Tuesday, June 27, 2017


sos. if you  appreciate our work, please send a donation to help us cover printing costs and design. to pledge a donation, call 510-200-4164. thanks, marvin x, publisher

cover issue #8 july august the movement -- donations needed urgently


.a tale of two gold brothers: tupac shakur and michael basquiat --black art matters
preface by dr. nathan hare


Marvin X, The Movement Publisher, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Movement writer Prosperity Carter

we love the movement--we support the movement--to pledge, please call 510-200-4164

afrocentricity international

Afrocentricity International condamne les actions racistes du gouvernement colombien contre le peuple africain de Buenaventura en Colombie

Continued after the jump ....

Afrocentricity International condamne les actions racistes du gouvernement colombien contre le peuple africain de Buenaventura en Colombie. L'accord historique imposé au gouvernement de la ville, le lundi 5 juin 2017, marque une page importante de notre histoire. Nous soutenons les revendications légitimes d'un peuple longtemps opprimé par les élites dirigeantes qui ont ignoré jusqu'à récemment la culture, l'histoire et la lutte de personnes dont le travail a été volé de façon brutale pour accroître la richesse des blancs dans l'industrie minière, l'industrie de la canne à sucre, et l'import-export. Buenaventura compte près de 800 000 personnes, dont près de 90% sont noirs. Cette ville est au coeur du combat pour l'égalité et la justice en Colombie. Comment une ville et un peuple qui contribuent autant à l’economie du pays  peuvent  ne pas avoir d’eau potable, d’ écoles en état de fonctionnement, des centres de santé et une université correctement financés? Il ne devrait pas être possible pour les dirigeants africains au Nigéria, en Afrique du Sud, au Ghana, en Éthiopie ou à toute autre nation africaine ou au Caucus noir du Congrès américain de permettre aux Colombiens de persécuter en toute impunité les Noirs sans interroger les autorités colombiennes.
Notre organisateur international, le Dr Molefi Kete Asante, s’est rendu à deux reprises en Colombie et est toujours revenu avec la conviction que les profondes injustices raciales observables en Colombie, qui a la troisième plus grande population noire des Amériques après le Brésil et les États-Unis, devraient faire l’objet d’une campagne de sensibilisation. Les protestations de notre peuple à Buenaventura continuent à nous pousser à agir pour la liberté, la justice et l'égalité.
Afrocentricity International pose la question suivante: «Comment les dirigeants africains américains et africains ont-ils pu ignorer la longue oppression de nos frères et sœurs en Colombie et ne rien faire?”
Nous appelons le gouvernement colombien qui a conclu un accord avec le peuple courageux et héroïque de Buenaventura, le plus grand port de la Colombie et l'une des villes les plus noires de l'Amérique du Sud, à instituer des programmes d'action positive afin d’alléger la poigne de fer de la superstructure raciste. Non seulement le government colombien a opprimé les Africains, mais il a aussi cherché à supprimer notre histoire et notre culture afin que la masse ne connaisse pas notre belle histoire. Nous affirmons donc notre total soutien aux héros de Buenaventura et appelons les Africains du monde entier à en faire de même. Nous demandons tout particulièrement aux frères et sœurs brésiliens en Amérique du Sud d’observer de près la situation en Colombie. Nous demandons en outre à tous les Africains qui parlent anglais de se pencher aussi sur ce problème. Nos chapitres et membres au Costa Rica, au Mexique et à Porto Rico devraient être attentifs aux problèmes en Colombie.
AI travaillera pour les intérêts des habitants de Buenaventura et d'autres régions, en particulier de Choco, où nos populations ont déjà trop souffert dans les plantations de canne à sucre. O Africains Tout-Puissants, levez-vous, et battez les racistes partout où ils se trouvent!

L’Unité est notre But, la Victoire est notre Destinée!

