Friday, October 15, 2010

Preview #15, Journal of Pan African Studies: Arab Apology for Slavery

Preview #15, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Guest Editor Marvin X

News, Views, Reviews

Reply to Qaddafi, et al.

on Apology for Slavery

WE must appreciate the Arab apology for their role in the slave trade. The French also apologized for slavery and colonialism, although they insist on citing the positive aspects of colonialism, indicating a residue of white supremacy and their need for further recovery. Australia apologized for genocide of the Aboriginal people. America has yet to apologize in her hard heartedness and determination to maintain absolute domination and exploitation of North American Africans and to remain the last bastion of white supremacy on the planet.

Throughout the Americas, we see a majority of nations trying to establish progressive governments, some with indigenous people in power, such as Morales in Bolivia. There are left of center governments in Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile and elsewhere. These nations are attempting to shake Yankee imperialism and develop a socialist or more humanistic form of free market economics, rather than the blatant system of USA naked capitalism (aka Globalism) with wage slavery and robbery of the natural resources of the indigenous people.

In harmony and unity with the peoples of the Americas, it is incumbent on North American Africans to make a similar paradigm shift and move to a more radical agenda in their political economic philosophy. In short, we must jump out of the box of American white supremacy ideology. We not only demand apologies, but reparations for past indignities, including slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism, including the present era domestic colonialism.

There must be an immediate redistribution of wealth from centuries of capital accumulation by Euro-Americans. Without this redistribution or sharing of wealth, we see a second civil war on the horizon. North American Africans were recently scammed and robbed of their basic wealth (home ownership) with the sub prime loan scheme. Thus their perennial abject economic condition has worsened, approaching the abyss while the bandits were rewarded and replenished for their robbery and naked exploitation of the middle class and poor. Because this scam was partly orchestrated by a Black president, who bailed out the Wall Street bandits who put him in office, we are not under the delusion hope is still alive, for we have a plethora of white presidents in black face throughout Africa and the Caribbean, no better than the colonialists who preceded them.

Obama is proving he is in the tradition of these African or black men with white hearts! He is a neo-colonial Negro in the best tradition of those who have preceded him throughout American history. We know the sound of a duck when we hear it. The sound is unmistakable and we are not fooled. How can he offer jobs, housing and education to terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, if they lay down their guns, but not implement the same for brothers and sisters in the hood who are suffering from the same poverty, ignorance and disease?

Finally, as per apology for slavery, we await apology from our African brothers, especially those who still benefit from the accumulation of wealth from the slave trade. To date, only one African brother has said to me, "Brother, I am sorry for my people selling your people into slavery." Only until this has occurred on a mass level, perhaps in some gigantic ritual of healing, will relations between Africans and North American Africans reach closure on the matter of slavery.

But on the general condition of slavery and especially the oppression of women that persists to this present moment, including the sexual exploitation on the streets of America by socalled pimps, especially those in black face, along with the global exploitation of women in sex traffic (no matter that I support legalized prostitution), and the mass rape of women throughout Africa and the world, honor killings, clitoris mutilation and partner violence, whether physical, verbal or emotional, these abominations must be eliminated totally and absolutely.

--Marvin X

Qaddafi apologizes for Arab involvement in slave trade Oct 12th, 2010 | By
Sallie Pisch

CAIRO: Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi apologized for the slave trade on behalf
of Arabs at the second Afro-Arab summit in Libya on Sunday. It may be the first
time an Arab leader has admitted – much less apologized for – enslaving
Africans.While completely unprecedented, the statement falls in line with Qaddafi’s
decade-long policy of aligning himself with African nations. “I regret the behavior of the Arabs… They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this,” Qaddafi was quoted as saying.

A number of African leaders, including Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, were in attendance at the summit which
covered topics ranging from the Palestinian issue to Sudanese separation.
Gaddafi continued his statement by saying, “Today we are embarrassed and
shocked by these outrageous practices of rich Arabs who had treated their
fellow Africans with contempt and condescension.” Gaddafi’s statement was
broad, leaving a time reference open for debate.

There is very little documentation about the African enslavement in the Arab
world. Most documentation and research focuses on the trans-Atlantic slave
trade, but until the turn of the 19th Century, Arab slave traders dealt in a
lucrative business in African slaves from the Congo, Rwanda, and particularly
East Africa. In the middle of the ninth century, a revolt of the Zanj, African
slaves held in modern-day Iraq, lasted for nearly fifteen years.

The Arab slave trade was also excuse used by Europeans, including King Leopold
II of Belgium, to move into Africa during the age of European colonization.
There is some documentation of Arab enslavement up until the mid-1900s.
According to a report by the United Nations in 1957, as much as 20% of the
population of Saudi Arabia consisted of slaves. The report listed the worth of
a girl under 5 years of age to be between 200-400 British pounds on the Jeddah
slave market, while a man under 40 averaged 150 British pounds.

It is plausible that Gaddafi’s statements referenced modern enslavement by
Arabs, from the era of European colonization to the present day. “We should now
recognize this issue, denounce it vigorously and place it in its true
dimension,” Ghaddafi said in his statement.

In September, UK Channel 4 released a film version of the story of a Nubian
woman named MendeNazer. The film, titled “I Am Slave,” tells the true story of
a girl who was abducted from the Nuba mountains and was eventually sold into
domestic servitude with an Arab family in London.

In 2000, Nazer’s story made international news when she managed to escape.
Although the numbers of people living in such circumstances are difficult to
determine, an August article in the UK’s Telegraph estimated around 5,000
people are currently working as domestic slaves in the UK.

Either way, the Libyan leader’s statement is remarkable, even for a man who
likes to make headlines.

