Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mythology of Pussy and Dick

Marvin X 

Warning: Contains explicit language
And youth who otherwise don't read, do read this book and even squabble over ownership, as if it were black gold!—Paradise
We are fortunate to witness such openness and honesty, though it makes the smug uncomfortable in their fake comforts…—Lil Joe
Mythology of Pussy and Dick is a compilation of everything Marvin X has written over the past 40 years on psychosocial sexuality in America and the world. There are those who will miss this opportunity to receive wisdom from our brother because of the language he uses to describe the male and female anatomy, his perceived objectification of women and men….—Delores Nochi
By Marvin X

After a life of failed relationships, I am now an authority on how to fuck shit up. But I also learned how to keep peace in the house by speaking the language of love and receiving it from my beloved. Call it the tone test, if you will, but the language of love will go a long way toward healthy male/female relations or any human relations. 

My mother told me I didn’t need a wife but a maid, secretary, and mistress. In the fourth quarter of my life, I must admit and confess I think Mom was right. After someone read my essay "Creativity and Sexuality," they said we must keep a balance.

And this is true except for those like myself who manifest the addictive personality that consistently borders on the extreme, somehow missing that balance that provides the stability we need to survive and thrive in this turbulent world, now racing toward The End!

I am much like James Baldwin who said, “I had to live recklessly in order to live at all.” And it seems I am also like the Barakas who live with high drama. It is doubtful I would be able to live a life without drama, being the dramatist I am, although these days I try to stay in the no stress zone, yet drama finds me at every turn. I am fascinated with lesbians because interacting with them is so dramatic.

There is a natural dramatic tension when one desires what he can’t have! It’s a challenge, even greater than seeking a heterosexual woman, although she is fine with me, especially if she has mastered the language of love and doesn’t talk in a provocative language, i.e., don’t tell me to do shit. I don’t have to do a motherfucking thang!

As the Maid, the Ho, the Cook (see story inside) taught me, if you ask me right, in the right tone, I will do anything and everything, but if you come at me in a dictatorial manner that expresses domination, you can’t get nothing here! Matter of fact, I’ll do the opposite, as in kiss my ass.

Today, relationships are fragile at best because people are under great stress generally: will we have a job tomorrow, a house, a mate, sanity? So we can only take things one day at a time. There is great insecurity among the people, thus relationships are enduring major stress.
Yet, we cannot get out of these human relationships because love is all there is, even living in the imagination will not suffice, ultimately, we must leave our dream state to encounter reality, and the reality is that we often connect with people with whom we know and don’t know, whom we love and don’t love, yet must love. It takes the same energy to love as to hate, same energy. My favorite song says, “The greatest thing you will ever learn is to love and be loved in return.”
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Sexuality is determined by biology and social psychology. In the socialization of humans, mythology plays a critical role in manhood and womanhood training rites. Mythology lies in the deep structure of the mental process, yet mythical notions, stories, tales, ideas, values are clearly present in the surface structure of human behavior. Ritual behavior is simply the enactment of mythology, the stories of the tribe, the values, mores, manners, morals. Myths prescribe the acceptable and the forbidden, the sacred and the profane.

Of course the Shaman often transcends tribal mythology to extend the narrative, take it to a higher level, much like a Coltrane solo, or a Miles Davis tune, connected to the past but very much into the present and future, the unknown, into the space of fear and dread, and yet it is beautiful, if we go there with Trane, Miles, Dolphy. So mythology must be fluid, dynamic. There comes a time when old myths must be discarded, thrown into the dustbin of history. And so it is with the patriarchy or myth of male domination.

In the patriarchal or male dominated society, men are taught they own women, that women are their personal property or chattel real, as opposed to real estate, i.e., land, buildings. Isn't it ironic that a people who are descendants of chattel slaves would continue in the tradition upon liberation, that they would perpetuate relationship slavery, i.e., marriage, girlfriend, boyfriend?