Peraat Ama Mazama, Afrocentricity International
International Organizer Molefi Kete Asante

the movement #8, july-august--a tale of two gold brothers: tupac shakur and michael basquiat--black art matters

.a tale of two gold brothers: tupac and michael basquiat --black art matters
preface by dr. nathan hare

Monday, June 26, 2017

moad presents psychedelic soul

Encounter 2: Aspirations of 1967
<p><div class="item-row-img"><img src="https://californiahistoricalsociety.org/tnew/events/images/PsychSoul-Logotype_forweb.jpg" width="150" height="49"</p>
<p> Encounter 2: Aspirations of 1967</p>

This second encounter in the Psychedelic Soul series examines the explosion of activity - cultural, social, and political - that took place in this historical moment in 1967. The many social strands of society that were being transformed and confronted could be thought of as a singular force of its own, a wave of consciousness and a sense that people collectively were creating something entirely new. The series “Psychedelic Soul” is presented by the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) and the California Historical Society.
Panel includes:
Avotcja Jiltonilro: The award winning poet and multi-instrumentalist, writer, teacher and radio host Avotcja Jiltonilro has been engaging in the music and culture of the African Diaspora since the 1960s. Avotcja and her band Modupue have opened for the likes of Betty Carter, John Handy, Susanna Baca, Rashsaan Roland Kirk, Bobi and Luis Cespedes, Michael Franti and many others. Avotcja is a proud member of DAMO (Disability Advocates Of Minorities Organization), and PEN Oakland, California Poets In The Schools. The Berkeley City Council proclaimed May 10th 2014 as Avotcja Jiltonilro Day. Her band was twice named Bay Blues Society Hall Of Fame Jazz Group Of The Year (2005 & 2010). She continues to perform and host radio shows on KPOO and KPFA radio.
Rosa Lee BrooksThe Louisiana born, Los Angeles raised Rosa Lee Brooks is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist musician and performer, who took to a young Seattle born guitarist named Jimi Hendrix in 1964, and sang on one of Jimi's first recorded tracks, the 45rpm single "My Diary" / "The U-Tee" shortly after meeting him. She has been telling her story for years and now is being universally recognized as participating in one of the key moments in Jimi's life.
Archbishop F.W. (Franzo Wayne) King (Co-founder of the St. John Coltrane Church) Archbishop King is the leader of the Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church, which has been combining music and spirituality in San Francisco since 1967. First organized after the ascension of master jazz saxophonist Coltrane in 1967, the group established itself as a place of worship, first called the Yardbird Temple, then the One Mind Temple Evolutionary Transitional Body of Christ, and finally, the Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church, where it has continued to evolve as a religious, cultural, and political force in the community. We are honored to have Archbishop King on our panel.
Moderated by Rickey Vincent, Author of Party Music and lecturer at UC Berkeley and California College of the Arts. Learn more about Rickey Vincent on his website
MoAD Members: Remember to use the Promo Code Psychedelic Soul at check out. When you on the Check Out page you will see the Promo Code box at the top right corner. Type in the code, press submit, and see your updated pricing!
About the series:

Psychedelic Soul will engage with the community over three encounters. These panel discussions examine the scope and breadth of the influence of the Summer of Love on the African American community.
The third event in the series, Encounter 3: Outcomes, will be held August 10 at 6:30PM at the Museum of African Diaspora on 680 Mission Street. To RSVP Go Here (Link to be added later)
CHS and MoAD believe in the radical reframing of the Summer of Love to ensure that it encompasses the multitude of voices involved and inherent movements that shaped it. Some are well known, others are not. Our duty is to all histories and to ensure a deep, critical examination of the Summer of Love.