A Dialogue Between Poets Kola Boof, Sam Hamud and Rudolph Lewis


Qaddafi's apology follows on the heels of that by the United States for its plague visited upon the Guatemalians. By that of the Congress of the United States for its exploitation of the African Americans who built the Capitol at slave wages.

Qaddafi's statement is indeed more remarkable than the latter two apologies. The United States of America has yet to apologize to its kidnapping and enslavement of the sons and daughters of Africa.

Nor has it apologized to Mexico for its theft of much of what we call the Southwest, including California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Nor has it thanked the Haitian people for its aid in acquiring the Louisiana Territory, which makes up much of what is the Midwest and the Northwest sections of the present-day United States.

For those with an interest, you may like to read Chinweizu's take on Arab slave trade:

I challenge Saudi Arabia and Iraq to make similar apologies. Of course apologies without payment is little or no apology at all.

Loving Africa and Africans madly, Rudy

Sam to Rudy

hello rudy,
we are on the same page about qaddafi's apology; he has always been forthright and from meeting him back in the 80s when reagan was lying about "libyan hit squads," to today,he is a true muslim, not one who pretends or stands on ritual.

but as to some of the materials you quoted from bernard lewis, i would not take him as anhonest scholar, because he was an economist and knew little of Islam, and made up a lot of things and exaggerated others;no true scholars of islam or arab history trust his work because of his use as a zionist propagandist against islam and the arabs. i knew bernie lewis before i went to teach at princeton,and often argued with him while here in princeton; true arab and muslim historians, many of them jews, abhored his bad scholarship on arabs and islam,and often slanted and biased writings against islam and the arabs.

do not get me wrong, thereis, and has been, a lot wrong in the ara ban dmuslim worlds, but the prophert muhammad tried to help correct that. but, as with all religions, not all of it takes.
for instance, in one of the earliest of arab classical poems, there is "Antar," that deals with a black member of the tribe who desires the hand of teh chief's daughter, the chief andhis family ar white. the chief says, "no." but later, when antar proves himself in battle, the chief says, "yes, to the marriage" and antar becomes the leader of the tribe in t ime. this showed racial discrimination at that time, but certainly not slavery as we had it in the west.

but let us go on to other matters that i hope will clarifiy matters a bit more. i know this is a touchy subject and some would not dare touch it, but ishmael and marvin both know that i am willing to go where others fear to tread. but this also to let you know that i agree with qaddafi, and an apology is owed,as, it must be in from america and from other arab and muslim countries, and they must also apologize to Allah for their misdeeds,then and today, if necessary.

but also, malik al shabazz, malcom x, was not fool. he saw some things tha the'd never seen, but he saw the real islam, not that which was culture bound in the arab or islamic world where p eo ple do ritual instead of the real practice of the faith.

1. there was, and still is, discrimination in the arab and muslim worlds; but, you must understand, the Qur'an is against it.
2. slaves in the muslim world, were like indentured servants in the west, but bernard lewis, one of my former colleagues at princeton, was a notorious creater of materials, especially against the arabs and islam. he was one of those whose task was to split islam and the african americans in america and the world with his books. he also had dual citizenship with israel and america, so u can see where his sympathies lay.
3. slavery in america was always brutal, with no sense of human relationships or human respect; in the muslim world, from what i have read from other scholars in history, was, as i said, more like indentured servants, and families were not split up as happened in america and europe. slaves were often prisoners taken in warfare. until the europeans came, we hve no record of them being "sold" as chattel, which was, and is inhuman, but after the europeans came, there is no doubt that many went for the money or whatever. this was against qur'anic law, to "sell" another human being. if u have that person as a, as in western term, "slave" you must treat him or her with respect, feed , house, and clothe them and let them do their prayers, etc, and they do the work you assign them. after a certain amount of time, they may leave if they wish; they are not bound for life. this is not to justify this matter, but to make clear that the term "slavery" doesn't have the same meaning in arabic as it does in english, and islamic and arab types of slavery, though not good, were not at all like slavery in europe and the americas.
4. qaddafi always comes out with the truth, as he did in other matters in the past. i didn't see this quote, but he has always been forthright on behalf of africans, african americans and native americans (what he termed, "the red indians", so as ot distinguish and make clear that they were not indians at all, for to be an indian, u had to have been from india!)

i'd say more, but i hope this helps clarify some matters. this is not that i disagree with you, but that there are matters here that i felt needed clarification.
unfortunately, bad discrimination exists and has existed for too long in the world; rememeber spike lee's, School Daze--it showed among african amerians discrimination based on light,tan,brown, black and blue blacks at an african american college; i taught at howard univ, and it was evident there while i was teaching there from 1988-95.
we hve to do away with all discrimination of that sort; the qur'an speaks against discrimination, but what alleged "muslims" do may be the opposite, but that is not the fault of Islam,nor good muslims,no matter what their color.
peace, salaam,

Sam to Rudy

i'd also like to add something important that i wrote ishmael about, and will send it as an added essay for marvin's blackbird jrnl; the americans and europeans fed the muslim "slaves" pork intestines, who were among the earliest "slaves" brought to E and Am, from Sierra Leone and Mali. yes, the only meat they would give them, or only food they would give them was pork, and the intestines, full of shit, as their food.

this was to help break them from islam, and to insult them and their religion, in order to help break their spirits.
that's why, as i told ishmael, it's ironic that chittlins is a big food among african americans, when it was the food the white men used to break the spirit of those from africa. bernard lewis and others never mention this; but this comes from some of my own research and reasoning, knowing the history of the early people who were brought from africa (as i said, most were muslim).

the next step was the get them to become christians; they would often reward those people with better food, etc. those who did not give up islam were more brutalized by the europeans and americans (that is if can measure degrees of brutality, when all brutality is wrong!)

again, this is not an apologia for arabs or muslims in the middle east, but rather, an atte mpt to clarify matters so that though there were many, too many, w rongs, some of the matters needed to be clarified. i also agree, more than just words should be given. as a muslim, born and raised in america, from lebanese parents, i know there was, and is, still discrimination among arabs and muslims, and among xian arabs toward others,black, tan and white, but if they followed Islam and a proper Christianity, they would not have discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, or whatever.
peace, salaam,

Kola to Sam

Excuse me,

But this APOLOGY is meaningless considering the fact that
SLAVERY has not ended in Sudan, Mauritania or any of the
Arab nations that import them. Even in Libya, Khadafi's own
country, Black slaves can be found toiling on Arab farms and

Arab enslavement of Blacks, not mention genocide, is nowhere
near over.

