Friday, January 17, 2014


Yes, the polar ice storm has subsided, but now the east coast must prepare to confront the Human Earthquake in the form of Marvin X. He has come east to celebrate  the transition of his friend and comrade Amiri Baraka. Baraka suffered a fifty year relationship with the human earthquake. After a night of drunkenness at the Baraka house, New Jersey's once upon a time poet laureate  Baraka bemoaned the next morning that the west coast father of BAM, "let the elephant out last night!"

On the west coast, a friend recently told the poet she saw five demons come out last night. "I started to tell my husband to dig a hole in the back yard ten feet deep, not six, to bury your ass."

Well, the human earthquake does party hard, usually by himself which includes a party of ten personas. If the west coast friend saw five demons, the other five were probably angelic, thus she spared him the ten foot deep grave!

On the serious side, Marvin X was deeply shaken by the sudden transition of his friend and associate who had invited him to read at a tribute for ancestor poet Jayne Cortez at New York University. This event will now include a tribute to Amiri Baraka.

Coincidently, the poet was in New York on 9/11 and during Hurricane Sandy, but if the east coast survives his wrath, he will return west to co-produce (with Kim McMillan) The Black Arts Movement
Conference at the University of California, Merced, featuring icons of BAM, including Sonia Sanchez,
Askia Toure, Umar Bin Hasan of the Last Poets, Ishmael Reed, Al Young, Eugene Redman, Emory Douglas, Tarika Lewis, Billy X Jennings of the Black Panther Party, et al.

Gov. Ronald Reagan
"Get Marvin X off campus by any means necessary!"

A few days before the BAM conference, the poet will no doubt cause shockwaves when he speaks in his hometown of Fresno, an hour south of Merced in the central valley of California, from which he was banned from teaching at Fresno State University by then Gov. Ronald Reagan, 1969. The poet has since taught at UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, San Francisco State U, Mills College, University of Nevada, Reno and elsewhere. He will speak in the community at the Hinton Center on February 22 and at Fresno City College on Feb. 24.

Marvin X removed from Fresno State University and Angela Davis was removed from UCLA by Gov.   Ronald Reagan, 1969, Marvin for being a Black Muslim, Angela for her Black Communist activities. 

A few years ago he established Academy of da Corner, 14th and Broadway, downtown Oakland. Ishmael Reed says he is Plato teaching on the streets of Oakland. He teaches at the most dangerous classroom in the world, the scene of violent protests over the murder of Oscar Grant and Occupy Oakland.

During Occupy Oakland a US Marine was shot in the head by a police projective. Unmoved by the protests, Marvin X did a video production of his Mythology of Pussy and Dick, featuring Aries Jordan, Toya Carter and himself. A customer said, "Man, I watched it over and over. I'm going to charge Nigguhs to watch it at my house!"

He established The Community Archives Project to make available for acquisition the archives of such personalities at Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare. The Hare archives are under consideration by several top universities. The project is also educational: to teach the importance of preserving the archives of common people.

The Human Earthquake is more than anything a prolific writer of nearly 30 books. The Last Poets say he writes a book a month, but he authored eight titles during 2011. East coast get ready, the earthquake has just departed JFK Airport. New Yorkers, can you feel the earth shaking?

