Monday, July 6, 2020

Did you catch Marvin X in Black Panther: Vanguard of the Revolution?

Left to Right: Marvin X, grandson Jahmiel, director Stanley Nelson, MX's daughter Attorney Amira Jackmon and her daughter Naeemah Joy at Shattuck Cinema, Berkeley showing of Black Panthers, Vanguard of the Revolution. Marvin appears in the film. He and Stanley Nelson participated in the Q and A. Marvin's grandson said, "It was too much shooting!"

Director Stanley Nelson, Marvin X and Fred Hampton, Jr. at the San Francisco Film Festival screening of Black Panther, Vanguard of the Revolution
photo Aries X

Dr. Huey P. Newton on Marvin X

"Marvin X was my teacher. Many of our comrades came through his Black Arts Theatre: Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Emory Douglas and Samuel Napier."--Dr. Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party

Marvin X on Huey P. Newton

l love Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party because they came from the grass roots of
Oakland to international standing. Look at Huey embracing world revolutionaries, Chinese Premier
Cho En Li, PLO leader Yassar Arafat, et al. a journey from the streets of  Oakland to world
recognition! Wow!

Huey represented North American Africans in China. What punk bitch nigguhs have the nerve to
represent North American Africans in China today? Can they represent us in Palestine,
Vietnam, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere? They claim they Pan African but do
they represent North American Africans in the global community really? They talk and teach all that
Diaspora shit (approved by white supremacy academia--but let them attempt to teach revolutionary black
nationalism and their asses will be out the door! Dr. Nathan Hare says they are permitted to teach any
other worldism that will not free us down here on the ground in the belly of the beast. And here comes
Black Lives Matter financed by the global devils when we know no matter how many millions march in
the name of BLM, the only thing that matters is Black Power, economic, political, military, cultural, 100%
Black Power Matters, not diluted,polluted, homogenized and pasteurized with gender issues.
Either we all free or none are free. This ain't no gender issue. We were all on those slave ships together,
shittin, pissin and menustratin: blood, piss, shit together and we shall rise again in the same mixture of funk
as Dr. Cornel West likes to say. If and when we get out of here it will be a funky affair, nothing nice, clean,
sweet but funky, James Brown funk Ain't It Funky Now!

BPP co-founder Huey P. Newton embracing Yasir Arafat, leader of Palestine. Marvin X said, "We
support Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian call for nationhood. We North American Africans desire
the same!"

North American Africans need our own million man army. Ever since the Civil War ended and 200,000 North American Africans were disarmed, we have languished in servitude and wage slavery, devoid of national sovereignty thus true freedom and total liberation from the Babylon beast.

North American Africans have no problem with North Korea. The BPP was in N. Korea when Black
Panther Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver ,and his wife Kathleen celebrated the first birthday
of their son, Maceo, at a party hosted by Madam Kim Il Sung. Their daughter Joju was born in
North Korea and named by Madam Kim Il Sung. "Your enemy ain't my enemy and my friend ain't your
--Marvin X

Marvin X in Stanley Nelson's documentary film on the Black Panther Party

Note: Marvin X received a phone call from producer, Laurens Grant, letting him know he survived the cutting and is indeed part of the people interviewed by director Stanley Nelson. There will be a private showing in the Bay soon, followed by a public screening. The film was recently screened at the Sundance Film Festival. Next weekend it will be in Los Angeles at the Pan African Film Festival.

"Marvin X was my teacher. Many of our comrades came through his Black Arts Theatre: Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Emory Douglas and Samuel Napier."--Dr. Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party



Marvin X concluded his Revolution on the Rocks Book Tour 2012 with a lunch interview with producer Laurens Grant who is working on a documentary on the Black Panther Party, directed by Stanley Nelson. Marvin X has urged her to include how the Black Panther Party in particular and the liberation movement in general was influenced by the Black Arts Movement. According to Marvin X, there was cross fertilization between the Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Black Arts Movement and the Black Student Movement that led to Black Studies.

Bobby Seale and Marvin X at the Joyce
Gordon Gallery Black History Celebration, 2012

No aspect of the Black Consciousness Movement sprang up in isolation. We cannot discuss the Black Panthers without discussing the African American Association, led by Donald Warden, aka Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al Mansour. From the AAA's influence came the Panthers and the establishment of Black Studies at Oakland's Merritt College, even before the violent strike for Black Studies at San Francisco State College, now university.

And would the students at Merritt and San Francisco State have been motivated without the West Coast Black Arts Movement, e.g., Bobby Seale performed in Marvin X's second play Come Next Summer before joining the BPP. Bobby played the role of a young black man in search of revolutionary consciousness.

