Black Mystery
The characters in this drama include Mr. Re, Mr. Ra and Mr. Ru, Miss Re, Miss Ra and Miss Ru. This cast of characters are central to the Mystery that has been a seemingly eternal narrative of a people known throughout time by a multitude of names, positive and negative. Some names are not worth mentioning since to do so would only complicate this story, this mystery of time, place and space. Mr. Ra, Mr. Re and Mr. Ru, plus their female counterparts, seemingly have been raised high, then placed low throughout time, depending on the weather, internal conflicts such as succession to power, and invasion of their lands by foreigners from time to time.
The Ra's, Re's and Ru's are symbolic of a community of people who have struggled against all odds to achieve dignity and respect throughout the universe. It seems to be an eternal struggle up the hill then down as in the Sisyphean mythology. Their victories seem short lived since they cannot learn to practice eternal vigilance, thus from time to time they have been known to relapse into madness and animal behavior. The good times come, but disappear because Ra, Re and Ru do not stay on their posts until properly relieved. They succumb to the ten trillion, one billion illusions of the monkey mind, caught in a schizoid dance between the persona of devils and gods, between their divinity and bestiality.
Why can't the Ra's, Re's and Ru's ever land on solid ground? Why is their mental equilibrium forever shaken and smashed to the core, leaving them in a state of psychosocial chaos, scrambling to reinvent the wheel of balanced personal and communal organization?
When they look in the mirror, what do they see, is it the picture of Dorian Grey, Peter Pan, individuals who wanted to be forever young and beautiful, yet the very attempt was an exercise in ugliness, for nothing stays the same, everything must change. Who wants to be a child forever, a stunted man and woman, unable to enjoy spiritual maturation, for surely once the adult enjoys the wisdom of maturity, he never wants to be a child again, at least not until he returns there in old age. But even then he becomes a child against his own will, and sometimes he is ashamed to need the assistance due children.
It is not impossible for the Ra's, Re's and Ru's to recover from their negrocities, once they make the sincere effort, calling forth that ineluctable energy to propel them up from ignorance, up from lust, greed, mental myopia and the multiple tragic flaws that befall human beings of every sort, stripe and color.
Yes, the mystery, the conundrum of the ages can be solved by simple detoxification and recovery from all illusions of the monkey mind. No attachments but to God! There is the need to detach from desire, from want and even need, for what are the essential needs, all else is illusion, what we think we want, think we desire, think we need, when we know there are very few things really important.
The characters in this drama include Mr. Re, Mr. Ra and Mr. Ru, Miss Re, Miss Ra and Miss Ru. This cast of characters are central to the Mystery that has been a seemingly eternal narrative of a people known throughout time by a multitude of names, positive and negative. Some names are not worth mentioning since to do so would only complicate this story, this mystery of time, place and space. Mr. Ra, Mr. Re and Mr. Ru, plus their female counterparts, seemingly have been raised high, then placed low throughout time, depending on the weather, internal conflicts such as succession to power, and invasion of their lands by foreigners from time to time.
The Ra's, Re's and Ru's are symbolic of a community of people who have struggled against all odds to achieve dignity and respect throughout the universe. It seems to be an eternal struggle up the hill then down as in the Sisyphean mythology. Their victories seem short lived since they cannot learn to practice eternal vigilance, thus from time to time they have been known to relapse into madness and animal behavior. The good times come, but disappear because Ra, Re and Ru do not stay on their posts until properly relieved. They succumb to the ten trillion, one billion illusions of the monkey mind, caught in a schizoid dance between the persona of devils and gods, between their divinity and bestiality.
Why can't the Ra's, Re's and Ru's ever land on solid ground? Why is their mental equilibrium forever shaken and smashed to the core, leaving them in a state of psychosocial chaos, scrambling to reinvent the wheel of balanced personal and communal organization?
When they look in the mirror, what do they see, is it the picture of Dorian Grey, Peter Pan, individuals who wanted to be forever young and beautiful, yet the very attempt was an exercise in ugliness, for nothing stays the same, everything must change. Who wants to be a child forever, a stunted man and woman, unable to enjoy spiritual maturation, for surely once the adult enjoys the wisdom of maturity, he never wants to be a child again, at least not until he returns there in old age. But even then he becomes a child against his own will, and sometimes he is ashamed to need the assistance due children.
It is not impossible for the Ra's, Re's and Ru's to recover from their negrocities, once they make the sincere effort, calling forth that ineluctable energy to propel them up from ignorance, up from lust, greed, mental myopia and the multiple tragic flaws that befall human beings of every sort, stripe and color.
Yes, the mystery, the conundrum of the ages can be solved by simple detoxification and recovery from all illusions of the monkey mind. No attachments but to God! There is the need to detach from desire, from want and even need, for what are the essential needs, all else is illusion, what we think we want, think we desire, think we need, when we know there are very few things really important.
All else originates in the monkey mind, the delusion of ego and desire, a fixation caused by false imaginings, illusions and delusions, for under the best circumstances we know very little, understand almost nothing, and go to our grave as we came, with nothing. Job told us, "Naked I came and naked I go."
The best we achieve is a momentary joy, when we give all to the beloved, the agape or unconditional love, not Eros or filial love. "We feed you for Allah's pleasure only, we desire from you neither reward nor thanks."
It is only when the beloved sings the song of lost love that the lover answers with a return to the reed bed, for the yearning was ever there of lost, when the reed was cut from the bed. As Rumi taught, the sound is in the reed flute. The yearning, the mourning, the weeping, of the heart separated from its beloved, ever wishing, waiting, and hoping for the return home, yes, and home is where the heart is. Home is not where Fitzgerald said where we cannot return, but where Frost said we cannot be turned away.
Ra, Re, Ru, seize the time, do not tarry in Jerusalem, but embark upon that dangerous Jericho road, where danger lurks behind every bush, yet with the armor of God we travel unafraid into the new order, never flinching, retreating, but ever forward into the new day of light and love.
You can go there, simply open the door and walk in unafraid of the darkness soon turning to light. And the light happens only because you turn on the switch, removing darkness forever and ever.
--Marvin X
The best we achieve is a momentary joy, when we give all to the beloved, the agape or unconditional love, not Eros or filial love. "We feed you for Allah's pleasure only, we desire from you neither reward nor thanks."
It is only when the beloved sings the song of lost love that the lover answers with a return to the reed bed, for the yearning was ever there of lost, when the reed was cut from the bed. As Rumi taught, the sound is in the reed flute. The yearning, the mourning, the weeping, of the heart separated from its beloved, ever wishing, waiting, and hoping for the return home, yes, and home is where the heart is. Home is not where Fitzgerald said where we cannot return, but where Frost said we cannot be turned away.
Ra, Re, Ru, seize the time, do not tarry in Jerusalem, but embark upon that dangerous Jericho road, where danger lurks behind every bush, yet with the armor of God we travel unafraid into the new order, never flinching, retreating, but ever forward into the new day of light and love.
You can go there, simply open the door and walk in unafraid of the darkness soon turning to light. And the light happens only because you turn on the switch, removing darkness forever and ever.
--Marvin X
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