Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday reception at Sacramento Black Book Fair

The Ethnic Cleansing of North American Africans by USA White Supremacy


The Black Community Is Gradually Being Erased, And Black People Are Being Turned Into Nomads And Cultural Refugees

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

The Black Community Is Gradually Being Erased, And Black People Are Being Turned Into Nomads And Cultural Refugees

The Black community has been so quiet in its response to the last installment of this article addressing the need to get out and fight for the late Billy Higgin's "World Stage" being declared a historic landmark, and Leimert Park Village being preserved and maintained as a center of Black cultural Art,  that I thought I'd try it again, but this time I'm going to outline the big picture. I think initially I made the mistake of assuming that the current generation understands the sacrifices that were made for them during the sixties, but maybe that was an unwarranted assumption - one of the biggest mistakes that any writer can make.  So I've converted this piece into a primer on the Black experience and what we stand to lose.  I've even taken the time to provide a detailed plan of action on how we MUST address this cultural robbery of the Black community.

Many of us have become virtual scholars when it comes to Black history.  We can quote chapter and verse all of the atrocities that's been perpetrated against Black people since the beginning of time. We can also make reference to all of the illustrious Black kings, queens and warriors of the past, and cite everything that Black people have accomplished throughout history.  But what's the purpose of having all that knowledge if we don't use it to move ourselves forward?  We're not doing that. We tend to just sit back and watch the White establishment mount one assault on our culture after another, and then use our knowledge of Black history to say, "Well, there they go again, just like during Reconstruction." 