At San Francisco State College, LeRoi Jones, aka Amiri Baraka's Communications Project enrolled student actors and playwrights such as Jimmy Garrett, Benny Stewart, George Murray, Jo Ann Mitchell, Elleadar Barnes, et al., who went on to participate in the Black Panther Party after BAM consciousness.

At San Francisco State College, now University, Marvin X's first play, Flowers for the Trashman, produced by the Drama Department, 1965, ushered in Black Arts West Theatre, 1966, with X and playwright Ed Bullins. Danny Glover performed in BAW. BAW came under the influence of the Nation of Islam will key players joining the NOI, i.e., Marvin X, Duncan X, Hillary X and Ethna X.

Upon his release from prison, 1967, Eldridge Cleaver hooked up with Marvin X and they established the Black House, a political/cultural center, along with Ethna X, Ed Bullins and Willie Dale. Again the Muslim influence: Marvin X an d BAW guru and former inmate with Eldridge, Alonzo Batin, forced Eldridge Cleaver out of his white woman's house (Beverly Axelrod, the attorney who took his manuscript Soul on Ice out of Soledad Prison and whom Eldridge promised to marry, who also contracted a portion of royalties from Soul on Ice and won by default while Eldridge was exiled in Algeria). Eldridge died poor while his book is still an international bestseller as we write! You Marvin X eventually introduced Eldridge Cleaver to Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, Marvin's companions from Merritt College.

But just as the Nation of Islam recruited members of the Black Arts West Theatre, Marvin X would later recruit for the NOI. His biggest fish was no doubt Nadar Ali or Bobby Jones who Elijah Muhammad put over the fish import business.

Islam had a significant role on the East Coast Black Panther Party and the genre Muslim American literature begins with Marvin X and the BAM writers, e.g., Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Askia Muhammad Toure, et al.

Marvin X and his mentor and associate, Master Sun Ra, outside Marvin's Black Educational Theatre on O'farrel Street, between Fillmore and Webster, 1972. Sun Ra and Marvin X were both teaching Black Studies at UC Berkeley. They produced a five hour concert without intermission and a cast of fifty at San Francisco's Harding theatre on Divisadero St. Sun Ra is the Father of Afro-futurism, Octavia Butler the Mother. The esthetics in the movie Black Panther is a tribute to Afro-futurism.

 Eldridge and Alprentice Bunchy Carter, his prison buddy and later leader of the Los Angeles Black Panther Party, murdered on the campus of UCLA, along with John Huggins by members of the US organization, headed by Ron Karenga.

 Huey P. Newton in wicker chair, rug, shield, spear; these items came from Eldridge Cleaver's room at Beverly Axelrod's house. Marvin X and Alonzo Batin (BAM guru) forcibly  moved Eldridge from Axelrod's  White House to the Black House on Broderick St., San Francisco, yes, as Miss Ann cried crocodile tears because her Jungle Fever was being kidnapped. Beverly won a royalty suit against Eldridge when he was in exile and unable to come to court. She won by default and for the rest of his life he was deprived of royalties from his world-wide best seller Soul on Ice. But in the end, Beverley got her due when just before the Oakland memorial for Eldridge Cleaver, her Pacifica house slid down the hill in a mudslide. 

 Marvin X at Fresno State College/now University. He was removed as lecturer on orders of
Governor Ronald Reagan who also removed Angela Davis from UCLA the same year, 1969.

 My Friend the Devil, Marvin's memoir of Eldridge Cleaver.

 Eldridge Cleaver and Marvin X outside the house where the Panthers had a shoot out with the OPD. Little Bobby Hutton was murdered by OPD, Cleaver wounded and later fled to exile. When he returned as a Born Again Christian, Marvin X organized his ministry. photo Muhammad Al Kareem
See My Friend the Devil, a memoir of Eldridge Cleaver by Marvin X, Black Bird Press, Berkeley, 2009. Also, Somethin' Proper, the autobiography of a North American African Poet, Marvin X, Black Bird Press, 1998. Somethin' Proper came off the press the day Eldridge Cleaver made his transition to the ancestors, May 1, 1998. Marvin X performed the memorial rites in Oakland. Kathleen and daughter Joju attended the memorial. Kathleen said, "Marvin, the memorial was great, but there were just too many Muslims!" Alas, their son is Ahmed Maceo Eldridge Cleaver, a Sunni Muslim!

