Saturday, May 9, 2020

Wes Montgomery - Round Midnight

Round Midnight
Marvin X

Monk's gone
I ain't blue
where he's gone
you goin too
Monk's gone
I ain't blue

always round
tryin' ta steal life

Death always round
tryin' ta steal life

If it don't get husband
get da wife

Monk's gone
but I ain't blue

Death always round
tryin' ta steal life
Death always round
tryin' ta steal life
If it don't get husband
get da wife.
Monks gone
I ain't blue.
--Marvin X

Marvin X parents attended the 1945 Peace Conference in San Francisco

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Photographer Adam Turner captures writer Marvin X "Round Midnight"

Marvin X writing "Round Midnight" when he is at his best, more precisely around 3AM.
photo Adam Turner

In the wee hours of the morning, Marvin X, poet, essayist, editor and publisher of Blackbird Press,  does much of his best work. Silence and solitude is golden for him. We were privileged to capture this moment in the life of the master poet.
--Adam Turner, photographer

wanda's picks interview with marvin x and TARIK author michael j satchell

Wanda interview with Black Bird Press Publisher/Editor Marvin X and TARIK film script writer Michael J. Michael James Satchell

Is China Going To Have The Decency to Apologize?

Thursday, April 30, 2020

charles brown/drifting blues (original version, 1945)

do 4 self n all thangs. do 4 self! Think 4 self. Act 4 self. vote 4 self. 

yes, we a lonely man\woman 
drifting an' drifting (charles brown) 
in a boat on the sea of global white/multiethnic supremacy. 
one paddle just slipped into the ocean and. 
the pirates have spotted me.
driftin n driftin
sea of white 
--marvin x

Migrating to Africa (BLAXIT) | Muhammida El Muhajir | TEDxTudu

Muhammida is the daughter of marvin x

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

One day in the life by Marvin X

Today I was at the Black Vegan Mobb Cafe on Lakeshore in Oakland. I asked a masked man if he had ordered? He said yes and informed me he was Geoffrey, owner of Geoffrey's Inner Circle, the prime black venue in the Bay. As I couldn't see his face, I said you ain't Geoffrey! He pulled the mask aside and I could see it was indeed him. When I asked how he was doing, he looked at me like I was a damn fool even though he knew it was a rhetorical question. Bad, he said.
You know they planned this long time ago. I sensed he was not just talking about Covid19 but the interlocking structural collateral damage, especially for black people who suffer perrenial social and economic insecurity. The subprime loan scam robbed North American Africans of our basic wealth, home ownership. Covid19 may be the nail in the coffin of black economic recovery, and the literal coffin for a people with multiple physical and mental health issues. Since America is giving out trillions of dollars to resuscitate the American economy and black businesses appear left in the cold, we suggest America issue a Reparations check to each North American African in the amount of one million dollars, just for starters!

As Geoffrey Pete departed the Vegan Mobb Cafe, I shouted, "Did you get your relief check or business loan?" Again, he looked at me with an expression that came through his mask, "Nigga, please!"

About the author

"He's the African Socrates in the hood."--Dr. Cornel West, Harvard University

"He's Plato teaching on the streets of Oakland."--Ishmael Reed, Lecturer Emeritus, UC Berkeley

As Black Bird Press Publisher and Editor, Marvin just released TARIK, a film script on the Moorish African who conquered Spain, 711 A.D. Gibraltar is named in his honor. The script is by Michael J. Satchell. He needs $150 million to make the film. If you have a couple of dollars, send him a donation: 

Order your copy from
Black Bird Press
credit cards accepted
call 510-575-7148
$99.95 donation requested $99.95

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Book release: Tarik by Michael Satchell

Black Bird Press

Press Release
Contact Marvin X,

Black Bird Press is proud to announce the release of Tarik, a filmscript by Michael Satchell. It is historical fiction on the life of General Tarik Ibn Ziyad who led his army of Moorish and Arab warriors into Spain, 711 A.D. It chronicles his childhood and adulthood as a warrior. Gibraltar is named in honor of him (Arabic: Gebal=Mountain, Tarik). Because of racism, Tarik returned to Africa after two years, although the Moors remained in Spain 700 years. The script depicts Tarik's relationship with his childhood friend and later wife, Umm-Hakim, who accompanied his march into Spain with her own army.