What good is that doing us!!!?  We need to use our knowledge of history to defend ourselves against repeated cultural assaults just like EVERY other culture in America - and the fact that we're not doing that  explains why we're on the very bottom of the socio-economic ladder, and newly arrived immigrants step right over us to become our bosses and economic superiors. That's also why whenever anyone needs a victim, they single us out - because they know we're not going to do anything about it but complain. If we're the product of greatness, let's PROVE it instead of just talking about it.  This is no time to talk. It's time to either SHOW what we're made of, or shut up, because at this point, those very same illustrious ancestors that we like to point to with such pride, would be holding their heads down in shame at what we've allowed ourselves to become - victims.
Now, I realize that life is a struggle for Black people, and many of us have given priority to our personal dreams for the future, but if we fail to give priority to our culture as a whole, we won't have a future.  If we don't have a strong and viable culture, we're going to be disrespected and marginalized as individuals, and plucked off one at a time as we're already seeing in Ferguson, New York, Los Angeles and all across this country. America is rapidly becoming the new Beirut.  So we've got to wake up and get on top of this, folks, unless we've completely given up on ourselves as a people. Where's that greatness that we're always talking about!!!?  There's got to still be some vestiges of it left in us somewhere!
I've been sending this message out - in this case, regarding the raping of Leimert Park Village in particular (since this seems to be the latest assault on our people) - to the community, community leaders, politicians, and clergy alike, but all I've heard in response are crickets.  We've got to do better than this, Black people, or your children's future will be null and void - in fact, in another generation, WE, will be null and void.  Look around you.  They've already dragged us back  fifty years. It's gotten to the point where a young Black man needs a hall pass just to walk down a city street. For the police, just being a young Black male constitutes "probable cause," and if they kill him, the nation's juries view it as a public service.
So what does that have to do with Leimert Park Village?  What's going on in Leimert Park is the latest assault on our culture, so it's past time to come together, organize, and fight back - and in a PROACTIVE way, instead of waiting around and reacting AFTER we're displaced, marginalized, or another young life is lost for simply having the audacity to come into the area. At this point, the future victim is probably a toddler who was born in Leimert Park, but by the time he's a teenager, Leimert Park will be off limits to "his kind."  So NOW is the time to get on top of this, because the next young life that's snuffed out, just might be a life that YOU brought into this world, and then, all the demonstrating in the world, won't bring him back.
The Black Community Is Gradually Being Erased, And Black People Are Being Turned Into Nomads And Cultural Refugees
National Action Network's Los Angeles
Representative, Najee Ali, In The Trenches
I've gotten relatively few responses on the piece linked below.  I would have thought people would have been falling all over one another to defend our cultural heritage, but I guess many Black people are not up to fighting for their culture. We only tend to REACT when something goes desperately wrong, instead of being PROACTIVE in an attempt to ensure that life and justice works in our favor. That explains a lot about our position in society, and why our children have to go to Google (if they have access to a computer) or the public library to DIG for self-esteem. We've got to do better than this. If we don't, within a few years Black people will only be a memory in Leimert Park and many other Black communities across this nation. We'll be dispersed, filtered into, and hopefully tolerated, within the communities of others, and without one scintilla of political clout.
That's why Los Angeles' Leimert Park and it's environs is much more than just a neighborhood; it's also a cultural and political stronghold that's worth fighting for. Without it, the Black culture and our political clout will be effectively erased in the city of Los Angeles - and that's exactly what many forward-thinking social manipulators have in mind. You see, the demographics are changing, so the powers that be are out to dilute the impact of as many minority voters as possible. So this issue is much more important than sharing recipes online, folks. This is probably the most important issue that the Black community has ever faced in this city.
Many of the problems that the Black community is facing across this country is a direct result of our tendency to be reactive rather than proactive.  Take Ferguson, Mo, for example.  The Black community could have avoided the problems they had in that city by simply voting.  The Black population in Ferguson is 67%, yet only 7% turned out to vote.  As a result, the police department is 94% White. In the last election they corrected that problem with record Black voter turnout, but it was a little too late for Michael Brown. So let us learn from the Ferguson experience and be PROACTIVE in our response to what's taking place in Leimert Park, because much like in the case of Michael Brown, it's going to be much too late to try to demonstrate AFTER the fact. So NOW is the time to get up-in-arms.
If we fail to address this issue, Black people are going to be run out of the area, the park itself is going to be bulldozed, and our young people are going to be subjected to being stopped-and-frisked for just coming into the area. The social manipulators will have to take those steps just to make rich White folks feel safe enough to visit their new up-scale art galleries.
Tatia Dokes of Denver said:
"We are facing this same issue in my neighborhood. The last historically black neighborhoods in Denver. We have gentrification meetings and how to combat it every month with less than 5 black folks there and the rest are white folks wanting to "understand." Then when I'm walking my dog all I hear is the few black folks left complaining about the skyrocketing rent, none of their friends live in the neighborhood anymore and all the white folks. I just want to SCREAM! BUT YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! I go to these meetings...voice my opinions...looked at like I'm militant and aggressive but I don't care...I will not be driven out without a fight! We just had an election for city counsel members. 20,000 ballots for our district were sent out and only 5000 voted and I bet it was mostly white folks! I'm so so tired!"
Bonnie Flournoy in Chicago said:
"Same thing in Chicagoland . . . and thanks, Eric, et al. for the reminder. . . I don't know how I overlooked it, cuz as I witness it going down in Chicago, I mainly focused on the financial aspect . . . like all affordable housing GONE . . . Houses with big red 'X's on them meaning they are slated for demolition . . . closed schools, etc.  But you're absolutely correct . . . these neighborhood-destroying tactics also destroyed the voting block . . . the wrong people are winning elections, not because folx are voting for them . . . they won because there's nobody left . . . many have moved away, or foreclosed upon, etc. We bettah wake up!"
Michelle Gordon-McFalls, Denver:
"Same happens in schools that are being closed in black neighborhoods, properties bought up by others, businesses begun in black neighborhoods because rent is cheap. None of the black parents were ever seen at any PTA meetings, council meetings to save the neighborhoods or lines at the banks/loan companies to begin their business. Now there may be legitimate reasons for no shows, but it's a catch 22. Unless we are present and voicing our opinions, negative change will happen. Until we begin showing up at every PTA, PTCO, mtg., our schools will continue to close and our children continue failing. I understand that many cannot attend because they are working and if they leave to attend they will lose their jobs. However, many are home watching TV w/o a concern. I've sat by and watched Five Points, once a beautiful and thriving historical black area in Denver, (where I used to live), decay, turn hood and now more white's live there than blacks and the housing market has skyrocketed. Denver is one of the most expensive cities to live, in the USA."
So brothers and sisters, if we don't organize and get the attention of the politicians (who were elected to protect OUR interest, not feather their own nests) we're going be erased - no history, no community to call our own, and no political clout. Actually, our politicians themselves are being shortsighted, because once the area is gentrified they're going to be voted out of office as well. So again, if we don't act NOW, they're going to turn us into a "community" of nomads and cultural refugees. Remember where you heard it first.