And what the hell is an apology worth?? What does it do really?

Is that what you want for everything your ancestors suffered
500 years in America----Words?

And as an African mother from Sudan...I completely rebuke
this drivel written by SAM at Princeton. The irony of hatred
in the Afro-Arab world is much more diverse & much more
dimensional than what you have boiled it down to.

I relinquished my Muslim faith years ago; I try to speak Arabic
as little as possible. I do not feel in any way...sympathetic to
Khadafi's words (especially since I was once employed by the
man at White Bride, Tripoli) or to yours.

Kola Boof
Sam to Kola

hello kola, i hear what you are saying. the imam at your mosque was obviously a lying fool, who knew nothing about islam; thus, u can't condemn the religion for his abuse of u and others or the lies he spread.
as to the history u speak of, these are matters you know more of, beng on the ground, than i. as to palestinians sterilizing women to keep them as slaves, etc. this is something i know nothing about so cannot say if it is true or propaganda against islam.
as witih all peoples, there are some good ones and bad ones, not just among the arabs, but among all people. but, as with stereotyping of all sorts, it may apply to some, but not to all.
may Allah/God bless you, and help you find peace,

Kola Boof to Sam Hamud

I'm not condemning the religion Sam Hamond.

I'm saying....why should we give a damn about the
Arab Muslim populations period???

The people being Genocided in Darfur....ARE MUSLIMS.

Many of these victims are MUSLIMS...but their skin is Charcoal
Black. THAT is the issue; not religion.

Your conversation is irrelevant. We should be concerned
about OUR AFRICAN SLAVES...and what OUR ancestors
would want us to do.

Not about the "feelings" of the Arab Muslims or Muslims
in America.

All this whining & "poor baby" Head-Patting that the Muslims
are receiving is a disgrace when we're doing NOTHING AT ALL
to save, defend or highlight the suffering the Black Slaves
and the Genocide targeted tribes in Africa!!

The whole conversation about "Islam" should be totally irrelevant!!
Would we care that the German Nazis were Christians or Catholics?

What we should care about are Black Africans.

Kola Boof
Rudy to Sam

Sam, I have a sliding scale of concern and concerns. First and foremost are the people of my birth, that is, African Americans. They are my family and I will defend them to the death.

Second, some of my like minded Americans (of all colors). Third, the African Diaspora and black Africans of like minds. And then others slide down my ladder of concern and concerns.

I have a concern for Islam as well in that some of my ancestors who came to America were Muslim and many of my friends are Muslim and have taught me much about Islam so that I have prayed with my palms and my forehead to the ground turned toward the rising sun. My interest is thus attached to its Spirituality rather than its rituals and theological concerns.

I have a keen interest and concern for the sufferings of all people, whether Jew or Palestinian. I have never been a fan and upholder of callousness toward the sufferings of others.

I do appreciate and respect the remarks and views of both Sam Hamod and Kola Boof. I am not an authority on the Quran or an historian of Islam and the Middle East. But they are among my intellectual interests.

As one involved in the struggles of my people since a teenager, I indeed find this new Arab development of noteworthy interest so much so that I have published the news on ChickenBones.

My concerns about Darfur and Sudan are such that I have corresponded with Bankie Bankie and have web pages dedicated to the happenings in South Sudan:

I favor a separation of South Sudan and await anxiously the vote. As far as Gaddafi I trust him as far as I could throw hi. He is too self serving for my comfort.

Loving yall madly, Rudy


East & North Africa have been enslaved by Arab Muslim
Invaders (now Arab Imperialists) for 1,000 years.

Today, 2010, in Sudan...

Today in Sudan...we have slavery & genocide and it is
based on "Skin Complexion"...Colorism....the "Blackest/Purest"
must be wiped out and obliterated to break down Black blood
(authentic Africans) and MASS PRODUCE the Arab Rape Baby
who then in turn embraces more &more Arabization and
mixing until the White Arabs have conquered Sudan the same
way they conquered the rest of North Africa.

This is how they destroyed EGYPT and gradually "whitened"
and "whitened" it.....Queen Cleopatra's Intermarriage Law
(making it ILLEGAL for an Egyptian to marry an Egyptian)
being the 1st salvo in Cesar's quest to conquer the Blood,
not just the land.

When I was a child in Omdurman, Sudan...THE MOSQUE taught
us that the "Blacker you were"..the less loved by Allah you were.
That blackness was Allah's curse & that we should feel nothing
about slaughtering & pillaging the "Charcoal" original people.

In Mauritania, the Arabs "raise/breed" a Slave Class of Africans
from birth. These particular slaves believe they were born to
be nothing more than slaves & love their Arab master fiercely.

There are no PLANTATIONS in Sudan.

Dinka girls sell for $14. They are taken at ages
6, 9, 12 and kept in the homes as "bed slaves" and

Black Boys are chained to the back of Arab homes
& fed from doggy bowls. When it's time to do labor,
they unleash and work the Boy slave, beating him
if need be.

