Sunday, May 15, 2022

Prof. Robert Lustig - 'Sugar, metabolic syndrome, and cancer'

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Endemic Racism in America

From Endemic Racism in America

By Rt. Congressman William L. Clay, Sr.

Black Bird Press,  Oakland CA. Edited by Marvin X.  

    Fifty-one (51) years ago next month, as Chairman of the first Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual dinner, I invited Ossie Davis to deliver the Keynote address.  History message at the historic event was fantastic.  It is worth repeating.


     The CBC's first fund raising dinner, held June 18, 1971, in the nation's capital attracted the movers and shakers of black America.  The gala established a new direction in black politics as an enthusiastic audience of two thousand seven hundred sixteen persons jam‑packed the ballroom of the Sheraton‑Park Hotel.

     As Chairman of the 1st CBC Dinner, a historic event in modern

Black Political development, I wrote:


       “There was almost unanimous agreement among African American historians, elected officials, political enthusiasts, and educators that the first Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Dinner, would be remembered as one the most important events in modern black political history. At that affair, the essence of a new black political movement was realized as coming into being. 


        “The first fund raising dinner captured the significance of a bold  

     new direction in the political lives of the black community. 

     Response of the Black community to the Call by Congressional

     Black Caucus to Rally in the Nation’s Capital was tremendous.  It

     attracted the black movers and shakers from across America. 


         The gala affair established a new direction in black politics as

     an enthusiastic audience of two thousand seven hundred sixteen

    (2,700) persons jam‑packed the ballroom of the Sheraton‑Park   


           The hotel ballroom had a capacity of 2,400, 10 persons at 24

     tables. However, there were 2,700 excited people squeezed into  

     the ballroom, a standing-room-only crowd before the fire marshal

     stopped additional entry.

           As Chairman of the dinner, prior to recognizing the keynote speaker, I informed the crowd that we were witnessing the destruction of an old myth “that black folk could fill halls like this hotel for parties but not for causes.  Well tonight we broke that myth into stacks of one-hundred dollar bills”.   

      Whatever gems of wisdom I imparted in my introduction were totally eclipsed by what followed the next hour.  Songstress Nancy Wilson and political comedian Dick Gregory whet the appetites of this special gathering with the best of entertainment.  But there remained the excitement and air of grand anticipation around the speaker for the evening, actor and orator Ozzie Davis.

     Continuing, I said:


          “My main task tonight ladies and gentlemen is the   

     introduction of Ossie Davis—who without a doubt is one of the  

     more influential blacks at communicating ideas.  His work over

     the years has in a meaningful way penetrated our institutional

     concepts.  He has–with extra-ordinary effectiveness—utilized

     man’s human trait to influence his fellow man, to place

     meaningful ideas within his grasp.  His influence is not limited to

    the black community alone, but, Ossie Davis’ ideas have   

    permeated the larger society.  His concern is with the quality of Life”.



      In delivering brilliant, eloquent, and timely remarks, Davis grasped the mood of the crowd and reflected the attitude of Caucus members and the new mood of Black Americans.  His address was titled, “The Plan, Not the Man.”  He told the crowd. “It’s not the rap, it’s the map.”  Here is a portion of his keynote address:


 “Ladies, gentlemen. Brothers, sisters, and friends. This is an historic occasion, a moment we have dreamed and worked and fought for longer than we ourselves have been alive.”


     Davis’ subject was profound. His delivery superb. His rendition magnificent.  In his characteristic deep, melodic voice, the renown actor, activist electrified the crowd, stating:


         “[My] text is very simply:  it's not the man, it's the   

     plan...those of us still caught up in the dream that rhetoric

    will solve our problems, let me state it another's not 

    the rap, it's the map…(T)he burden of my appeal to the 13

    Congressional Black Caucus members, give us a plan of

    action. A ten black commandments, a simple, moral,

    intelligent plan...



     The speech captured the true meaning of the assembled group that was representative of a race long attempting to become independent of others establishing our agenda and determining the time-table for our actions. 

     His words underscored the CBC’s belief that black America’s interests were best served by a collective voice in Washington—and not by a single, charismatic spokesman.

     At one point, Davis went on to say:


             “At the time when Dr. King died in 1968, he was in the process of organizing his forces and calling upon his people to come one more time to Washington, D.C. And, I have a feeling that had he come that time he would not have said, ‘I have a dream.’ He would have said, ‘I have a plan.’ And, I feel that that plan might have made a difference.” 