Help Save Leimert Park Village As A Black Cultural Arts Center
The Thrill Is Gone - But I Have A Dream That Can Sustain The Legacy
Yes, the thrill is indeed gone. We would be highly remiss in writing  about Black culture without mentioning the recent passing of two lions of that culture - The great B.B. King, and the fabulous Bobby "Blue" Bland. On Thursday, May 14th of this year, not one, but two Blues legends passed into history - the Great B.B. King, and his ever-loyal companion, "Lucille," slipped silently into the night. Ironically, B.B.'s health seemed to rapidly fade shortly after his longtime friend, and another Lion of the blues, Bobby "Blue" Bland, passed into history on June 23rd of 2013.  These two old road dawgs of the blues, though neither highly educated, could have taught us much about what it means to be Black in America, and the necessity to collaborate as Black people to survive.  
But we've lost more than just two giants in these two great men.  With every Black person of their generation that passes, the Black community is also losing part of its collective memory of another way of life; a way of life where Black people understood the importance of sticking together, and working together for a common cause.  A lot of people don't know it, but Bobby Bland used to be B.B. King's chauffeur. That's right, but you'd never know it to see them above as peers honoring one another and singing each other's songs. That's the way Black people did it when they were coming up - "If I got a job, we both eat. If I see your kid getting into something he or she shouldn't, don't worry about it; I'll handle it (I was personally the victim two of the best whippings I ever had from neighbors)."  Black people had to look out for one another just to survive in the Jim Crow environment that Bobby and B.B. King came up in. That's why even though Bobby was already a well known singer, he doubled as B.B.'s chauffeur.  B.B. was helping to supplement Bobby's income. They were hanging out anyway, so why not pay Bobby to drive - and well?   
But things are rapidly changing in the Black community, and we're paying a a heavy price for it.  The social manipulators have managed to divided the Black community. They've convinced a segment of the community that they've "arrived" and life is now about class these days so it's everybody for themselves. So we have many Black people looking down their noses at the people in the community who continue to struggle, and that attitude among some of our people is preventing our community from moving forward as a whole. Many seem to equate "having arrived" with getting as far away from other Black people as they can get. Others are lifting boulders to try to find a reason to criticize the first Black President of the United States in order to prove that they've become so far removed from their former "Blackness" that they feel just as comfortable in attacking the most significant symbol of  Black competence in the world as any barefoot Hillbilly. It's sick, and it's an attitude that serves to keep the White supremacist system securely in place all over America.
A good example of how the Black community is allowing itself to be manipulated can be found in Leimert Park, Ca. Leimert Park has been a premiere center for Black culture and art for decades. It's the home of the late drummer, Billy Higgins' "World Stage," a cultural center that has featured some of the greatest musicians, poets, and artists of all kind in the world today. But with the arrival of the new Metro Rail coming through Leimert Park Village, the powers that be have a vision - which many Black people are helping to promote - in spite of the fact that the Black community as a whole plays very little part in that vision. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people who's predisposed to looking under every rock for instances of racism, but I am a Black man in America, and my experience as such tells me without a bit of uncertainty that these people are not spending all of the money they're spending and snatching up all of the property in Leimert Park Village (on the down-low in many cases), in order to benefit Black people.  What we're watching take place in Leimert Park is a disgusting stampede of avarice, selfishness, and greed.
A Home In The Black Community of 
Baldwin Hills, Ca. 
Leimert Park is perfectly located in one of the most beautiful parts of the city.  It's in the shadow of Baldwin Hills, one of the most prosperous Black communities in Los Angeles, and quite possibly America. It's minutes from the beach, and major freeways going both North and South, and, East and West, It's also within a block or two of the Crenshaw shopping mall. Then when you take into account the hundreds of billions - maybe even trillions - of dollars that can be made by converting the apartments in the "Jungle" and surrounding area into upscale condos, their dream begins to come into focus. 
So yes indeed, the powers that be definitely have a dream for Leimert Park, but that dream doesn't have anything to do with the Black people who are currently living in the community or have businesses there . The pattern is already clear. Not even the workman who are working on the various projects in the area are Black - and where are the politicians who are supposed to be looking out for the community's interest!!!?
So okay, maybe they do intend to keep The Village an art center, but we're not talking about an art center filled with Black people viewing portraits of Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon or Sarah Vaughan, we're talking about art galleries filled with rich White folks viewing pictures of Campbell's soup cans - and in order to pull that off, they're going to have to demolish the park and run off all of the street vendors (and many other Black people) so White folks will feel safe in the area.
But I Have A Dream Of My Own
Olvera Street is in the oldest part of
 Downtown Los Angeles, California, USA,
 and is part of the El Pueblo de Los Angeles
Historic Monument.
It starts with community activists like Najee Ali and Earl Ofari Hutchinson enlisting the local clergy to educate and organize the community to press the city to seize "Billy Higgins' World Stage" through eminent domain and declaring it an historic landmark. In addition, I don’t think it would be too much to ask the powers that be to recognize the community by designating the block of Degnan - between 43rd Place on the South (including the park), 43rd Street on the North, and Leimert Blvd. on the East - be preserved by declaring it a cultural village. After all, it is one of the last - if not THE last - significant Black cultural centers in Los Angeles. Why can't the Black community have their Olvera Street? 
Thereafter we should form a Black Cultural Arts Consortium that includes the surrounding businesses, our churches, and the community itself to support Leimert Park Village and help to make it an asset for the community. We can turn it into a world-class Black arts center and tourist attraction. If the people in the community would just invest $10 a month in the Village the consortium would be well endowed. Some of the money could also be used to provide affordable childcare for working mothers. That's one of their biggest expenses. Unemployed mothers and retired professionals within our churches can be hired to help instruct the children in everything from reading, writing and math, to music, poetry, and various other arts and crafts.  We could also help to support the numerous musicians in the community by placing them on salary to teach music and perform in the Village at night, and to hold sessions in the park during the day. That way, when people passed by on the Metro Rail, they'd be encouraged to get off in the Village and shop. The Village would also enhance property values, so the $10 a month would be well worth it.