Michael Satchell worked on the script twenty years. Marvin X edited the script as a book. This limited edition is for possible backers. The estimated film budget is $150 million. Your support and donation of any amount will be appreciated. A donation of $99.95 is requested for the book. A script reading is planned ASAP. For more information, please contact Michael Satchell@ 415-756-2146, email


Friday, April 17, 2020

Parable of the elephant and the roach

The elephant was such a giant creature, a roach could crawl over him unnoticed, unfelt. He was the biggest creature in the kingdom. Everybody feared him. He stepped on all who got in his way, just trampled on them or sat on them, crushing them to the earth. And then one day a roach crawled into his ear and sat down just as the elephant sometimes did.The roach wouldn't move. The mighty beast tried to shake him loose but he couldn't.

Soon the elephant developed an Inner ear infection causing him to lose his balance. He stumbled and stumbled until he fell and his dizziness made him fall again and again. All the creatures in the kingdom rejoiced and cheered at the sight of the great beast down on the ground, looking sad and pitiful. The roach didn't move from inside his ear. Then he decided to dance in the elephant's ear, further inflaming and damaging the beast's ear that caused an infection. Soon the beast lost it's hearing and stumbled about deaf dumb and blind. One day as he wailed and stumbled about he fell into a chasm and was no more. As he was going down the precipice, the roach leaped from his ear and landed on a ledge. The roach climbed back up to solid ground.


Posted by: Marvin X Jackmon

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Oh, Elijah, you told us the modern Babylon would fall

Oh, Elijah Muhammad, you told us America, the great nation of descendants of slave makers and so-called Negro slaves, i.e., Africans caught in the American slave system (Ed Howard term), would fall to her knees for her crimes against the righteous. You said her dollar would be used as toilet paper and no one would trade in her gold, silver and souls of men. You said her women would become the filth that filth produced. You said abortion was her death plan for the black nation. You said the serpent who deceived the world would one day be plagued with fires, drought, earthquakes, famine and all manner of diseases. You said she would be attacked by her enemies within, a house divided as she has divided the world.

Oh, Elijah, that dreadful day has arrived when sport and play is no more; nightclubs, bars, restaurants and many stores boarded; social and religious meetings, even funerals, alas, hospital visits not allowed; hugs and handshakes no more. The new Babylon is on the way of Greece, Rome, England, USSR, Egypt and other empires that are no more. Woe to America, you cannot be saved until you do justice to your former slaves and the native people you gave the gift of genocide.
--Marvin X/El Muhajir

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Rich man blues by poet Marvin X

Marvin X attended a conference on Islam at Duke University. Some say Islam ain't the blues. Some say Muslims shouldn't recite poetry, but Marvin X says ain't Al Qur'an poetry, unless you are deaf, dumb and blind?

Africans came as slaves into the American slave system from Mali and Senegal playing and singing Blues, but you have never heard of  Ali Farka of Mali who performed with BB King and the Rolling Stones. Ali Farka said, "My people have been playing music you call Blues ten thousand years." He knew it as the sacred music of his people. Okay, Muslims from Mali arrived as slaves in the Mississippi Delta and their music became known as Blues. Other Muslims arrived from Senegal with their version of what we know as Blues. They also brought rice into the Americas, specifically into Gullahland, South Carolina. The lyrics of the Blues may have changed but the sound, cries, shouts and wails remain true to the aboriginal sounds of the adhan created by Bilal, the first muezzin or caller to prayer. His voice was so beautiful and his devotion to Allah so adamant that the Prophet Muhammad said, "In Paradise I heard the footsteps of Bilal ahead of mine!" Bilal was tortured for his belief in the One God Allah, yet he called out Allah even as he was tortured, "Al Ahad, Al Ahad, Al Ahad,  The One, The One, The One!"

