Monday, October 27, 2014

Black Bird Press News & Review: The Wisdom of Plato Negro, Parables & Fables by Marvin X

Black Bird Press News & Review: The Wisdom of Plato Negro, Parables & Fables by Marvin X

Oakland's Lakeshore District patrons at Marvin X's Academy of da Corner

Parable of the Parrot by Marvin X

The economic and political dependence of this African neo-colonial bourgeoisie is reflected in its culture of apenmanship and parrotry enforced on a restive population through police boots, barbed wire, a gowned clergy and judiciary; their ideas are spread by a corpus of state intellectuals, the academic and journalistic laureates of the neo-colonial establishment.
--Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Decolonizing the Mind

for Ngugi Wa Thiong'o and the Pan African Revolution

The king wanted parrots around him. He wants all his ministers to wear parrot masks. He said he had to do the same for the previous king. He only said what the king wanted to hear, nothing more, so he advised his ministers to do the same. In fact, they must encourage the people to become parrots.

Yes, he wanted a nation of parrots. Don't say anything the kings does not want to hear. Everything said should be music to his ears. And don't worry, he will tell you exactly what he wants to hear in his regular meetings and public addresses to the nation. Everyone will be kept informed what parrot song to sing. No one must be allowed to disagree with the king. This would be sacrilegious and punishable by death.

The king must be allowed to carry out the dreams that come to his head. No one else should dream, only the king. In this manner, according to the king, the people can make real progress. There shall always be ups and downs, but have faith in the king and everything will be all right. Now everyone sing the national anthem, the king told the people.

There must be a chorus of parrots, a choir, mass choir singing in perfect unity. Let there be parrots on every corner of the kingdom, in every branch and tree. Let all the boys sing like parrots in the beer halls. Let the preacher lead the congregation in parrot songs. Let the teachers train students to sound like parrots. Let the university professors give good grades to those who best imitate parrot sounds. Let the journalists allow no stories over the airwaves and in print if they do not have the parrot sound.

The king was happy when the entire nation put on their parrot masks. Those who refused suffered greatly until they agreed to join in. The state academics and intellectuals joined loudly in parroting the king's every wish. Thank God the masses do not hear them pontificate or read their books. After all, these intellectual and academic parrots are well paid, tenured and eat much parrot seed.

Their magic song impresses the bourgeoisie who have a vested interest in keeping the song of the parrot alive. Deep down in the hood, in the bush, the parrot song is seldom heard, only the sound of the hawk gliding through the air in stone silence looking for a parrot to eat.

--Marvin X 4/5/10

Parable of the Black Bourgeoisie by Marvin X

1 comment:

I am CERTAINLY enjoying these parables Marvin X. I haven't had morning coffee of this caliber and potency in a VERY long time! I still love my coffee BLACK! Thank u, thank u Marvin X!

STOP Police Terror, Mass Incarceration, Repression, and the Criminalizat...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Parable of Iraq by Marvin X

Parable of Iraq

Friday, April 16, 2010

Parable of Iraq
The war in Iraq has not begun. It shall begin when the Americans leave--now what day might that be? 
They are still in Germany, Japan, and elsewhere. They ain't in Vietnam, ha? But in Iraq,they have merely 
opened Pandora's box. As they draw down, the spirit sshall dance in the desert winds.T
he Shia have power they've never had before, not since before the martyrdom of their imams after
the death of the prophet. The Shia say to hell with the democratic process, there shall be Shia 
power until they see fit to share power with the Sunnis, their oppressors and eternal theological 
enemy.The Sunni must receive the big payback! They must suffer justice for theyears of domination 
and destruction of Shia culture. Why should theyshare equal power after years of oppression. 

When a man beats his wife, he loses a certain power, his stature is reduced, his rights curtailed. 
His wife will say, you blew it buddy. You're lucky I didn't kill you in your sleep. We have seen 
the sectarian battles in Iraq. But we ain't seen nothing yet. Of course the sectarian is in reality geo-political.

The Sunni neighbors in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf states have no intention to allow 
Shia power to rule unobstructed, without sabotage at every turn, especially since the Shia are 
theological and geo-political brothers with Iran.

The Sunni will do as they have been dong since the US invasion: collaborate with the US, 
while at the same time undermine the Shia at every turn. The Shia can be destroyed because 
they are not considered real Muslims. Just as Sunni Muslims do not consider the Nation of Islam
 real Muslims. They barely accept thefollowers of Warthideem Muhammad as real Muslims, after all, 
what do niggers know about Islam? This racism is no different than Christian racism. One o'clock 
Friday is the most racist hour in Islam, just as eleven 0'clock Sunday is the most racist hour in Christianity.

The Sunni/Shia conflict is an eternal contradiction that cannot be resolved except by political domination, 
or politics by other means, as in war.The Shia are in a mode of expansion, from Iran, through Iraq to 
Lebanon, or from the Tigris and Euphrates to the Mediterranean. The Sunni will attempt to block them, 
and the Zionist and Christian America shall assist as they are doing at this hour.They will do so under 
the guise of stopping Iran's nuclear program. 

The Sunni/Zionist/USpropaganda machine is in high gear preparing the world for the destruction 
of Iran, but the real purpose is not their fear of Iranian Nukes, but Shia geo-political expansion. 

Of course what we are witnessing is the rise of the Persian empire. Even with their reactionary theocracy, 
the Iranians/Persians have outflanked the Sunni regimes by supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, thus 
earning the respect ofthe Arab masses suffering under the yoke of reactionary Sunni Muslim regimes.

The Iranian theocracy does not have clean hands, but they do stand closer to the Arab 
masses than the oppressive Sunni governments. America's mission is, of course, oil, oil, oil. She doesn't  
give a damn about Sunni or Shia, only as pawns in the game of geo-political/economic hegemony. 

As per America, even the Zionists are expendable. In the end, she will give up support of the Zionist 
for a barrel of oil! She will give up her mother for two barrels!
--Marvin X

Slave Catchers, Slave Resisters

This is one of the best documentaries on resistance by Africans in the American slave system.

We urge viewers to share it with their friends.--Marvin X