I don't want to own nobody and surely don't want anyone to own me. Imagine, the other day a brother said, "My pussy is at home!" We tried to tell him, first of all, he doesn't have a pussy, his woman has a pussy, so his pussy ain't at home. And imagine when he arrives home and "his pussy" is gone. When he locates "his pussy" will he be happy, sad, angry, violent, for why wasn't his pussy at home, why did it leave, or does it have the right to leave? Maybe the sister was with her friends, telling them, "Damn, ya'll, I got to go home to give that nigguh some pussy." They reply, "Girl, you ain't gotta do that, that's yo pussy, girl!"

In this atmosphere, women can be verbally, emotionally, and physically abused. They can be beaten and killed for violating the man's so-called ownership of their bodies, minds, and souls.

Clearly, there is absolutely no difference in a woman stoned to death in a Muslim society and shot to death in a Christian society because of her supposed adultery and/or infidelity. Of course, these days women are shooting the men to death for their freedom of expression or so-called sexual transgressions.

The man is more often than not afforded hero status in Muslim and Christian society for executing "honor killings" because he was disrespected by "his" woman. These days women are exercising their right to retaliate on the man for his indiscretions since marriage myths and rites suggest ownership by both parties, though man has the ultimate authority in the patriarchal society.

Women are now attending court mandated anger management classes and receiving convictions for assault and or homicide in the killing of their mates, all in the name of love. Tina asked what does love have to do with it? I ask, what kind of love is thisand if this is love I don't want it!

If we are to move toward healthy psychosocial sexuality, we must examine the myths we live by. We may discover these myths are toxic, reactionary, and detrimental to our psychosocial health. We may need to transform and radicalize these myths/rituals in the light of modernity and post modernity or the new millennium.

In the present era of spiritual consciousness, we cannot behave as cave men and women. We cannot continue rearing little cave children whose behavior befits the Stone Age, bereft of compassion, willing to kill at the drop of a hat because someone dissed them, especially their girlfriend who gave up "her pussy" to a friend or stranger.

We must jump out of the box of ignorance, jealousy, envy, religiosity, narrow mindedness, insecurity and the world of make believe. We do not own other human beings. This is called slavery by any word. Partners, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, must dispel and discard mythical notions of ownership and domination.

Our bodies are the temple of God, not the property of another. No attachments but to God! We are slaves or servants of God, Abdullah (we are all Abdullah, the servant of God). This is the attitude of radical spiritual consciousness. No one owns us but God. Our life and death are for God. We are thus free to do as we will since we exist in God and God exists in us. We are indivisible from God, thus we are God, we are Divine. Man is divine, woman is divine. We are equal beings in the temple of God and the temple of God is the universe, and all in creation is of God, by God and for God.

If you desire to surrender yourself to your beloved, this is your rite/right. In love, it is indeed all for the beloved, love is the annihilation of self for the beloved. Yes, we lose our "self" in the beloved. In my play One Day in the Life, Karima says, "I sacrificed everything for you, but you blew it buddy, I'm through with you!"

We pray you shall do the will of God in your relationships. If you don't, no one can judge you but God, especially the God in you or the self accusing spirit! Certainly, no one has the right to beat or kill you, stone you to death, shoot you in the head. Nor does anyone have the right to verbally or emotionally abuse you because of your behavior that may, from time to time, cross the line of propriety. And as per sexual transgressions, pussy and dick ain't nothing but a muscle, so why are you tripping over flesh, a muscle?

Your pussy belongs to you, your dick belongs to you and you alone. It is attached to you, not your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, husband, wife, lover, trick! Human beings are subject to do anything during the course of a day, and you are free to do so. Vows of fidelity must be thrown into the dustbin of history, along with Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the return of a dead man after two thousand years.

If you persist in your wretchedness, ignorance and world of make believe that you own someone's pussy and dick, your mental health shall suffer along with the general condition of society that is rapidly heading to the precipice as we write. The mental hospitals, prisons and jails shall remain full of those partner abusers guilty of assault and/or homicide.

We urge you to free yourself from the prison of your mind based on primitive mythological notions of ownership and domination. Indeed, love the one ya wit, but you don't own them. You can't force them to do anything.