Art by Black Panther Minister of Culture, Emory Douglas

Rich man blues

Rich man told me
don't no bitch love you
bitch love what you got nigga
don't no bitch love you
romance dat bitch all over da world
don't mean a thing
bitch love what ya did
but she love dat diamond ring

think you got her heart and soul
a goddamn lie
think you got her heart and soul
a goddamn lie
when you in your coffin
see if baby cry

rich man told me
don't no bitch love you
bitch love what you got nigga
that's a love dat's true

You ain't got nothin' nigga
how a bitch go love you
can't pay yo pussy bill nigga
think baby is true

baby lookin fa a long big black dick
stretch that pussy and asshole wide
She lookin fa a long big black dick
stretch that pussy and asshole wide
she want a nigga satisfy her pussy and
asshole walls side to side.

Take her to the Dollar Store
buy $20.00 of everything
she come out happy
like she got diamond ring

Rich man told me
don't no bitch love you
bitch love what ya got nigga
that's a love dat's true!
--Marvin X

Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid19 and the Chinese Recovery Model

Marvin X captured writing "Round Midnight"
photo Adam Turner

From the deep structure of recent global political history, Covid19 has brought to the surface structure the most dictatorial elements of Stalinist and Maoist political ideology.  Alas, Stalinism and Maoism have morphed into a symbiotic relationship with New World Order Globalism.  Does this symbiotic relationship matter in the endgame, since blame of China does not exclude US economic partnerships of  entities such as Silicon Valley's dream team and other US corporate entities inseparable from the Chinese global economy. In truth, we cannot speak of China without understanding the critical role of American corporations in league with Chinese economics and thus in harmony with the political regime that is in total and absolute control of said economy. 

No matter who's responsible for Covid19, West or East,  or the most likely combination thereof, the Recovery Model of the Chinese Communists is rapidly becoming  the Global Recovery Model of the Covid19 pandemic. 

But the unexpected consequences of the Chinese Recovery Model is clearly evident in the  Covid19 pandemic. Covid19  is the most splendid opportunity for nation states to usurp all democratic rights of the masses without a whimper.  The political "military occupation" of Wuhan under the guise of Covid19 is clear evidence how millions of workers/wage slaves can overnight fall victim to the axis of pharmaceutical, political and economic intersectionality. 

Does anyone doubt Covid19 was either created or has coincidentally morphed into a political-economic weapon for regimes globally, no matter their ideology,  Right or Left. Following the Chinese Recovery Model, Democratic and Far Right regimes are seizing this opportune moment to consolidate political and economic power from the people who have been suddenly raped of their consent. Under the guise of Covid19, citizens globally have been stripped naked of any semblance of democratic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As a journalist, I have been asked to comment on how North American Africans can benefit from this pandemic. In short, Covid19 reveals with unity North American Africans can win our total freedom overnight by a general strike of a few days. Imagine, if we instituted social distance from America by remaining in our homes for a week or two, America would bow to our every demand, whether reparations, land, sovereignty or whatever, including a general amnesty. We can see from Covid19, these motherfuckers will submit to any proposition to save the dollar or for political benefit for either or both parties. I am one thousand per cent positive, if we submit the National Agenda of North American Africans, America under pain of an economy minus North American Africans, momentarily, will give proper consideration to our agenda items. No struggle, no progress, Ancestor Frederick Douglass taught us. He also said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand! It never has and never will!"
--Marvin X
The Honorable Dr Nathan Hare teaches us the Fictive Theory, i.e., everything the white man (and if I may add, his Negro political, intellectual and religious sycophants) says is a lie (fiction) until proven to be a fact. Don't believe fake news, Left or Right; fake politicians, Democratic or Republicans; fake religious leaders teaching pie in the sky in heaven (Christianity) and/or Paradise (Islam) after you die; fake intellectuals in perpetual and perennial crisis pontificating other worldism that doesn't deal with the national interests of North American Africans first down here on the ground in the belly of the beast.

The Fictive Theory suggests your own mind can deceive you, play tricks on you, i.e., psychosis, a break with reality, perhaps caused by nutricide and menticide, a condition of biochemical deficiency leading to mental and physical anorexia.