     Continuing, he stated:


         “ And that‘s why, tonight, the burden of my appeal is to you, to

     the thirteen Congressional Black Caucus members, to give us a plan

     of action…a Ten Black Commandments, simple, strong, that       we

     can Carry in our hearts and in our memories no matter where we  

     are and reach out and touch and feel the reassurance that there is

     behind everything we do a simple, moral, intelligent plan that   

     must be fulfilled in the course of time even if all of our leaders,   

    one by one, fall in battle.  Somebody will rise and say [applause]  


          Someone will rise and say          [applause], “our leader died  while we were on page three of the plan.  Now that the funeral is over, let us proceed to page four”.


            “…From our noble thirteen, we need that they think the

problems out; that they investigate the possible solution; that they codify their results, and they present their program to us, the people, so that we may ratify what they have thought out and

     organized and left to us as a program for action.”


                “We have become hip to the meaning of political power and    

            that’s why we are here.  This is an exercise in power tonight. 

We’ve eaten a good meal, we’ve paid good money for it.  We’ve had a  good fellowship.  We’ve heard good music and entertainment.    But, brothers and sisters, the name of the game is power, and if you ain’t playing power, you’re in the wrong place.”


             “Let us stop making history by ad hoc methods and by

     impromptu improvisations.  Let us plan the whole thing out and

     give everybody his or her assignment and hold him or her strictly

     responsible if he or she doesn’t carry it out.  That’s what it calls

     for.  We are capable of doing it and now is the time to do just   



            “…The fires of rebellion are burning brightly because human

     beings can only be repressed and ignored and maltreated for so

    long.  Then they must rise.”


              “What is the response of the black people in our inner cities to

     this endemic unemployment?  What happens to our youth who

     suffer from 25 percent to 50 percent unemployment? Some of them

     take to drugs.  Some of them apply themselves and say the solution

     to the problem is education; the solution is preparing ourselves to

     deal with an automated society, to deal with a computerized

     economy.  There are others who say that the society has no

     alternative, nothing to give me but a tour of duty in Vietnam.   

    Others say the only recourse is revolution.


            “  …What we need from you, our honored leaders—I choose the

     word advisedly, our honored leaders—what we need from you are

     your best thoughts, your sincerest dedication.  We need from you a

     reassurance that there is a new political alignment, even in the

     black community.  Now we no longer elect leaders by the value we  

     find that they bring to us from the white community.


     At one point, the great orator, actor, and hero to black persons of all ages, all religions, all economic status—questioned why he of all people was chosen to give the battle cry of the new black political revolution.  In very much humility, he stated:


         “I often wondered why I was chosen for such an important task?

     I guess the one reason which makes sense is that I represent that

     aspect of black culture which began in Africa with the storytellers

     and came down to the great rhetorical giants who have stirred us   

     by their words in the Past.”


     Following those sincere remarks, he said:


“…Ladies and gentlemen, I think I have said enough.  There’s much that could be talked about tonight, but we’re here and the fact that we are here is itself eloquent.  This is a dinner that could have served without a single word, because we know the historical significance of just sitting, looking, talking to each other of what this moment means.  And if you think   that there are others that don’t know what this moment means, you should be somewhere where the listening devices are turned up very high.  But all I’m saying to the world, all I’m saying to that cadre of black leadership that we have—that we want a plan.  We want a plan so simple, so easy to remember that we can carry it in our heads, so that if the storm of oppression should  wipe us all out but one family and that family was crouching somewhere in the dark, one brother would reach out to another and say, ”Hey, hey, man, what’s the plan?”


     At the conclusion of Ossie’s remarks, the overflow audience was not disappointed.  Not a single soul.  The brilliance and eloquence of his delivery was unreal.  He worked the crowd with an artistic ability consistent with his many years of training as an actor, director, and producer par excellence. 

      His subject was profound.  His delivery superb. His rendition magnificent.  In his characteristic deep, melodic voice, he electrified  the audience with his grace, dignity, depth, and humor.  His thought-provoking appeals to racial pride were in perfect harmony with the energy of the people in the room, many of whom had journeyed from the farthest of the fifty states to express their support for the Congressional Black Caucus. Sentence after sentence, the crowd was on its feet, shouting and applauding, interrupting his presentation.

     The speech captured the essence, the true meaning of the assembled group, finding the soul of a people who marched gallantly through the ravages of three centuries to bring the race to a point of seriously assaulting the system of American style apartheid.

    Ossie Davis advised Black Americans to give rhetoric a back seat, and to focus instead on a blueprint for action.

    Yes, he designed the plan this night in June 1971 for truly beginning the `era of a new black politics destined to change how a nation views African Americans’.


