Thursday, February 28, 2019

Toward Vol.2: Notes of Artistic Freedom Fighter Marvin X

"The real problem is that you don't know the real problem!"--Ancestor Amiri Baraka

North American Africans have reached a consensus, especially among the grass roots and conscious
sector of students and intellectuals, that we were living throughout the Americas as free people
centuries before our induction into the Euro-American slave system kidnapped us into chattel slavery.
As we "celebrate" the 400th year of our sojourn in the wilderness of North America, it is surely time
to consider where we go from here! Shall we continue our integration into the burning house as MLK,Jr. concluded after his abject failure to free us from Jim Crowism or post-slavery de facto slavery that has now morphed into wage slavery and Constitutional slavery known as involuntary servitude--sounds nice, doesn't it? While I enjoyed involuntary servitude for refusing to fight in Vietnam for US imperialism, I observed inmates doing hard labor. Because I could type 80 words per minute, I was assigned a clerk job in the yard office. I used to cry when I saw the brothers return from hard labor each day, dusty and crusty from working in construction level jobs. I was so thankful my typing skills and college education spared me the hard labor of my brothers.

But out here in the "big yard" I am yet horrified that my wage slave brothers and sisters are yet one
paycheck away from homelessness, one paycheck away from living in tents under freeway
overpasses, while simultaneously the children of the domestic colonialists, known as gentrifiers and
millennials enjoy the displacement of the suffering masses. And the supreme irony is that we are
supposed to accept the pseudo liberal white supremacist Democratic Socialists Green Agenda  as the panacea of our pathological pandemic condition steeped in structural political and
economic inequities. Can I sell you the Brooklyn bridge?

Brothers and Sisters, we have come to a cul de sac in our marriage with America! There is no solution between married couples with irreconcilable differences except Separation and divorce.
Four hundred years of slavery, suffering and death, down to the present moment of police murder under the color of law, incarceration of almost three million mostly North American Africans and poor people, the time has come, I repeat, the time has come to separate into a nation of our own!

I am not the first to say this. Our ancestors said this throughout the 19th centuary in numerous pronouncements at Black conferences and meetings. There were back to Africa movements then as their are now with the Blaxit Movement of our children returning to our Motherland and being fully embraced by our African brothers and sisters. I am proud to say my daughter Muhammida El Muhajir is among those of our children who have returned home after realizing America is not the cradle of freedom for North American Africans, no matter their skills and potential. She reached the glass ceiling and now lives in Accra, Ghana.
--Marvin X

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