Why can't we just get along, Rodney King asked? Why can we love and be loved in return? Why must we be ugly to each other, especially in the name of love? Why can't we love without the negativity? Why must we hurt the one we love, and yet, as Dr. Nathan Hare says, there can be no master without one willing to be the slave. Just as I cannot love you unless you allow me to love you, I cannot hurt you unless you allow me to hurt you.

Love begins with self love. If and when you don't love yourself, you cannot love someone else. You can fake the funk for a time. But if you don't know yourself, you cannot know your partner and mate. You can be with them twenty, thirty and forty years, but you don't know them. This is why couples break up after ten, twenty, thirty years together. They never knew each other, they were faking the funk, but the funk caught up with them. Yes, there was abuse because in their ignorance they first abused themselves, then abused their mate or partner simply because they never followed their own bliss or purpose as Joseph Campbell taught us. Nancy Wilson said, "I Never Been To Me!"

Indeed, life is about getting to the real you, your mission and purpose. When you cannot achieve this, in your frustration, you are bound to oppress and dominate your mate and those you love. Sadly, you have been programmed by the American or Western mythology of Christianity and Capitalism. You are thus the man and woman in the box. You may deny you are in the box, yet your very existence , and clearly your behavior with your mate is evidence you are inside the box of Christianity and Capitalism. In short, you are a slave, albeit a free slave, but a slave none the less. In turn, you desire to enslave your mate and children—Capitalism has programmed you to desire cheap trinkets, things and more things, conspicuous consumption, materialism, the world of make believe.

Yet with all your materialism, you have not followed your bliss, you are totally devoid of spiritual consciousness. You may be religious, yet your practice of religion is a desire for prosperity that would be alien to Mary's baby! You do not desire to liberate the captives, help the poor, the broken hearted, the hungry, the homeless. You are arrogant and wicked wearing your rocks, animal skins and plastic clothes. Yet you are not happy, nor is your mate. Even your children are little assholes, ungrateful bastards!

You hide the pain by medicating yourself with drugs, sex, video and internet games, religiosity and other escapism from your life of nothingness and dread.

We pray one day you shall awaken and throw off the chains on your brain, throw off the oppressive mythology of Christianity and Capitalism, or any other oppressive religion, including Islam, or any ideology that promotes pie in the sky or other worldism, escapism from facing reality with a radical agenda that is about seizing power from the blood suckers of the poor, the global bandits who promote the world of make believe.

How can you be at peace with yourself and your mate while you enjoy the benefits of a society that spends a trillion dollars per year to commit mass murder around the world to perpetuate a world of make believe, to keep people deaf, dumb and blind, consuming trinkets that send them directly to Yacoub's workers: the doctor, nurse and undertaker.

It is this mythological psychosocial order that has you drunk with thinking you must own and oppress somebody, especially those you supposedly love and cherish. Jump out of the box—free yourself, your mate and your children. Strive toward a radical spirituality that oppresses no one, but frees everyone. Love should not be slavery. Free your mind, free your mate, free humanity.
9 September 2010
*   *   *   *   *
By Delores Nochi Cooper

Mythology of Pussy and Dick is a compilation of everything Marvin X has written on  sexuality in America and the world. There are those who will miss this opportunity to receive wisdom from our brother because of the language he uses to describe the male and female anatomy, and his perceived objectification of women and men, and this is a tragedy because this information is crucial for men and women who are suffering from a psycho-linguistic crisis and inflicting actual violence upon lovers  in their male/female and partner relations including, same gender loving person relationships, and these dysfunctional interactions are witnessed by children who are the next generation of couples. They will emulate what they see elders enact. 

The same people who dare judge his choice of words, his linguistic dexterity, are guilty of lingering in the comfort of their bedrooms watching shows on big screen TVs that depict graphic details of violence perpetrated against others, especially women, yet they call it entertainment. If children learn more from what they see than what we tell them, how will they process and act upon the continued sexual chaos that is manifested in our families and society? 