The Fictive Theory debunks belief as an unscientific notion. We can believe God caused Covid19 and God causes mass murder on the streets of Chicago every weekend, especially on hot summer nights.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bob Marley - WAR

Keyanna Celina the same govt who gave the Indigenous smallpox blankets and Black people syphilis with Tuskegee experiments had nothing to do with this virus? Elected officials knew about this and instead of warning the working class, they sold their stocks. Military exercise near Wuhan where over 109 countries participated, just weeks before outbreak in Wuhan. Keep falling for the same okey doke but these devils have no new tricks.

Photographer Adam Turner captured poet Marvin X writing "Round Midnight"

Marvin X writing "Round Midnight" when he is at his best, more precisely around 3AM.
photo Adam Turner

In the wee hours of the morning, Marvin X, poet, essayist, editor and publisher of Blackbird Press,  does much of his best work. Silence and solitude are golden for him. We were privileged to capture this moment in the life of the master poet.
--Adam Turner, photographer

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tarik, the African Moor who conquered Spain

Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād (Arabicطارق بن زياد‎) also known simply as Tarik in English, was an African Berber Umayyad commander who initiated the Muslim conquest of Visigothic Hispania (Present day Spain and Portugal) in 711–718 A.D. He led a large army and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from the North African coast, consolidating his troops at what is today known as the Rock of Gibraltar. The name "Gibraltar" is the Spanish derivation of the Arabic name Jabal Ṭāriq (جبل طارق), meaning "mountain of Ṭāriq",[1] which is named after him. The Moors (Africans/Arabs) ruled Spain from 711AD until 1492. Most of what we know of Spanish culture is Moorish African and Arab. After the fall of Grenada, Seville and Toledo, Moorish cities of grandeur, we never hear of Spanish greatness again. General Franco? WTF!

Michael J. Satchell

Black Bird Press Publisher/Editor Marvin X conversing with author Michael Satchell. Marvin X is editing his script for a book version of the film script on the life of Tarik Ibn Ziyad.
photo Adam Turner

Black Bird Press is proud to announce the forthcoming publication of Tarik, a film script on the African Moorish General who conquered Spain, 711AD. The Rock of Gibraltar is named after him.

The author is San Francisco native Michael Satchell, a son of the Fillmore District and graduate of the Broadcasting Department at San Francisco State University.

Michael Satchell has been working on the script twenty years. It is in the genre of historical fiction and details the early life of the legendary African Moorish General, especially his relationship with his childhood friend and later wife Umm Hakim. 

In 711AD Tarik led 7000 Moorish warriors and 600 Arab troops into Spain, first landing at what is known as the Rock of Gibraltar (Arabic Gebal=rock, Tar=Tarik).

According to historian DeGraft Johnson, author of African Glory, "The conquest of Spain was an African Moorish conquest."

Black Bird Press Publisher Marvin X says, "When Michael Satchell told me he was going to write a film script about Tarik, I doubted his ability because I knew it would be a grandoice undertaking. And as you know, I'm the only one qualified to do extravaganzas! LoL More recently when Michael handed me the script and told me his ideas for the film, I replied, "Who do you think you are, Cecil B DeMill?" 

After reading and editing the script, I must confess that Michael Satchell is not guilty of hyperbole. It is a masterpiece of historical fiction. Black Bird Press is proud to be part of this project and we look forward to seeing the film produced. We know our brother Danny Glover will be part of this project! We plan to release the book version by Michael's birthday in early April.

Black Bird Press Publisher/Editor Marvin X at work "Round Midnight".
Adam Turner

Release date early April 2020
ISBN: 978-0-578-66071-4

A Black Bird Press Book
Book Design by Adam Turner
Oakland, California 94606

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Greatest Lesson

The  greatest lesson you will learn in America is who's a real nigga and who's a fake nigga. A real nigga is a nigga for life. A fake nigga does everything he can not to be a nigga.
Nigga is a multi billion dollar word and a fake nigga scared to say the word. I agree with Dr Cornel West, "How the NAACP going to have a funeral to bury the N word when they still acting like niggas." I agree with Baldwin, "We the only thing happened here. Ain't nothing else happened here but us!" When Chairman Mao introduced WEB Dubois before a million people in Tennimien Square, Dubois replied, "Thank you Chairman Mao for your gracious introduction, but in my country I am just a nigga!" I shall end this lesson with a quote from my dear friend and fellow poet, Dr. Neal Hall, "...It was only after playing football for the man, only after running track for the man, only after getting degrees from  Cornell, Michigan State Medical School, Harvard; only after opening my medical- surgical private practice in ophthalmology that I had come to the realization that despite my achievements they sold me on -  carrots on a white string) -I
was only a nigger for life."