The Village could utilize the talents of people like Linda Morgan and Robert Carmack to organize events, and we'll need a citizen's committee to oversee the finances - and require multiple signatures to withdraw any funds. That will keep the self-serving deadbeats out. Because as we all know, we can  ALWAYS depend on having people around who'll try to corrupt anything positive that's trying to be done in the community. It's rumored, for example, that one musical wannabe who frequents the Village has organized a musical event at a nearby club and demanded that all of the participants who have CDs to sell give him a cut off of every CD that they sell - and he was only paying the performers peanuts to begin with. It has also been suggested that this very same individual has emulated a brand in order to confuse the public into thinking that his events are being sponsored by a more well-known promoter. The citizen's committee must immediately identify and ostracize such people. If we want to ensure The Village to be a viable endeavor, we must banish ALL self-servers from our midst. 
We should also consider trying to enlist the The Nation Of Islam for security.  The Fruit Of Islam would provide a strong incentive for any would-be gangsters to avoid the area, because most gangsters understand that many of the FOI are former OGs themselves. If we did that, we could keep the people's contact with the LAPD to a minimum. Then later, if we're able to brag of zero crime, it would both give us a pride of community, and it would go a long way toward negating the demonization of Black people as a whole. 
In addition, we should also encourage our churches to use some of their tithes to create businesses in the community and hire our young people ("
They answered and said to Him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus said to them, "If you are Abraham's children, do the deeds of Abraham" - John 8:39). This is not a novel idea. The Black community of Greensboro, North Carolina has seen the light, just as we should.  The African Globe reports the following:
"Winn Dixie and other large grocery chains had divided up market territory, resulting in the closing of some stores despite their profitability. The loss of this Winn Dixie turned Northeast Greensboro into a food desert . . . For more than 15 years, there were many efforts to lure a new grocery store into the space. However, while the store would be profitable, it wouldn’t be profitable enough to satisfy the demands of the shareholder-based economy of a large corporation. Fed up with essentially begging for access to affordable, quality food,  residents of this predominantly African-American and low-income neighborhood decided to open their own grocery store.
"After learning about cooperative businesses, they decided to open a community-owned grocery store. The store would meet local residents’ needs for access to quality food and dignified, well-paid jobs. And now it’s going to happen. When the Renaissance Community Cooperative opens in 2015, it will be a conventional grocery store (like a Food Lion or Kroger) where wages start at $10 per hr."
The Black Community Controls $1.1 Trillion - equal To Germany, The Third Riches Nation In The World
The African American community controls as much in spending power as the Gross National Product of Germany, the third richest industrial nation in the world.  So why are we whining to the White man to provide for our needs?
Dr. James P. Neelankavil, a professor of marketing and international business at Hofstra University, says in his book, International Business Research, that "Since the output of a country is an indicator of its economic activity, the GNP [Gross National Product] is often used as key factor in evaluating a country’s economic strength. The five largest countries in the world based on their GNP are the United States, $7 trillion; Japan, $2.5 trillion; Germany, $1.1 Trillion; France, $873 billion; and China, $393 billion." 
So based on Professor Neelankavil’s data, the African American community’s buying power of $1.1 trillion is equal to the economy of Germany, the third largest industrial economy in the world. We control $127 billion more than France, and $607 billion more than the gross national product of China. But here's the problem. Currently, a dollar circulates in Asian communities for a month, in Jewish communities approximately 20 days and white communities 17 days. How long does a dollar circulate in the black community? 6 hours!!! African American buying power is at 1.1 Trillion, and yet only 2 cents of every dollar an African American spends in this country goes to black owned businesses"(
But in spite of the $1.1 trillion passing through the Black community, there are many who still insist on coming up with the excuse that the problem is with the banks - they won’t finance Black businesses. That’s a lame excuse, and we really need to stop trying to make excuses for our condition, because by coming up with all of these excuses, we’re simply giving ourselves a convenient excuse for failure. With all of the money that passes through the Black community, if we came together we could establish our OWN banks. 
Finally, I'd like to thank the Los Angeles Times for the front page coverage of B.B. King's passing. The Times sent B.B. out like the King he was, and by doing so, they not only honored him, but they honored the entire Black community.  Now it's time for us to honor ourselves.  Let's get on it. Talk to 'em, Bobby.

Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Black Bird Press News & Review: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on the BLACK ARTS MOVEMENT #2

Black Bird Press News & Review: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on the BLACK ARTS MOVEMENT #2

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Canada's cultural genocide!