The author has proven himself to be a leader and a teacher who has the best interest of the community at heart. He speaks truth with language that can be understood by the least of us and the best of us. His credentials includes brief tenure at the finest institutions in America : Fresno State University , 1969, University of California , Berkeley , 1972, Mills College , 1972, San Francisco State University , 1974, University of California , San Diego , 1975, University of Nevada , Reno , 1979.

He embraced the system and defied the system! Oriented in the Muslim tradition of polygamy or plural marriage (see his play In the Name of Love, Laney College Theater production 1981); he has conquered his own demons and  held his own with  associated intellectuals and psychopaths. In the words of James Sweeney “…Courageous and outrageous, he walked through the muck and mire of hell and came out clean as white fish and black as coal.”

We all have war stories about relationships gone bad. The difference between Marvin X and the rest of us is that Marvin X has lived what he is writing  about, survived it and is willing to talk about it, and holds nothing back, narrated in language that will grab your attention and cause you an epileptic  seizure!. 

Each story is rich with commentary which speaks to society’s attitudes about male and female relationships: rape, athletes, toxic love, crack house sex, women without men, language of love, religious persecution of women (a woman stoned); gay and lesbian youth, same sex marriage, and much more…

His parables are commentary about events in real time is ingenious. If you are a follower of his blog, then you know with each daily entry he not only provides us with happenings locally and nationally, but walks us through events from a historical and global perspective.

Marvin X has chosen to sensitize our society by using words like pussy and dick. Language is fluid and if its primary use is communication, and if through words one fails to hit the target, then what is the point? It may be that the author is before his time, and in future generations, pussy and dick will become words of endearment, not relegated to the present negative connotations. Perhaps it will become a mantra chanted over and over as a pre-sex ritual. Why not? Lord knows we could use some more effective ways to get beyond reckless abandonment.

In his essay,  "The Maid, the Ho, the Cook," Marvin X demonstrates his tender side. Lil Joe describes this story as “One of the most beautiful pieces about real love I’ve ever read. The image of "crack-heads" as scandalous and without human dignity is destroyed by Marvin’s recollection of this sister with whom he fell in love. Because the object of MX’s affection is for  a whore, but there are those, and you know who you are, who will lose the essence of this story which addresses real feelings and real interactions between a man and a woman. Perhaps, you have only loved when it was safe to do so. But all of us who have loved surely know that passion and feelings can at times be both spontaneous and unsolicited.
Is Marvin X the only courageous one among us who dares to “tell the truth and shame the devil”?
   *   *   *   *
To get your copy of
Mythology of Pussy and Dick

Marvin X is putting the finishing touches on the expanded version of his Mythology of Pussy and Dick: Toward Healthy Psychosocial Sexuality. In its pamphlet form, this is the most stolen book in history! We urge you to buy two copies, one to hide and one for your coffee table so your friends can easily steal it! Approximately 400 pages, $49.95.
Black Bird Press 
339 Lester Ave., Suite 10
Oakland CA 94606
credit card orders
*   *   *   *   *

BAM Speakers and Artists Bureau

BAM Speakers and Artists Bureau

Bruce George, co-producer
of HBO's Def Poetry Jam and founder of the Genius Project
Donald Lacy, actor, playwright, director, comedian, DJ on
KPOO Radio, San Francisco
Kujichagulia, poet, musician, dancer, ethno-musicologist
Sonia Sanchez, BAM co-founder, poet, playwright, professor
emeritus Temple University
Marvin X, BAM co-founder, poet, playwright, essayist, director, producer,
planner, educator, publisher
Prosperity Carter, poet, motivational speaker, author of the forthcoming
collection of essays How to Get Off The Shelf Collecting Dust
Theo Williams, leader, Samba Funk Band
Askia Toure, poet, scholar, BAM co-founder
Felipe Luciano, Original Last Poets, educator, activist
Dr. Nathan Hare, sociologist, clinical psychologist, father of
Black and Ethnic Studies, founder of Black Scholar Magazine,
first chair of Black Studies at  San Francisco State University
The Last Poets, co-founders of BAM, father's of rap poetry
Aries Jordan, poet, educator, BAM baby,associate editor of The Movement
Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, poet, playwright, director, producer, actress, BAMBD planner
founder of Lower Bottom Playaz, Oakland
Ras Baraka, poet, educator,  Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
Elaine Brown, former chair of the Black Panther Party, activist
Walter Riley, Civil Rights lawyer
Amina Baraka, poet, activist
Davey D, DJ, KPFA Radio, lecturer, San Francisco State University
Tarika Lewis, violinist, first female member of the Black Panther Party
Destiny Muhammad, harpist of the hood
Cornel West, author, professor, public intellectual, activist
George Walker, Creative Director, The Brothers' Network
David Murray, musician
Danny Glover, BAM co-founder, film actor, activist
Angela Davis, professor, author, activist

