Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oakland Post Opinion on Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch Connection

Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch, Media, Police and Politicians connected
by MarvinX

The charges against media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the UK police and politicians has implications and parallels with the Oakland political establishment, the Chauncey Bailey Project and the Oakland Police Department.

The situation in the United Kingdom reveals the collusion of politicians, the Media and the police. Shall we say they had a symbiotic relationship or was it more sinister and synergistic, for allegedly Mr. Murdoch's newspaper paid the police to help them hack into the phones of murdered persons. And it has been asserted that Murdoch’s American media organizations may have hacked into the phones of 9/11 victims. Politicians served at the behest of Mr. Murdoch's media empire, seeking his support, Murdoch acknowledged that they slipped him into the back door of the Prime Minister’s residence.

The whistle-blowing journalist who worked for Murdoch and was investigating the corruption scandal was found dead 24 hours before Murdoch’s testimony before the Parliament. The Scotland Yard police said the death would not be considered “suspicious”. In 1987, another journalist, Daniel Morgan, was murdered because he, like Chauncey, was about to expose a drug conspiracy linked to police corruption. Shortly before Chauncey was murdered, a group of mothers wanted him to meet with them at an Oakland Church to intervene between them and the police because they said the police were shaking down their sons for money, drugs and jewelry, without arresting them, letting them go free, putting their lives in danger with dope dealers.

As with the British treatment of Murdoch, Oakland politicians sought the blessings of Dr. Yusef Bey, founder of Your Black Muslim Bakery, and father of the now convicted murderer of Chauncey Bailey. Politicians who lined up at Dr. Bey’s door included Barbara Lee, Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson, Don Perata and Jerry Brown.

Derwin Longmire, the officer in charge of the investigation, was the chief mentor of the bakery boys. They were finally convicted of three murders, including Chauncey Bailey. Under his mentorship, the bakery boys imagined themselves as police, purchasing a bus and cars equipped with police lights. They were arrested for impersonating police and kidnapping, after they stopped a woman on the freeway. Most importantly, why didn’t the OPD inform Chauncey that the bakery boys were planning to kill him, since they had informants at the bakery and had them under surveillance for two years with tracking devices and tapped phones.

The Chauncey Bailey Project was formed at the request of Paul Cobb, but when he asked that they pursue the angle of police corruption, they dismissed Cobb’s suggestion, especially the Oakland Tribune which had a longtime embedded reporter at the OPD.

Even though officer Longmire was charge of the crime scene, he refused to interview an eye witness, although he later made a personal visit to the eye witness while he was in jail, with his tape recorder, and tried to convince the witness that he didn't see what he actually saw. Why did he decide to interview the witness and how did he know the man was in jail? And he recorded the interview, something he neglected to do when he put the two murder suspects in a room together, after which one made a confession? As in the London reporter’s death, Longmire, too did not think his behavior was suspicious.
--Marvin X

Marvin X is editing an anthology of writings on Chauncey Bailey.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DSCN0096 [HD]
by Bernard White (videos)

Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch, the Monkey Mind Media, Police and Politicians

Rupert Murdoch

Gov. Jerry Brown

Officer Longmire

Martin Reynolds, Oakland Tribune Editor

Chauncey Bailey, Oakland Post Editor

Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch, the Monkey Mind Media, Police and Politicians

The charges against media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the UK police and politicians has implications for the Oakland political establishment, the Monkey Mind Media, aka, Chauncey Bailey Project, and the Oakland Police Department. The situation in the United Kingdom reveals the collusion of politicians, the Media and the police. Shall we say they had a symbiotic relationship or was it more sinister and synergistic, for allegedly Mr. Murdoch's newspaper paid the police to hack into the phones of murdered persons. And politicians served at the behest of Mr. Murdoch's media empire, seeking his support before running for election.

In Oakland, we know politicians sought out the blessings of Dr. Yusef Bey, founder of Your Black Muslims Bakery, and father of the now convicted murderer of Chauncey Bailey.
But not only were politicians connected to the bakery, but Oakland Police as well. Alas, the officer in change of the investigation, Longmire, was the chief mentor of the bakery boys. There is absolutely no doubt that Longmire convinced them they could get away with murder. After all, they were finally convicted of three murders, including Chauncey Bailey.

