Monday, April 7, 2014

Marvin X in Philly for Mumia Abu's 60th Birthday--We love you, Mumia, Ona Move!

Marvin X interviewed in Philly at the Black Power Babies Conference, 
produced by Muhammida El Muhajir

 Two classics by Amiri Baraka as he worked on that identity problem, the communal schozid
personality of the North American Africa. How could he live in two worlds, this conundrum confounded Amiri to the end, and yet we observed on more that one occasion performing in both worlds, the white and the black!. Some people call this ability JAZZ or Black Classic Music. See his book on Black Classical Music, Diggin!, University of Calfornia Press, Berkeley.

 Angela Davis, everybody's favorite revolutionary sister. She was mine as well. We were both fighting the US academia in 1969, she was a Black Communist at UCLA and I was a Black Muslim at Fresno State University. Gov. Ronald Reagan removed us both! Oh, God, then she decided to help prison Messiah Gorge Jackson escape from prison--what a slave narrative!

Uppity black wench
won't follow orders of master
must be whipped
award for capture
dead or alive1

Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton
founders of the Black Panther Party for Self Defenise, Oakland California, 1966
two uppity negroes
won't follow orders
must be whipped
dead or alive
they will inspire other Africans
must be caught ASAP

Marvin X and Philadelphia/ citizen of the multiverse, Sun Ra, Marvin's master teacher, along with AB, HEM, Malcolm X, --Sun Ra, BAM mystic, musician, poet, band leader, philosopher, linguist, numerologist, Mythologist Supreme. Sun Ra taught Marvin X the need for discipline rather than freedom for his artists and common people. Sun Ra said, "We were born free!. Stop teaching that freedom, justice and equality--don't you see how free and wild they are? Teach discipline, discipline, discipline!"

AB was my brother, teacher, example, model, uncle, father, who allowed m!"e into his metaphysical and practical world of total liberation from any form of oppression. I can say I watched him fight his demons up close and personal, and he observed mine simultaneously. "Boy, you let the elephant out last night! Marvin X, when you get drunk, you can say the damnest things!"

Dr. Nathan Hare, sociologist, clinical psychologist, scholar, publisher, father of Black and Ethnic Studies in America. We love you, Nathan--and Julia too, the female Malcolm X! We love you for sharing 57years of marriage with us, the North American African Nation and the Pan African world.
--Marvin X

 Marvin X, his adopted aunt and uncle, Julia and Nathan Hare, Attorney Amiri Jackmon
 Dr. Hare in his boxing robe. Rahim Ali in background. 

The work of revolutionary Black Arts Movement artist Elizebith Cattlett Mora. Just as Gwen Brooks in Chicago joined the Chicago Black Arts Movement, Betty Mora joined the BAM and Black liberation movement as a radical artist.

 Ras Baraka, son of Amina and Amiri Baraka, next Mayor of Newrk, New Jersey. If there are doubts about his qualifications, look at the Eulogy he gave at the memorial for his father.

Revolutionary artist Paul Robeson, taught us we must be the artist as freedom fighter or the slave of oppression. That is our choice. We follow Paul as the artistic freedom fighter! 
Ras Baraka and Paul share the same earth day. 

 Black Love Lives, 
a film and conference by Nisa Ra. 

 Dr. Nathan Hare, sociologist, clinical psychologist, father of Black and Ethnic Studies in America.

Black Bird Press News & Review: Dr. Nathan Hare's Foreword to Marvin X's How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy

Black Bird Press News & Review: Dr. Nathan Hare's Foreword to Marvin X's How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy

How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy Type II

See Dr. Nathan Hare's foreword to How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy by Marvin X. Dr. Hare speaks of Addiction to White Supremacy Type II, now available from Black Bird Press, 1222 Dwight Way, Berkeley CA 94702, $19.95.

Marvin X will participate in the 60th birthday celebration of Mumia Abu Jamal,
Philadelphia PA, April 24-26, 2014. Cornel West will also participate.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saxophone Colossus - Sonny Rollins [FULL ALBUM] [HQ]

Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane [FULL ALBUM] [HQ]

Senator Vincent Hughes on Breaking the silence on mental wellness

If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.April 3, 2014
State Senator Vincent Hughes: On the Issues
Senator HughesAn informational update for you!

This publication is your opportunity to receive regular updates on the work and the issues that I have been involved with, both in Harrisburg and throughout our community.
Please visit my website, where you will find a comprehensive overview of our work, various phone numbers and contact information to assist you in solving problems, opportunities to volunteer and assist us in our programs and opportunities to give your feedback.


Breaking the Silence


Temple University School of Medicine
3500 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140
FIND OUT MORE: or call 215.879.7777
Sens. Costa, Wiley, Hughes, Smith, Teplitz
Click here to watch
Breaking the Silence: Free mental health symposium at Temple
Jenice Armstrong, Daily News Columnist | Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Even if her fashion line was in deep financial trouble, to the outside world it seemed that L'Wren Scott had everything: a personal estate worth $9 million, a rock-star boyfriend, fame.

But who knows what demons Mick Jagger's girlfriend struggled with before hanging herself with a black silk scarf on a doorknob inside her posh New York City apartment last month? In hindsight, you'd think someone - Jagger maybe - would have sensed just how despondent Scott had become.

"She didn't just wake up that day and say, 'I'm going to kill myself,' " said Marcella Daniels, an organizer of a free mental-health conference that starts Friday called "Breaking the Silence on Mental Wellness: Real Talk. Real Help. Real Solutions."
Is exercise one of the missing links to mental wellness?
April 2, 2014 |
The positive effects of working out extend far beyond the gym. As you might have guessed, physicians, researchers and mental-health practitioners have long discovered the positive relationship between exercise and mental health.
More than a decade ago, researchers at Duke University released a groundbreaking study demonstrating that 30 minutes of brisk exercise three times a week is just as effective as drug therapy in relieving the symptoms of major depression in the short term, and also that continued exercise reduces the chances of the depression returning.
PA Senator Vincent Hughes Makes Mental Health a Priority
Mar 12, 2014 | By Tonya Pendleton |
Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes is known by Philadelphians as a hands-on legislator with an active community agenda. As part of that agenda, the West Philadelphia native has been a major part of raising awareness for HIV/AIDS along with his wife, actress Sheryl Lee Ralph and for sponsoring events that deal with finances and assistance for the elderly.
Hughes is also very passionate about mental health. This year, he will hold his fifth mental health symposium, ‘Breaking The Silence’ at Temple University’s medical school on April 4th and 5th. Here’s why Hughes feels that mental health is particularly important in the African-American community. » Continue Reading

You can find out more specifics about the Breaking the Silence: A Summit on Mental Wellness and provide your feedback on my website at as well as on Facebook and Twitter (@SenatorHughes).

Offices of State Senator Vincent Hughes

4950 Parkside Avenue | Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Phone: 215.879.7777
Fax: 215.879.7778
Senate Box 203007
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3007
Phone: 717.787.7112
Fax: 717.772.0579

John Coltrane My Favorite Things (1961) [Full album]