Will America admit the cultural genocide of North American Africans in the public schools and religious institutions, i.e., turning Africans into Black Anglo-Saxons?--Marvin X, How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy, Black Bird Press

Canada's church-run schools for First Nations were 'cultural genocide,' says report

Canada's decades-long government policy requiring Canadian First Nation children to attend state-funded church schools amounted to "cultural genocide," a long-awaited report has found.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission chair Justice Murray Sinclair said Tuesday the residential schools represent one of the "darkest and most troubling chapters in our collective history."

The report is the result of a six-year study of Canada's former government policy requiring Canadian aboriginals to attend the schools, often the scenes of physical and sexual abuse. First Nation leaders have cited the legacy of abuse and isolation as the root cause of epidemic substance abuse on reservations.

From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were required to attend Christian schools to rid them of their native cultures and languages and integrate them into mainstream Canadian society.

More than 130 residential schools operated across Canada.

The federal government previously admitted that physical and sexual abuse in the once-mandatory schools was rampant and Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued an historic apology in Parliament in 2008. Many students recall being beaten for speaking their native languages and losing touch with their parents and customs.

The goal of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was to give survivors a forum to tell their stories and to educate Canadians about that dark chapter in the country's history.

Sinclair, a First Nations Canadian judge, described how the commission heard from residential school survivors who were robbed of the love of their families.

"They were stripped of their self-respect and they were stripped of their identity," Sinclair said.
The commission was created as part of a US$5 billion class action settlement in 2006 between the government, churches and the 90,000 surviving First Nation students.

Alma Scott was one of thousands of survivors in Canada who recounted her experience to the commission. She described being taken to a school in Fort Alexander, Manitoba, at the age of five.
"I just remember feeling really sad, and I was in this truck full of other kids who were crying, and so I cried with them," said Scott.

Among the TRC report's 94 recommendations, it calls on the federal government to launch a national inquiry into the number of missing and murdered aboriginal women. It also seeks an apology from the Pope on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church. And it recommends the government fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the "framework for reconciliation."

The TRC's summary also makes clear that the expectations of the aboriginal community in the wake of Harper's apology for the residential school tragedy in 2008 have not yet been met.
Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Perry Bellegarde said the prime minister's 2008 apology will be empty if it is not followed with action.

Harper said he apologized for the devastation caused by the schools seven years ago. He didn't call it a cultural genocide Tuesday or promise to enact any of the report's 94 recommendations.
Sinclair said he was scheduled to sit down with Harper later Tuesday.

A center at the University of Manitoba will become the permanent home for all statements, documents and materials gathered by the commission. It is scheduled to open this summer.

In Australia, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology in Parliament in 2008 to the so-called Stolen Generations — thousands of aboriginals who were forcibly taken from their families as children under assimilation policies that lasted from 1910 to 1970.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Marvin X new poem: Have you angels in your life

Have you angels in your life
did you notice
was everything for granted
when the angel smiled
you did not notice
you mean God is among us and we are blind
after all the waiting for God
Lord Savior
you mean He has come and gone
we missed him in our prayers
Lord have mercy
He came while we were praying
We missed Him.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Photo essay: Marvin X's grandchildren graduate high school and head to college

Congratulations James, Jazmin and Jordan on your graduation from high school and on entering college. 

Peace and Love,
Marvin X
 James Houston Rhodes (center), grandson of Marvin X

 James Houston Rhodes

 James Houston Rhodes, grandson of Marvin X

 Jazmin Jackmon, granddaughter of Marvin X

Twins Jordan and Jazmin Jackmon, grandchildren of Marvin X

 Jazmin, Marvin K, Maryann, Jordan

 Marvin X's father, Owendell Jackmon (a Race Man), with sons of Marvin X: Darrel (RIP) and Marvin K

 Jazmin, track star since childhood
 Jordan and friends

 Jordan and friends

 Jordan, soccer star


 Jordan with the Marvin X look

Congratulations James, Jazmin and Jordan on your graduation from high school and on entering college. 

Peace and Love,
Marvin X

Oakland's White Supremacy Book Festival this Sunday, May 31, at City Hall

Oakland Book Festival

Some New York whites in conspiracy with local whites and multiculturals have been funded to present the Oakland Book Festival today at City Hall and Frank Ogawa Plaza. We had no knowledge of this event until yesterday when a novelist asked to share a booth with me. I emailed her back that I had no knowledge of this event so she emailed the link to the festival. When I saw the program featuring 90 authors, I noticed three or four Black authors, including Tennessee Reed, Al Young, Elaine Brown and Judy Juanita. We think this is shameful for Oakland to allow such a basically white racist event in City Hall and Frank Ogawa Plaza. --Marvin X

Ishmael Reed replied with the following statement:  

Marvin, several groups from Manhattan are doing "festivals" out here and are accompanied by their tokens like Paul Beatty, when we have black writers out here, local black writers. It's a Manhattan take over and local funding groups are giving them money but won't give us the time of day. They even brought a guy from England for an Oakland panel, Lewis Lapham, a rich guy, is doing the keynote. He don't know dick about Oakland. I organized a panel called "the Mahattanization of Oakland literature." Show up and make your voice known, i'm out of town. Ishmael