Thursday, July 13, 2017 6:30PM
<p><div class="item-row-img"><img src="https://californiahistoricalsociety.org/tnew/events/images/PsychSoul-Logotype_forweb.jpg" width="150" height="49"</p>
<p> Encounter 2: Aspirations of 1967</p> 

Marvin X and The Black Arts Movement West

Marvin X, Fly to Allah, Harlem NY, 1968

Marvin X, Black Educational Theatre, 1972,
San Francisco

...In 1967 LeRoi Jones visited Karenga in Los Angeles and became an advocate of Karenga's philosophy of Kawaida. Kawaida, which produced the "Nguzo Saba" (seven principles), Kwanzaa, and an emphasis on African names, was a multifaceted, categorized activist philosophy. Jones also met Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver and worked with a number of the founding members of the Black Panthers. Additionally, Askia Touré was a visiting professor at San Francisco State and was to become a leading (and longlasting) poet as well as, arguably, the most influential poet-professor in the Black Arts movement. Playwright Ed Bullins and poet Marvin X had established Black Arts West, and Dingane Joe Goncalves had founded the Journal of Black Poetry (1966). This grouping of Ed Bullins, Dingane Joe Goncalves, LeRoi Jones, Sonia Sanchez, Askia M. Touré, and Marvin X became a major nucleus of Black Arts leadership....

Black Dialogue editors/writers: left to right: Aubrey Labrie, Marvin X, Abdul Karim, Al Young, Arthur Sheridan, Duke Williams

.The first major Black Arts literary publication was the California-based Black Dialogue (1964), edited by Arthur A. Sheridan, Abdul Karim, Edward Spriggs, Aubrey Labrie, and Marvin Jackmon (Marvin X). Black Dialogue was paralleled by Soulbook (1964), edited by Mamadou Lumumba (Kenn Freeman) and Bobb Hamilton. Oakland-based Soulbook was mainly political but included poetry in a section ironically titled "Reject Notes."

Dingane Joe Goncalves became Black Dialogue's poetry editor and, as more and more poetry poured in, he conceived of starting the Journal of Black Poetry. Founded in San Francisco, the first issue was a small magazine with mimeographed pages and a lithographed cover. Up through the summer of 1975, the Journal published nineteen issues and grew to over one hundred pages. Publishing a broad range of more than five hundred poets, its editorial policy was eclectic. Special issues were given to guest editors who included Ahmed Alhamisi, Don L. Lee (Haki R. Madhubuti), Clarence Major, Larry Neal, Marvin X, Dudley Randall, Ed Spriggs, and Askia Touré. In addition to African Americans, African, Caribbean, Asian, and other international revolutionary poets were presented....
--kalamu ya salaam

The Public Career of Marvin X by James G. Spady

30 Years of Teaching and Writing: The Public Career of Marvin X

James G. Spady

Copyright James G. Spady, 1997,
Philadelphia New Observer

Marvin X has been teaching for a long time. He has established his tenacity. As one of the founders of the Black Arts Movement (BAM), he became a teacher in an emerging field called Black Studies. Like Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Larry Neal, Askia Toure and others, Marvin X both contributed to and later taught those pivotal courses that constituted a new discipline.

For the last thirty years, this gifted poet, journalist, dramatist, oral historian (he appears to be the only participant in the Black Arts Movement that conducted intensive and extensive oral interviews with the key participants, as well as international political, cultural and educational leaders)and teacher, has established an unusual record. Marvin X has taught at the University of California at San Diego, Mills College, San Francisco State University, Fresno State University,
Laney and Merritt Colleges in Oakland, University of Nevada,Reno, and the University of California at Berkeley.

His peers were among the first to recognize his ability. The well-known African American man of the Arts and Letters, Amiri Baraka, refers to Marvin X as "one of the outstanding African writers and teachers in America. He has always been in the forefront of Pan African writing. Indeed, he is one of the founders and innovators of the new revolutionary school of African writing."

One of the best known playwrights in America is Ed Bullins. He refers to X as "one of the founders of the modern day Black theatre movement. He is a Black artist par excellence." The editor of Black Scholar magazine, Robert Chrisman, spoke of Marvin as "an extraordinary distinguished poet who has a powerful sense of meaningful drama"....

After high school (1962), Marvin enrolled in Oakland City College, aka Merritt College. There he met Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, who went on to found the Black Panther Party. It was at OCC that Marvin began to undergo a vital change. He listened intently as speaker after speaker addressed the ever-growing members of the cognoscente at Oakland City College. They, like many area colleges, benefited from the organizing and conscious-raising activities of the Afro American Association under the leadership of a young black lawyer, Donald Warden (now Khalid Abdullah Al Mansour). Marvin's early writings appeared in the Merritt College literary magazine.