Classic Malcolm X interview at UC Berkeley

When I'll Wave the Flag

When I'll Wave The Flag

I'll wave the flag
When the trillions in reparations are paid to the
African American Nation
For 400 years of being terrorized in America
When the bill of the Middle Passage is paid
When the bill from the cotton fields is paid

I'll wave the flag
When the damages due the descendents of mass murder
is paid
Mass kidnapping
Mass rape

I'll wave the flag
When the police stop terrorizing us for breathing
while black
Walking while black
Loving while black

I'll wave the flag
When the 2 million men and women in prison are
for petty crimes
And those guilty of stealing elections take their
in the cells

I'll wave the flag
When those guilty of stealing labor, stealing
stealing souls of the poor are jailed

I'll wave the flag
When those guilty of the miseducation of our
children are
jailed for crimes against humanity

I'll wave the flag
When those who terrorize the earth, pollute the
poison the food, the water, the air
Inject animals with hormones
Genetically alter vegetables and fruits
When these people are taken before the world court
terrorizing the world
I'll wave the flag

Until then
Kiss my motherfuckin' ass.

2001 Marvin X.

Friday, July 3, 2020

blame it on marvin x


Have you seen it?
When is the last time you’ve walked downtown
Can’t believe what they’ve done
But, i know this, for sure
Gwon. Go ahead.
Hope the streets don’t call me out on this
But, i BLAME Marvin X!

He started it!
He and Immamu
The great Baraka
Elombe, Kwame, Maya, Abubadika, Ed Bullins, Sonia Sanchez, Askia Toure’
Bobby, Huey, Emory, Karenga, COBRA in Chi-town, Ishmael...
Yebo! They should all be held responsible!

Damn right, i blame Marvin X and ‘nem
For being the main instigators that has brought the world
More than 50 years
Five loooong decades-plus
Of terrifying White terrorists, including Reagan
While shaking up liberals
The nerve of him, the never of them
Waking up “Negroes”
When they’re trying to keep sleeping

Don’t know bout ya
But, i still blame Marvin X and ‘nem
Not just these miserable social conditions
Of vicious European and American global imperialist monopoly capitalist white terrorism
For causing all this
Particular unruly and unauthorized behavior
Firing up folks
Coast to coast
From the Atlantic to the Gulf to the Great Lakes to the Pacific and beyond
To the continent and around our diaspora
Especially among these brave youngsters
Who have no idea
What they’re up against
Or, how to be scared!

Ya can say what ya want
But, i’m calling him out
The truth is Marvin X and ‘nem are to blame.
He has to be completely out of his mind
For outrageously envisioning a safe, secure, valued CommUNITY of
Self-Determined African people with homes, banks, stores, theaters, cafes, galleries, vendors
And, no poo-poo. Ooops, typo. i meant no po-po
Calling it the “Black Arts Movement taking care of Our Business District”
In the Spirit of our Kemetic-like destroyed Greenwood-Archer-Pine “GAP” area in Tulsa, Never
In the center of Indigenous OHLONE-land
Renamed “oakland” by the European and American killer and raper
Raiders and 49’er gold diggers

Who else ya gonna blame, but Marvin X and ‘nem?
For confronting the City officials
To first recognize this Black Arts Movement District
Then demanding they put up some street signs and posters
To loudly declaring our sacred Red, Black and Green colors of Liberation!

So, it is, indeed, Marvin X and ‘nem
Who WE have to blame
Cause he has now taken the damn thang
To an even higher level
Without any prior notification
Or, “official” Invitation
Have you seen this outburst?
Witnessed all this dangerous art?
On every block! Every street! Even in some alleys.
And, to my amazement…
Not one broken window.

Go ahead
Let’s blame Marvin X and ‘nem
There they go again inspiring so many creative Spirits
And, Bold, Brave Amazing Souls
Who seem to have been set Free
And, given this precious Sacred Space
While confronting the deadly military armor, tear gas, hidden cameras, threats of arrests and jailings
And, drive-by shootings and murder
From Euro-American “white” military-trained terrorists
Along with this deadly virus from who knows where (at the moment)

i’m for blaming Marvin X and ‘nem
For issuing this Call to Create
With nothing to fight with
But their weapons of Warriors’ vigor
Unfiltered imagination and unabashed creativity
Nothing but pray cans, paint brushes, magic markers, sharpies
Plywood, concrete and asphalt
Or, the walls of the J.P. Morgan Chase bank robbers and their ilk
These newer versions of the Splash Sis-Stars and Brothers
With profound messaging
Representing the real World Champions GIANTS WE all be
Yebo. This dude, Baba Marvin X
Always stirring Up Trouble!
Among the Blacks! The Browns! The Yellows! The Reds!
Lighting matches with words
That have sparked the creation of these new and old Black and Beautiful images
Of Truth and Black Genius!
Fully expressing our global Black experience, echoing Baba ImHotep Byrd!
Shouting and Exercising Our Mighty and Unstoppable Black Power!
And, futuristic Black Life!