The Movement, Voice of the Black Arts Movement International, February, 2017

 For February Print Edition of The Movement. See Link.

The Movement - February - Print Edition

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Reverse Psychology: from Toby to Kunta

Reverse Psychology: How to get Toby back to Kunta Kinti

In my essay The Psycho-linguistic Crisis of the North American African, we discussed language usage as a primary component in the destruction of the African mind brainwashed with European language and mythology. But this psycho-linguistic transformation was carried out with the black bullwhip on the Black African's ass. It was "shock therapy" that forced Kunta Kinti to renounce his name or African identity and become the so-called Negro Toby! So how do we reverse the process to resurrect the African personality buried in the deep structure of the socalled Negro mentality, yes. that mind steeped in passivity, sloth and ignorance? Must not the whip be employed as it was in the original experiment? Well, what did Elijah Muhammad mean when he said, "We must force Black unity!"? What type of force must be employed? If it is physical force, then he meant the whip! If we sense a sado-masochism here, what was life in the American slave system?

Perhaps the era of Donald Trump will be a violent awakening on the Negro psyche and behind! Thus we should be happy the devil has arrived, especially if he forces Black unity!

Black Unity 

Monday, January 23, 2017

BAM Booking Agency signs Def Poetry Jam producer, Bruce Geogre

Open less than 24 hours, The Black Arts Movement Booking Agency has signed on notable clients, including Def Poetry Jam co-producer, Bruce George, Comedian/actor/director Donald Lacy, Felipe Luciano of the Last Poets, Sista Q of Harambee Radio and Gregory Walker of the Brother's Network.  Nikki Giovanni declined. We suspect she has an exclusive contract with Jodi Solomon Agency, but she wished us well. Nikki was the only BAM poet to send a donation for the BAM 50th anniversary celebration at Oakland's Laney College, 2015. Thank you, Sista Nikki!

HBO Def Poetry Jam's co-founder, Bruce George

Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party. Before joining the BPP, Bobby performed in Marvin X's BAM play Come Next Summer, 1965.

Black Arts Movement founders, poet/playwright Marvin X and Felipe Luciano of the Last Poets

Nefertiti Jackmon, recently assumed leadership of the Austin, Texas Black Arts and Culture District.She is seated next to her dad, Marvin X. She participated in the inter-generational discussion on BAM Babies  at
the Black Arts Movement 50th Anniversary Celebration, Laney College, Oakland, 2015. She told her father to pass the baton!

 Kujichagulia, multi-talented poet, musician, dancer, scholar. She is a member of the BAM Poet's Choir and Arkestra.

Nathan Hare, Ph.D., Ph.D., Sociologist, Clinical Psychologist, father of Black and Ethnic Studies. He was the first chairman of Black Studies on a major college campus, San Francisco State University.

