Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Slavery on the new plantation by Kiilu Nyasha

San Francisco | Police State and Prisons

Longtime San Francisco-based journalist/activist Kiilu Nyasha writes that "Chattel slavery was ended following prolonged guerrilla warfare between the slaves and the slave-owners and their political allies. Referred to as the 'Underground Railroad,' it was led by the revolutionary General Harriet Tubman with support from her alliances with abolitionists, Black and White. It only makes sense that this new form of slavery must produce prison abolitionists."

By Kiilu Nyasha

"Slavery 400 years ago, slavery today. It's the same, but with a new name. They're practicing slavery under color of law." (Ruchell Cinque Magee)

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution retained the right to enslave within the confines of prison. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Dec. 6, 1865.

Even before the abolition of chattel slavery, America's history of prison labor had already begun in New York's State Prison at Auburn soon after it opened in 1817. Auburn became the first prison that contracted with a private business to operate a factory within its walls. Later, in the post Civil War period, the "contract and lease" system proliferated, allowing private companies to employ prisoners and sell their products for profit.

Today, such prisons are referred to as “Factories with Fences.” (/

The Convict-Lease System

In Southern states, Slave Codes were rewritten as Black Codes, a series of laws criminalizing the law-abiding activities of Black people, such as standing around, "loitering," or walking at night, "breaking curfew." The enforcement of these Codes dramatically increased the number of Blacks in Southern prisons. In 1878, Georgia leased out 1,239 convicts, 1,124 of whom were Black.

The lease system provided slave labor for plantation owners or private industries as well as revenue for the state, since incarcerated workers were entirely in the custody of the contractors who paid a set annual fee to the state (about $25,000). Entire prisons were leased out to private contractors who literally worked hundreds of prisoners to death. Prisons became the new plantations; Angola State Prison in Louisiana was a literal plantation, and still is except the slaves are now called convicts and the prison is known as "The Farm." (A documentary of that title is available on DVD.)

The inherent brutality and cruelty of the lease system and the loss of outside jobs sparked resistance that eventually brought about its demise.

One of the most famous battles was the Coal Creek Rebellion of 1891. When the Tennessee coal, Iron and Railroad locked out their workers and replaced them with convicts, the miners stormed the prison and freed 400 captives; and when the company continued to contract prisoners, the miners burned the prison down. The Tennessee leasing system was disbanded shortly thereafter. But it remained in many states until the rise of resistance in the 1930s.

Strikes by prisoners and union workers together were organized by then radical CIO and other labor unions. They pressured Congress to pass the 1935 Ashurst-Sumners Act making it illegal to transport prison-made goods across state lines. But under President Jimmy Carter, Congress granted exemptions to the Act by passing the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, which produced the Prison Industries Enhancement program, or PIE, that eventually spread to all 50 states. This lifted the ban on interstate transportation and sale of prison-made products, permitting a for-profit relationship between prisons and the private sector, and prompting a dramatic increase in prison labor which continues to escalate.

As the leasing system phased out, a new, even more brutal exploitation emerged -- the chain gang. An extremely dehumanizing cruelty that chained men, and later women, together in groups of five, it was originated to build extensive roads and highways. The first state to institute chain gangs was Alabama, followed by Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Montana, and Oklahoma.

Arizona's first female chain gang was instituted in 1996. Complete with striped uniforms, the women of a Phoenix jail (to this day) spend four to six hours a day chained together in groups of 30, clearing roadsides of weeds and burying the indigent.

Georgia's chain-gang conditions were particularly brutal. Men were put out to work swinging 12 lb. sledge hammers for 16 hours a day, malnourished and shackled together, unable to move their legs a full stride. Wounds from metal shackles often became infected, leading to illness and death. Prisoners who could not keep up with the grueling pace were whipped or shut in a sweatbox or tied to a hitching post, a stationary metal rail. Chained to the post with hands raised high over his head, the prisoner remained tethered in that position in the Alabama heat for many hours without water or bathroom breaks. (Human Rights Watch World Report 1998).

Thanks to a lawsuit settled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Alabama's Department of Corrections agreed in 1996 to stop chaining prisoners together. A few years later, the Center won a Court ruling that ended use of the hitching post as a violation of the 8th Amendment's ban on "cruel and unusual punishment."

In response to the demands of World War II, the number of both free and captive road workers declined significantly. In 1941, there were 1,750 prisoners slaving in 28 active road camps for all types of construction and maintenance. The numbers bottomed out by war's end at 540 captives in 17 camps.

The Proliferation of Prisons, Jails, and Camps

In the 1940s, California Governor Earl Warren conducted secret investigations into the State's only prisons, San Quentin and Folsom. The depravity, squalor, sadism, and torture he found led the governor to initiate the building of Soledad Prison in 1951.

Prisoners were put to work in educational and vocational programs that taught basic courses in English and math, and provided training in trades ranging from gardening to meat cutting. At wages of 7 to 25 cents an hour, California prisoners used their acquired skills to turn out institutional clothing and furniture, license plates and stickers, seed new crops, slaughter pigs, produce and sell dairy products to a nearby mental institution.