Upon receiving the A.A. degree, Marvin went on to San Francisco State University, 1964. Marvin wrote a play for one of his English classes. The professor, legendary novelist John Gardner, was sufficiently impressed to carry it over to the theatre department. In the Spring of 1965, Marvin X's one-act play "Flowers for the Trashman" was produced at San Francisco State, a novel experience for an African American. It is even more exceptional in that it was his first play. (Published initially in Black Dialogue, Winter, 1966 and later in Black Fire, edited by Larry Neal and LeRoi Jones).

Marvin X soon met Philly playwright Ed Bullins, introduced to him by Art Sheridan, founding editor of Black Dialogue magazine. Ed and Marvin founded Black Arts West Thetre in the Fillmore. Black Arts West was certainly influenced by the Black Arts Movement in the East, mainly New York and Philadelphia.

The role of Amiri Baraka in shaping national Black consciousness can not be overemphasized. However, Marvin X, Hillary X, Ethna X, Duncan X (as they would become in a few months after joining the Nation of Islam, circa 1967), along with Ed Bullins and Farouk (Carl Bossiere, rip)were part of an indigenous Black Arts Movement....

Part Two: 30 Years of Teaching and Writing: The Public Career of Marvin X
by James G. Spady, Philadelphia New Observer,1997 

copyright (c) 1997 by James G. Spady

...The poetry of Marvin X is deeply rooted in the cosmological convictions of his ancestors and his community. His individual identity is inextricably linked to his communal identity. That is why it functions as a source of power and inspiration. Because he is open to the magico-realist perception or reality and has the authentic experiences of the streets, Marvin's works strike a chord. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in a recent collection, Love and War, 1995.

"Read Love and War for Ramadan!"--Dr. Mohja Kahf, University of Arkansas, Department of English and Islamic Literature 

cover art by Emory Douglas,
 Black Panther Minister of Culture

He introduces the work with these words, "Love and War is my poetic story of rediscovering self love and the internal war (Jihad) to reconquer my soul from the devil who whispers into the hearts of men, Al Qur'an. But I am also mindful of socio political conditions of my people. And this reality fills me with compassion and love, forcing me once again (now that I am clean and sober) to put on the armor of God and return to the battlefield. This collection is a signal of my return to the struggle of African American liberation after an absence of nearly a decade, caused by disillusionment and drug abuse. I return with the spirit of my friend, Huey P. Newton, rip, shaking my bones. He and I were often in the same drug territory and but for the grace of God, I chould have easily suffered a fate similar to his. I came close many times. Praise be to Allah."

"Marvin X was my teacher, many of our comrades came through his black theatre: Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Emory Douglas, George Murray and Sam Napier."
Dr. Huey P. Newton,co-founder of the Black Panther Party

...Craft is essential to Marvin X's poetry and drama. He knows the possibilities and constraints of the form. And he also knows how to expand. He credits Sun Ra with having helped him to realize the full possibilities of theatre. Marvin read his poetry in San Ra's grand musical energy field and he closely observed Sonny's skillful exploration of our Omniverse and all of its real possibilities. Was it not Sun Ra who told Marvin X that he would be teaching at U.C. Berkeley before it happened?

Marvin X and Sun Ra. Sun Ra was Marvin's mentor and artistic associate.
They performed together from coast to coast. This  pic is outside Marvin's Black Educational Theatre in San Francisco's Fillmore, 1972. Sun Ra wrote the music
for Marvin's play Take Care of Business,
the musical version of Flowers for the Trashman.

...Nearly 30 years ago, Marvin sought to teach the relationship of Islam and Black Art. In his published conversation with Amiri Baraka, he attempted to reconcile and provide voices and faces for the different expressions of Islam in the West.

As a skilled interviewer, he allows Askia Toure and Baraka's divergent views of Islam to be placed into the record. In the afterword he states, "I believe the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is at least ten years ahead of any Black group working for freedom, justice and equality in the hells of North America. The Islamic ideology, discipline and organizational structure permits the masses of our people to fully develop their self-identity, self defense and self-government."

