Monday, June 13, 2011

Oakland Declares War on Oakland Pigs

Oakland Declares war on Oakland Pigs.

Pig Murderer Waited til Midnight to exit Los Angeles Jail after serving eleven months for the cold blooded killing of young Oscar Grant on New Year's Day, 2009.

Brothers in the hood vow on their mother's grave they will not endure another cold blooded murder by the police. Broken windows will not suffice. Marching is dead. It is guerrilla war.

We think there is one last chance for the power structure to rein in their pigs. They must come to an agreement with the people of this city that the murder will stop, otherwise, we shall close the city down. Why should 75% of the City budget go to the police to kill us. Maybe we should reduce the police budget to 25% and hire our own kind to secure the hood.

We shaw the people in Egypt topple a government in 19 days, without violence on their part. We can do the same in Oakland. Close down this city without breaking a window. Just the idea of a gathering will cause the immediate boarding up of the downtown area.

Let us use the greatest weapon we have, our unity, to achieve the fulfillment of our needs, wants and desires in this city that has long ignored us.

Present our demands, and, if not met, follow with the General Strike, especially in the downtown area. You shall be surprised how soon the Mayor will present a job program for the men and women in the hood.

On a personal level, a book store on Broadway owed me money for books but didn't want to pay me until I organized a boycott in front of their store. After 30 minutes they came out to ask me inside to tell them how much money I needed, then wrote me a check! Somebody better get a healing up in here.


Marvin X


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