Within a decade this "model prison" at Soledad had become another torture chamber of filthy dungeons, literal "holes," virulently racist guards, officially sanctioned brutality, torture, and murder. Though prison jobs were supposed to be voluntary, if prisoners refuse to work they were often given longer sentences, denied privileges, or thrown into solitary confinement. Forced to work long hours under miserable conditions, in the 1960s, "Soledad Brother," George Jackson, organized a work strike that turned into a riot after white strikebreakers tried to lynch one of the Black strikers.

The Black Movement's resistance, led by George Jackson, W. L. Nolen, and Hugo "Yogi" Pinell, eventually brought Congressional oversight and overhaul of California's prison system. (The Melancholy History of Soledad Prison, by Minh S. Yee.).

California’s prison system rose exponentially to approximately 174,000 prisoners crammed into 90 penitentiaries, prisons and camps stretched across 900 miles of the fifth-largest economy in the world, as Ruth Gilmore's book, "Golden Gulag" reports. That number can be doubled or tripled by those on other forms of penal control, probation, parole, or house arrest.

Since 1984, the California has erected 43 prisons (and only one university) making it a global leader in prison construction. Most of the new prisons have been built in rural areas far from family and friends, and most captives are Black or Brown men, although the incarceration of women has skyrocketed. Suicide and recidivism rates approach twice the national average, and the State spends more on prisons than on higher education. (The seeming contradiction between the official figure of 33 prisons relates to the additional buildings constructed at a given prison complex, and the various camps and county jails.)

Between 1998 and 2009, the CDCR’s budget grew from $3.5 billion to $10.3 billion (the latest figures available). At its peak in August 2007, the department had 72 gyms and 125 dayrooms jammed with 19,618 inmate beds.
"They provided an accurate and extremely graphic example of the crowding and inhumanity that engulfed the entire system," said Don Specter, director of the nonprofit Prison Law Office in Berkeley, which sued to force the state to ease crowding as a way to improve the treatment of sick and mentally ill inmates.

The Privatizing of Federal and State Prisons

Under court order to reduce overcrowding, by 2009, the CDCR had transferred 8,000 prisoners to private prisons in four states –Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arizona, among the most virulently racist states in the country. The rest of the prisoners were transferred to county jails. Currently, the inmate population is about 142,000 and must remove another 17,000 prisoners to reach the June 2013 court deadline.

In 1985, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger lauded China's prison labor program: "1,000 inmates in one prison I visited comprised a complete factory unit producing hosiery and what we would call casual or sport shoes... Indeed it had been a factory and was taken over to make a prison." Burger called for the conversion of prisons into factories, the repeal of laws limiting prison industry production and sales, and the active participation of business and organized labor.

Heeding the judge's call, California voters passed Prop 139 in 1990, establishing the Joint Venture Program allowing California businesses to cash in on prison labor. "This is the new jobs program for California, so we can compete on a Third World basis with countries like Bangladesh," observed Richard Holober with the California Federation of Labor.

Currently, California's Prison Industrial Authority (CALPIA) employs, 7000 captives assigned to 5039 positions in manufacturing, agricultural service enterprises, and selling and administration at 22 prisons throughout the state. It produces goods and services such as office furniture, clothing, food products, shoes, printing services, signs, binders, gloves, license plates, cell equipment, and much more. Wages are $.30 to $.95 per hour before deductions.

For the State's highest wage, $1 hour, prisoners provide the "backbone of the state's wild land fire fighting crews," according to an unpublished CDC report. The State Department of Forestry saves more than $80 million annually using prison labor. California's Department of Forestry has 200 Fire Crews comprised of CDC and CYA (California Youth Authority) minimum-security captives housed in 46 Conservation Camps throughout the state. These prisoners average 10 million work hours per year according to the CDCR.

"Their primary function is to construct fire lines by hand in areas where heavy machinery cannot be used because of steep topography, rocky terrain, or areas that may be considered environmentally sensitive." (I.e., the most dangerous fire lines).

Now at least 37 states have similar programs wherein prisoners manufacture everything from blue jeans to auto parts, electronics and toys. Clothing made in Oregon and California is exported to other countries, competing successfully with apparel made in Asia and Latin America.

One of the newest forms of slave labor is the U.S. Army's "Civilian Inmate Labor Program" to "benefit both the Army and corrections systems" by providing "a convenient source of labor at no direct cost to Army installations," additional space to alleviate prison overcrowding, and cost-effective use of land and facilities otherwise not being utilized.

"With a few exceptions," this program is currently limited to prisoners under the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) that allows the Attorney General to provide the services of federal prisoners to other federal agencies, defining the types of services they can perform. The Program stipulates that the "Army is not interested in, nor can afford, any relationship with a corrections facility if that relationship stipulates payment for civilian inmate labor. Installation civilian inmate labor program operating costs must not exceed the cost avoidance generated from using inmate labor." In other words the prison labor must be free of charge.

