Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hapi b day, Sonia Sanchez, Queen of the Revolutionary Black Arts Movement, BAM, the most radical literary and artistic movement in American history

Sonia is my revolutionary lover, would give my life for her as I know she would do the same for me. I have no doubt about this. Our revolutionary black national liberation was/is not about money, being in the system, fame, fortune, ego, brand, none of the above stupid shit. When they closed down, i.e., defunded the Black Arts Theatre in Harlem, this was the model for the national black arts movement, then and into the now, except some don't smell the coffee. Nothing, absolutely nothing has changed since they defunded the Black Arts Theatre in Harlem. In our delusion, we think we can work with the City, State and Governmental Agencies, but why don't you smell the coffee. When they decide to defund you, they defund you and you are surprised, perplexed, thinking you were down with the political pimps in black face. Alas, doesn't Africa, the Caribbean and the US have a plethora of black politicians who are white men dipped in chocolate?

--Marvin X, Co-founder of the National Black Arts Movement and Oakland's Black Arts Movement Business District

Hapi b day, Sonia Sanchez, Queen of the Revolutionary Black Arts Movement

Hapi b day, Queen Sonia
my revolutionary comrade
poet priestess of liberation
I salute you
your freedom chants wails
calls from the wild of your mind
lifting sisterhood on high
like Harriet making brothers stand tall
no kneeling shuffles passive actions
going nowhere
you are still here my dear
calling us to freedom
dancing into the upper room
qualified to be there
let your words confound the fools
let the wise rejoice the love you shared
coast to coast
black arts
black studies
black life
--Marvin X


Marvin X visited his long-time friend and revolutionary comrade earlier this year during his east coast book tour sponsored by Duke University Professor Ellen McLarney, Chair of the Islamic Studies Department. She is writing a book on the Black Arts Movement Poets inspired by Islam, with chapters on Amiri Baraka, Yusef Iman, Askia Muhammad Toure, Umar Ben Hasan of the Last Poets, Sonia Sanchez, Marvin X, et al.

L to R: Mrs. Amina Baraka, Sonia Sanchez, Marvin X, Amiri Baraka, New York Riverside Church, Memorial for Dr. Betty Shabazz
photo Risasi

Let me share a story of black poets. No, change my mind. Ok, well, if truth be told, one night at the Baraka's house in Newark, we were drunk, Amiri, Amina and myself, not Sonia, and were playing poker. The next morning Sonia informed me, "Marvin, that was not poker you were playing last night. I don't know what that was." Of course as. drunk you don't remember shit. But I do remember we decided to do a reading and I told Sonia I wanted to read, with her, her dramatic dialogue poem. She agreed to read her poem for male and female characters, but when I began reading the male lines, she went over to the piano that the Baraka's had bought for Nina Simone when she briefly lived with them, and began playing some avant-garde shit. She was avoiding reading with me, so I read both parts since I am a dramatist, yes, in the house with dramatists (Amina, Amiri, Sonia and myself). Sonia continued accompanying me on the piano so I continued reading both parts of the poem dealing with painful male/female relationships. I sensed the poem was too traumatic for her but was therapeutic for her to play the piano. The poem is in her collection Wounded in the House of a Friend. My review of the book is in my forthcoming Mythology of Pussy and Dick.
--Marvin X

Sunday, September 6, 2020

 Let killers kill

no matter pain
how many Russians killed stopping Nazis
Allies say they won the war did 30 million Allies die
who won world war II
Who won korea
never ending war into now
Vietnam who won?
McNamara told you we didn't win couldn't win
Is Iraq liberated
you organized Isis destroyed Isis
you and your axis of evil
House of Saud House of Zionism
House of White
Globalism has no sides no right no wrong
money no matter
can't lose when bet on both sides
Fake news blues
you gave Iran  billions of their money
why you lie like you did favor
you gave them money owed
no favor you tell
pay you no attention
don't listen to white lies
mixed with Globalist China Russian poison
mixed with Silicon Valley lies
high tech lies
data lies
logarithm lies
transcending white supremacist lies
but lies none the less
except in your mind
virus mind'
vaccine cured mind
but no vaccine can cure your white supremacist virus
full blown
beyond recovery
social distance no suffice
antibodies no suffice
constitutional irreparable 
recovery not possible
short term long term 
no matter
you beyond repair
ask yourself
do you desire change
domination only
money is not the matter
capitalism no matter
socialism no matter
the matter is beyond money
the 1% got all the money
what more
with children
wit yo mama daddy
fuck a tree
leave us be
but you got can't help its
like killers kill
get a nut
how many Isis did you kill in Iraq
how many children in Yemen 
twenty years for naught
trillions for naught
dead bodies for naught
and this is human
keep russians out
india out
iran out
china out
usa stay
usa stay
--Marvin X

Oaktown Philosophers in da hood

Left to right: Kokavulu Lumukanda and Marvin X

"Lumukanda is the only intellectual in the Bay Area!"--Paul Cobb, Publisher, Post News Group. 