     Congressman Augustus Hawkins of California at s later date said:

 “It is hard for me to believe that it was twenty years ago that   

      we gathered in Washington, D.C. for the first annual

      Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) legislative weekend a dinner.    

      In a way, it seems like only yesterday that Ossie Davis stood

     before us in the Sheraton Park Hotel and simply, yet eloquently,

     challenged the original thirteen CBC Members to consider the

     problems facing us, investigate the causes, and inform the public

     about legislative strategies and solutions.

          “He told us to give rhetoric a back seat, and to focus instead on

     a blueprint for action.  He said, “It’s not the man, it’s the plan.”    

            The founding members of the CBC took those words to heart,

     and throughout the years we, and those who have since joined us,

     have sought to implement genuine economic and social justice.”




Saturday, May 14, 2022

Wednesday, May 4, 2022



"Abortion is the first murder, after which

all other murders are possible!" 

--Mother Theresa

"The greatest sin of my life was ordering

my partner to abort!"

--Marvin X

"Do not kill your children for fear of 

poverty!"--Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah PBUH


Mama please don't kill me

don't flush me down the toilet

I might be a prophet

come to save the world

Mama please don't kill me....

--Marvin X

Poet Marvin X at Ocean Beach, San Francisco

photo Adam Turner

As I near 80 years on this earth, after having had a plethora of wives and partners, and fathering five children, four surviving into the now, as per the issues of women and the fruit of their wombs, I declare women's business is none of my business, no matter that my sperm was critical, alas, essential, in the production of the child she birthed or aborted. For sure, I have no idea of the number of abortions my wives and partners performed, except for the one I mandated and the one or two my partners let me know they aborted.

Thus, I have no idea how many of my seeds were aborted, so I finally concluded women's business was none of my business. My business was depositing my sperm into their wombs, after which the fetus was their business, not mine. If I was against abortion, why would I deposit my sperm in the vagina of a murderer? I have concluded that a woman has every right to do what she wishes with her body, just as I have every right to do what I wish with my sperm. Even though I have children from the product of polygamous marriages, some women have suggested that I should have spread my seed even wider to bless the world with my DNA. I never thought about life from this perspective, though I see clearly my children are of genius quality. But, alas, all children have the possibility of  genius.

We thank Brother Bruce for his Genius Project.

But, as per abortion, let us not consider the racism of Eugenics, especially its founder Margaret Sanger and her forefathers and devotees in the modern era, alas, from Hitler to Hillary Clinton, to the parents of Bill Gates and their infamous son, Billy Boy.

I can get to the endgame of this narrative  by noting the glaring contradiction between the pro-abortionists and the pro-lifers is simply a matter of time. The pro-abortionists wish to end the life of the fetus early on. The pro-lifers are gratified to allow the fetus to grow into full manhood so it can become cannon fader for the eternal wars of the capitalists, aka, white supremacists, aka, globalists who transcend color, though, in the endgame, even money doesn't matter since the neo globalists possess the majority of global wealth. Trust me, they are not all white, so we must dismiss the concept of white supremacy as we deconstruct neo-liberal globalism. 

For example, property in the Lake Merritt  area of Oakland is owned by Asians, mostly Chinese. When I first moved there, the repairmen were Latino, when I moved out they were mostly Chinese who spoke no English, but management remained white, the owners were Chinese. So we cannot blame whites for everything, including abortion and the possible Supreme Court shift in the law. In too many ways America is following the Chinese Model, surely their limit on childbirth is known to you. Now that the Chinese have men without the possibility of wives as a result of their birth control policies, America also has a low birth rate among its white population. Furthermore, many highly educated and less educated black females do not imagine ever being married. Some time ago the Washington Post asked black children what they imagined for their future? Answer: They imagined their funeral! Black women, 14 to 1 at Howard, did not imagine marriage. 

As we learned in Physics 101, for every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction. The abortion rights struggle is rooted in the gender struggle for female equality, for women to own their bodies in space and time. If men had not been so domineering and abusive in their patriarchal endeavors, they might not be looked upon so despicably and be so rejected and despised, especially as we enter another battle for the rights of women to not only own their bodies but their minds and spirits beyond religiosity, though they clamor for divine understanding, transcending belief but knowledge overwhelming . 

We cannot imagine the coming tsunami from women over the abortion matter. They shall not care one iota of whatever the Supreme Court declares, or the states.

For surety, women shall declare ownership of their bodies, minds and souls. As the father of three strong, intelligent, spiritual and beautiful women, I submit that they have the Divine and human right to own themselves, no matter my DNA flows through their blood, minds and bones.  