If they had been under surveillance for two years, with tracking devices and tapped phones, how could the OPD not know an assassination was being planned? And if there is no police conspiracy, why would the OPD plan to raid the bakery the day before the assassination but delay it until the day after the assassination?

And let us not leave out the DA's involvement, since the DA asked Chauncey's boss at the Oakland Post about Chauncey's writing projects. When Publisher Paul Cobb replied Chauncey was investigating the police and City Hall, the DA walked out of Paul's office. Paul was never called to testify at the trial, to explain that his editor was not only investigating the Bakery but the police and city hall.

The Monkey Mind Media, aka Chauncey Bailey Project, also refused to focus on the police and politicians. The CBP was formed at the request of Paul Cobb, but when he suggested that they pursue the angle of police corruption, they dismissed Paul's suggestion, especially the Oakland Tribune's longtime embedded reporter at the OPD, Harry Harris.

Even though officer Longmire was the mentor of the now convicted murderers, and was ironically in charge of the crime scene but refused to interview an eye witness, although he later made a personal visit to the eye witness while he was in jail and tried to convince the witness he didn't see what he saw, the CBP claims they could find no police involvement. Oakland Tribune Editor Martin Reynolds told this writer he found Longmire to be a fine gentleman and after I revealed his remarks told to me at a lunch meeting, Martin threatened to drive by my Academy of da Corner and toss a Molotov Cocktail at me. It appears we have gangster journalists in league with gangster police and politicians.

As per politicians, former Mayor Ron Dellums asked Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate the investigation of Chauncey's assassination, although Jerry needed to be investigated himself since he was the mayor who allegedly said, "If it's the last thing I do, I going to get that nigger from snooping around city hall and the police department." Shortly thereafter, Chauncey was fired from his job at the Oakland Tribune for frivolous reasons. Surely, this suggests an incestuous relationship between the press, police and politicians, quite similar to the sordid affair in the UK at this hour.

We have no doubt politicians are liars, that police are gangsters under the color of law and that the Monkey Mind Media perpetuates the world of make believe in their persona as sycophants of the police and politicians. The behavior of Rupert Murdoch suggests such is the order of business in the Monkey Mind Media, including much of the socalled progressive and/or radical media that is simply a Miller Lite person of the Monkey Mind Media.

Berkeley's socalled radical radio station KPFA reported the same story line as the MMM, i.e. the bakery young men killed Chauncey because he was going to report their bankruptcy proceedings, although such proceedings were public information. KPFA's socalled minister of information should be called minister of misinformation since he was involved in the murder conspiracy. The OPD have phone records of him talking with the now convicted murderers as they stalked the house of Chauncey Bailey hours before his assassination. Isn't it strange that a fellow journalist is about to be murdered while another journalist is on the phone talking with the assassins while they are stalking the soon to be victim's house?

The entire matter stinks to high heaven, quite similar to events in the United Kingdom. As per the assassination of Chauncey Bailey, it may be rare in the US but globally journalists are slaughtered annually, over one hundred the last few years. In Mexico, they are usually killed for investigating political corruption, drug dealing and other matters. For sure, Chauncey's assassination was encouraged if not aided and abetted by the police and politicians, the bakery boys were merely fall guys, mentored and inspired by the police that they were above the law and could literally get away with murder.
--Marvin X

Marvin X is editing an anthology of writings on Chauncey Bailey.

Sources for Research on the Moorish Science and York's Nuwabian Moors/Ansaru


Does anyone know of someone who has done work, scholarly or otherwise, on contemporary manifestations of Moorish Science, after Noble Drew Ali, the white Moorish Orthodox Church, or the various permutations of Malachi Z. York? An AP reporter in North Carolina is trying to account for the growing number of people claiming Moorish nationality in the court system. I have checked dissertations and theses and various other databases and found nothing; I have also polled a number of ethnographers, and no one knows of anyone looking at Moorish Science today. Can anyone on this list help? At the very least this seems like a great research opportunity for an enterprising graduate student.


In addition to the bibliography on the Moorish Science Temple and on Malachi York's Nuwaubian Moors which I supplied earlier, here is a major title which I just discovered: The Nuwaubian Nation: Black Spirituality and State Control by Susan Palmer. Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2010.