Again, X is out front. He recognized the tremendous influence Islam had on the Black Arts Movement. He is a case study in that type of influence....

Elijah and Malcolm, major influences on Marvin XHe honors both men.

....Marvin X is credited with convincing Eldridge Cleaver to use his advance against royalties from the popular book Soul on Ice, to help set up Black House. The building became "the mecca of political, cultural activity in The Bay Area. Among artists featured were: Sonia Sanchez,Vonetta McGee, Amiri and Amina Baraka, Chicago Art Ensemble,
Avoctja, Emory Douglas, Sarah Webster Fabio, et al. Playwright Ed Bullins joined Marvin and Eldrdige at the Black House, along with Marvin's partner, Ethna X (Hurriyah Asar), and singer Willie Dale, Cleaver's buddy from San Quentin.

Eldridge Cleaver, see Marvin X's memoir, Eldridge Cleaver, My friend the Devil, 2009 Upon his release from Soledad prison, Marvin X was the first person he hooked up with. Later Marvin introduced him to Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.

....Marvin X is a teacher of primeval knowledge, a knower of both street poetry and book poetry. In fact, he combines the two in a powerful way. Each verse is a teach act, each stanza--a class. His use of alliteration, rhymes, assonance, dissonance and free rhymes indicates he has absorbed the teachings of the academy. Yet, the street consciousness lying in the cut of its content links him directly to the poets of the new idiom called Rap.

Amiri Baraka (RIP), Bobby Seale, Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, Ahi Baraka, Marvin X at his Academy of da Corner, 14th and Broadway, Oakland, Black Arts Movement Business District.

His experimental verses are wholistic, historical and yet dialogical. The dynamic complexities of the situation creates in the reader an urgent need to know more. Can we expect anything else from a good teacher?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

oakland's department of corruption

City of Oakland Poised to Give Public Land to Nonprofit that Improperly Received $710,000 in County Funds

Elaine Brown is the CEO of Oakland and the World Enterprises, and also a staff member in Supervisor Keith Carson's office. - OAKLAND AND THE WORLD ENTERPRISES, INC.
  • Oakland and the World Enterprises, Inc.
  • Elaine Brown is the CEO of Oakland and the World Enterprises, and also a staff member in Supervisor Keith Carson's office.

The Oakland City Council is scheduled to vote tonight on a deal to sell city-owned land near West Oakland's BART station to a nonprofit that improperly obtained hundreds of thousands in county tax dollars, according to the Alameda County Grand Jury. The city would sell the land for a nominal price, even though it's worth $1.4 million, in order to subsidize an affordable housing project on site.

Further complicating the deal is the fact that the nonprofit's leader sued the City of Oakland last year, alleging that councilmember Desley Brooks attacked her at a barbecue restaurant. The lawsuit is ongoing, and Brown is seeking millions in damages from the city.

The nonprofit, Oakland and the World Enterprises, was set up by former Black Panther Elaine Brown to build affordable housing and operate an urban farm in West Oakland. It also plans to build a grocery store, restaurant, fitness center, and technology center at the location.

But according to the Grand Jury, Brown's group was given $710,000 by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson at the same time Brown was a paid staff member in Carson's office. "[T]he dual role of the county employee in these transactions constituted both a failure of good governance practices by the county of Alameda and a conflict of interest," concluded the Grand Jury in their investigation, which was published yesterday.

Brown is currently listed as a staff member in charge of job creation and West Oakland constituent services on Carson's supervisor web site.

According to tax records and other documents, Brown incorporated Oakland and the World Enterprises in 2014. The organization's 2015 tax return states that she received no salary or other pay.

In 2015, the organization received $290,000 in government grants. According to the grand jury, this was money allocated to the group by Alameda County's Housing and Community Development program through the proper channels and procedures.

But according to the grand jury, the organization's invoices sent to the county seeking payment of these funds "insufficiently explained" the reasons for certain expenditures.