Even Palestinians have Dinka girl slaves. They sterilize these girls
so they can rape them w/o producing more Black males.

Jordan...Syria...Lebanon...Saudi Arabia...Iraq....Palestine

In each of these nations you will find TODAY (RIGHT NOW)
Black women working in the kitchens with their tongues cut
out of their heads---you will find Black Sex Slaves, MALE &
female; you will find Blind African Men in the streets living
on 3 cents a week for "slave" work.

I am not surprised that MANY Colorstruck Black Americans don't
immediately notice this "trick" or that they identify with their
"Brown Brothers" (light skin, slick hair, brownish)....totally
preferring to look like these Bastardized Arabs and disassociate
with the Authentic Cushitic Peoples; the real true Black Africans.

I am not surprised that Black Americans "Make Excuses" for why
we should identify with KHADAFI and sell out the never ending
suffering of our own ancestors---whether they be West African
Slave Trade or the East/North African Slave Trade.

THE WHITE DEVIL in America....don't have shit on the Arab
Islamic MONSTER still pillaging & destroying true African culture.

Swahili is not an indigenous "African" language...but an Arab
Slave language combining African Bantu with dominant Arab
language and then FORCED on Eastern Africa nearly 1,000 years
ago through INVASION.


THESE are Facts & History of the Afro-Arab world
...and these abuses & horrors are CURRENT.

This is what needs to be discussed if it's truly KNOWLEDGE
you're claiming to seek.

Kola Boof

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Preview #14, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Preview #14,

Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Guest Editor, Marvin X

Deadline for submissions November 15

Send submission to,

Include bio, pic, MS Word attachment

Neil Callender, Boston MA

The Maroon is Dead! Long Live the Maroon!

On the night Malcolm died, tough men, hewn from

Louisiana's woodlands and paper mills, and from

the battlefields of Europe and Korea gathered in their

town of Bogalusa. Our Maroon King, our Zumbi, lay cut down

in Harlem as these Maroons of the Sword, these Deacons for Defense,

accepted the quest to slay the Klu Klux dragon.

Weeks later, Maroons of the Pen, ascended

to Harlem, the crown city of Afro-modernity, to feed Africans

words of resistance and self-knowledge, to feed Africans

the manna of their own greatness, reconnect the African body

to the African mind and the African soul, quilt together what was

ripped apart in coffles, and in pest houses off Charelston, and in the barracoons

of Savannah.

From the wastelands of the Maafa--these barren and humiliating centuries,

precincts of death and apathy, the Maroon arises as redeemer.

He is opener of the way, she is the destroyer of illusions-- invincibility

of the Klan, superiority of Greece, ... ... . The Maroon is

keeper and maker of memory, the link between Imhotep and Lewis Latimer,

Queen Tiye and Ella Baker, between what was and what must be.

--Neil Callender

Neil Callender is a poet who is committed in his work to the rebirth of African Civilization. He believes that the erasure and falsification of the African past is integral to the project of oppressing African people and denying their humanity. The terrain of culture is central to telling the truth about the drama of the African story. He lives in the Boston area and teaches writing at Roxbury Community College. He is published in the antiwar anthology, Poets Against the Killing Fields.

Benicia Blue, Chicago IL

No Whammies No Whammies

No Mommy No Mommy

I am home by myself

Older sister isn't home yet

I am 8 or 9 or so

Me being home must be illegal

Must be a crime

Must be bad for Mommy

The police sure don't like it

The neighbors sure don't like it

I sure don't like it

Mommy going to the boat

With cash in hand

The dollars go afloat in the currents of







Mommy sailing away

Mommy stranded on her island of chance

Chances are I won't see her till morning

I Am 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20...

I am still home waiting

Her Boat of No whammies No whammies

This house of No Mommy No Mommy

Part 2

It’s just a release

I'm free when I'm there

It’s only me when I'm there

No responsibilities

No two girls

No two little girls

No two grown girls

I don't need them on my back

I don't need them checking my pockets

I need money in my pockets

Cha-Ching another hit on the slot Machine

This is my Fulfillment

This is my new void

This is my no worries

This is my no stress

This is my no tears till later

This is my destruction

This is my no Husband

This is my bankruptcy

This is my moving

This is my eviction notice

This my single parenting

This is my two daughters

This is my vulnerability

This is my bills to pay

This is my debt to make

This is my escape from life

This is my problem to solve

This is my addiction to crack

These are some reasons to go

These are some excuses to make

These are some issues I know




Can take

--Benicia Blue

I am a Chicago native, a class of 2011 undergraduate at Columbia College Chicago. My major is in poetry. My work has been published by Girlspeak webzine and Mad Licks Zine. My poetry has also been featured on Young Chicago Authors website and Chicago public radio.

Tanure Ojaide, Nigeria

Songs from Across the Ocean Divide



you watch African Magic

an hourly addiction for many

or Super Story

on Thursday nights with light


I am racked in fantasies

of the interdependence of men and women

and the complementarity of light and dark

a human narrative

and when you switch channels

to Chelsea or Real Madrid

scoring fabulous goals

with hat tricks

I will still be staring at your photo

an untiring sport

waiting for you medicine-woman

to turn here your magical attention.


Over here, it’s neither dream nor vision

the sort in which the sokugo possesses you

to be a wanderer on an unending road

nor the sort in which the more water you throw

at the fire-engulfed the more irate the flames;

no, it’s not launching into a compulsive storm

that the rest of the world sees as a suicidal venture

but to you proffers only solace rather than peril.