I also neglected to mention a feature story on the Nuwaubian Moors by Adam Heimlich
entitled "Black Egypt A Visit to Tama-Re" which appeared in the weekly newspaper New
York Press (November 14, 2000)and is available on the web. A shorter article on the Nuwaubians appears in the magazine Bidoun: Art and Culture from the
Middle East circa 2009/ 2010 but I would have to search for a while to find
my photocopy of the article in order to give you the exact date. There are also tons of articles of various qualities and ideological persuasions on the web.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Abdul Alkalimat
Sent: Wed, July 20, 2011 3:36:31 AM
Subject: Re: Moorish Science After Drew Ali and Z. York


The Moorish Science Temple and the Ansaru Allah Community (early name of Malachi York’s Nuwabian Moors) each have a separate chapter in Yvonne Haddad’ and Jane Idleman Smith’s Mission to America: Five Islamic Sectarian
Communities in North America (University Press of Florida, 1993); chapter 3 of Richard Brent Turner’s Islam in the African American Experience (Indiana University Press, 1997) is devoted to the history of the Moorish Science Temple; Kathleen Malone O’Connor’s article “The Nubian Islamic Hebrews, Ansaru Allah Community: Jewsish Teachings of an African American Muslim Community” appears in Yvonne Chireau and Nathaiel Deutsch, eds., Black Zion: African American Religious Encounters with Judaism (Oxford University Press, 2000) ; a major work on the Moorish Science Temple is Jose Pimienta –Bey’s Othello’s Children in the New World: Moorish History and Ideology in the African American Experience. (1st Library Books, 2002); .my comparison and contrast of the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters)and Malachi York’s Nuwabian Moors/Ansaru Allah Community is entitled “Ancient Black Astronauts and Extraterrestrial Jihads: Islamic Science Fiction as Urban Mythology” and appears in the special issue of the journal Socialism and Democracy entitled Socialism and Social Critique in Science
Fiction (No. 42; November, 2006) edited by Yusuf Nuruddin, Alcena Rogan and Victor Wallis, and is freely accessible on line at , back issues , #42; I am also aware of works in progress on the
Nuwabian Moors.

Members of the Moorish Science Temple have published atleast two recent books about their organization and beliefs. Rommani M.Amenu-El is the author of The Negro,
the Black, the Moor (Baltimore; Gateway Press, 2008). A massive work (667 pages ) by Sheik Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey is entitled Noble Drew Ali: The Exhuming of a Nation(distributed by African World Books in Baltimore, and published circa 2010).

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Abdul Alkalimat
Sent: Wed, July 20, 2011 3:35:32 AM
Subject: Re: Moorish Science After Drew Ali and Z. York


quite a few self published books have been done on the Moors over the last decade. best source i can think of is African World Books, Baltimore 410-383-2006, ask for brother Nati. he keeps a good inventory of them.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Muslim Pioneer shares Memories at Defermery Park Reunion

We are so thankful to Allah for blessing us to hear the testimony of a pioneer of Islam in the Bay Area, Sister Olivia Samaiyah Beyah, aka Sadie, one of the officials at Mosque #26 and later at Masjid Clara Muhammad on Bond Street in Oakland. When Malcolm X was sat down after the assassination of JFK, Queen Mother was at the home of Elijah Muhammad in Phoenix, Az.



The Regeneration Of An Indigenous Culture

ATLANTA, Georgia – Geechee Gullah Culture Spokesperson Reginald H. Hall announced today the establishment of the Geechee Gullah Culture Non-Government Organization, Incorporated. The NGO consist of an executive accountability team, a tribunal, and a legislative body.

This NGO intends, according to Hall, to remedy the current deprivation situation impacted by the illegal land claims of the Sapelo Island Heritage Authority and The Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Management Area of the state of Georgia. The area of concern is known in the culture as the ancestral Geechee settlement of Raccoon Bluff, consisting of 1,376.78 acres.

West Africans, enslaved and brought to America, embraced the conditions of the land, and nurtured the growth and survival of their families by connecting their strength and resilience to the land itself. Additionally, the spirit of their relationship with nature framed their existence as indigenous. The land — and everything that the land produced — became an expression known as “the indigenous culture of the Geechee Gullah people”.

“We intend to hold onto as well as reclaim lands,” Hall asserts, “that have legally belonged to our families since 1871, as well as preserve and create the economic sustainability that will allow us to pass on our culture for generations to come.”

