Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The North American African Democratic People's Republic, Dream or Reality?

l love Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party because they came from the grass roots of Oakland to international standing. Look at Huey embracing world revolutionaries, Chinese Premier Cho En Li, PLO leader Yassar Arafat, et al. What a journey from the streets of  Oakland to world recognition! Wow!We love you Dr. Huey P. Newton. You could have remained a thug on the streets of Oakland, but you and the Black Panther Party sisters and brothers transcended the streets of Oakland to join the global Liberation Movement. You said I was your teacher and maybe I did teach you a thing or two about drama, for sure Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver learned from me, but the most important thing I learned from you was fearlessness, the first lesson any revolutionary must learn!

--Marvin X, Co-Founder, National Black Arts Movement, Co-Founder, Black Arts Movement Business

District, Oakland CA

Huey represented North American Africans in China. What punk bitch nigguhs have the nerve to represent North American Africans in China today? Can they represent us in Palestine, Vietnam, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere? They claim they Pan African but do they represent North American Africans in the global community?

BPP co-founder Huey P. Newton embracing Yasir Arafat, leader of Palestine. Marvin X said, "We support Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian call for nationhood. We North American Africans desire the same!"

During his exile, Cleaver met North Vietnamese General
Giap who defeated America in Vietnam. Cleaver was Black man as world revolutionary man, 
no matter his "negrocities" (Amiri Baraka term), i.e., contradictions.

When Eldridge Cleaver returned from exile as a Born Again Christian, I traveled with him throughout the Western hemisphere, America, Canada, Jamaica. After giving his testimony about finding Jesus Christ in the moon, the white Christians would embrace him and confess they used to hate him and Blacks in general but since they were Born Again, they no longer hated him nor Blacks. On one occasion the police confessed they had murder squads who killed Panthers in particular and Blacks in general.  The pigs and Cleaver embraced, both exclaiming, "Praise the Lord!"


  1. Written by Renalo Ricketts
    It never ends, killing Black people is a sport in this country and around the world. Our lives are expendable, they kill us with impunity is it because we have no unity? If we were a global unified body will this happen day after day week after week month after month year after years, hell no! We need our own global protection force, power respects an equal or greater force all day long, it looks like we can't get along. Then we need to get it on, this has been going on too long, we're just sick and tired of white vigilantes, and their genocidal extermination programs.

  2. writen by Renaldo Ricketts
    The 4th Reich defeated the 3rd Reich in WWII and applied all their social/medical engineering tactics used on jews to the Black population in this country. Does the 40-year Tuskegee syphilis experiments sound familiar, why are we disproportionately represented in the COVID-19 virus cases, these are not coincidences.

    The jim jones jive jesus jungle juice pathology is real, kneegrows died. It was a social experiment using jesus as the lead bait, it worked. For all I know jim jones is in brazil with millions, Hitler never died in the bunker, the story is bunk.. when the American forensic pathologist went to Russia to examine his skull, turns out it was the skull of a woman in her 40s

    the united snakes of amerika has a propaganda machinery equal or greater to that of nazi Germany. They control what people think, many of the messages are subliminal you're being controlled and you're completely unaware of it, the thinkers are in control of your minds

    The 4th Reich defeated the 3rd Reich in WWII and applied all their social/medical engineering tactics used on jews to the Black population in this country. Does the 40-year Tuskegee syphilis experiments sound familiar, why are we disproportionately represented in the COVID-19 virus cases, these are not coincidences.

    The jim jones jive jesus jungle juice pathology is real, kneegrows died. It was a social experiment using jesus as the lead bait, it worked. For all I know jim jones is in brazil with millions, Hitler never died in the bunker, the story is bunk.. when the American forensic pathologist went to Russia to examine his skull, turns out it was the skull of a woman in her 40s

    the united snakes of amerika has a propaganda machinery equal or greater to that of nazi Germany. They control what people think, many of the messages are subliminal you're being controlled and you're completely unaware of it, the thinkers are in control of your minds