TO: BAM Speakers and Artists Bureau
Attn: Marvin X
Planner, Black Arts Movement Business District
Thank you for your invitation to be listed as a speaker with the BAM Speakers and Artists Bureau.
It would be an honor -- and I should be delighted to do so. I look forward to complete any and all necessary or appropriate details and agreements to our mutual benefit and satisfaction.
Thank you,
Nathan Hare, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Gregory Walker, Creative Director of the Brother's Network

Black Bird Press News & Review: From the Archives: Marvin X--the USA's Rumi

Black Bird Press News & Review: From the Archives: Marvin X--the USA's Rumi

Invitation to join BAM Speakers/Artists Booking Agency

Invitation to be listed as a speaker and/or artist with the BAM Speakers and Artists Bureau

Dear friends, fellow scholars, artists, activists
I have tentatively listed you as a speaker/artist
with our newly formed, 2017, BAM Booking Agency. We hope you will agree to a non-exclusive contract for speaking and/or performance engagements. Our commission is 30%. If you agree, you can let us know your requested fee. If you decline to be listed with us, let us know immediately and we will remove your name. If you are not listed and would like to be, please let us know at the earliest.
Marvin X, planner
Black Arts Movement
Black Arts Movement Business District,
Oakland CA

Black Arts Movement 
Dynamic Speakers and Artists

Askia Toure, poet/activist
BAM co-founder
Dr. Nathan Hare, father of Black and Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University, Clinical Psychologist

Sonia Sanchez, poet, playwright, professor emeritus, Temple University, BAM co-founder

Alfie Politt, musician, arranger 

 Nikki Giovanni, poet, professor, BAM co-founder

Prosperity Carter, poet, motivational speaker
King Theo and the Samba Funk Band

 Eliott Bey, BAM master musician

Dr.Tony Montiero, former lecturer in Africana Studies at Temple University

Kathleen Cleaver, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, Professor of Law, Emory University

 Aries Jordan, poet, educator, BAMBD planner

 Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, poet, playwright, director,
producer, BAMBD planner

Have play will travel!
--Dr. Ayodele Nzinga

Have play will travel 
--don lacy

Umar Bin Hasan and Abiodun
The Last Poets

The Honorable Ras Baraka, Mayor of Newark NJ, son of BAM Chief Architect, Ancestor Amiri Baraka

The Black Arts Movement Poet's Choir and Arkestra

 Adam Turner, digital scientist, graphic designer, photographer

Janeael Peterson, model

Maestro Marvin X, David Murray, Earle Davis,

members of the Black Arts Movement Poet's Choir and Arkestra

Marvin X, BAM/BAMBD co-founder, poet, playwright,planner, activist, thinker
 "When you listen to Tupac Shakur, , E-40, Too Short, Master P or any other rappers out of the Bay, think of Marvin X. He laid the foundation and gave us the language to Black express Black male urban experience in a lyrical way!"--James G. Spady, Philadelphia New Observer


Saturday, January 21, 2017

For the Women, a poem by Marvin X


Black Arts Movement artist Elizabeth Catlett 

For the Women by Marvin X Women Writers Panel at Black Arts Movement 50th Anniversary Celebration, Laney College, Oakland, Feb. 7, 2015. L to R: Elaine Brown, Halifu Osumare, Judy Juanita, Portia Anderson, Kujichagulia, Aries Jordan. Standing: Marvin X, BAM producer
photo South Park Kenny Johnson

                                          For the Women

For the women who bear children
and nurture them with truth
for the women who cook and clean
behind thankless men

for the women who love so hard so true so pure
for the women with faith in God and men
for the women alone with beer and rum
for the women searching for a man at the club, college, church, party
for the women independent of men
for the women searching their souls
for the women who do drugs and freak
for the women who love only women
for the women who play and run and never show
for the women who rise in revolt in hand with men
who say never, never, never again
for the women who suffer abuse and cry for justice
for the women happy and free of maternal madness
for the women who study and write

for the women who sell their love to starving men
for the women who love to make love and be loved by men
for the women of Africa who work so hard
for the women of America who suffer the master
for the women who turn to God in prayer and patience

for the women who are mothers of children and mothers of men
for the women who suffer inflation, recession, abortion, rejection
for the women who understand the rituals of men and women
for the women who share
for the women who are greedy
for the women with power

for the women with nothing
for the women locked down
for the women down town
for the women who break horses
for the women in the fields
for the women who rob banks
for the women who kill
for the women of history
for the women of now
I salute you
A Man.
--Marvin X