Then, according to the grand jury, "over the ensuing months, there were multiple communications between HCD (including a contractor retained by HCD) and [Brown] about OAW’s request for funds under the contract," which ultimately resulted in $102,527 paid to Oakland and the World on May 2, 2016.

No other funds under the county's contract with the group were dispersed.

Over the same period of time, Supervisor Carson's office used its own funds that were available under the county's Fiscal Management Reward Program, to pay Oakland and the World a total of $710,000. The largest payments were made in April 2015 (for $290,000) and March 2016 (for $300,000). These payments don't appear in any publicly available tax forms filed by the organizations.

The grand jury found that there are not sufficient oversight rules to limit the ways the supervisors can use their FMRP funds, which add up to millions each year.

There isn't a 2016 tax return available for Oakland and the World Enterprises, according to the grand jury. The Express searched for the group's 2016 tax return through Guidestar.org and the California Attorney General's Office and confirmed that a copy isn't yet available.

Furthermore, the organization's 2015 tax return doesn't explain how it spent the $290,000 grant from the county HCD program. Instead, there is a $181,733 expenditure for "other" types of "fees for services" to non-employees. The attached schedule that is supposed to detail the spending is incomplete.

On March 24, the California Attorney General's office sent Oakland and the World Enterprises a letter warning the group that it's ability to operate as a nonprofit is in jeopardy because it hasn't provided its 2014 and 2015 tax returns along with other disclosure reports.

The Oakland City Council is currently considering whether to sell the West Oakland land, located at the corner of 7th Street and Campbell Street to the nonprofit.

The proposal to sell the land cleared a council subcommittee last week with councilmembers Larry Reid, Noel Gallo, Annie Campbell Washington, and Lynette Gibson McElhaney all voting yes.

According to a city staff report, Oakland and the World Enterprises first approached the city about the land in 2014. Under the proposed deal, the nonprofit would acquire the real estate, which is worth $1.4 million, at virtually no cost. The city would also provide a $2.6 million loan for the affordable housing project.

Brown sued the City of Oakland last year claiming that she was assaulted by Councilmember Desley Brooks in the Everett and Jones restaurant in October 2015. The district attorney never pressed charges, but Brown is seeking $7 million in damages from the city and Brooks.

assata vs the black misleadership class

If You Embrace Assata, You Must Fight the Black Misleadership Class

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Donald Trump’s lynch party seeking the extradition of Assata Shakur from Cuba includes every U.S. president -- most especially Barack Obama, who doubled the bounty on her head and demanded “that a home-grown Black revolutionary and escaped political prisoner be returned to captivity.” As for the Congressional Black Caucus, there is “no chance that the CBC as a body will protest either Trump’s persecution of Shakur or his general policy on Cuba.”