We recall Mayor Libby Schaaf's endorsement of the Black Arts Movement 50th Anniversary and her call for Black Arts Movement literature:  

“Oakland is lucky to have an incredibly talented and diverse art community. The African American Arts Movement is a vital, historically significant part of the Oakland Arts Community.  With its focus on justice, equality, and self-realization, the message of black artists is crucial to support.  From rage to celebration, art allows expression, and expression is essential to a community as varied as Oakland.  The recent 1% for Public Art that I authored ensures that new art will be a priority in Oakland in the future. I agree with Post Publisher Paul Cobb that BAM 50th Anniversary celebration should encompass all cultural genres: visual, literary, and performance.  Age-appropriate books for African American students about the Black Arts Movement will literally bring the lesson home for families to share and aspire to.”


May 31, 2015 11AM-6PM / City Hall and Frank Ogawa Plaza
Oakland Book Festival
Read. Debate. Celebrate.

One Day • Seven Hours • 90 Writers • 40 Events

Doors open to the public at 10:30am, with panels beginning promptly at 11:00am.

Readings and conversations with Ben Fong-Torres, Edwidge Danticat, Tracy K. Smith, Matthew Zapruder, Jenny Offill, Novella Carpenter, and others

Panels with Paul Beatty, Astra Taylor, Vikram Chandra, Elaine Brown, Leo Hollis, Anthony Marra, and many more

Rick Prelinger with Lost Landscapes of Oakland

Children's Area by Fairyland, MOCHA, and Oakland Public Library

Music by HipHop4Change, Oakland Youth Chorus, and Oakland School for Arts


You can reach City Hall by the 12th Street/City Center BART station and AC Transit lines at the 14th Street/Broadway stops.

For those driving, parking at the Clay Street Garage (1414 Clay St, Oakland) is available for a flat fee of $5 for the day.


SATURDAY MAY 30, 2015, 6PM - 8PM
Keynote Address: Lewis Lapham
Reading Oakland: Stories from our City's Literary Past

SUNDAY MAY 31, 2015

Doors open to the public at 10:30am, with panels beginning promptly at 11:00am.

Presented by Mother Jones
Laurel Book Store: 3:45—4:30pm
Jaeah Lee, Lateefah Simon, Ali Winston

Council Chambers: 11am—12:30pm
Presented by Rick Prelinger and Alex Cruse

Hearing Room 1: 11am—12pm
Bruce Anderson, Frank Bardacke, Joe Paff

Presented by PEN Oakland
Hearing Room 2: 11am—12pm
Judy Juanita, Tennessee Reed, Tony R. Rodriguez, Floyd Salas, Al Young

Presented by Litquake
Hearing Room 3: 11am—12pm
Kim Bancroft, Jerry Cimino, Benjamin Griffin, Steve Lavoie

Hearing Room 4: 11am—12pm
Mark Danner, Anthony Marra, Nayomi Munaweera

Laurel Book Store: 11am—12pm
Ian Davis, Zakiya Harris, Dom Jones, Karen Seneferu

Hearing Room 1: 12:15—1:15pm
Veronica Graham, Benjamin Grant, Pendarvis Harshaw

Hearing Room 2: 12:15—1:15pm
Will Alexander, Greg Mahrer, Tennessee Reed, Matthew Zapruder

Presented by UC PRESS
Hearing Room 3: 12:15—1:15pm
Julie Guthman, Seth M. Holmes, Dana Perls

Hearing Room 4: 12:15—1:30pm
Vikram Chandra, Leo Hollis, Gary Kamiya, Kathryn Myers

Laurel Book Store: 12:15—1:15pm
Molly Antopol, Maria Hummel, Michael McGriff, J.M. Tyree 

Council Chambers 12:45—1:30pm

Hearing Room 1: 1:30—2:15pm
Stacy Carlson, Aleta George, Dorothy Lazard

Hearing Room 3: 1:30—2:15pm
Roger D. Hodge, Linda Norton

Laurel Book Store: 1:30—2:15pm
Rod Campbell, Novella Carpenter, Zac Unger

Council Chambers: 1:45—2:30pm
Adam Johnson, Jenny Offill

Hearing Room 2: 1:45—3pm
Simon Critchely, Mark Greif, Frank B. Wilderson, III

Presented by ZYZZYVA
Hearing Room 4: 1:45—3pm
Paul Beatty, Vanessa Hua, Héctor Tobar

Hearing Room 1: 2:30—3:15pm
Akhil Sharma, Ayelet Waldman

Presented by UC Press
Hearing Room 3: 2:30—3:15pm
Kiera Butler, Anna Lappé, Kim O’Donnel, Naomi Starkman

Laurel Book Store: 2:30—3:30pm
Melanie Abrams, Leslie C. Bell, Tracy Clark-Flory, Maria Dahvana Headley