The three "exceptions" to exclusive Federal contracting are as follows: (1) "a demonstration project" providing "prerelease employment training to nonviolent offenders in a State correctional facility" [CF]. (2) Army National Guard units "may use inmates from an off-post State and/or local CF." (3) Civil Works projects. Services provided might include constructing or repairing roads, maintaining or reforesting public land; building levees, landscaping, painting, carpentry, trash pickup, etc.

This Civilian Inmate Labor Program document includes in its countless specifications such caveats as "Inmates must not be referred to as employees." A prisoner would not qualify if he/she is a "person in whom there is a significant public interest," who has been a "significant management problem," "a principal organized crime figure," any "inmate convicted of a violent crime," a sex offense, involvement with drugs within the last three years, an escape risk, "a threat to the general public." Makes one wonder why such a prisoner isn't just released or paroled. In fact, the "hiring qualifications" -- makes me suspect the "Civilian Inmate Labor Program" is a backdoor draft, especially in lieu of a military already stretched to its limit.

Note: When I tried to find an updated web page on the Civilian Inmate Labor Program, there was none. The date remains 2005 for its latest report. Could the latest data be classified?

The Federal Prison Industries (FPI), a nonprofit Justice Department subsidiary, that does business as UNICOR, was created in 1935, and began supplying the Pentagon on a broad scale in the 1980s.

The prison privatization boom began in the 1980s, under the governments of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., but reached its height in 1990 under Bill Clinton when the Wall Street stocks were selling like hotcakes. In fact, President Clinton accomplished a record $10 billion prison building boom in the 1990s.

His program for cutting the federal workforce resulted in the Justice Department’s contracting of private prison corporations for the incarceration of undocumented workers and high-security inmates. (Global Research, 2008)

By 2003, there were 100 FPI factories working 20,274 prisoners with sales totaling $666.8 million. And currently FPI employs about 19,000 captives, slightly less than 20 percent of the federal prison population, in 106 prison factories around the country. Profits totaled at least $40 million!

In 2005, FPI sold more than $750,000,000 worth of goods to the federal government. Sales to the Army alone put UNICOR on the Army's list of top 50 suppliers, ahead of well-known corporations like Dell Computer, according to Wayne Woolley, Newhouse News Service.

In 2011, the Justice Policy Institute (JPI) released a report that exposes how private prison companies are “working to make money through harsh policies and longer sentences.” The report notes that while the total number of prisoners increased less than 16 percent, the number of people held in private federal and state facilities increased by 120 and 33 percent, respectively.

Government spending on so-called corrections rose to $74 billion in 2007. And last year (2011) the two largest private prison companies — Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group — made over $2.9 billion in profits. These corporations use three strategies to influence public policy: lobbying, direct campaign contributions and networking. They succeeded in getting Arizona’s harsh new immigration laws passed, and came close to winning the privatization of all of Florida’s prisons.

A relatively new ordering tool used by BOP (Bureau of Prisons) is GSA Advantage!, the federal government’s premier online ordering system that provides 24-hour access to over 17 million products and services, solutions available from over 16,000 GSA Multiple Award Schedules contractors, as well as all products available from GSA Global Supply.

Since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan in 2001, the Army's Communication and Electronics Command at Fort Monmouth, N.J., has shipped more than 200,000 radios to combat zones, most with at least some components manufactured by federal inmates working in 11 prison electronics factories around the country. Under current law, UNICOR enjoys a contracting preference known as "mandatory source," which obligates government agencies to try to buy certain goods from the prisons before allowing private companies to bid on the work. This same contracting restriction applies to state agencies.

The demand for defense products from FPI became so great that "national exigency" provisions were invoked so the 20 percent limit on goods provided in each category could be exceeded. The rules were waived during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Private manufacturers say they've been hurt by such practice, as they are unable to bid on various products.

According to the Left Business Observer, the federal prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets, ammunition belts, bulletproof vests, ID tags, shirts, pants, tents, bags, and canteens. Along with war supplies, prison workers supply 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services; 93% of paints and paintbrushes; 92% of stove assembly; 46% of body armor; 36% of home appliances; 30% of headphones/microphones/speakers; and 21% of office furniture. Airplane parts, medical supplies, and much more: prisoners are even raising seeing-eye dogs for blind people.

By 2007, the overall sales figures and profits for federal and state prison industries had skyrocketed into the billions. Apparently, the military industrial complex (MIC) and the prison industrial complex (PIC) have joined forces.

The PIC is a network of public and private prisons, of military personnel, politicians, business contacts, prison guard unions, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers all making big profits at the expense of poor people who comprise the overwhelming majority of captives. The fastest growing industry in the country, it has its own trade exhibitions, conventions, websites, and mail-order/Internet catalogs and direct advertising campaigns. Corporate stockholders who make money off prisoners' labor lobby for longer sentences, in order to expand their workforce.

Replacing the "contract and lease" system of the 19th Century, private companies that have contracted prison labor include Microsoft, Boeing, Honeywell, IBM, Revlon, Pierre Cardin, Compaq, Victoria Secret, Macy’s, Target,
Nordstrom, and countless others.