Reflections of a "Human Earthquake" Victim

   I’m sure we all have those teachers from our past who have impacted our lives. Some have encouraged us to dig deep within and unleash untapped potential. Some have inspired us to think beyond our little world and reach new heights. I can’t remember, though, very many teachers who have shocked me into a dizzying stupor, made me laugh, then ultimately made me love them for their unbridled “Hootspa” (or as we were fond of saying in my hometown….“Huevos”)
Meet Marvin X
   I believe it was the fall semester of 1982 when I walked into the first day of my English class. I was attending Kings River Community College in the small, heavily Mennonite town of Reedley, CA. Our quaint little town was your typical white-bread, very conservative, farming community. So when we all took our seats and noticed that our instructor was not your typical white, middle-aged teacher with patches on his jacket sleeves, but was in fact an african american man, staring us down, we were all a bit off of our game.
   “Hello, welcome to my English class. My name is Marvin X. My legal name is Marvin Jackmon, but I don’t use that name because that was given to me by some white slave owner”! The classroom did a collective head scratching, while some more disturbed students got up and walked into the wall several times, then returned to their seats and joined the head scratching asking panically “Um…your just a sub, right??”
   Everyday in Marvin X’s class was like a field trip though a box of Cracker Jacks. There was always some prize waiting for our small town J.C. minds to grapple with. Mr. X always encouraged lively conversation and I took full advantage of that, because we all know that asking a thousand questions equals a passionate interest in the subject which equals a passing grade!!!!
   The thing I love most about him was that he loved…no, he fed on tossing little “shock and awe” bombshells our way. Which was always followed by that jubilant grin and sparkle in his eye’s. He kept taunting us that some day he would share some of his poetry with us. But he warned us, “My poetry is really “street” …so I’m not sure your ready for it”.
   Several more weeks passed, full of lively conversations, debate and complete pandemonium swirling through our young impressionable little minds. Finally, one day he came to class and announced that we were now officially ready for one of his poems. Once again, he reiterated that his poetry was pretty “street” and not for the faint of heart. We did a collective gulp and nodded our heads.
This poem is called…
(wait for it)
Confession of a Rapist”
(Oh dear Lord!!….um…uh…OK,, I can handle this! I can be street…or at least avenue)
He looked up with that sly grin and glimmer in his eyes, then proceeded with the opening line…
I took the P***Y”
(we’re not talking about sweet little kittens here, folks.)
   He just piloted his Enola Gay B-29 and dropped a bomb (a “P” bomb at that) amongst us citizens of Hiroshima Junior College!
   Visualize those old black & white films of Atomic bomb testing somewhere in the deserts of Nevada. The “Shock Wave” was so insanely intense, our faces were wobbling and contorting to the massive G-forces, that I’m pretty positive not one person heard another line from that poem. Outside, after class, we quickly and hastily put together an emergency Triage unit to asses the damages and re-attach any limbs or brain matter that may have needed attending to.
   Some fellow Christian students from the class were discussing the possibility of assembling a mob with torches and pitch forks, the likes of your typical Frankenstein movie. We soon realized that we were all fine. A little shaken, but fine.
   Oddly enough, there was maybe one complaint in class from a student, and he very patiently and lovingly discussed it with us. In the end, we all came through it like old trench buddies. Mr. X helped lift, perhaps rather firmly, us out of our little comfort zones.
   In the last few remaining weeks of class, we had several more great conversations and debates. One sunny day he even held class outside under a tree and we studied the book of Job from the Bible. I believe he said he loved it because it read like a screenplay. He had lots of great insight and challenged us daily.
   There are only a handful of teachers from my two and a half years of college (and no degree to show for it) that I have maybe a millisecond of memory of them. Mr. X, however, made such an impact on me that his memory is burned into the synapses of my brain. Was he shocking? Yes! However, even more, he loved reaching through to us. He made us think….really think!
Before I began writing this, I Googled him. Sure enough, there he was…

with that sly grin and glimmer in his eyes!
Thank you, Mr. X!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


With the help and support of Bay Area North American Africans, Marvin X has departed for the east coast to celebrate the transition of his friend and comrade in the Black Arts Movement, Amiri Baraka.

The poet is grateful for the assistance of the following persons: Dr. Nathan Hare and Dr. Julia Hare, Paul Cobb, Publisher of the Oakland Post Newspaper; Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, Dr. J.Vern Cromartie,
Suzzette Celeste, MSW, MPA; Mrs. and Mrs. Leon Teasley, Geoffery Grier, SF Recovery Theatre,
Aries Jordan. 

Marvin X will report of the funeral proceedings for KPOO radio on the Donald Lacey Show, Saturday morning. 

He will remain on the east coast for the February 4 tribute for poet Jayne Cortez at New York University, an event organized by Amiri Baraka. This will also be a tribute to the chief architect of the Black Arts Movement.

