Saturday, October 17, 2020

El Muhajir, The Migrant

 El Muhajir/The Migrant

Marvin X at Ocean Beach, San Francisco

photo Adam Turner

My Arabic name El Muhajir means the migrant or one who travels, i.e., the pilgrim. Mama said I spent all my money on traveling and books, and you know Mama is right. But according to the great historian Chancellor Williams, migrantion is a Kemetic tradition, especially from ancient Kemit and other lands, yes, we were forced to flee over succession rights to the throne and other political intrigues,  grazing rights, and ecological factors such as famine and drought. (See Destruction of African Civilization, Chancellor Williams) Then Diop's Cultural Unity of Africa made the case through linguistics and cultural anthropology that the people of Kemit and West Africa are the same people. And then came the forced migration (kidnapping) of the Triangular Trade, after a few centuries we were supposedly emancipated only to suffer another Great Migration from the US South to the North, escaping virtual slavery, neo-feudalism only to suffer wage slavery in the North. Alas, from country blues to urban blues, but blues none the less. In the trauma and terror of multiple migrations, we suffered amnesia that wasn't amnesia because amnesia implies we forgot, but as we know any victim of violent trauma cannot remember the critical source of their trauma. Who hit me in the head? I don't know. The blunt trauma caused a mental paralysis. In our trauma we forgot we played the blues ten thousand years ago as the Malian musician Ali Farka had to remind us when he played with B.B. King and the Rolling Stone. "I don't know what you are talking about the blues because my people have been playing this music for ten thousand years!" (See papers from the Black Muslim Atlantic Conference, Duke University, January 2020)

The migration continues with Blaxit, i.e., Black Americans returning to Africa, among the leaders of Blaxit is my daughter Muhammida El Muhajir, who resides in Accra, Ghana. Throughout North American African history, we think of migration when our geo-political situation becomes overwhelming and we see no way out except all the way out the door of Americana, yes, back through the Door of No Return.

Today there is a global migration crisis, again, caused by political/economic despair, even religious dogmatism, and tribalism. Imagine, the European colonialists never thought the children of the colonized would one day appear at the borders of the colonial Mother countries seeking entrance by the millions. Alas, the colonialists did not and do not truly believe what goes around comes around!

There cannot be systemic racism, the totality of our institutional life cannot be permeated with the toxic residue of our racist white supremacy. After all, we came to civilize the aboriginals, to teach them that Jesus Christ died for their sins of savagery and lack of civility.
From their many gods, we narrowed it down to three, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, wasn't this progress? In our white arrogance, it is not possible that we lost our way and became savages ourselves or were savages all the time. We told the natives to cover themselves, to hide their shame, yet it was not long before we went naked through the streets, night clubs, bars, and concerts. We paraded ourselves as whores on TV, film and social media. We videoed ourselves displaying our genital organs for our lovers and the world to see. We became so savage even Biden in his run for president of the USA, just called for eight year old boys to castrate themselves if they feel they are females. Children are raped from church to Boy Scouts, from Catholic Church to Mosque, to Hollywood and Billionaire sex cults in the name of civility. 

So we need to migrate one more time, from the Valley of the Shadow of Death to the Upper Room, for surely we are down here on the ground in the pit of hell with devils who cannot decide to kill babies in the womb or let them grow to become cannon fodder for the military industrial technology university complex. 

Where shall we go this time, but any place is better than here.

Ya'um Hajr

We planned to leave for years

We practiced departure to the sea
far inland we traveled
Night day
Didn't matter
made ourselves invisible
Except to each other
a special dye
Only us could see us
Spooks only could see
Snitches could not see us
Devils we passed by
They looked in our eyes
special dye blinded them
We marched on to the sea
On the way we broke down
Prison gates painted inmates
with special dye
They became invisible
joined exodus
devil guns useless
We snatched their guns
Slapped them in the head
Put guns in their mouths
Kept walking to the sea
got to Atlanta
great feast we had
Thousands were feed
celebration dancing lovers met again after long separation
Children rejoiced with parents
No devils could see us
They heard us
Bata drums beat freedom
We walked on dancing in the sun
Into the night
Devil soldiers looked for us
But couldn't see us
Right in their faces
Their guns pointed east west north south to no avail
Sometimes we killed them
Just to let them know
They cannot fight the Power
On we marched
Millions of people
Invisible beautiful powerful invincible
Bata drums driving devils crazy
Can't figure out source of sound
Bata Bata Bata Bata
On to Savannah
To ships invisible
Docked ready to fly over water
Ready to take us up away from the devils
Back through the door of no return.

