Tuesday, December 1, 2020

For farmers everywhere, India to Nigeria

Marvin X, University of Chicago, 2015

photo Burrell Sunrise

For Farmers Everywhere, India to Nigeria

"The king sold farmers to the ghost!"--Amiri Baraka

Ten thousand farmer suicides
India free market capitalism
No fair trade
Corporate slaves wanted
American way of death
We know the deal
No little man farms
Can little man survive big man
"The king sold the farmer to the ghost!" AB said
Politician Kings
Never touch dirt
Different dirt Kings love
Dirty deals in dark
Let farmers starve
Corporate food good for you
GMO seeds better for land
Let little farmers learn to stand
Don't fight big man
Never win
Guns back corporate Kings
And the ghost too
Little farmers where are you
Stick together your only hope
Fair trade or no trade
Free trade no trade
We grow the land
We sweat sun rain
Hands tough with pain
We up with sun
grow food til day is done
No deal with ghosts
Dear king politician
Let farmers farm
Save revolution.


Rice farmers Nigeria
slaughtered boku haram
savage islam
desecrate tombs of saints
burn african islam
Timbuktu university when europe in dark ages
only ignorant destroy knowledge
kill rice farmers for sectarian madness
Post Qaddafi Obama Clinton
What difference does it make she said
after us ambassador dead
arab spring she and obama spread
boku haram springs from Libya south
Tunisia man burns himself in freedom immolation 
Egypt routes Mubarak regime 
thousands before tanks Tahrir Square
muslim brotherhood win then lose
cliche cliche
more things change more stay same
back to army rule
west succumbs in silence
cry democracy vanish in desert wind
the west will guide then desert you
a whore in the night
on to Syria 
more destruction for pseudo freedom democracy
axis of evil working for what side
who is good who is evil in politics of global
we heard it said know when armies close to Jerusalem
the end is near
O, Syria 
Paul fell on road to Damascus
Who shall fall this time
all the armies are near
players in place
Saudi Arabia
Israel Gulf states
Armageddon is here
even Ottoman empire wants to play
Persia wants Tigris and Euphrates to Mediterranean
Israel wants it all
No matter gaza concentration camps 
Hamas will never disarm
like 200,000 Africans in American Civil War
Never will Hezbollah lay down guns for Zionist domination
Qur'an say slaughter in better than persecution
let us die than be slaves to those who learned nothing from Hitler madness we see
to model his works to repeat his myths
what wisdom is this what madness 
do not let myths destroy middle east
so many myths sects cults regimes tribes kings 
where is justice peace love happiness
freedom of women youth children who only want to grow 
make better world than parents caught in lies that bleed nations to the core

Back to Nigeria
senseless murder haram
death of innocent haram
boku haram no islam
what muslims worship death of innocent
what qur'an speaks such madness
what hadith sharia
show me the texts
no matter
no ignorance must prevail
only justice equality freedom
adl musawa hurriyah
kill woman for adultery not men
this justice
madness to me
she gave up pussy 
he gave up dick
chop both heads off 
seems fair to me
adl musawa

O Nigerial rice farmers
tilling soil
what sura ayat did you violate
Speak to me you murderers in the name of Allah
not my Allah nor Muhammad's
no prophets no holy books
books of some evil imam in tent with little boys
debauchery not sunna hadith sharia
you hide truth while you know

hatha ya'um jahiliya
jahiliya la islam
jahiliya haram
Muhammad said Iqra bissmillahi
read recite in the name of Allah
seek knowledge from Spain to China
La islam boku haram
Shaytani islam
la sunni shia sufi noi
murder of innocent no sirata al mustaqim
hadtha sirata shaytan

We believe in truth
we die for truth
life and death for Allah truth
no imam truth
his truth her truth
the truth 
Al Haqq!

Let farmers farm
let rice grow 
let people be fed

Let India farmers enjoy fair trade
no free trade slavery
--Marvin X

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