It’s not the warring waves into which the swimmer

hurls himself to be helplessly lost in cosmic rage;

what transpires here is neither dream nor vision

of a fantasy that belies life as one knows it

in which in protest for denial of one’s desire

one takes the inevitable path to self-immolation—

either all or nothing; supreme peace or total war.

This is not a dream or vision of flight

on the back of a falcon coasting the skies

over a shark-infested ocean and singing

a lullaby for unborn virtues to come to life.

This is a spell of unknown proportion whose

words only the medicine woman can chant

to bring the world to the normalcy of ecstasy;

only she possesses the power to calm the waves,

put out the voluptuous flames, bring to an end

the civil war that ravages the entire polity,

and make love a dividend of freedom fighters.

This is not magical realism in which a man bleeds

out of love, a woman holds a man on a leash;

residence in an island of light or dark

in which it is forbidden to sneeze and throw

greetings across a fence to a neighbor;

a colony of mute parrots, even signs banished

with tongues and eyes sick from disuse.

A minstrel cries from a devastating fever

to the medicine woman out there gathering

her chants from weeds, forest herbs, garden

and daring to heal one not given a chance

and so cocksure of her curative craft.

A Fellow in Writing of the University of Iowa, Tanure Ojaide was educated at the University of Ibadan, where he received a bachelor's degree in English, and at Syracuse University, where he received both M.A. in Creative Writing and Ph.D. in English. He has published sixteen collections of poetry, two collections of short stories, a memoir, three novels, and scholarly work. His literary awards include the Commonwealth Poetry Prize for the Africa Region (1987), the All-Africa Okigbo Prize for Poetry (1988, 1997), the BBC Arts and Africa Poetry Award (1988), and the Association of Nigerian Authors Poetry Award (1988, 1994, and 2003). Ojaide taught for many years at The University of Maiduguri (Nigeria), and is currently The Frank Porter Graham Professor of Africana Studies at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He received a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship in 1999, a Fulbright Senior Scholar Award in 2002/2003, and The University of North Carolina’s First Citizens Bank Scholar Medal Award for 2005.

Iran leader in Hezbollah stronghold - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Iran leader in Hezbollah stronghold - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Preview #13, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Preview #13, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Tantra Zawadi, New York City

Please Stay Strong

got laid off
got babies
got a man
but still ain't got no honey

got laid off
got babies
got a loving man
but still ain't got much money
guess i'm gonna have
to call uncle sam
get a little help from the man
to help me pay my dues

momma's old and
poppa's still cold from 'nam
us living together
sharing bread and
the blues 'cause
everybody needs a little something
and sister's young enough
to earn a little something
so i guess i'm gonna
call uncle sam
get a little help from the man
to help me pay my dues

little ones learning,
eating, playing and growing
watching us cry, standing on line
cutting corn bread to the nines
counting dimes for birthdays gifts
and a little wine

with us singing the blues by the stove
'cause we all know
i'm gonna call uncle sam tomorrow
'cause i'm young and strong and
willing to sell whatever i can to the man
to help me pay my dues

the checks will come
to heat 'em up

so they can eat
when i'm on my knees
counting my time

like a faceless clock
on the auction block

the kids will play
and momma's still old
and poppa's freezing cold
my loving man
holding it down
putting it down
feeling a little low
'cause i ain't 'round
’cause i got laid
on the unemployment line
now i’m standing strong on the front line
with uncle sam and his crew
singing the i love

I love

I love my country


lifepoetry by Tantra-zawadi

copyright 2010

Tantra's recent appearances include the New York Public Library of Performance Arts at Lincoln Center, Badilisha Poetry X-Change Festival in Cape Town, South Africa and the Montserrat Poetry Festival. Tantra is also a recipient of the Kings County District Attorney's Office Award for Women’s History Month for her artistic contributions to the borough of Brooklyn.

Published Author: Tantra’s latest release, “Gathered at Her Sky” from Poets Wear Prada Publishing, is available at Amazon and (June 2010). Tantra, a mentor for Girl-Child Network Worldwide (GCN), will donate partial proceeds from Gathered at Her Sky to GCN to provide education, personal items and empowerment for girls in Zimbabwe. Tantra is also the author of “alifepoeminprogress” by Chuma Spirit Books, and her poetry was featured in Essence Magazine and in spoken word publications such as Redeye, Spoken Vizions (,, Platinum Poets, Sunpiper Press, Souled Up and

Ed Bullins, Boston MA


I'm taking everything

and that's not enough

I'm taking everything

and that's not enough

And he said...

I'm taking everything

because I'm bad and stuff


I'm taking everything

because I'm bad and stuff

And we called it






I'm taking everything

and that's not enough

I'm taking everything

and that's not enough

I'm taking it all

because I'm bad and stuff

I'm taking it all

because I'm bad and stuff

That's subprime subprime subprime


Ed Bullins 10.09.2008

Ed Bullins is one of the founders of the Black Arts Movement. He and Marvin X founded Black Arts West theatre in the Fillmore district of San Francisco, 1966. Eldridge Cleaver,

Marvin X, Ethna Wyatt and Ed Bullins established the Black House, a political/cultural center in San Francsico, 1967. He fled to Harlem after the fall of Black House and worked at the New Lafayette Theatre. He was playwright in residence and editor of Black theatre Magazine. Ed is one of America’s most prolific playwrights. He teaches at Northeastern University, Boston.

Dr. Rodney D. Coates, East St. Louis


Rodney D. Coates

When the tide of life rocks your boat
When the winds of change batters your doors
When the rays of reality shatters your illusions
When the quiet of abandonment fills your ears
And yet you stand;

When it seems that fate has left you adrift
When all your friends condemn you
When your path is strewn with your past
When failure is all that you can see
And yet you stand;

When the solitude of forgetfulness is your only escape
When the multitude of complaints are your only friends
When the plethora of excuses is all you redeem
When the avalanche of disaster is all you harvest
And yet you stand;

When despair mingled with tears is your daily drink
When drama coupled with fear is your only comfort
When pain and defeat forces your head to bow
When deceit and lies weigh heavily on your shoulders
And yet you stand

Then, and only then -can you shout with both clarity and surety
That you have overcome. Then, and only then -will you know
who are your true friends. And then and only then will you
Be able to drink from the cup of victory-if only you stand.