In 1995, there were only five private prisons in the country, with a population of 2,000 inmates; now, private companies operate 264 correctional facilities housing some 99,000 adult prisoners. The two largest private prison corporations in the US, GEO Group (formerly Wackenhut) and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) are transnationals, managing prisons and detention centers in 34 states, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

A top performer on the New York Stock Exchange, CCA called California its "new frontier," and boasts of investors such as Wal-Mart, Exxon, General Motors, Ford, Chevrolet, Texaco, Hewlett-Packard, Verizon, and UPS. Currently, CCA has 80,000 beds in 65 facilities, and GEO Group operates 61 facilities with 49,000 beds, according to Wikipredia.

Employers (Read: slavers) don't have to pay health or unemployment insurance, vacation time, sick leave or overtime. They can hire, fire or reassign inmates as they so desire, and can pay the workers as little as 21 cents an hour. The inmates cannot respond with a strike, file a grievance, or threaten to leave and get a better job.

On September 19, 2005, UNICOR was commended for its outstanding support of the nation’s military. Deputy Commander of the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP), presented the Bureau of Prisons Director with a “Supporting the Warfighter” award. The award recognized UNICOR for its tremendous support of DSCP’s mission to provide equipment, materials, and supplies to each branch of the armed forces. “We at DSCP are very appreciative of UNICOR, especially with our critical need items. With more than $200 million worth of orders during Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005, UNICOR has not had a single delinquency.”

Mass roundups of immigrants and non-citizens, currently about half of all federal prisoners, and dragnets in low-income 'hoods have increased the prison population to unprecedented levels. Andrea Hornbein points out in Profit Motive: "The majority of these arrests are for low level offenses or outstanding warrants, and impact the taxpayer far more than the offense. For example, a $300 robbery resulting in a 5-year sentence, at the Massachusetts average of $43,000 per year, will cost $215,000. That doesn't even include law enforcement and court costs."

Nearly 75% of all prisoners are drug war captives. A criminal record today practically forces an ex-con into illegal employment since they don't qualify for legitimate jobs or subsidized housing. Minor parole violations, unaffordable bail, parole denials, longer mandatory sentencing and three strikes laws, slashing of welfare rolls, overburdened court systems, shortages of public defenders, massive closings of mental hospitals, and high unemployment (about 50% for Black men) -- all contribute to the high rates of incarceration and recidivism. Thus, the slave labor pool continues to expand.

Among the most powerful unions today are the guards' unions. The California Corrections Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) wields so much political power it practically decides who governs the state. Moreover, its members get the State's biggest payouts, according to the L.A. Times. "More than 1600 officers' earnings exceeded legislators' 2007 salaries of $113,098." Base pay for 6,000 guards earning $100,000 or more totaled $453 million with overtime adding another $220 million to wages. One lieutenant guard earned more than any other state official, including the Governor, or $252,570.

California’s per prisoner cost has raised to $49,000, and that figure doubles and triples for elderly and high-security captives. That’s enough money to send a person through Harvard!

The National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA), is an international nonprofit professional association, whose self-declared mission is “to promote excellence and credibility in correctional industries through professional development and innovative business solutions.”

NCIA's members include all 50 state correctional industry agencies, Federal Prison Industries, foreign correctional industry agencies, city and county jail industry programs, and private sector companies working in partnership with correctional industries.

Chattel slavery was ended following prolonged guerrilla warfare between the slaves and the slave-owners and their political allies. Referred to as the “Underground Railroad,” it was led by the revolutionary General Harriet Tubman with support from her alliances with abolitionists, Black and White. It only makes sense that this new form of slavery must produce prison abolitionists.

As George Jackson noted in a KPFA interview with Karen Wald (Spring 1971), "I'm saying that it's impossible, impossible, to concentration-camp resisters....We have to prove that this thing won't work here. And the only way to prove it is resistance...and then that resistance has to be supported, of course, from the street....We can fight, but the results are...not conducive to proving our point...that this thing won't work on us. From inside, we fight and we die....the point is -- in the new face of war -- to fight and win."

Power to the people.

--Kiilu Nyasha is a San Francisco-based journalist and former member of the Black Panther Party.  Kiilu hosts a bimonthly TV program, "Freedom Is A Constant Struggle," on BAVC Commons, and many shows are archived here:
If voting could change the system, they would make it illegal. Jamil al-Amin aka H. Rap Brown. 

Professor Jane Landers on South Carolina History


Just Peace 
Mondays, 6pm - 7pm EST ----- WRFG-Atlanta 89.3 FM

Professor Jane Landers on South Carolina History
Tonight on Just Peace
Tonight on Just Peace we will talk with Jane Landers of Vanderbilt University. In the aftermath of the tragic killing of nine members of the Emanuel AME Church last Wednesday, June 17, tonight we on Just Peace will talk about South Carolina and its history. While there is, of course, much focus right now on the Emanuel AME member Denmark Vessey who, in 1822, had planned a slave rebellion, we will go one century earlier to Francisco Menendez - a West African Mandingo slave in  South Carolina. Menendez escaped to Spanish controlled Florida in the early 1700's for his freedom. His life and career are remarkable.