Monday, October 12, 2020

I Am Marcus Garvey, a monologue by Marvin X


On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 11:17 PM Marvin X Jackmon <> wrote:


I Am Marcus Garvey

I Am Marcus Garvey, A Monologue by Marvin X

 The Most Honorable Marcus Garvey

Poet, Playwright Marvin X
photo Kamau Amen Ra (RIP)

I am Marcus Garvey, Jamaican born African man. The winds of Jamaica blew my soul, body
spirit far and wide. I was a printer then took off to see the world, to unravel the riddles of the
Black man, African man, trapped deep down in the belly of the beast called colonialism.
I traveled the Americas, Costa Rica, Panamá, Honduras. I saw the suffering workers in these
lands, studied their condition and determined to free them. I went to England where I met Duse
Muhammad Ali, the Pan African who taught me One God, One Aim, One Destiny, Africa for the
Africans, those at home and those abroad. I wrote in Ali’s Oriental Times and Review, so did
Booker T. I wanted to meet Booker T so I went to the USA but Booker T. died before I could
meet him. I was heartbroken not to meet the man who wrote Up From Slavery, who founded
Tuskegee, who said do for self, you can accomplish what you will.

I wanted to know what happened to the Black man’s land, how did it become the pleasure
of Europeans, the richest continent in the world. I wanted to make the Black man independent
standing tall in his own land, not under the boot of Europeans. Africa for the Africans, those at
home and those abroad.

Where is our flag? In my disgust at the white man’s song “Everybody
got a flag cept a coon,” God blessed me with the Red, Black and Green, Red for blood of one
hundred million, Black for all African people, Green for our Motherland. Fly the Red, Black and
Green, let the ancestors know you know them, honor and respect them, the living and yet unborn.

I am Marcus Garvey. Let our African legions march, let black nurses heal the wounds of our despair,
let the African poets sing songs of freedom, let the colonialists dred the sound of our valiant voices
singing in the winds of freedom, independence and joy.

I am Marcus Garvey, let my newspaper The Negro World spread the truth of our Blackness,
African pride and glory. We shall spread the words of freedom throughout the Pan African world,
millions shall join the UNIA, United Negro Improvement Association, millions in the USA,
Caribbean, Europe and the Motherland.

No matter those who oppose us, the winds of time shall oppose them in their wickedness,
sycophants of colonialism, yes, bootlickers who think they are smart but only outsmart themselves.
Their idea of freedom is yet slavery for independence is the dream of every true man and woman.
No man is free under the yoke of another. Yet some intellectual black fools hate the idea of true
freedom. They set traps for me at every turn, in league with the FBI and other agencies around the

The devil sent Negroes to sabotage my ships The Black Star Line. Black spies infiltrated our UNIA.
The FBI began with their spies in my midst, along with  the jealous, envious Negroes who hated
Blackness. We call them Black men with white hearts. Somebody said these Negroes are white men
dipped in chocolate! In Spanish we call them coffee con leche!

I am Marcus Garvey. What was the Harlem Renaissance without me? I published all the poets in my
newspaper. It was the spirit of Blackness that made the Renaissance possible, not white patronage
that made us exotic birds of paradise.

I am Marcus Garvey. With the help of sell out Negroes, call ‘em niggas, the USA falsely charged me
with mail fraud and jailed me, then deported me. I passed away in London, never visiting Africa.
Yet today, the Red, Black and Green is the Universal African flag of liberation. Long live Black
Nationalism, long live Pan Africanism. One God, One Aim, One Destiny. Africa for Africans, those
at home and abroad. Up you mighty Race, you can accomplish what you will!
Yes, look for me in the whirlwind, look for me in the storms, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes in
diverse places. Look for me in the eyes of our children who carry the torch of freedom in the morrow
of their bones!

--Marvin X

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Marvin X Crazy Woman Blues


FYI, have you heard my Crazy Woman Blues?

Listen up:
Imagine Fillmore Slim singing this song for his friend Marvin X

I love you baby
But you just too crazy fa me
Go on back where ya came from
I'll see you when I see

Took you all round da world
You still want to act a fool
Yeah, took you all round da world
you still want to act a fool
Go on back where you came from
Need to go back ta school

I love ya baby
But ya just too crazy fa me
Go on back where ya came from
i'll see you when I see!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How did I survive the devil in my life and how shall you do the same

