Marvin X at Laney College Theatre, Oakland, 10/1/16
photo Alicia Mason
not about what Trump will do, it's about what you will do! You said
Obama didn't do anything, but what did you do the last eight years?
Since you know everything, did you teach the people everything you know?
that the she-devil is out and the he-devil is in, what difference does
it make, the devil is the devil no matter what time or place.
can talk about US immigration, but I dare you to visit Mexico and
overstay your visa! The last thing any human being wants is time in a
Mexican jail. But those ex-patriot Blacks I met in Mexico City during my
1970 exile, decried North American Africans in the US who remain here
despite racist treatment. The Mexico City Blacks had no sympathy for
those who wanted to remain as neo-slaves in the US, "They deserve such
inhumane treatment."
baby, cry baby, suck yo mama's titty! Why you crying about a white
devil? You had a black devil, what did he do for you? Out of two plus
million in prison, he freed two or three hundred, or is it two or three
thousand. That ain't shit! He should have given a general amnesty since
most of the incarcerated are doing time for non-violent drug crimes and
mental health issues. Most importantly, if they'd had money for proper
legal representation, they wouldn't be doing any time at all. How many
bankers are doing time for sub-prime loan schemes? The only reason
Bernie Madoff is doing time is because he stole from the rich. But the
mental prison is far worse than the physical prison. Mumia Abu Jamal is
in prison but his mind and spirit are free. You are free but mentally
incarcerated, yeah, doing life in the big yard! During my stay in prison
and jail, I did what I do out here on the big yard: study, write and
ain't about giving Trump a chance, rather you need to give yourself a
chance. You life is not dependent on Trump. Was it dependent on Obama?
Don't ask someone to do something for you that you will not do for
will you stop being reactionary and become proactive? When will you
stop being destructive and become constructive? Here in Oakland, the
Black Arts Movement Business District is part of Oakland's Downtown Plan
for the next 25 to 50 years. We BAMBD planners are developing plans for
our future in Oakland. We want to build, not destroy. A few weeks ago
there was a big fire on my block which was national news. It destroyed
an apartment complex that was nearly complete. I'd watched the
construction from the beginning, then I watched the destruction. It was
slightly heartbreaking to see the work of the builders turn to ashes and
--Marvin X/El MuhajirFor speaking and reading engagements
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