Jane Landers Ph.D. dissertation is on Menendez and she has continued and expanded her work on the slave culture and activities in the British and Spanish colonies. Her first monograph was "Black Society in Spanish Florida (Blacks in the New World" (Urbana, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005).

Below is some basic information about South Carolina's unique role in the slavery which, as stated, is "different from anywhere else in America". The brief summary is from the International African American Museum:
Slavery in South Carolina was different from anywhere else in America:
  • Over 40% of all enslaved Africans to the U.S. came in through Charleston
  • Population ratios could be as high as 9 enslaved persons to 1 white resident in the Lowcountry
  • Enslaved persons comprised nearly 50% of Charleston's population before the Civil War
Today, nearly 80% of African Americans could potentially trace an ancestor who was brought through Charleston.
South Carolina was the only state founded exclusively as a slave colony.
Founded exclusively as a slave colony, South Carolina quickly grew to have the highest ratio of enslaved persons to free whites of any mainland colony, or later, state.
In the years preceding the Civil War, enslaved people comprised about half of Charleston's inhabitants. Population ratios in the Lowcountry were even more extreme, where some areas had 9 slaves to every 1 white resident.
In order to maintain control over the enslaved population, slave laws and methods of punishment were harsher in South Carolina than elsewhere in the country.
Donations can be made on line at or by calling the studio at 404 523 8989.

Thanks everyone,

Heather Gray
Producer, Just Peace
WRFG 89.3 FM
404 523 8989 (studio)
Tune in and join the conversation!  You can also listen on the web by going to our home page ( and clicking on the "Listen Live" icon on the righthand side of the page.
General Programming Policy in WRFG's by-laws: WRFG is a community-oriented, educational, alternative medium and our programming must reflect this. We are for those alternatives that uplift human dignity and give people more control over their lives. WRFG is opposed to those forces in our lives that dehumanize and oppress people, especially economic exploitation, racism, sexism, militarism and anti-foreign/anti-immigrant chauvinism.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Under the USA Flag, Black Soldiers were led into gas chambers and poisoned during WWII


“It Felt Like You Were On Fire”: Black Soldiers Were Led Into Gas Chambers and Poisoned During WWII

During World War II black soldiers were experimented on with mustard gas.

Rollins Edwards
Rollins Edwards
For the first time, NPR tracked down some of the soldiers and asked them about their experiences.
Rollins Edwards, a former U.S. Army solider, told the public radio station that he and other black soldiers were led into a gas chamber where toxins were released.

“It felt like you were on fire,” Edwards, now 93, told NPR. “Guys started screaming and hollering and trying to break out. And then some of the guys fainted. And finally they opened the door and let us out, and the guys were just, they were in bad shape.”

Edwards didn’t know at the time that he and 60,000 other enlisted soldiers were being used as guinea pigs for mustard gas and other chemical tests. Edwards was chosen for the study specifically because he was black.

“They said we were being tested to see what effect these gases would have on black skins,” Edwards says.

It wasn’t just blacks, but Japanese-Americans and Puerto Ricans were also used as test subjects. Although the Pentagon had confirmed the tests, it never shared how test subjects were chosen based on race.

Researchers wanted to know if people of color were more resilient because if they were, then they could be used on the front line during battle.

“The first thing to be very clear about is that the Department of Defense does not conduct chemical weapons testing any longer,” Army Col. Steve Warren said. “And I think we have probably come as far as any institution in America on race. … So I think particularly for us in uniform, to hear and see something like this, it’s stark. It’s even a little bit jarring.”

After the tests were done, the soldiers received no health care for any resulting ailments and were sworn to secrecy under threat of dishonorable discharge.

“I spent three weeks in the hospital with a bad fever. Almost all of us got sick,” said Lopez Negron, 95, who was also a test subject.

Mustard gas not only causes blisters, but it also damages DNA.