If You Embrace Assata, You Must Fight the Black Misleadership Class

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

“It is truly obscene to hear Donald Trump -- and Barack Obama -- speak of Cuban political prisoners when the U.S. still holds at least 15 former Panthers.”
Donald Trump’s vicious demonization of exiled Black Panther Assata Shakur, spat out in the course of his partial reversal of his predecessor’s “opening” to Cuba, shows once again that imperialism is a system, not a face or a political party –- and that the U.S. version of imperialism is inseparable from the white settler origins of the State.
Near the end of his presidency, Barack Obama sought to ease the terms of Washington’s half-century long, self-defeating blockade of the socialist island, while simultaneously increasing U.S. regime change efforts against Cuba’s ally, the socialist government of Venezuela. But it was Obama’s FBI that, three years ago, doubled the state of New Jersey’s $1 million bounty on Shakur’s head -- an inducement to kidnap or assassination that Obama could have withdrawn with the stroke of a pen, but did not. Obama was prepared to adjust a policy that had resulted in the isolation of the U.S., rather than Cuba -- and which was opposed by major sectors of corporate America -- but would not yield an inch on Washington’s demand that a home-grown Black revolutionary and escaped political prisoner be returned to captivity.
“It was Obama’s FBI that, three years ago, doubled the state of New Jersey’s $1 million bounty on Shakur’s head.”
Assata represents the continuity of the centuries-long U.S. war against its Black population, a conflict that was taken to “a higher level,” as folks used to say, with the Black rebellions of the Sixties, the imposition of a mass Black incarceration regime, and the designation of the Black Panther Party as Public Enemy #1. Three generations and tens of millions of prisoners later, the Mass Black Incarceration State is more entrenched than ever; heavily armed, high tech-wired garrisons of cop-soldiers occupy cities that are rapidly ejecting their poor Black populations; and Assata Shakur is the only woman on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.
She was placed there by the nation’s First Black President, with “not a peep” from “a single black mayor or member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Not Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, and certainly not the presidential lap dog Al Sharpton,” as BAR managing editor Bruce Dixon wrote, in 2013.
A year later, in June of 2014 -- just two months before Michael Brown was gunned down by a Ferguson, Missouri, policeman -- four out of five Black Caucus members voted to continue massive transfers of Pentagon weapons and equipment to local police. As (white) Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, sponsor of the bill to outlaw the arms transfers, stated:
“These weapons are not being used to defeat terrorism on our streets. Where is the terrorism on our streets? Instead, these weapons are being used to arrest barbers and to terrorize the general population. In fact, one may venture to say that the weapons are often used by a majority to terrorize a minority.”
“Heavily armed, high tech-wired garrisons of cop-soldiers occupy cities that are rapidly ejecting their poor Black populations.”
Among the 80 percent of the Black Caucus that voted to continue the Pentagon-to-local-police arms pipeline, was Michael Brown’s “mis-representative” in Congress, William Lacy Clay.
A study conducted two years later, in 2016, revealed that Barack Obama had used the 1033 Pentagon transfers program to oversee “the biggest escalation in the history of the one-sided war against Black America." As we wrote:
“The value of military weapons, gear and equipment transferred to local cops did not exceed $34 million annually until 2010, the second year of the Obama administration, when it nearly tripled to more than $91 million. By 2014...Obama was sending three quarters of a billion dollars, more than $787 million a year, in battlefield weaponry to local police departments. In other words, President Obama oversaw a 24-fold (2,400%) increase in the militarization of local police between 2008 and 2014. Even with the scale-back announced in 2015, Obama still managed to transfer a $459 million arsenal to the cops -- 14 times as much weapons of terror and death than President Bush gifted to the local police at his high point year of 2008.”
By the numbers, Obama qualifies as “the biggest domestic war hawk in the history of the United States -- bigger than Bush, Clinton and all his predecessors since the genesis of the Black mass incarceration regime in the late Sixties.”
The 1033 program was enacted in 1997. A year later, the U.S. House unanimously passed a resolution requesting that Cuban leader Fidel Castro extradite Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, to the United States. Two Black California congresswomen, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters, claimed they voted for the resolution by mistake, not recognizing that Chesimard and Shakur were the same person. Waters then released a statement opposing the extradition:
“I support the right of all nations to grant political asylum to individuals fleeing political persecution. The United States grants political asylum to individuals from all over the world who successfully prove they are fleeing political persecution. Other sovereign nations have the same right, including the sovereign nation of Cuba....
“The second reason I oppose this measure, is because I respect the right of Assata Shakur to seek political asylum. Assata Shakur has maintained that she was persecuted as a result of her political beliefs and political affiliations. As a result, she left the United States and sought political asylum in Cuba, where she still resides.