For more information contact:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Black Panthers Celebrate Geronimo Transition to Ancestors

Black Panthers Celebrate Transition of Geronimo Ji-Jaga to Ancestors

photo Gene Hazzard

On a beautiful, sunny day in the Bay, Oakland Black Panthers and community celebrated the transition of legendary Black Panther Minister of Defense, Geronimo Ji-Jaga who spent 27 years in prison on trumped up charges, fabricated by the FBI.

Marvin X performs with Land of My Daughters (Aries Jordan on right and Toya Jordan, left)
photo Gene Hazzard

Speaker after speaker gave honor and praise to G, the soldier who said he was only following the order of his elders when he joined the US Army and learned the skills to return home to defend his community nationwide.

Because of the split in the Black Panther Party, Oakland Panthers would not testify that he was in Oakland at the time he allegedly murdered a woman on a Los Angeles tennis court. FBI intelligence records could have proven he was in Oakland as well.

No matter, on Sunday, Oakland Black Panthers paid tribute to the man equal in stature to South Africa's Nelson Mandela, especially as per time spent in prison for revolutionary activity. He shall forever be remembered for his contribution to the liberation of North American Africans.

Throughout the afternoon, speakers such as Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Rev. Freeman, David Johnson and Willie Sundiata Tate of the San Quentin Six, Ayana At-Thinin, Avotcja, Stu Hanlon (G's lawyer along with the late Johnny Cochran) and a host of others, praised our dearly beloved and departed brother who joined the ancestors in the Motherland where he finally settled, Tanzania, East Africa.

The event was organized by Black Panther chief archivist Billy X Jennings, but participants included the Black Panther Commemorator Newspaper, under the guidance of Melvin Dixon, Big Man, Jabari Shaw of the BSU of at Laney College, Brother Ustadi of the Afrikan Learning Center.
There were performances by Tarika Lewis, first female member of the BPP and Phavia Kujichagulia, griot of the first order. Percussionist Tacuma King also performed along with other too numerous to mention.

Toward the end of the evening, Billy X Jennings, the chief organizer, announced he had been saving the best for last and then introduced Marvin X, poet, playwright, activist, one of the founders of the Black Arts Movement, who attended Merritt College with Black Panther co-founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, the man who introduced Eldridge Cleaver to the Black Panthers, along with Emory Douglas and Samuel Napier when they attended the Black House, the political/cultural center founded by Marvin X and Eldridge Cleaver in San Francisco, 1967.

Marvin took the mike along with two young lady poet/performers, Toya and Aries Jordan, sisters from the east coast who have joined his Academy of da Corner Reader's Theatre. Aries, under the mentorship of Marvin X, published her first collection of poetry. She electrified the audience at the Joyce Gordon Gallery during a Woman's History Month Celebration organized by Marvin X, who called together the most powerful African women in the Bay Area, Hunia Bradly, Rev. Mutima Imani, Ayodele Nzinga, Phavia Kujichagulia, Tureada Mikel, Jerri Lange, Talibah, who presented a poetic womanhood rites of passage. Aries performed a scene from the Vagina Monologue as well as her poetry.

Marvin X made opening remarks on Geronimo, saying he recalled two essential things about the brother. Firstly, that he was a soldier who practiced discipline, and this was necessary for the present generation of youth to acquire, that it ain't about any means necessary but the right means necessary to achieve victory. Secondly, G went into the US Army because his elders commanded him to do so, in order to learn the skills to defend his community.

Marvin X demanded youth follow their elders in the tradition of Geronimo. "As Sun Ra taught me, if you don't do the right thing, you can't go forward or backward, the Creator got things fixed so you are just stuck on stupid until you do the right thing."

Toya and Aries went to their respective mikes, Marvin X in the middle. They recited What If, a pantheistic poem about Allah as the All in All, Allah as everything, the dope fiend, the alcoholic, the tree, the river, the mama you hate, the father you hate, etc. The trio then recited a Marvin X classic For the Women, and then the women lead a recitation of a lessor known poem For the Men. Shortly after, the event ended. Power to the People!

Analysis: After being a participant/observer for the last two days at events at Defermery Park, the Muslim reunion of Saturday and the BPP celebration on Sunday, there is clearly a need for a once and month Speak Out for community. Speakers and spoken word arists are nice, but what is most important is for the people to speak out, to vent their trauma and unresolved grief. Nothing else is more important.