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

From the archives: Oakland Black Men's Conference, Nov. 8, 1980

Off the Record: Babylon is falling

Off the Record: Babylon is falling! 
by Marvin X
Political Columnist
Sun Reporter Newspaper
San Francisco

Marvin X
photo Adam Turner

The danger zone is everywhere, Ray Charles told us in his classic song The Danger Zone:

Look around and you will see
what's troubling me
the danger zone is everywhere....

What is the endgame of the current pandemic? Or should we call it Mandemic since we are confident Coronavirus is manmade and not divine. Of course the biblical Babylon was caused by the hands of man, his wicked behavior and satanic imaginings. What do we expect when filth is blowing in the wind, it is a simple matter that sooner than later, the plague shall be upon mankind, and yes, from his own hands rather than some ET from an unknown planet. And so we cannot hold hands, shake hands, kiss, but social distance is the new norm, etiquette, law. We thought the cellphone was the ultimate social distance device but apparently the mad scientists are not satisfied, their demon filled minds are aglow with the total destruction of human interaction. As in the black Muslim myth of Yakub who created the white man through genetic engineering by separating the dominant and recessive genes, the modern Yukub may have been in his bio-tech lab experimenting with a concoction that got out of hand.  Or perhaps the experiment was released into the atmosphere to purposely infect the world for population control, to rid the world's elderly and infirm who are mostly useless to the mad scientists promoting globalism, i.e., the political-economic doctrine of the one-per cent club who fly about on the Lolita Express.

Thus the world is on lockdown: no trade, commerce, public entertainment, church, funerals, jails and prisons are being released of criminals (a good thing). The unintended consequence will be discovering Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror, for some, if not many, a most horrendous affair although demanded by the ancient philosophers as the first duty of man and woman.  Shall Corona be the beer of enlightenment and self discovery, without trappings from the world of make believe?

Will Kamala be Biden's next firewall?

The US presidential election seems a boring enterprise since coronavirus, but of course there are those who say the pandemic is the symbiotic consequence of election politics, the ultimate weapon in the globalist arsenal to dispose of the wicked persona occupying the white house, especially since all else failed, from endless investigations including impeachment, and let us not neglect to mention the failed Democratic Socialist campaign of Bernie Sanders, his second failed attempt to offer Americans an alternative zeitgeist.

So let us go then from Bernie to Biden who has declared his running mate will be a woman. For those firewall believers, we suspect his choice will be Senator Kamala Harris the recent presidential candidate dropout. She seems to share Biden's center-right views so comfortable with the critical black firewall voters, the antidote to Trump's white firewall. We support Kamala, after all she is the Bay Area's homegirl and we must support our own. 

James Sweeney joins ancestors: Some Deaths are lighter than a feather, some death higher than Mt. Tai

The celebration of life for James W. Sweeney was for a man who was higher than Mt Tai. His life was celebrated by family, friends, associates and those he mentored and guided. He was a renaissance man: poet, politician, lawyer, civil rights worker, mental health administrator, father, husband, lover of art and literature. Politically, he was a BSU leader at UC Riverside, protested the Vietnam war. He followed his uncle Wilmot Sweeney to a seat on the Berkeley City Council. Forced the name change of Grove Street to MLK Jr Drive.
As a Sacramento lobbyist, pushed through legislation that allows black women to wear any hair style they desire. Worked on the governor's commission for equity in the marijuana industry. 

He was honored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee, the Mayor's of Berkeley and Los Angeles, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, the State of California Assembly, State of California NAACP, et al. 

It was a great celebration of life for a great man who selflessly gave to his family and community. We love you James Wayne Sweeney, a true trooper, a general among soldiers of liberation. 

Contact Marvin X@
Now available for speaking and readings
coast to coast
call: 510-575-7148