Monday, January 16, 2017

How Marvin X would allocate the BAMBD Billion Dollar Trust Fund

Marvin X, the Black Arts Movement Business District co-founder and planner, suggests the BAMBD Billion Dollar Trust Fund would be allocated as follows:

$100 million for General Fund
$100 million for Five Year Plan
$200 million for mixed use rental housing (seniors, artists, workers, mentally disabled, recently incarcerated, single parents)
$100 million for mortgage loans, especially for purchase of modified SRO hotel rooms with life estate titles for the chronically homeless, thus ending homelessness overnight
$100 million for job training
$ 100 million for micro and macro loans to entrepreneurs
$100 million to establish the David Blackwell STEM Institute (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
$100 for land and real estate acquisition
$100 for reentry assistance to displaced former residents of Oakla

Notes on the Marvin X Tour of San Francisco on MLK, Jr. Holiday, 2017

After attending San Francisco's MLK, Jr. celebration at the Yebra Buena Arts Center, Marvin X gave a group of people a tour of San Francisco, beginning at Fisherman's Wharf. He noted that tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry in San Francisco, the most beautiful city in the world! Yet the only Black representation at Fisherman'se Wharf are brothers performing as robots covered in silver spray paint! "When I used to hustle here as a dope fiend in the 80s and 90s (true I used to make $400.00 per day selling the homeless paper at $20.00 per donation, and true the young brothers used to make $200.00 to $300.00 per day) but this doesn't compare to the billions other ethnic groups (Italian, Asian, Latino, et al.) make.

His tour then went to North Beach with its plethora of Italian restaurants. He recalled how he grew up in West Oakland with its plethora of Black owned businesses. He noted the history of the North Beach literary tradition with the Beatniks. He dropped his tour persons at City Lights Bookstore, after telling them it was the most important bookstore in the world. As per Black people, Marcus Books has that honor despite their Negrocities (Amiri Baraka term). 

He informed his tourists they would be leaving North Beach to enter China town, noting Stockton Street is the main street. As he drove down Stockton Street, he told her passengers to look at the bustling economic activity with stores packed with customers even unto the street. One passenger noted a Walgreen's but Marvin told her, "Yes, it's a Walgreen's but it's a Chinese Walgreen's! Another passenger noted the banks such as Wells Fargo. Again, Marvin X said, yes, but it's a Chinese Wells Fargo.

He departed Chinatown through the Stockton Street tunnel to arrive at the apex of SF's commercial shopping center, Union Square. He informed the passengers he used to control street vendors in Union Square like Malcolm X used to control Harlem. "At one point I had fifty mostly white vendors working under my non-profit papers in Union Square, making thousands of dollars per day. When the SFPD would demand their papers and the officers saw they were my papers, the SFPD officers would turn beet red in disgust that a "Nigger" had this much power in Union Square, as they said about Malcolm controlling Harlem, "That's too much power for a Nigguh." So the SFPD busted me on a daily basis at my own stand at Market and Powell, at the Cable Car turnaround. They came daily to harass me under the color of law but no lawyer would take on the SFPD. Their attorney, Laeewrence Wilson, told us in the recess of a court hearing, "If you beat us in court, we will go to the Board of Supervisors and change the rules," which he did, then later was busted for selling drugs out of his house, yes, the chief attorney of the SFPD, then died of AIDES after doing time in Vacaville State Prison!

I told my riders as we made a one block departure from North Beach to Chinatown, we were now making a one block move from Union Square to the infamous Tenderloin, San Francisco's multi-cultural ghetto of workers, dope fiends, sexual deviants and mentally ill, along with dealers, prostitutes, pimps and ho's from throughout the Bay Area.

I drove them by my beloved Glide Church and showed them the 16 Story building Cecil Williams got in a benefits package for the adjacent construction of the Hilton Hotel.

In spite of the TL's derogation, it has been the most successful district in resisting gentrification. Why, because the TL's non-profit organizations are unified, unlike the Fillmore, Hunters Point and Lakeview!

As it was approaching darkness and my vision was failing, I told my tourists we would resume the tour at a later date.