“In a sad and shameful chapter of our history, during the 1960s and 1970s, many civil rights, Black Power and other politically active groups were secretly targeted by the FBI for prosecution based on their political beliefs.”
If Waters can break away from her 24-7 tirades against imaginary Russian subversion of U.S. “democracy,” she should compose a similar letter to Trump. But no such statement can yet be found on the Internet.
Obama qualifies as ‘the biggest domestic war hawk in the history of the United States.’”
In December of 2014, attorney Martin Garbus told Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman that he was sure Shakur “will not be returned. Fidel Castro, when she came there, said that she would be allowed to stay in Cuba indefinitely. I had a meeting about a month ago with five congresspeople, including Representative Barbara Lee, and they were also absolutely clear that they would oppose any attempts on the United States to succeed that would get Assata Shakur back. So, to me, it’s absolutely clear she’s not coming back.”
We have yet to hear from the five Congressional Black Caucus members in the wake of Trump’s Miami announcement in Miami, and there is no chance that the CBC as a body will protest either Trump’s persecution of Shakur or his general policy on Cuba – despite their hatred of the Orange Menace in the White House. As a Caucus, they are easy to rile against phantom Russians, but worthless -- or worse -- when it comes to opposing U.S. wars at home and abroad. The Congressional Black Caucus voted overwhelmingly in favor of Bill Clinton’s 1994 anti-crime (pro-mass Black incarceration) bill, and all but a few CBC members supported the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act with its 100-to-1 penalties for crack cocaine.
The Black Misleadership Class has proven, over the 40 years of its political hegemony in Black America, that its loyalty is to the Democratic Party and its corporate sponsors, and to the imperial system.
Shakur was more likely to reach a sympathetic ear with the Pope, whom she wrote in 1998:
“To make a long story short, I was captured in New Jersey in 1973, after being shot with both arms held in the air, and then shot again from the back. I was left on the ground to die and when I did not, I was taken to a local hospital where I was threatened, beaten and tortured. In 1977 I was convicted in a trial that can only be described as a legal lynching.
“In 1979 I was able to escape with the aid of some of my fellow comrades. I saw this as a necessary step, not only because I was innocent of the charges against me, but because I knew that in the racist legal system in the United States I would receive no justice. I was also afraid that I would be murdered in prison. I later arrived in Cuba where I am currently living in exile as a political refugee.
“The New Jersey State Police and other law enforcement officials say they want to see me brought to ‘justice.’ But I would like to know what they mean by ‘justice.’ Is torture justice? I was kept in solitary confinement for more than two years, mostly in men’s prisons. Is that justice? My lawyers were threatened with imprisonment and imprisoned. Is that justice? I was tried by an all-white jury, without even the pretext of impartiality, and then sentenced to life in prison plus 33 years. Is that justice?”
“Release of political prisoners is not visibly a high priority, even among most grassroots Black formations.”
It is correct and commendable to point out the hypocrisy of the United States, which offers a bounty on Shakur while harboring scores of real terrorists that have committed ghastly crimes against Cuba as agents of the U.S. It is truly obscene to hear Donald Trump -- and Barack Obama -- speak of Cuban political prisoners when the U.S. still holds at least 15 former Panthers, including Shakur co-defendant Sundiata Acoli, now 80 years old. (Sekou Odinga, who was charged with helping Shakur escape, spent 33 years in prison before his release in 2014.) Moreover, since the Mass Black Incarceration State was created to crush the Black Liberation Movement, it is a political weapon, conveying a political character to all of its Black prisoners. The Black Misleadership Class has been complicit in the rise of this Black Incarceration State, as recently explored in James Foreman Jr.’s book, Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America.
Many in the broad Black Lives Matter movement express great love and admiration for Assata Shakur. Yet, release of political prisoners is not visibly a high priority, even among most grassroots Black formations -- which tends to indicate that most participants don’t anticipate that they might wind up becoming long term political prisoners, themselves.
The political activist’s only real defense lies with the people for whom she risks her life and freedom. In the end, it’s all on us.
BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com.

Friday, June 23, 2017

we love afrrica, sat.,june 24, 6-11pm marvin x speaks on the black arts movement business district

This event is to honor and uplift our Black and African community. We will be showcasing the richness and diversity of the Black and African culture through food, dance, music, and fashion. We will be collaborating with Black and African businesses to help give them a platform in the community while encouraging people to purchase products and services from them. This event as a whole will unify and bring together communities who may feel that they are alone or marginalized in this era of gentrification. We will encourage standing together, standing tall, and working together to make our community flourish.

marvin x
bam/bambd co-founder