted by the Holocost of Enslavement and the onslaught of Western Cultural Hegemony. Again, the challenge of our research would look into paradigms in our path which would be instructive in how we structure our social relations based on equity, complimentarity, mutuality and respect for each persons Role and Function in building Family, Community, Nation, and Global Pan Africanism. 

4. Economic Organization and Development - This area deals with how we organize the production and distribution of goods and services in our communities in such a way that such a structural format reflects our values, goals and social objectives. Cooperative Economics, not Free Market Enterprise, is the value which guides economic arrangements in our community, and is based on the notions, that we are our brother and sisters' keeper, that we support our own businesses first, and that we practice social entrepreneurship. As evidenced by the African Union's 2063 Agenda. There is also a value for Planning our economic platforms far in advance in order to guide its direction in the interest of the mass number of people. Africa's long tradition for Communitarian ownership of land must also be studied, updated and upgrated to comply with current aspiration and need. It is the aim of Harambee to confront these issues from an African centered perspective and framework. Cheik Ante Diop in his seminal work, "Black Africa: Economic and Cultural Basis of a Federated State", states conclusively, the need to take inventory of every Economic Sector, and to critically assess its best locale, role and function in the impending industrialization process, and the cultural nuances which affect each sector.  He also posits, that we must be clearly aware of caveats for given sectors, such as oils spills, and disposal of nuclear waste. Given the creativity of the African personality, as Fanon points out, each of these economic sectors have the possibility of giving rise for other forms of industry. These Economic Sectors include the following:
1. Construction - Africanized Architecture
2. Planning - New Community Structures
3. Energy - Solar, Wind, Bio, hydro thermal
4. Waste Management - Recycling
5. Creative Production - African Theater, Art, Photography, Film, Storytelling, Dance, Drum, Music, Spoken Word, Sport, Competitive STEM
6. Communications
7. Aeronautics - including Space Stations, Airplane building
8. Auto Industry
9. Fashion - Sankofa Concept Themes (Natural hair, henna, waistbeads, african adornments, body and beauty care, Dress)
10. Transportation
11. Road and Bridge Building
12. Marketing/Advertising
13. Finance - Banking, Currency, Stock Exchange
14. Agriculture - organic; herbal medicinals; botanicals.
15. Textiles
16. Manufacturing

5. Political Organization  and Governance - Politics is defined as the means and structure by which society gains, maintains and uses power. Governance, on the other hand, is more about how the management of human, financial and material resources are structured in a given society in the best interests of the masses of people. Harambee asserts that we must determine how we best transition from one to the other. Rev. Dr. Nikita Imani has provided the best model for this process in his book on Mbongi (  , a Governance system practiced by a large segment of Bantu peoples traditionally. The challenge of Harambee is to research this and other systems and find ways to adapt them to our needs, and then ways of implementation in a manner consistent with our collective aspirations.

Mwalimu Wesley Kabaila
Chief of Staff - Friends of the African Union's Congress (FAU)
Simbamaat Consultants - Principal
6709 La Tijera #337
Los Angeles, Calif. 90045
310 713 6236-cell