Yebo, ya damn right it’s his fault
So, please join and help me
In putting the blame right where it belongs
And, while WE are at it
Sharing our utmost Gratitude to...
Baba Marvin X!
And, his many Black Artist
And, especially MOVEMENT-building co-horts
Past, present and after he, and WE
Are Long Gone!
Ase`. Ase`. Ase’-O!

by Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at
June 2020

comment by marvin x

ache', im humbled by yr praise poem. why u put me on front street lol i got enough haters wt daggers. one told me the other day to watch my step.
peace n love jahahara

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Negro as Sisyphus

We appear to be victims of the Sisyphusian myth/ritual, up and down the mountain for eternity. When shall we break the cycle of nothingness and dread? When shall we reach the mountain top never to descend again?

Just know as Mao said, the reactionaries will never put down their butcher knives, they will never turn into buddha heads!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I AM A BLACK MAN! Dr. Nathan Hare

by Dr. Nathan Hare

Dr. Nathan Hare at Stanford University
The evidence of anthropology now suggests that I, the black man, am the original man, the first man to walk this vast, imponderable earth. I, the black man, am an African, the exotic quintessence of a universal blackness. I have lost by force my land, my language, in a sense my life -- I will seize it back, so help me. Toward that end, if necessary, I will crush the corners of the earth, and this world will surely tremble, until I, the black man, the first and original man, can arm in arm with my woman, erect among the peoples of the earth a new society, humane to its cultural core; out of which at long last will emerge, as night moves into day, the first truly human being the world has ever known. -- Nathan Hare

Draft Black Bird Press News and Review Black August 2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain (1960) (Full Album)

Two daughters of Marvin X, Nefertiti and Attorney Amira Jackmon with Cornel West at the Kings and Queens of Black Consciousness Concert, San Francisco State University, 2001

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Blaxit: America, Love her or leave her?

Above is the link to the Blaxit forum from Accra, Ghana


Since the ending of slavery in the United States, there has been an ongoing debate about whether Black Americans (the descendants of Africans bought and stolen from the shores of Africa) should stay on the land they built through hundreds of years of free labor or return to Africa, their ancestral homeland.

Over the past 150 years, there have been initiatives to have Black Americans repatriate to Africa but the majority of the population has stayed in the country.  "Go Back to Africa" has been both the rallying cry of pan-Africanists, most notably Honorable Marcus Garvey as well as the taunting chant of racists during verbal and physical acts of hostility and abuse towards Black people.

Some believe that we have rights to the land that the blood, sweat, tears, and lives were sacrificed to build and we should stay and fight for it despite rampant social injustice, inequalities, and continuous acts of racial terrorism.  There are others who are adamant that our rightful place is on the African continent where we originated even though hundreds of years have removed our bonds and connections with the people and culture. The idea of a modern migration Back to Africa to escape the injustice and terrorism has been termed Blaxit or The Black Exit.

There are harsh realities of both options. With the new wave protests, injustice, and health disparities brought to light during the Covid-19 pandemic and the deaths of Back people at the hands of police and racists, more Black Americans are exploring their options.

Join our esteemed panel of speakers (including two who have migrated to Ghana), who will engage on the topic and explore the challenges and realities from the legal, social, financial, and cultural perspectives.

Live Broadcast  on Facebook and Youtube 
Saturday, July 4th, 2020
1pm EST
10am PST
5pm GMT+1

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Erinn Ransom-Ofori is a professor of Africana Studies, a Diaspora Repatriation Advisor, a Mindset Transformation Coach, and the founder of the consulting firm, Infinite Potential Africa Ltd. Erinn has a BA in African & African American Studies from UCLA, a Master’s degree in Africana Studies from Cornell University and was conducting her PhD in African Diaspora Studies when she relocated to  Ghana where she currently lives with her family since 2007.
Marvin X is an accomplished poet, playwright and essayist of the BLACK ARTS MOVEMENT (BAM) and was a co-founder of The Black House and The Black Arts/West Theatre in San Francisco. For the past 50 years, Marvin X has continued to work as an activist, lecturer, teacher and producer while releasing numerous books of poetry and essays. He has received writing fellowships and grants from Columbia University, National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Andre L. Smith is a professor of law, the executive director of the Economic Justice Law Review, a published author, and the founder of the Afrolantican Legal Academy.  
Andre holds a B.S. in Economics from the University of Maryland-College Park, a J.D. from the Howard University School of Law, and an LL.M in taxation from the Georgetown University Law Center. 
Muhammida El Muhajir is a global brand/digital marketing and media consultant, entrepreneur and filmmaker with extensive international travel/study/work experience throughout Europe, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean, and Africa. She pursued a Master's degree in International Relations at The University of Ghana and received a B.S. in Microbiology from Howard University. She currently serves as the Director of Strategy at WaxPrint Media based in Accra, Ghana.
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