Thanks from the Sacramento Black Book Fair

2015 SBBF Poster with all
Kente thank youGreetings all, thank you for supporting the 2nd Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair (SBBF). We Did It! Yes we hosted another successful and fun Black Book Fair, June 5-7, 2015 in historic Oak Park, Sacramento, CA.
Special thanks to all the authors, co-sponsors, our partners, venue hosts, community readers, volunteers, the media and community members for supporting the 2nd Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair.
Below are a few helpful links to a podcasts developed by podcaster Julie Parker, beautiful photos taken by our volunteer photographers: Tamara Knox, Ryan, White, and Darryl White and You-Tube videos created by Faye.
Also the Sacramento Observer featured the SBBF in the June 11-17, 2015 edition with a great story and beautiful photos. Pick –up your copy for only .75 cent at underground books or at the Sacramento Observer.
Celebrate our accomplishments, rest and get ready for the 3rd Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair, June 3-5, 2016.
· Link to podcast by Julie Parker:
· Link to the 1st You Tube video:
· Link to the 2nd You Tube video:
· Link to the 3rd You Tube video:
· Link to the 4th You Tube video:
· Link to the 5th You Tube video:
· Link to view the photos of SBBF
Save these dates: 3rd Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair, June 3-5, 2016.
From The SBBF Planning Group
Thank YOU!!!
2015 Co-Sponsors/Community Partners:
African Research Institute
Black United Fund of Sacramento Valley
The Black Group
Brickhouse Art Gallery
Blue Nile Press
City of Sacramento – Neighborhood Services Department
Friends of the Sacramento Public Library
Roberts Family Development Center
Sacramento Area Black Caucus
Sacramento City Councilmember Allen Warren
The Sacramento City Teachers Association
Sacramento City Councilmember Steve Hansen
Sacramento City Councilmember Rick Jennings, III
Sacramento City Councilmember Jay Schenirer
Teichert Foundation
The Talking Drums News
Colonial Heights Library Affiliated Friends
Kakwasi Somadhi
Underground Books
Drexel University Sacramento
Sacramento Juneteenth, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.,Eta Gamma Omega Chapter
Sacramento Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Fred and Ruth Foote
ZICA Creative and Literary Guild
Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, CSUS
Black Humanists and Non-Believers of Sacramento
Sacramento Section- The National Council of Negro Women
Mary McLeod Bethune Readers are Leaders Club
Tracy & Symia Stigler
Young Scholars –Calvary Christian Center
Sacramento Poetry Center
Sister to Sister Book Group
100 Black Men of Sacramento
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Brenda’s Mane Event
Black Parallel School Board
Literary Ladies Alliance
The Merritt Law Clinic
Sisters Quilting Collective
NIA –Women of Purpose
Leslie & Faye Wilson Kennedy
Sacramento Chapter-Black Child Development Institute
Pam Haynes
Black Images Book Club
The Borden Family
OBBC (Book Club)
Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce
Allegro Book Club
Sacramento Public Library Foundation
The California Endowment
The Office of Campus Community Relations, University of California, Davis
Los Rios Community College District
Roy Kaufman
Sacramento Observer Newspapers
California Black Chamber of Commerce
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Dr. Tchaka Muhammed
Crystal Bowl
Brenda & Keith Dabney
The Scott Family
Dorothy Benjamin & Family
Sacramento Chapter of The Links Incorporated
Phil Nelson & Family
Wiley Manuel Bar Association
Endorsed by:
Mayor Kevin Johnson
Women's Civic Improvement Club
Oak Park United Methodist Church
Guild Theater
Sacramento City Unified School District
Sacramento Public Library
Assembly member Kevin McCarty
California Legislative Black Caucus
Crocker Art Museum
Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS)
Sojourner Truth Art Museum

Fly yo flag, nigguh

Nigguhs are crazy. How in the motherfucking hell did we go from mourning
the death of nine people to worrying bout a cracker ass punk bitch flag
fly yo own flag, nigguh
let the white man southern cracker northern fake smile soda cracker
motherfucker fly his stars and stripes
yo ass been burned by both flags
fly yo flag nigguh
let the white man be his white devil self
his day is coming soon and very soon
fly yo flag North American African ass nigguh!
--Marvin X

October 4, 2001
When I'll Wave The Flag

By Marvin X
I'll wave the flag
When the trillions in reparations are paid to the
African American Nation
For 400 years of terror in America
When the bill of the Middle Passage is paid
When the bill from the cotton fields is paid
I'll wave the flag
When the damages due the descendents of mass murder
is paid
Mass kidnapping
Mass rape
I'll wave the flag
When the police stop terrorizing us for breathing
while black
Walking while black
Loving while black
I'll wave the flag
When the 2 million men and women in prison are
for petty crimes
And those guilty of stealing elections take their
in the cells
I'll wave the flag
When those guilty of stealing labor, stealing
stealing souls of the poor are jailed
I'll wave the flag
When those guilty of the miseducation of our
children are
jailed for crimes against humanity
I'll wave the flag
When those who terrorize the earth, pollute the
poison the food, the water, the air
Inject animals with hormones
Genetically alter vegetables and fruits
When these people are taken before the world court
terrorizing the world
I'll wave the flag
Until then
Kiss my motherfuckin' ass.
2001 Marvin X.

U.S. Social Forum in San Jose

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Black Bird Press News & Review: Berkeley Juneteenth suffers five minutes of the Human Earthquake, Marvin X

Black Bird Press News & Review: Berkeley Juneteenth suffers five minutes of the Human Earthquake, Marvin X

Berkeley Juneteenth suffers five minutes of the Human Earthquake, Marvin X

Just know this: when Marvin X concluded his remarks and departed the stage, he was congratulated  by the audience, who overwhelmingly enjoyed his remarks. 