Marvin X returns to the west coast in late February to co-produce (with Kim McMillan) the Black Arts Movement Conference at University of California, Merced, February 28, March 1-2, 2014. Invited participants include Sonia Sanchez, James Smethurst, Askia Toure, Umar bin Hasan of the Last Poets,
Eugene Redman, Ishmael Reed, Al Young, Adilah Barnes, Mrs. Amina Baraka, Emory Douglas, et al.
Call 510-200-4164 for more information. email Marvin X at

Monday, January 13, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Marvin X: A call to hunger strike for Syria and the hoods of America

Marvin X, a founding figure of the 1960s flowering of the Black Arts Movement in the U.S., believes the struggle for justice worldwide is one. He joins his powerful voice to the International Solidarity Hunger Strike for Syria--and links it to his strong ongoing activism against genocide and fratricide in the 'hoods of America. Marvin's son of blessed memory was once held and interrogated by the Syrian dictatorship's state security agents, as he has written about eloquently on his blog, Black Bird Press News, named after one of Marvin's early plays that was produced in community theaters across the U.S. during the 1970s. Not one to be fooled by the police state's claims of "anti-imperialism" nor to give it a pass for oppression based on such claims, Marvin has been with us from the start. #GRATITUDE

Photo: Thanks to the organizers of Day of Solidarity with Syria - global demonstrations on Saturday, January 11. London, Dublin and Malmo, Sweden will also have groups doing a Solidarity Hunger Strike on that day. Check out their info and attend the demonstration in your area. There are demonstrations in Syria; Vienna, Austria; Milano, Como Genova, Bologna, Ancona, Roma, Napoli, Palermo, and Lecce in Italy; Munich Stuttgart, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Aachen, Cologne, Hamburg, Dortmund in Germany; Helsinki, Finland; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Barcelona, Granada and Seville in Spain; Paris and Montpelier in France; Montreal in Canada; Mexico City in Mexico; Nairobi in Kenya; Warsaw in Poland; Cairo in Egypt; Antwerp in Belgium; Lausanne in Switzerland; Buenos Aires in Argentina; Los Angeles and Washington in the U.S.

Thanks to the organizers of Day of Solidarity with Syria - global demonstrations on Saturday, January 11. London, Dublin and Malmo, Sweden will also have groups doing a Solidarity Hunger Strike on that day. Check out their info and attend the demonstration in your area. There are demonstrations in Syria; Vienna, Austria; Milano, Como Genova, Bologna, Ancona, Roma, Napoli, Palermo, and Lecce in It...aly; Munich Stuttgart, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Aachen, Cologne, Hamburg, Dortmund in Germany; Helsinki, Finland; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Barcelona, Granada and Seville in Spain; Paris and Montpelier in France; Montreal in Canada; Mexico City in Mexico; Nairobi in Kenya; Warsaw in Poland; Cairo in Egypt; Antwerp in Belgium; Lausanne in Switzerland; Buenos Aires in Argentina; Los Angeles and Washington in the U.S. More

Two Poems for the People of Syria by Marvin X and Mohja Kahf

Oh, Mohja
how much water can run from rivers to sea
how much blood can soak the earth
the guns of tyrants know no end
a people awakened are bigger than bullets
there is no sleep in their eyes
no more stunted backs and fear of broken limbs
even men, women and children are humble with sacrifice
the old the young play their roles
with smiles they endure torture chambers
with laughs they submit to rape and mutilations
there is no victory for oppressors
whose days are numbered
as the clock ticks as the sun rises
let the people continue til victory
surely they smell it on their hands
taste it on lips
believe it in their hearts
know it in their minds
no more backwardness no fear
let there be resistance til victory.
--Marvin X/El Muhajir

Syrian poet/professor Dr. Mohja Kahf

Oh Marvin, how much blood can soak the earth?

The angels asked, “will you create a species who will shed blood

and overrun the earth with evil?” 

And it turns out “rivers of blood” is no metaphor: 

see the stones of narrow alleys in Duma

shiny with blood hissing from humans? Dark

and dazzling, it keeps pouring and pumping

from the inexhaustible soft flesh of Syrians,

and neither regime cluster bombs from the air,

nor rebel car bombs on the ground,

ask them their names before they die. 