 How did I survive the devils in my life and how shall you do the same

Firstly, you must outthink the devil because the devil thinks he can outthink you. As the Al Qur'an says, 
"The devil planned and Allah planned but Allah is the Best Planner." So it takes knowledge to outthink the devil. He plans 24/7 so you must do the same, except you must plan even harder, Allah will give you the wisdom to outthink the devil. You are working with positive energy but the devil works with negative energy, so as long as you stay on the right path of positivity, Sirata Al Mustaqim, you cannot lose. While Sirata Al Mustaqim is the right or straight path, the devil tries to take you down the wrong path that leads to hell. Do you think you shall get to heaven following the devil, no, I know you don't think that. Well, it's possible you are not clear about the devil. You might think he's the good guy in the white hat, but you shall be deceived though you have been warned to guard against being deceived. As you are in war with the devil, you were told that to win a war one needs many advisors. Do you have such or are you fighting the devil alone while the devil has his imps, snitches, provocateurs and other block men and women to take you off track into the Sisyphusian myth ritual of never never land, never achieving your goal to conquer the mountain, i.e., arriving at the top that Martin Luther KIng Jr failed to do but told his people that they would be successful in spite of his failure and ultimate conclusion that he may have been trying to integrate his people into a burning house as we see America burning at this hour. Can blacks truly believe the black lives matter movement, though it is global, yet appears to be majority white, financed by whites globalists, capitalists and democratic party die hards in confrontation with the young turk radicals who were allowed a one minute speech at the DNC national convention. Although black have been sycophants of the Democratic Party since they morphed from Dixiecrats to so-called liberal and centrist Democrats, now challenged by democratic socialists who have been pushed into the corner of the Centrist Democratic Party machine with the nomination of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Biden appears to be no more than a worn out Democratic prop to usher in the Obama/Clinton globalist/Chinese/Silicon Valley agenda that will likely bring Kamala Harris into temporary prominence until she is whisked aside when the Democratic Socialist (Communist) agenda is advanced. Please recall the 1979 Iranian revolution when a Communist was in the lead for Prime Minister. I recall this event because I was associated with Eldridge Cleaver before/and after his return from exile. He knew the leading figure for PM and was in contact with him. But after Imam Khomeini sent his cassette tapes from Paris, Cleaver's Marxist was eventually beheaded and the Islamic revolution took control.

As per America, Democratic socialism has a long history, from the 19th century forward, and North American Africans have seen socialism as an alternative to wage slave capitalism. The 20th Century found North American Africans seeking any way out of our morass in the quagmire of capitalist  wage slavery. In the early 20th Century there were black socialists and black nationalists who often worked together in spite of ideological differences. Marcus Garvey met and worked with Socialists and Communists, Elijah Muhammad did the same, i.e., he hired Socialist/Communist editors such as Richard Durnham, John Woodford, et. al. to head the Muhammad Speaks staff. Although we know the role black radicals of every stripe, including W.EB. DuBois, et al., conspired with the FBI to destroy Garvey and his Black Nationalism, Elijah Muhammad came soon after Garvey and was successful in his black nationalist mission, though the Civil Rights Negroes countered him at every tern, but by the time Martin Luther King Jr connected with Elijah and went on to deliver his  critical Riverside Church speech against the war in Vietnam that is seldom played on his birthday, instead we hear the milk toast I Have a Dream Speech, plagiarized from his mentor Howard Thurman of Boston Theological Seminary, nevertheless it was clear MLKJR was advancing from Civil Rights (Rites, Sun Ra) to human rights as was Malcolm X, though we know it didn't matter to the devil whether to eliminate a black nationalist or a civil rights advocate, a nigger is a nigger is a nigger. And if you think your millions and billions will separate you from your poor brothers and sisters, try, as Danny Glover did, to get a taxi from Downtown to Uptown NYC. I have tried to hire a taxi from Brooklyn to Harlem in the middle of the night, a most difficult task, especially before Uber and Lyft. 

In conclusion, how shall we survive. Firstly, observe other ethnic groups, are not they thriving economically, mostly off the back of North American Africans who are consumers at the whim of any ethnic group, whether European, African, Caribbean,  Latinx, et al.
We must demand fair trade and equity: if you don't buy from North Amerian Africans, we shall not buy from you, whether European American, Jewish, African, Caribbean, Latinx, et al. Fair trade or no trade. We shall not continue being the donkey of the world, i.e., if you want to be successful, just go to the North American African ghetto and ride the Negro to success, don't buy from him but make him buy from you, send your money back home to Mexico, Jamaica, Senegal, Nigeria, etc., meanwhile North American Africans suffer gentrification better known as Ethnic Cleansing, yes, the same whites and other ethic groups who march for Black Lives Matter, gentrify our neighborhoods and as we move to tent cities, they place Black Live Matters signs in the homes they have stolen by hook or crook from us. And we are supposed to truly believe these fake liberal whites believe black lives matter. Black lives mattered when we were chattel property, when we occupied New York's African Village with its adjacent wall that is now Wall Street that was previously the slave auction. My beloved friend and supporter, Rev. Cecil Williams of San Francisco's Glide Church, said, "Marvin, Wall Street is still a slave auction block!"
--Marvin X
Oaktown CA