--Dr. Rodney D. Coates

Rodney D. Coates, born in East St. Louis, Ill., received his B.A. from Southern Illinois University, M.A. in sociology and anthropology from the University of Illinois, a second M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago.

Ahmadinejad pledges Lebanon support - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Ahmadinejad pledges Lebanon support - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Now Available from Black Bird Press:Mythology of Pussy and Dick

This book empowered me. I didn’t know I had that much power!—Young sister

It helped me step up my game!—Young brother

Thank you, thank you, for writing this. I am going to make my son and daughter read it.—A Mother


of Pussy and Dick


Healthy Psychosocial


Marvin X

Warning: Contains explicit language

And youth who otherwise don't read, do read this book and even squabble over ownership, as if it were black gold!


We are fortunate to witness such openness and honesty, though it makes the smug uncomfortable in their fake comforts….

--Lil Joe

Mythology of Pussy and Dick is a compilation of everything Marvin X has written over the past 40 years on psychosocial sexuality in America and the world. There are those who will miss this opportunity to receive wisdom from our brother because of the language he uses to describe the male and female anatomy, his perceived objectification of women and men….

--Delores Nochi

Donation: $49.95

414 pages

Your donation supports Academy of da Corner

14th and Broadway, Oakland

Black Bird Press

1222 Dwight Way, Berkeley CA 94702







Part One: Mythology of Pussy and Dick

Mythology Defined

Don’t Say Pussy

Mythology of Pussy and Dick

Tiger Woods

Gender Studies at Academy of Da Corner

Insanity of Sex


What is Love?

Part Two: For the Women


Parable of a Real Woman

Parable of Woman in the Box

The Comforter

Parable of Value

Women without Men

The Lonely Hearts Club

Political & Sexual Anorexia and Mama at Twilight:

Dr. Julia Hare and Ayodele Nzingha

Nisa Ra

Parable of the Bitter Bitch

Fahizah on Bitter Bitch

Dialogue on Bitter Bitch

The White Woman

Obama’s Last Ghost

In Search of my Soul Sister

Babylon Brooklyn

Black Woman’s Breast KO’s America

How to Love a Thinking Woman

Poem for Young Mothers

Womanhood Rite of Passage:

Bathroom Graffiti Queen

Parable of Woman at the Well

Wounded in the House of a Friend—Sonia Sanche, a review

Part Three: For the Men


Baby Boy: A Manhood Training Rite

Calling all Black Men

Abstract for the Elders Council


Abstract for a Youth Council

Memorial Day

When the Mate leaves, don’t worry, be happy!

Bitch Led Nigguhs

Toxic Love

How to Find a BMW (Black Man Working):

Dr. Julia Hare, a review by Marvin X

Part Four: Family

Parable of Family


Family II

Courtship: You Don’t Know Me

Parable of the Pit Bull

Getting Out



Malcolm and Betty, A Love Song

Malcolm’s Letter to Elijah

I Will Go into the City


The Other Woman

Confession of a Polygamist

Confession of a Wife Beater

I Shot Him


Moment in Paradise


When I Think About the Women in my Life


Parable of Children and the Catholic Church

Part Five: Rape and Violence

Partner Violence and Spirituality

Parable of Insecurity

The Dick and Gun

Parable of Man with Gun in Hand

Parable of Rape

Rape and Mythology

VIP Nigguhs and Rape

Confession of a Rapist

Eldridge Cleaver, Confession of a Rapist

Woman Stoned to Death

Parable of a Gangsta

Beyond Gang Violence, toward Political Power

A Pan African Pussy and Dick Tale

Parable of Pain

Anger Management During the Holidays

Part Six: Prostitution

Same sex marriage, straight men, prostitution

Dialogue on Prostitution


Fillmore Slim on Pimpin

The Maid, the Ho, the Cook

Negro Psychosocial Sexuality in the Post Crack Era

Pay da Ho ta Go

Part Seven: Gay/Lesbian

Poetically Gay

The Prince of Peace and James Baldwin

Parable of Purple

Same Sex Marriage and Black Liberation

Love Letter to Gay and Lesbian Youth

Parable of Women without Men

Fable of Rooster and Hen

Part Eight: Creativity and Sexuality


Sex and Drugs

Poetic Sexuality

Poetics of Love

Never Love a Poet

Parable of the Old Lovers

Part Nine: National Tour


Howard University, Washington, DC

Final Notes at Howard University

Comment from Philadelphia Locks Conference

Harlem Celebrates Amiri Baraka @ 75


Toward the Language of Love

Parable of the Moment

Letting Go

Joy and Happiness

Of Sex, Disease and Death

When Thy Lover has gone to Eternity

Separation and Divorce


Lil Joe Comments

Is Mythology Porno? OPD Swoop on Marvin X

For Whites Only?