As a father and man, I have no desire to control my daughters. When they need my advice, I am here for them. But there is no doubt of their genius and it would be better for me to assist them as per their requests, but let them realize the projects of their imaginations, especially since I fulfilled mine. 

I have been overwhelmed by the writings of my female partners, wives, children and female writers in general. My baby daughter, Attorney Amira Jackmon, astounded me with her recent essay on Family, Reparations and the Global Economy. I was so overwhelmed I announced my retirement from writing, after all I have been repeating myself for the last half century. Her essay made me want to pass the pen to her since her style was so smooth, yes, in the feminine style I have enjoyed and appreciated. As per style, mine is known as the sledgehammer approach. I say the feminine style is "like a razor cutting to the heart...!" The woman's touch will have you bleeding yet not know you are cut.

Men must wake up to the feminine touch as I have had to do after reading the writings of my female partners, wives and children. I shall not speak of other partners of my great poet friend's, who did indeed suppress their poet wives, perhaps out of jealousy and envy, though this does not negate the quality of their wife's creativity. Ah, and let us not consider the fruit of the womb. Imagine two of their children are the mayor and chief of staff of a major east coast city. Should they have been aborted in the name of Eugenics, i.e., population control, planned parenthood or simply abortion to make way for trans-humanism or Artificial Intelligence. My question is how can we transcend from humanism to  trans-humanism when we are yet to achieve the lowest level of humanism? The Holy Qur’an speaks of three levels: animal, human and divine. How many of us advance beyond animals? Don’t try to convince me the savage wars across the planet at this hour reflect human beings, perhaps at their lowest, certainly the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Congo, etc. 

As we write, wars and rumors of wars are pervasive globally, with the gun runners selling their wares to the oppressors and the oppressed, benefitting from both sides. Have you noted when the $700 billion annual USA defense budget is debated, there is no debate between Democrats and Republicans. They are in unison singing Silent Night on the glories of eternal war, no matter their pitiful departure from Afghanistan after wasting trillions of dollars and departing after twenty years, only to shift their number one sale of arms to Ukraine. And do you suspect the endgame in Ukraine shall differ from their departure from Afghanistan? 

Alas, shall we again ask is abortion better than allowing the pro-lifers to mourn the death of their sons and daughters as cannon fader on foreign battle fields or even on the looming Second Civil War in America?

Abortion is ultimately the business of women, after all, it is their womb that is the primary agent in what is the most sacred feminist drama or myth-ritual. Ideally, childbirth is a sacred rite of husband and wife. But very often the woman determines her life challenges, the male may or may not be present. But she has no choice but to press on because of the child in her womb. Yes, that which is growing in her womb can most often be overwhelming. As I approach my 80s, I still cannot understand how women can deal with children 24/7, especially those mother's who never take "Mama Time". I'm ready to give my daughters some "Mama Time", although fathers need the same. My son informed me after separating from his wife and his children, now young adults, that he didn't know how to act by arriving at the airport by himself. He felt like a free man after 40 years of marriage. 

But he raised his children as a dutiful father, raised several foster children as well. No matter he and I have had a wretched father/son relationship, such relationships are not guaranteed. He may return as the Prodigal Son or he may continue deaf dumb and blind in this world and in the hereafter. Surely I am thankful he wasn't aborted. And what about the foster children he raised to young adulthood? Thank God he stepped up to be the parent they never had, especially if they had been aborted!

Isn't the world full of couples desiring children? So why should abortion be the answer for unwanted children when couples desire them but are unable to have them? Or do you support abortion because you are a murderer, yes, no better than the arms merchants and generals who have no qualms with enlisting young men for cannon fader, who return from war broken down veterans inhabiting tents on our city streets coast to coast, who fight drug addiction and mental illness.

The endgame is this: As per my analysis, abortion is solely a woman's issue simply because it is her body. I demand the right to do what I please with my body and I say women have the human rights to do as they please with their bodies. Men, who don't agree with women who favor abortion, should therefore not put their penis in the vagina of women who favor abortion. Por favor, at least have a conversation with your partner about this most important matter or life and death.

I feel sorry for the men who think they can control the womb of their woman--alas, their woman?

Men have told me "their woman" better not think about having an abortion without informing them. Well, as I approach my 80s, I know a woman can and will do what she pleases with her womb, vagina, pussy, whatever. The man may know and he may not know simply because it's her "bizness" and not his. He doesn't own her body, including her pussy. He will do well to be in control of his dick!

--Marvin X/El Muhajir