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Revised Be Careful Black People

 Be careful black people

White folks crazy
Been crazy long time
Longer than they been white
People told me don't call it
white supremacy
It's white lunacy
They looney tunes Right Left Center Communist Capitalist Christian Gender Fluid Multi-mixed race crazy 
but I love Naomi Osaka 
she dat child my son aborted with Japanese girl said couldn't take home black baby 
Naomi dat black baby son's girl couldn't take home from UC Santa Cruz
Naomi ain't scared of her blackness and she only half black
some negropeons full black scared to death of black
don't mention white kiss whitey boots for mess of pottage
kibble n bits
30 pieces of silver for Jesus
$3,000 for Malcolm and killer didn't collect
black looney too, Type II Loonism
back to looney tuners Type I (Dr. Nathan Hare)

Dance to different drummer 
beyond reality not of this world some airless room Baldwin said
"rationalizations so fantastic it approaches pathological"
they world ain't our world 
ain't nobody's world but 
man alone exceptional 
supreme ideological mythology
deaf dumb blind cannot see yet cheer
blink cheer but cannot hear see smell
Ovid 19 killed smell of death in the land
no hiding place
inside house husband wife alone
strangers in the night
children discover father is fool
Jesus said children will lead you if you follow
will you follow children out of darkness your mythical dreams created
fantasy world of make believe
Lone Ranger don't trust Tonto
Tonto walk with African swag
Southern Baptists
don't sing like COGIC
Mississippi Mass Choir
James Cleveland
Oh Happy Day Tramaine Hawkins (Oakland in da house)
COGIC choir give'm heart attack (ten people choir singing
I don't know what you came to do
but I came to praise His name!
I wish somebody hep me
better ax somebody
Storefront church foundation shakes 
ten people choir
Preacher jump on top of  piano praising His name!
Rev. Cone told you 'bout the Cross and Lynching tree
You saw George Floyd lynched before your eyes
pig so evil kill man wit hand in pocket
and you say we in post racial world
why bleaching cream everywhere
India, Nigeria, Congo, South Africa, Jamaica
post black blonds flood Pan Africa
no black african queen rap videos
mulattoes half breeds asian european women love rap
be rap 'hoes for billion dollar jew rap producers agenda
ain't our agenda
Sonia say, "Will your rap free us, will your poem free us,
will your book free us" Then shut the fk up! Silencio por favor silencio
tu dice nada nada nada esclavo negro esclavo negro

Who killed dreams of Lumumba Mandela Toure'
Qaddafi Nkrumah Elijah Garvey Malcolm Martin
Betty Shabazz Correta Scott Fannie Lou Hamer
Clara Muhammad Angela Dessie X Asata

Be careful black people
They still on slave patrol
Miss Ann Mr Ann same
Looney luney luni
Can't hep it crazy
Lie lie lie
No lie like white lie
Don't Trump lie
He smarter'n scientists
he smarter'n a negro
(see my poem The Negro Knows Everything,
and my other poem The Smart People)

He lies for nothin' just to lie
for the joy of lying
bombastic lies
hyperbolic to the max
Straight face 
No smile lies like he serious
the low information vibration people think he serious
Is Trump from Emerson club
So what if I contradict myself

Said Covid19 over by April lie
Easter lie like rabbit laying chicken eggs lie
Drink bleach lie
guard against being deceived
Elijah said we must trick the trick out of the trick 
Tricknology Supreme Wisdom master trick for the trick
He ain't go leave white house lie
He say slavery didn't make America great lie
Baldwin told me nothing else happened here but us 
nothing else 1619 to 2020
1619 black lives mattered as chattel 
black lives matter 13th Amendment 2020
involuntary servitude slavery
2.4 million
makes America great again
wage slave jobs for negroes
makes America great again
Negroes in dirty south work three minimum wage jobs to survive
don't want Cali negroes comin' down talkin shit
upsetting Lunatic 
retaliate on Cali negro host family
now dirty south negro got two minimum wage jobs to survive
Go home Cali Negro Negro from North

Old people say leave dem white folks 'lone
Day crazy chile'
Be careful when you see'm comin'
Keep yo' social distance
Wear your mask!
--Marvin X
9/27/20 revised 9/29/20

Monday, September 28, 2020