Marvin X 
Berkeley Juneteenth
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Black Arts Movement poet/playwright/essayist Marvin X was allowed five minutes by MC James W. Sweeney.  Sweeney is a close friend and supporter of Marvin X.  In his Forward to Marvin's book of essays In the Crazy House Called America, 2002, Sweeney said, "Courageous and outrageous! He walked through the muck and mire of hell and come out clean as white fish and black as coal."
Sweeney recently experienced the Human Earthquake at the Second Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair. The book fair planning committee congratulated Marvin X for bringing the event alive, for spitting truth with fire, in the grand oral tradition of North American Africans. But with Marvin X it is not only how he speaks truth but the raw (thirty hitter package, in drug culture linguistics) nature of his narrative. "Ain't no shame in my game!"
He began with thanking the Berkeley Juneteenth planning committee, then gave honor to ancestor Lothario Lotho who was the MC  until he joined the ancestors. The crowd gave honor and respect to Lothario Lotho. Marvin knew Lothario's mother who was an actress with playwright Ed Bullins who joined with Marvin X to found Black Arts West Theatre, San Francisco, 1967. When Marvin X connected with Ed Bullins, Lothario's mother was acting in an Ed Bullin's play, thus, Lothario was a child of the Black Arts Movement.
Since it was Father's Day, Marvin X not only honored fathers but all the mothers who are fathers as well. The crowd cheered! FYI, Marvin X is the child of a mother who raised nine children of her own by herself and two grandchildren who thought their grandmother was their mother! At the same time, Marvin X's mother was the first Black woman real estate broker in Fresno, CA. With Marvin's father, his mother published the Fresno Voice, a black newspaper, along with their real estate business during the late 40s and into the 50s, until they were forced to depart Fresno when his father violated his fiduciary relationship as a real estate broker. The moved to West Oakland where his parents opened a florist shop. Marvin X grew up on 7th and Campbell, on the strip of Harlem West. His parents were part of the petit black bourgeoisie who had enough consciousness to do for self in the tradition of Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad. Marvin's parents were in the tradition of the Race Man and Race Woman, the Black Nationalist tradition.

Marvin X spoke about South Carolina and the mass murder of nine people in a church, founded by Demark Vesey who plotted a revolt at the church in 1822. Marvin X said, "Uncle Tom nigguhs snitched to the massa. We still got Uncle Tom nigguhs round here today, right now...."

Then he turned to the white woman who wants to be black. He said, "I support the white woman who wants to be black. I don't support black women who want to be white! I don't support black women in blond wigs and bleaching cream, Korean eyes, Korean nails!"

I am here to tell the truth, this is why I am not attracted to money. If you stay poor, you can tell the truth, Dr. Nathan Hare told me. Now if money is your objective, you must decide what side you are on. My mentor Sun Ra said there are musicians who commercialized on the Creator and departed the planet as a result. My life is not about money, but truth!

As I conclude, I want to congratulate the Berkeley Juneteenth planning committee, especially the editor of Vision Magazine, Delores Nochi Edwards, James W. Sweeney, Berkeley NAACP President 
Mansour Id-deen

At the end of his five minute speech, Sweeney asked the poet if he wanted to read a poem. Marvin declined, telling Sweeney, "Read you poem, Sweeney! as he exited the stage. 

Now if Marvin had had his way, he romantically and idealistically wanted to read Father's Day in Harlem, from Love and War Poems, 1995, Black Bird Press: 

Father's Day in Harlem
Father's Day in Harlem
ain't nothin nice
Nothin like Mother's Day
oh, no
Father's Day is sad
like a funeral
body in the casket
Ma Daddy?
Where is the Motherfucker?
You seen him?
I'm lookin fada no good son of a bitch!
I ain't got no gift fa his ass
He better have somethin fa me
no good bastard
Well, he ma daddy
what the hell
he all ite sometimes
when I see him
whenever that is
when he got money
ain't chasin women
drunk high
he all ite
Marvin X
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As per the image of the Black Soldiers during and after the Civil War, we lament that 200,000 North American African brothers with arms, disarmed and we have suffered ever since, our lives have been at the whim of White Supremacy America! We need a North American African security force in every community, coast to coast. The Arabs say, "Truth in Allah but tie your camel!"

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Black Bird Press News & Review: From the Archives: Marvin X Speaks to the Gullah Nation, Beaufort, South Carolina, 2002

Marvin X reading in the recording studio while in Chicago to participate in the Sun Ra conference at the University of Chicago, May 22, 23, 2015. The CD of Marvin X in Chicago is now available from Black Bird Press, Berkeley CA, 94702, $19.95, includes priority mailing. Call 510-200-4164. 
Black Bird Press News & Review: From the Archives: Marvin X Speaks to the Gullah Nation, Beaufort, South Carolina, 2002

Poet Dr. Neal Hall, aka Dr. Nigger, in India for poet/scholar residency

From the Archives: Marvin X Speaks to the Gullah Nation, Beaufort, South Carolina, 2002

Marvin X Speaks to the Gullah Nation, 2002
Last evening, poet Marvin X arrived late for Brother Jabari's radio show in Gullah country, Beaufort, South Carolina. When he finally arrived at the station, he told Gullahland listeners he was late as a result of being caught up in "negrocities," borrowing a term from Amiri Baraka who is writing a book about NEGROCITIES. During the course of the interview Marvin defined the term as an ailment caused by an inflamation of the Negroid gland at the base of the brain due to bad habits. In his play A Black Mass, Amiri Baraka wrote, "Where the soul's print should be there is only a cellulous pouch of disgusting habits."

