Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Now who would not be for abolishing the slave catchers? All those in favor of and benefiting from slavery! As per the neo slave catchers known as police, those people who object to the abolishment of a gang of abusers and murderers under the color of law, are undoubtedly descendents of slave masters and their collaborators, yes, uncle toms, who benefit from the oppression of their people. They are mostly of the reactionary black bourgeoisie class of boot lickers, i.e., sycophants, who enjoy crumbs from the master's table. Of course the master has no desire to abolish his slave catchers, brute beasts dressed in blue uniforms who vow to protect and serve but most often abuse and murder under the color of law. These brute beasts in blue are trained to inspire fear in the oppressed, thus whenever the beasts appear the blood pressure rises in the oppressed. The oppressed are often ignorant of the Tone Test: based on your tone of voice when stopped by the beast, one can be arrested, released or killed. When is protect and serve in this paradigm? The white population feels protected and served, thus have no desire to abolish the slave catchers. The very idea is anathema and sounds totally insane. We must have our white beasts to protect us from the black beasts. Wasn't this the attitude expressed by the white woman in New York's Central Park when the brother asked her to chain her dog?
In the name of God, why would slaves not want to abolish the slave catchers? The police are of no benefit to those who live under their occupation, who suffer their wrath for the slightest infraction, selling single cigarettes, cashing a counterfeit twenty dollar bill, broken taillight, Sandra Bland. 

Surely we can configure a more humane security force for our community besides one that brutalizes us at every turn? We can train our young men for community security as Mayor Ras Baraka has done in Newark NJ. Alas, the Newark NJ Model has stopped the police murder of Newark's citizens.
Since the lynching of George Floyd, have you heard of any anti police rioting in Newark NJ? Now it is clear under proper supervision, the brute beasts can be trained to act civilized. On a recent visit to Newark NJ, the people told me they feel relieved of police pressure on their bodies and minds for the first time in their lives.

So implement the Newark NJ Model or abolish the police, this is the choice for America. 

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