"Marvin X is Plato teaching on the streets of Oakland."--Ishmael Reed, Emeritus Lecturer, UC Berkeley, MacArthur Genius Awardee

"Marvin X is the African Socrates teaching in the hood!"--Dr. Cornel West, Harvard University, #4 of the 50th Greatest Minds in the World, 2020 

Comment  by Marvin X

Don't discount the remarks of Paul Cobb. Without a doubt, Lumukanda is one of the great grassroots Intellectuals in the Bay Area, after all, he operated several book stores in downtown Oakland. For sure, he is equal to another book store owner, Dr Raye Richardson of Marcus Garvey Books. She was declared The Mother of Black Studies. Shall we declare Lumukanda the Father of Black Studies in the Hood, since he was never a part of black academia, alas, nor was J.A. Rogers, our greatest Black historian, quoted by WEB Dubois and Elijah Muhammad, among others. Don't discount our great grassroots Intellectuals! I will put J.A. Rogers against any Western trained African/Negropean histriographer. Name them:

Cheikh Anta Diop
Chancellor Williams
Dr. Ben
Dr. Clarke
WEB Dubois, love his The World and Africa, wherein he quoted Rogers.
George M James, Stolen Legacy

As per myself, I am saddened by the fact that non black and white scholars, i.e., Asian and Arab, have found the interest to deconstruct me.
1. Bob Holman, a Jew, I presume, put me in the center of Persian literature when he called me the USA'S Rumi, Saadi, Hafiz. This is the greatest honor of my life as a writer. Do you think it matters to me that I am not recognized in European and Negropean/African literature? But what writer writes to be recognized by anyone? I write to write, not to be famous or commercial. More than likely, if I didn't write I would be a killer, mass killer, and 50% of my victims would be white, the other 50% black. Ask the Mau Mau! Ask Harriet Tubman, i.e., she had to put a gun upside the head of slaves who didn't want to be free. What did she say, "I could have freed more slaves if they had known they were slaves!" Alas, in 2020 one must fight with the neo-slave to free him/her from neo-slavery.\

2. Dr. Mohja Khaf, Syrian poet declared The Black Arts Movement poets the founders of the genre Muslim American literature, no matter they were/are not Sunni, Shia or profess their original sectarian version of Islam as all Muslims do, see Senegal and their Saint Bamba! Touba, the African Holy City is as sacred as Mecca to African Muslims. 
3. Dr Ellen McLarney, Duke University. We await her book on the Black Arts Movement poets and the genre of Muslim American literature.
4.  We must credit our dearly departed Critic James G Spady for the most intense deconstruction of my writing and radical activist career. See his essays on Marvin X.
5. Also, althout it has nothing to do with me except in the long history of African Muslim American history, as per black history in Arabia, after Rogers World's Great Men of Color, et al, critical reading is Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire by Drusilla Dunjee Houston.
6. Of course we cannot neglect From Babylon to Timbuktu.

7. Again, as per Marvin X, see Critic Lorenzo Thomas, RIP, for attempting to put me in the Islamic tradition. Please note, I have not tried to be in any tradition. At the Malcolm X Jazz Festival in Oakland, I was introduced by a hip hop poet as one who called myself Rumi. Por favor, I have never called myself Rumi, Hafiz, Saadi, Plato, Socrates or anyone but myself, i.e., a nigga in da alley with the machete with blood shot eyes drinking rot gut wine. Now deconstruct this shit, por favor!

Comment from our Great Historian John Bracey

Greetings Marvin and friends,

Hope that all is as well as possible in your parts of the world.

I would add to your list St.Clair Drake's magnificent 2 volume Black Folk Here and There. The first volume contains
one of the few efforts to analyze and incorporate the insights of the scholars you mentioned into  debates that too often
take place as if they had never written a word. Drake's work is so unique in method and scope that few academics have figured
out how to teach it.