Brother Jabari, publisher of the Gullah Sentinel, questioned Marvin X page by page about his book IN THE CRAZY HOUSE CALLED AMERICA, starting with the suicide of his son on March 18 of this year. The poet said his pain was cushioned by the fact that so many of his friends have lost sons and daughters to homicide. Dr. Nathan Hare has written that homicide and suicide are two sides of the same coin. Marvin's son suffered mani-depression which the late revolutionary Dr. Franz Fanon called a "situational disorder" caused by oppression." Of course, Dr. Fanon, author of the classic WRETCHED OF THE EARTH, said  revolution was the solution to the mental health problems of the oppressed.

When Jabari turned to Marvin's essay THE INSANITY OF SEX, the poet read the first paragraph of the essay but refused to go further on the Christian owned radio station, although he noted that while sitting in the shade of a tree during the Gullah Nation's Heritage Festival on St. Helena island, he was soon joined by a group of church women who--after X showed them his book, immediately turned to THE INSANITY OF SEX and agreed with his opening paragraph one hundred per cent. Jabari, one of the sole lights in the Gullahland house of darkness, asked X about the culture of the crack house.

The poet said "The crack house is like a third world country: there is no electricity, no running water, no bathroom, no toilet paper, no food, no love. It is the worse thing since slavery." He then had the engineer play track ten of his CD version of ONE DAY IN THE LIFE, the drama of his addiction and recovery. In this "Preacher Scene" the minister describes the horrors of crack culture, ending with the lines, "Crack is worse than slavery. Didn't the slave love his Moma? His God? His Woman? His Children? Not the crack slave, the crack slave is a dirty, nasty, funky slave...."

X then said, "I want to say this to the Christian community: see, I lived in Reno, Nevada while teaching at the University of Nevada and the preachers in Reno never said anything against gambling and prostitution--which are legal. Now, members of the audience who have watched my play wanted to know why the pastors in the community never preach a sermon like the preacher in my play. On more than one occasion, a member of the audience stood to testify that many preachers cannot give a similar sermon because the church is compromised due to the fact that mothers in the church have sons and daughters who are contributing money from the drug trade to the church and if the preacher said anything he wouldn't have a congregation in many urban centers. And maybe in rural centers as well."

Marvin X was asked about education. He said Johnny and Johnnymae can sell dope, weigh dope, package dope, count dope money, but the teachers tell us Johnny and Johnnymae can't do math, can't read, can't do chemistry. This is a lie and the fact that youth remember hours of rap songs word for word is a testament to their intelligence. 

Marvin X spent his final day in Gullah land swimming in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of St. Helena Island. He listened to the pain of a mentally disabled Gullah woman who was camping near the ocean and was a friend of his host, Sister Hurriyah Asar, a landowner in Gullah country who is one of the Queens of the Black Arts Movement, having been a key player at Black Arts West Theatre in San Francisco and at the Black House/Political/Cultural Center, visited by the likes of Amiri and Amina Baraka, Sonia Sanchez, Bunchy Carter, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Lil Bobby Hutton, Eldridge Cleaver, Askia Muhammad Toure, Sarah Webster Fabio, Chicago Art Ensemble and others.

When black clouds appeared, Marvin X knew the hour had arrived for him to depart Gullah country. After all, he had enjoyed the people, the land, the sea, the creeks, the chickens, geese, goats, calves, and dogs. Being a country boy from Central Calif, he talked to the animals and they to him. But he leaves Gullahland with a heavy heart, for if the ancestors have given the descendents of slavery any part of America, it is this beautiful land, these islands in the sun.

He has vowed to return to this heaven on earth. Sister Hurriyah was the glue of the West coast black arts movement. And in the new epoch, she is showing the way to heaven on earth. If ever a man shall follow a woman, it is now, for she has created heaven on earth. 
--Marvin X, November 12, 2002, Beaufort, South Carolina.

FYI, the last time Marvin X visited Gullahland, his friends told him not to say anything while there. "Just chill, don't say shit. We're not going to give you a book party or help promote your book. Go swim in the ocean." Since his hosts exhibited such  fear of the white supremacy powers, he followed their request. He visited the Yoruba African Village in Sheldon and interviewed the new king or Oba. 

He was saddened his hosts feared the Blacks as well as the white. Jabari had told him the Gullah Africans were afraid to come inside his newspaper office, afraid their boss would see them. Also, his hosts told him they were tired of Cali Blacks or Blacks from the North coming down there inciting the Africans then departing, leaving them to suffer the wrath of the white man, since he knows which family the Africans visited and would retaliate on that family. He might have one of the family members fired from their three minimum wage jobs. 

Marvin X 
will perform and autograph books 
at Berkeley Juneteenth
Sunday, June 21, 2015
be there or be square

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