Thursday, May 1, 2014

Furious flower Poetry Center

Dear Marvin,
In less than six months, fifty of the best established and emerging African American poets will convene at James Madison University along with hundreds of scholars and critics for a once-a-decade conference celebrating the power of the written word.
This conference "Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry" will make poetry accessible to a large and diverse audience while advancing the careers of emerging writers. Due to support from donors, most events are free and open to the public, allowing people from a range of background the opportunity to experience the power of a live reading.
In the words of Rita Dove, former U.S. Poet Laureate (1993-1995), "Furious Flower has been instrumental in helping African-American literature bloom like never before, thereby providing nothing less than a rejuvenation of literary creativity in the United States."
More than 30 poets have already accepted our invitation including Dove, Yusef Komunyakaa, and Marilyn Nelson. Please consider a financial contribution to ensure this important gathering of celebrated poets is successful.
Help us sustain our momentum. Your gift will be used to bring these celebrated poets to campus, increase accessibility with sign language interpretation, document the proceedings to create valuable educational material, and much more.
We invite you to reflect on where you see yourself being able to support this important conference. Following are key giving levels:
$100 -$199                           Foundation Member
$200 -$499                           Director's Circle 
$500 -$999                           Furious Flower Advocate
$1,000 -$2,999                     Furious Flower Laureate
$3,000 and more                  Furious Flower Visionary
While the levels above afford you certain recognition opportunities at the conference, please know that any amount you contribute will be gratefully accepted and appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your partnership in "seeding the future of African American poetry."
Give Now
Learn more about the 2014 Furious Flower Poetry  
James Madison University

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