Oakland Man Jacked in Sac by Youth for MOP

Comment on a White Woman, Tim Wise

Two Critics on Marvin X: Dr. Mohja Kahf, Bob Holman

Fly to Allah, review by Johari Amini

Letter from Shawn Fabio

Preview #12, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Preview #12, Journal of Pan African Studies, Poetry Issue

Deadline for submissions extended to November 12, 2010

We especially want to hear from hip hop poets, spoken word artists, conscious rappers

Send your submission to Guest Editor, Marvin X,, include brief bio, pic, MS Word attachment

Submissions received from the following:

Askia Toure
Amiri Baraka
Rudolph Lewis
Al Young
Ishmael Reed
Mona Lisa Saloy
Gwendolyn Mitchell
Haki Madhubuti
Louis Reyes Rivera
Bruce George
Jeannette Drake
Lamont Steptoe
Devorah major
Phavia Khujichagulia
Ayodele Nzingha
Tureeda Mikell
Eugene Redman
Fritz Pointer
J. Vern Cromartie
Greg Carr
Kalamu ya Salaam
Jerry Ward
Mary Weems
C. Liegh McInnis
Ramal Lamar
Tariq Shabazz
Felix sylvannus
Susan Lively
Paradise Jah Love
Ptah Allah El
Itibari M. Zulu
Nandi Comer
Renaldo Manuel Ricketts
Anthony Mays
Dr. Tracey Ownes Patton
Dike Okoro
Hettie V. Williams
Kola Boof
Neal E. Hall, MD
Ghasem Batamuntu
Sam Hamod
Opal Palmer Adisa
Ed Bullins
Kamaria Muntu
L. E. Scott
Chinwe Enemchukwu
Mabel Mnensa
Kwan Booth
Rodney D. Coates
Ras Griot
Charles Curtis Blackwell
John Reynolds III
Gabriel Sharpiro
Darlene Scott
Jimmy Smith, Jr.
Amy ”Aimstar” Andrieux

Marvin X

Lamont b. Steptoe, Philadelphia PA

Chase The Wind!

The only way to live is to leave

Never stop leaving

Wherever you find yourself

Chase the wind!

Pretend it is a beautiful woman or a beautiful man

Glimpsed in an exotic city

That you must find again

Make your life depend on leaving

Wandering the world to find a place

Beautiful enough to die!

Chase the wind!

--lamont b. Steptoe

Lamont B. Steptoe was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Temple University's School of Communications and Theater. He is the author of twelve collections of poetry which include Uncle's South China Sea Blue Nightmare, A Long Movie of Shadows, Crowns and Halos and Oracular Rumblings & Stiltwalking. Steptoe has also edited two collections of poetry by the late South African Poet, Dennis Brutus. Steptoe is a Vietnam veteran, a father, publisher, photographer and globetrotter. In 2005 he was awarded an American Book award for his collection A Long Movie of Shadows. In 2006,he was awarded a Pew Fellowship in the Arts and inducted into the International Hall of Fame for Writers of African Descent by the Gwendolyn Brooks Center at Chicago State University. Steptoe has been featured in poetry readings in Managua, Nicaragua, Paris, France, Den Hague, Netherlands and Mumbai, India. His work is included in over one hundred poetry anthologies and he has read at schools, colleges and universities throughout the United States.

John Reynolds III, Detroit

Black Lights

I remember Detroit,

and a DJ named Tiger Dan,

who kept Detroit’s soul on the radio

in the daytime,

and in the Blue Chateau lounge

at night.

when a bad neighborhood meant

you might get your bicycle stolen

but not lose your life because of it.

I remember

a destination of desire,

where the blackness

of transplanted southerners

glowed like the gems they were.

where older boys taught younger boys

*Lorenzo Wright’s stride

during relays at after-school recreation.

I wonder if Detroit

will again be our promised land,

where lumps of African coal

reveal their true character as gems.

Precious, coveted

one-of-a-kind gems.

--John Reynolds III

*Lorenzo Wright, from Detroit, was a 1948 Olympic Gold Medalist.

John Reynolds III’s poems are from my manuscript entitled Freedom Blues. I have a Master's degree in English from Marygrove College in Detroit, MI, and am currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Howard University in Washington, D.C., also in English. I am a longtime supporter of the Broadside Poets Theatre in Detroit, which is affiliated with Broadside Press, an early black-owned publisher that, as you doubtless know, was at the forefront of the Black Arts Movement.

JACQUELINE KIBACHA, Tanzania, East Africa

From one border to the next

From one border to the next

My feet graze, eating the soil.

Red, sticky mud

Sandy grains

Stone pebbles

My toes curl, digging deep

My eyes to the horizon

As the equator draws her line

A taunt.

Trying to force me to make a decision,

To make a claim.

Though my heart is free

To wander from border to border with my feet

Its heaviness keeps me rooted.

My roots from the grassroots

Kilimanjaro cries, with arched back

Calling me back.

And I hear her, even through the heavy dialect

The voice of my mother

Sing song speaking.

Not every word is clear to me

But somehow I know she’s directing me,

And I sing song back.

Though not my mother

Her tongue extends through me.

I carry her voice across each border

Over each horizon

Across each shore

Until I know that I am home.

--Jacqueline Kibacha (2010)

Born in the ‘haven of peace’ Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, this Poet enjoyed and excelled in creative writing from a young age, choosing it as her course of study. Gaining star grades in literature was just part of it, Jacqueline discovered a talent for performing the written word and so studied to gain awards in speech and poetry presentation as well as gracing the stage in plays and musicals.

A Fine Art graduate who spent much of her university life involved with music, she began to experiment with sounds and words in the form of poetry. Drawing on her experiences and observations of growing up in 3 continents, Africa, Asia and Europe ,and exploring the dynamics of relationships, with self and others she began to put together a collection of works - both poetry and prose. She was recently featured on BBC World Service and is currently working on an album of poetry with French producer Dominique Lepine.