VOICES: EDWIDGE DANTICAT in conversation with László Jakab Orsós
Council Chambers: 2:45—3:30pm

Hearing Room 1: 3:30—4:30pm
Roger D. Hodge, Clara Jeffery, David Rose

Hearing Room 2: 3:30—4:30pm
Elaine Brown, Astra Taylor, Frank B. Wilderson, III

Hearing Room 3: 3:30—4:30pm
Lance Freeman, Malo André Hutson, Gordon Young

Hearing Room 4: 3:30—4:30pm
Gregory Jordan, Reverend Dr. Harold R. Mayberry

VOICES: TRACY K. SMITH in conversation with Matthew Zapruder
Council Chambers: 3:45—4:30pm

Hearing Room 1: 4:45—6pm
Chris Johnson

Hearing Room 2: 4:45—6pm
Kathleen McClellan, Eyal Press, Eric Schmitt

FIGHTIN’ WORDS: PEN Oakland presents Oakland Out Loud
Hearing Room 3: 4:45—6pm
Lucille Lang Day, Judy Juanita, Genny Lim, Ruben Llamas, Floyd Salas

Presented by the Before Columbus Foundation
Hearing Room 4: 4:45—6pm
Lorna Dee Cervantes, David Meltzer, Gundars Strads, Armond White, Shawn Wong

Council Chambers: 4:45—6pm
Simon Critchley, Leo Hollis, Khafre James, Reverend Dr. Harold R. Mayberry, Dashka Slater, Atra Taylor


Children’s Area

11:00—11:30 Oakland Public Library, Reading Favorite Children’s Stories

11:30—12:00 Fairyland Presents: Tweedle-dee

12:00—12:30 Chapter 510: What if an Artist Ruled the World
Chapter 510 and North Oakland Community Charter School students read from What if an Artist Ruled the World/Si un artista dirigiera el mundo

1:00—1:30 Fairyland Presents: Little Miss Muffet

1:30—2:00 Oakland Public Library, Reading Favorite Children’s Stories

2:00—2:30 Fairyland Presents: Tweedle-dee

2:30—3:00 Oakland Public Library, Reading Favorite Children’s Stories

3:00—3:30 Kate Schatz and Miriam Klein Stahl read from Rad American Women A—Z 

3:30—4:00 Fairyland Presents: Little Miss Muffet


11:00—12:00 Oakland Youth Chorus, Miracle Chorus

12:00—1:00 Oakland School for the Arts Classical Guitarist Ensemble

1:00—2:00 HipHop4Change presents: Dizzy, J-Mal, Khafre Jay

2:00—3:00 Oakland Youth Chorus, Concert Chorus

3:00—4:00 DJ Simmons

4:00—5:00 HipHop4Change presents: Breathless, Golden Age, Dom Jones


Sunday May 31, 2015, 8pm
XOXO Nightclub, 201 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
Performance by Critchley and Simmons


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bay Area says goodbye to Black Arts Movement icon Michael Lange

Today, Saturday, May 30, 2015, the Bay Area celebrated the transition to ancestorhood of Michael Lange, educator, filmmaker, theatre director, actor, singer. Michael was the son of Bay Area media diva Jerri Lange and brother of actor Ted Lange (Love Boat). Folks packed St. Columba Church on San Pablo to celebrate our dear brother, one of the kindest souls who walked the planet earth. He was repeatedly described as a true trooper, true friend, brother and fighter for social justice. He directed and/or produced and performed in plays on Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Jr. and others. In 1980 he helped Marvin X plan the Black Men's Conference at the Oakland Auditorium.

Plans are in motion to establish the Michael Lange Foundation. Paul Cobb, Oakland Post News Group Publisher, made the first donation to the foundation. As part of the Black Arts Movement District along 14th Street, downtown Oakland, from Martin Luther King, Jr to Alice Street, Marvin X is calling for Alice Street to be renamed Michael Lange Way.--Marvin X

Lifting up BB King and Michael Lange: Reflections on lives well lived

May 28, 2015
by Wanda Sabir

Michael Lange
Michael Lange

The thrill isn’t gone, but certainly without BB King (Sept. 16, 1925-May 14, 2015) singing it, living it, being an example of it, well – the world without him and his faithful Lucille will not be quite the same any longer. Good times? Well, they are on “pause” presently.

And then there is Michael Lange, our Malcolm X. Michael made his transition May 20, the day after what would have been Malcolm X’s 90th birthday. Michael was 66. His mother, Jerri Lange, made 90 this year. She and El Hajj Malik El Shabazz were age mates. Michael’s Memorial Celebration is Saturday, May 30, 12 noon, at St. Columba Catholic Church, 6401 San Pablo Ave., Emeryville, CA, 94608.