      I had the privilege of  experiencing first hand the talents of most of the scholars you mentioned who were alive in my time. Chancellor Williams taught the Intro to Sociology course in the Howard U. Honors Program. He published two books on the politics and culture of  contemporary Africa in the 1950's before the wave of newly independent states. He gave me signed copies of each in the hope that Africa would soon get the attention it deserved. The Destruction of Black Civilization solved that problem.

I have a picture of Chancellor and Nana Nketsia in my living room a decade later. I had invited Chancellor and Nana to lunch on the occasion of Chancellor giving a lecture at Amherst College. Chancellor, along with St Clair Drake and Lorenzo Turner, my favorite
teachers at Roosevelt University, were most generous, in and out of the classroom, in sharing their knowledge of Africa.

Dr. Clarke and Dr. Ben were delights to be in the presence of. I could ask one question then sit back and listen to their hour long answer. I once persuaded Dr. Clarke and Harold Cruse to share a panel on Cruse's Plural But Equal at a meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. They both promised me that they would behave and act scholarly in front of the younger folk. That lasted all of five minutes when Dr. Clarke opened up with a blistering attack on Cruse's book, politics and personal life. Harold fought back and it was intellectual pandemonium for an hour and a half. I passed on Cruse's request for a "rematch" since he felt he had been ambushed by Dr. Clarke.

In 1956 my mother dragged me to a lecture by Dr. DuBois at Rankin Chapel at Howard U. I was fifteen years old and Friday night was party night.

I grew up on a campus surrounded by many of the nation's leading artists and  thinkers, e.g., E.Franklin Frazier, John Hope Franklin, Sterling Brown, Frank Snowden, Dorothy Porter, Merze Tate, Margaret Just Butcher, Lois Malliou Jones, James Porter. My sister and I had been going to lectures and other events since elementary school.

Though almost 90 years old,  Du Bois was different. On the way home I asked my mother had he written anything she thought I should read. She said try The Souls of Black Folk. I read it in one evening and never looked back. I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

Bear with me for going on so long. Your email stirred up a lot of fond memories.

      Stay safe and well.

     John Bracey

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Racist Margaret Sanger

 day, August 28, 2020

Planned Parenthood Confesses That Margaret Sanger Was a Racist

By Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr.

Margaret Sanger

Nationwide — The Rev Dr. Martin Luther King once stated, “The negro cannot win if they choose to sacrifice their children for immediate comfort and safety.” Margaret Sanger once stated, “It shows us that we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.” The Rev Dr. King stated, “The early Church put an end to such evils as gladiator contest and infanticide.” Margaret Sanger stated, “The most merciful thing a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” We have allowed the foundations to be removed and we have forgotten the dream but “truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”

Well, it’s taken some time but with the current racial climate and a lawsuit pending from their own minority employees charging Planned Parenthood with systemic racism and bigotry, the NYC Chapter of Planned Parenthood has finally confessed what we have known for decades – Margaret Sanger was a racist. It should not have been so hard to come to that conclusion with documented collaboration with Adolf Hitlers Third Reich and a letter of commendation from the Furor himself thanking her for her tutelage. Yes, I said tutelage. Margaret Sanger tutored the most renowned racist regime known to modern man. Confession should have come easy and long ago.

Karen Seltzer, the chair of New York said in a statement, “The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” said Karen Seltzer, Board Chair at PPGNY. “Margaret Sanger’s concerns and advocacy for reproductive health have been clearly documented, but so too has her racist legacy. There is overwhelming evidence for Sanger’s deep belief in eugenic ideology, which runs completely counter to our values at PPGNY. Removing her name is an important step toward representing who we are as an organization and who we serve.”

It was just a few years ago they were giving out the Margaret Sanger award and now they say she is completely counter to our values at Planned Parenthood??? Planned Parenthood has never stopped being Planned Parenthood since its inception. The Birth Control League changed its name to Planned Parenthood in 1945 when the heat was on globally concerning eugenics due to the exposure of the horrific deeds of the Third Reich. Planned Parenthood never stopped practicing the targeting of African Americans and minorities for sterilization and abortion. As Margaret Sanger stated, “Colored People are human weeds and they need to be exterminated” The deliberate placement of their clinics in African American neighborhoods has never ceased since the first one in Brooklyn in 1916. The targeting of minorities was undeniable, but they managed to continue unscathed because of a dishonest media and white elitist influence over Black leadership.

