Sunday, November 29, 2020

Axis of Evil


Marvin X

photo Adam Turner

Axis of Evil 

pure unholy crusaders zionists house of saud
in league since time began
this is why no palestine
evil always hiding in curtains
robes of scarlet royal purple
parading holy books
pure evil actions abound
imagine endgame for fake prophets preachers
priests rabbis imams of satan
Jesus said synagogue of satan
Why don't children of Abraham
do works of Abraham
axis of evil abounds
truth tread underfoot
wickedness flies in drones
killing righteous
those who dare resist
Obama king of drones
droned US citizens
no matter
no trial
black evil evil 2
white supremacy 1
white supremacy 2 (dr. nathan hare)
axis of evil
you truly believe
evil shall prevail
like Poppa Doc and Vudun son
no consciousness
thought of tomorrow
evil forever
mighty strong evil
who can make war with beasts
colonialism forever
neo-colonialism play possum kwame nkrumah said
Axis of evil say
we have bombs for those who defy us
no matter truth of their lives
love of children husbands wives

apartheid not only South Africa
Nazis live beyond Hitler
out do Hitler
in barbarity savagery 
see Gaza concentration camps
ghettoes of America
China Muslim slave camps
untouchables of India dalits
slave masters never stopped loving slaves
capitalist wage slaves 
slaves in name of some god
who orders murder for disbelief infidels heathens polytheists atheists
madness morphs 
synchronicity symbiotic 
global ideologues 
of every stripe
neo-liberal fascist transhuman eugenicists technocrats 
pseudo scientists 
pontificating dreams of madmen women
margaret sanger hitler rockefeller gates

billionaire dreams transcend money since they have it all
dreams devouring children's hearts
pedophilia their minor scheme 
except blood to live vampire life in never never land
dreams schemes of axis of evil cohorts sycophants
pray for children encaged by frankenstein's devotees 
enslaved for sex 
s and m 
you refuse to believe they eat children like a mac cheeseburger fries 
nietzsche said beyond good and evil
sun ra said you so evil devil don't want you in hell
elijah said no equality 
you will discover they nasty filthy
you be shocked they not good guys girls in white hats

beginning of sorrows is upon you
may you walk straight path
sirata al mustaqim
may your children be safe from vampires zombies who surround global village from sea to sea

Allah the Greatest!
Devil planned Allah planned
Allah Best Planner
No matter axis of evil
comrades of iniquity.
--Marvin X

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