I never knew El Hajj Malik Shabazz, so when I saw Michael perform his speech, “Ballots or Bullets,” the first time in the James Moore Theatre at the Oakland Museum, I was mesmerized. I knew it wasn’t MX but certainly in front of me was a man who’d channeled his energy and brought him to life. Michael later performed this piece again at an event at West Oakland Branch Library I hosted honoring Malcolm X.

Imam Abu Qadir El Amin spoke about El Hajj Malik the Muslim and Robert Henry Johnson performed “Creation,” a poem written by James Weldon Johnson. I’d seen RHJ at Black Choreographers Moving Towards the 21st Century, and he agreed to perform at our community celebration of this wonderful man’s life.

Michael Lange and a friend pose at the reception leading into Black Media Appreciation Night on Sept. 13, 2014. – Photo: Malaika Kambon
Michael Lange and a friend pose at the reception leading into Black Media Appreciation Night on Sept. 13, 2014. – Photo: Malaika Kambon

I don’t know if I knew Michael’s day job was running the City of Oakland’s Feather River Camp then. However, when I was hired one summer to teacher a writing class – California Gold Rush History – his office was a great place to hang out. Slim’s guitar and boots were near the door and as a staff and camper that first summer, I was treated to the talent night where Michael as Slim emceed and performed.

I went to Feather River Camp a few more times over the years with my granddaughter and nieces for camp cleanups and Family Camp. Even after the City of Oakland no longer ran it, Slim would still come up and perform and teach music workshops.

Michael was so generous. His was a life completely devoted to service. I loved the way he took care of his mother too. Theirs was an example of reciprocity, teamwork and loving kindness.

He and I also sat on the board for the Northern California Center for African American History and Life, the trustees of the archives that the African American Museum and Library, Oakland, houses. Michael was the president. He served until he had a heart attack – his body’s message to him to slow it down.

He listened and devoted himself full throttle to art. He directed films and plays. In fact, when he died, a play going up at the Black Rep was in rehearsal. He was also working on a film. Michael led a really full life.
Jerri and Michael Lange stand in front of Jerri’s portrait in the renowned Alice Street Mural in downtown Oakland. Journalist Jerri Lange, 90, mother of thespians Michael and Ted Lange, was one of the Bay Area’s first African-American women radio and TV personalities and also a professor at San Francisco State University.
Jerri and Michael Lange stand in front of Jerri’s portrait in the renowned Alice Street Mural in downtown Oakland. Journalist Jerri Lange, 90, mother of thespians Michael and Ted Lange, was one of the Bay Area’s first African-American women radio and TV personalities and also a professor at San Francisco State University.

I think his portrayal of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in America’s “The Expulsion of Malcolm X,” which he also directed, was brilliant, as was his stunning performance of William Grimes, a fugitive slave who wrote about the tyranny of captivity and published the book too (1825) in Regina E. Mason’s play based on her great-great-great grandfather’s life.

Yearly at the Oakland Ensemble Theatre, I would look forward to the seasonal productions of Jeff Stetson’s “The Meeting,” which Michael, as Malcolm X, would perform opposite James Brooks as Martin King.

For a while Michael and Lonnie Elder had a theatre in Oakland called the Bay Area Repertory Theater, where they produced original work and classics. One of the pieces mounted was Michael’s “Prophet Nat,” a musical docu-drama that explores the life of enslaved prophet Nat Turner, who led the first successful rebellion of enslaved Africans in Virginia in 1831. As a storyteller and singer, Michael has penned over 40 songs whose lyrics convey a story of hope at a time when today’s world is at the crossroads between freedom and oppression. It was a really wonderful production.

James Brooks and Michael Lange perform a staged reading of Frederick Douglass’ “What to the American Slave is the Fourth of July” on July 3, 2007. – Photo: Wanda Sabir
James Brooks and Michael Lange perform a staged reading of Frederick Douglass’ “What to the American Slave is the Fourth of July” on July 3, 2007. – Photo: Wanda Sabir

When the Oakland Public Conservatory was on Franklin, their Alternative July 4 event featured Michael and James Brooks performing a staged reading of Frederick Douglass’ “What to the American Slave is the Fourth of July.”

For a while Michael managed what was then the Alice Arts Center. There he and Edsel Matthews, founder of Koncepts Cultural Gallery, would have great conversations. At his farewell salute the evening he made his exit, ideas flowed unabated as people thought about Michael’s life and his legacy – the Michael Lange Foundation, a street named after him were just a few ideas contemplated.

Chicago recording of Marvin X reading with poet Kazembe and musicians, May 23, 2015

Chicago musicians and poet Kazembe accompanying BAM Master in recording studio: left to right Marvin X, Eliel Sherman Storey, sax, David Boykin, sax, Tony Carpenter, percussion, Lasana Kazembe, poet
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2 June, 2015

Berkeley Juneteenth, Sunday, June 21, 2015

Catch Marvin X at Berkeley Juneteenth!