Jessie Jackson once said “abortion is Black genocide. What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation that can abort a baby without a pang of conscience? Where will we be 20 years from today?” I guess that the real question was “Where would you be?” It would appear your moral fabric has been torn to shreds like the babies in the womb you and other African American leaders betrayed. You also betrayed your mentor the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King who taught you that “Infanticide was evil.”

Black Lives Matters without question will denounce Margaret Sanger as a racist. I am sure Black Lives Matter will undoubtedly break off all collaboration with Planned Parenthood. Black Lives Matters will now make sure that all statues and bust (The Smithsonian Portrait Gallery in Washington DC) and street signs will be removed bearing Margaret Sanger’s name.

I am also sure that Black Lives Matter will demand that Hillary Clinton and Nancy Polosi return the Margaret Sanger Award immediately since it has been admitted through careful research of Margaret Sanger’s history the documented bigotry and racism! Its what we would expect from Black Lives Matter, right?

I am also sure that no African American elected official will no longer speak at fundraisers bearing the name Planned Parenthood. We must now all be conscious that the leading killer of African Americans is abortion and its chief facilitator is Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood was founded on the principles of eugenics. “More of the fit less of the unfit” Unfortunately by their own admission they deemed people of color unfit just because of their color. Thus to date over 21 million African Americans have been killed by abortion since 1973. 52% of all African American pregnancies end in Abortion. An African-American woman is 5 times more likely to abort than their Caucasian counterpart. Yes, it’s a sociological fact: ”The Most Dangerous Place For An African American to Be Is In The Womb of Their African American Mother.” “Where Do We Go From Here?”

Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. is the founder of BlackGenocide.org – a movement designed to reach the Afro-American community with the truth about abortion.


Rev Clenard H. Childress Jr

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Birthday Love Poem for Hurriyah Asar (Ethna X), Queen of the West Coast Black Arts/Liberation Movement, 75

 Birthday Love Poem for Hurriyah Asar (Ethna X) 75

Hurriyah Asar (Ethna X), on her land, Beaufort, South Carolina, tending to her fowl: chickens,
turkeys, ducks, doves, etc., feeding and healing them all; fighting off predators, i.e., snakes,
coons, hawks, gators, etc.

Cerca 1965, San Francisco:Hurriyah Asar, aka Ethna X Wyatt of Chicago, at Black Arts West Theatre, associated with co-founders: Marvin X, Hillary X Broadous, Duncan X Barber, Ed Bullins, Carl Bossiere, Danny Glover, Vonetta McGee, et al., including musicians Donald Rafael Garrett, Dewey Redman, Oliver Johnson, BJ, Monte Waters (Big Band), et al. 
photo from Black Dialogue Magazine, Fox Section.

Left to Right: Nisa Ra (former wife of Marvin X and mother of their daughter Muhammida El Muhajir), Sister Zoharah (a disciple of His Holiness Guru Bawa), Marvin X and Hurriyah Asar, Houston Hall, University of Penn, Philly PA, Black Love Lives Conference, produced by Nisa Ra and Muhammida El Muhajir.

Birthday Love Poem for Hurriyah Asar, aka, Ethna X, 75

Wow, men slow or what

1965 til’ 2020

can’t remember your b day September 2

Glad we talked September 1 2020

praise be Most High we talk

but want low down dirty truth?

too many Virgo lovers

Some virgo lovers same b day


Which way is up, Richard Pryor said!

Hurriyah lover like no other

sweet love

Yr 21 b day love


hot fillmore

Page street love


full of cum

revolutionary love

black revolutionary nationalist love

fire bomb love

destroy america love

attack white/black lovers on bus

no respect black/white love

integration love dead

you march on Washington love

Me west coast Malcolm X black love


we shall overcome

Malcolm X black love

7, 000 students

UC Sproul Hall '64

black to bone

summer of love

black love lives summer love

haight street summer love

no love

Vietnam no love

Viet Cong no call me nigger love

hurriyah friend say come over

meet somebody

fbi nigga say

what you want

what you need


guns what

fbi nigga

fuck you bitch

leave house


nigga slow or what

you slow too

confused east coast lover

married him

soon ran to me

Toronto, Canada


no vietnam

fuck vietnam

Viet Cong never call me nigger

met with Vietnam National Liberation Front in Toronto

brothers in liberation

adultery sweet

'cept money funny

can't pay pussy bill

oh well

rented room from Salome Bey (Sister singer Andy Bey)