Everett Hoagland, New Bedford MA


We have broken free

of imposed forms, from

the outrages of being bound

in formal and informal cages. “Sympathy's”*

caged broken-winged song

birds now fly more freely than even

Bird's bop. They broke bad

with break-

dancing and hip/hop all over

spoken word's poetry perches

and beyond the lovely, dark, and deep

paper woods and pulp trees some think

they shall never see as lovely

as freed people's

poetry. Free

to be whatever

it wants to be,

what it is or is be-

coming. And what we have been

through entitles us to

tell it like it

tiz of thee

and say “it be's

that way” if that is what we want.

What makes a poem

Black with a capital B

among those of us in the U.S.

descended from ancestors who

used to be the capital in capitalism’s

centuries of “free market” slavery

and share-

cropping? History!

What makes a poem Black?

it ain’t no mystery: ancestry, legacy,

politics, class, culture,

style. Confluence

of the mass mixed

things that come to mind out

of a “consciousness of kind.”

Mixed-in out of mouth things

like ring shouts, refrains, signifying, jive,

blues, jazz songs, scat, the dozens, r&b, break-

beats, rap. All that

black mouth evolved

north, east, west,

first hybrid down

south of what

we used to say is

where it’s at. Free

poetry, free

of the slave ship’s choke hold,

free of the slave-breakers' silencing

iron bit. Freed

from verse cages of poesy.

Free to be what comes out

of its own history.

Be it penned declaration

or improvised oration

as affirmation of its own

nation within

a nation. Recite it,

or write it, or hear it,

or read it like holy writ

because it

is. So

be it.

*Paul Dunbar's poem, "Sympathy"

--Everett Hoagland

Everett Hoagland's poetry has been regularly published in prominent periodicals and anthologies since the late 1960's. He has given poetry readings all over the USA and in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and his most recent books are ... HERE ... New & Selected Poems, and JUST WORDS?. Hoagland lives in New Bedford, MA, and was recently inducted into The International Literary Hall of Fame For Writers of African Descent.

Tureeda Mikell, Oakland CA


Chile, you do what you s’pose too

Pay dem no nebah mine, you hearah

Deys ribbon ain’t yo’s to have ebah

Yo’ tongus goes back befoe’ deys do

Just you study yo passion, you light

Shine baby, come time it’ll be alright

You listen careful now, we ain’t dead.

Fly baby, go on, you know how

Stop fretin’ you mine wid dey trouble

We watchin’ ova you whilst you sleep

Tell yo stories to ones that need

Leave dem no accounts to they failins

We see whey you got to walk

Carry some soda for that acid stomach

Tureeda Mikell (C)

Tureeda Mikell – Djeli Musa, Story Medicine Woman

With 35 years combined experience in nursing, language science, songwriting and the paranormal synchronistic occurrence, she weaves blood memory to mend our story. Tureedas’ stories reveal then seal to heal. An activist for holism, her works have been found in South Africa, Japan, and Sweden. Recent publications, ‘Temba Tupu’, Africa World Press, and ‘Sparrows Eye’, Bay Area Writing Project, Digital Paper, U.C. Berkeley.

Kwan Booth, Oakland CA

Modern Medicine

See blood posted up over there

In the shadow of that black block.

Up way past the hour of reason?

Mouth full of cracked, small stars?

That’s the doctor.

See sis braced ‘tween streetlight

And hydrant, fingers chapped round that burnt butt,

Hawking fifteen minutes of her burnt butt?

For anyone with a few dollars,

And nowhere to spend it-

She heals.

See, it comes down to that at this hour in this

Dark slice of city, this apothecary

Of street salve and mood medicine.

This is for the lifers,

The sho nuff sick.

Prescriptions ‘round these parts don’t come


But they efficient.

Guaranteed to make the pain go.

See, these two got fine brewed elixers

For every ache from your head to your ass.

Bring your sick and your wallet

And get to know the place.

Sit a spell.

See those little bags rocked up under his tongue?

Cook’em up:

The result of hours of alchemy.

Dreams, baking powder, and nightly news churned in a scum pot.

Kept in the mouth for quick release.

Just like what that girl got up

under that dress. When she opens up

What she been tryin' to keep closed,

The whole day melts

Into those Washingtons and Jacksons

There in your pocket.

So that you can’t wait till it’s away from you.

She takes your money,

Because you ask.

See, her job is taking what you don’t want

In exchange for what most people ain’t willing to give.

She’s generous with her healing.

Gives it out as long as there are people

Who possess the talent

To turn their hurt green.

--Kwan Booth

Kwan Booth is a slam champion and journalist in Oakland.

Rudolph Lewis, Maryland

Far Away from Bliss

The full moon is soft

around the edges:

this white indefiniteness stretches

out across the purple heavens:

there’s no clarity of starlight:

no confidence which turn is right.

The peoples of these swamps

are sad with backwater misery.

A cat listens to the silence:

a train blows at the crossroads

rushing to port; an old man

with ax splinters boards

on a chopping block

for the morning chill to come:

a bird awakes with a shrill cry

swoops down: a cat pounces

ready for crisis and opportunity:

silence returns: an aging black woman

with family sleeps in a parked car,

pleads for a kitchen

and a bathroom: a young Hispanic

college student who works

at MacDonald’s, his fourth year,

is touched by the magic hand of fate.

Thank God and the president:

all are not dead like 39 in cemeteries.

In this warm mist three young deer

in the garden munch moonlight and silence.

Our pains are softened by prayers,

hope, and grace mounted up: from the ruins

many will reach Obama heights, riding

on the uplifting coattails of vultures.

--Rudolph Lewis

Rudolph Lewis is an educator who has taught at several universities including the University of New Orleans (UNO) and Coppin State in Baltimore. He has also been a librarian at Enoch Pratt in Baltimore, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, and at City College High School in Baltimore. He is also the founding editor of the popular ChickenBones: A Journal, which has been online since 2001 with both a national and an international audience.