They are mowed down like wheat harvested by machine,

and every stalk has seven ears, and every ear a hundred grains.

They bleed like irrigation canals into the earth.

Even one little girl in Idlib with a carotid artery cut

becomes a river of blood. Who knew she could be a river 

running all the way over the ocean, to you,

draining me of my heart? And God said to the angels, 

“I know what you know not.” But right now,
the angels seem right. Cut the coyness, God;

learn the names of all the Syrians.

See what your species has done.

--Mohja Kahf                     

Marvin X Poem fa da Hood

Memorial Day, 2007
I am a veteran
Not of foreign battlefields
Like my father in world war one
My uncles in world war two
And Korea
Or my friends from Vietnam
And even the Congo “police action”
But veteran none the less
Exiled and jailed because I refused
To visit Vietnam as a running dog for imperialism
So I visited Canada, Mexico and Belize
Then Federal prison for a minute
But veteran I am of the war in the hood
The war of domestic colonialism and neo-colonialism
White supremacy in black face war
Fighting for black power that turned white
Or was always white as in the other white people
So war it was and is
Every day without end no RR no respite just war
For colors like kindergarten children war
For turf warriors don’t own and run when popo comes
War for drugs and guns and women
War for hatred jealousy
Dante got a scholarship but couldn’t get on the plane
The boyz in the hood met him on the block and jacked him
Relieved him of his gear shot him in the head because he could read
Play basketball had all the pretty girls a square
The boyz wanted him dead like themselves
Wanted him to have a shrine with liquor bottles and teddy bears
And candles
Wanted his mama and daddy to weep and mourn at the funeral
Like all the other moms and dads and uncle aunts cousins
Why should he make it out the war zone
The blood and broken bones of war in the hood
No veterans day no benefits no mental health sessions
No conversation who cares who wants to know about the dead
In the hood
the warriors gone down in the ghetto night
We heard the Uzi at 3am and saw the body on the steps until 3 pm
When the coroner finally arrived as children passed from school
I am the veteran of ghetto wars of liberation that were aborted
And morphed into wars of self destruction
With drugs supplied from police vans
Guns diverted from the army base and sold 24/7 behind the Arab store.
Junior is 14 but the main arms merchant in the hood
He sells guns from his backpack
His daddy wants to know how he get all them guns
But Junior don’t tell cause he warrior
He’s lost more friends than I the elder
What can I tell him about death and blood and bones
He says he will get rich or die trying
But life is for love not money
And if he lives he will learn.
If he makes it out the war zone to another world
Where they murder in suits and suites
And golf courses and yachts
if he makes it even beyond this world
He will learn that love is better than money
For he was once on the auction block and sold as a thing
For money, yes, for the love of money but not for love
And so his memory is short and absent of truth
The war in the hood has tricked him into the slave past
Like a programmed monkey he acts out the slave auction
The sale of himself on the corner with his homeys
Trying to pose cool in the war zone
I will tell him the truth and maybe one day it will hit him like a bullet
In the head
It will hit him multiple times in the brain until he awakens to the real battle
In the turf of his mind.
And he will stand tall and deliver himself to the altar of truth to be a witness
Along with his homeys
They will take charge of their posts
They will indeed claim their turf and it will be theirs forever
Not for a moment in the night
But in the day and in the tomorrows
And the war will be over
No more sorrow no more blood and bones
No more shrines on the corner with liquor bottles teddy bears and candles.

--Marvin X
25 May 2007
Brooklyn NY

Memorial Day appears in the anthology Stand Our Ground, for Trayvon Martin and Melissa Alexander.

Marvin X tour dates 2014

Marvin X  reads at New York University on February 4, 2014, at a tribute for poet Jayne Cortez.
February 22 he will read at the Hinton Center, Fresno CA.
February 24 he will read at Fresno City College
February 28, March 1-2, he will co-produce (with Kim McMillan) the Black Arts Movement Conference, University of California, Merced.

For more information or to invite Marvin X to your campus and/or conference, call 510-200-4164.
Send letter of invitation to