Hurriyah soon gone

home to Chicago

no money no honey

can't pay pussy bill

get real

Hurriyah wrote from Chicago

Sent poet Don L. Lee book

Think Black

Hurriyah say

come to Chicago

Sun Ra taught

Don't follow a woman

but I did

underground to Detroit

then Chitown

hawk winter

after Canada fuck a hawk

After Ottawa and Montreal

fuck a hawk

Lake Michigan hawk ain't shit

said to self

"If all these Chicago niggas can deal with hawk

so can I

Cottage Grove hawk

Loop hawk

Northside hawk

57th Kimbark hawk

Blackstone Ranger turf hawk

Chicago Defender dead nigga daily hawk

rats big as cats hawk

love Chicago crew

Don L Lee

Gwen Brooks

Carolyn Rogers

Hoyt Fuller

Art Ensemble (Came to Black House, San Francisco, 1967)

Muhammad Speaks

Richard Durham

Herbert Muhammad

Jilted my love more than once

sick crazy me

my love juices sweeter than wine

drink love all night long

eat her love food

love juice pours from her body

you are what you eat

I eat her love twice daily

Cayenne hot

ginger sweet


healing love

mint rising in the night love

I am drunk on my love


niggas say sprung

my lover hates nigga word

but I Cali nigga

don't mean same as midwest, dirty south nigga

Hurriyah hate bitch most of all

but when kids out of control

she say bitch!

Fought co-wives over bitch

This my night bitch

12 midnight my time starts

Hurriyah’s love

Beyond kiss touch stroke 

beyond honey bees in hives


No matter

Adultery, fornication

in exile

Polygamy too

back in Babylon USA

She had her lovers too

ain’t no thang

When king busy

queens too

Better ax somebody

named you freedom


Free woman


Land owning woman

I came to your island land

Writing each day as tide came in

Interrupted by tasks you demanded

Clean chicken coop

Gather feed ducks

landing from North, South America

loved watching

You nurse sick baby chicks

mother back to life

Earth Mother working

Ethna X

African Market Woman Supreme

Bay Area loves you

Dominated Berkeley Flea Market

General Store Model copied by all

you long gone





I write in peace

as tide comes in and out

heaven land

peace day night

no matter mosquitoes

no matter them "can't see" motherfuckers

Oh love Hurriyah

San Francisco Summer of Love

Weed lovers

LSD lovers

Black Nationalist

Black Arts West Theatre Fillmore Street lovers

South Carolina now

cherish memories

warriors gone and forgotten

Remember Eldridge Cleaver

Bunchy Carter

Ron Karenga


Amina and Amiri

Amina never forgets what you told woman at door of Black House when she said she was European and Native American.

Amina said you told her, "Native American can come in, the European got to go!"

Remember when I took Eldridge to meet Bobby Seale

to get him out of our hair

though he was paying Black House rent from

Soul on Ice advance royalties


Lil' Bobby Hutton came with message from Supreme Commander Huey

I told Lil' Bobby, "Fuck da Supreme Commander!"

Lil' Bobby said, "We go deal wit you dude!"

Panthers clicked automatic weapons outside our room all night long


click click click

click click click

45 automatic

click click click


click click click

click click click

we didn't give a fk

just like Panthers

we fearless crazy too

didn't give a fuck.

we survived

praise be to allah

Across from our room

Eldridge and BPP

plotted invasion of Sacramento

changed history

Negroes with Guns

Robert and Mabel Williams style

better ax somebody


In Gullahland

predators come for your fowl

Chickens ducks turkeys pigeons doves

Snakes wiggle coops

Coons fearless fight your dogs

your door open

coons march in

Devour dog food/chicken feed

door open

Rooster/ hen come inside

hen lay eggs on couch

Rooster guard door

pimp in da hood

you come to my room

Disturb me with love talk


woman satisfaction

Seduce me

coy woman game

leave computer for your love

Eternal love

Not friend with perks

friend for life

When all lovers gone

Mine as well

may we call upon each other

for final kiss hug embrace.

Hapi b day

Queen of Black Arts and Liberation!

--Marvin X
