Saturday, November 17, 2018

Marvin X's Academy of da Corner, Lakeshore Ave., Oakland 11/17/18

Marvin X's Academy of da Corner, Lakeshore, is rapidly becoming the hottest intellectual gathering spot in Oakland for inter-generational and ecumenical discussion. By early afternoon on Saturdays, men and women gather for a free flowing discussion on any topic of interest. Chairs have been donated so people can sit in a semi-circle behind the Master Teacher's table  of conscious literature, including his own writings, the works of Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare, and other black classical conscious writings. As newcomers arrive, Marvin announces, "This is a sacred space for all points of view. Jesus is on my right (referring to a Christian brother). On the right of Jesus is Muhammad. Next to Muhammad is Buddha, newt to him is Scientology. On my left is Hebrew, to his left is Rasta. No killing allowed in this sacred space. All are free to express their minds. When women arrive, they are welcome to participate in the conversation." The participants nod in agreement  Marvin X is the facilitator. Sometimes there is conversation on both sides of his book table, mostly when customers arrive who know each other. Marvin does not try to dominate the conversation as if he is Mr. Know it All. People come by and drop a donation in the jar, maybe for some person who got a book for free. Others drop a donation into the jar on a regular basis as well as donate conscious books.

A white woman said she passed  by in her car and seeing the stand, parked and came to see what was happening as the book stand was unusual for Oakland, although Marvin has operated Academy of da Corner for years at 14th and Broadway, downtown Oakland. Marvin told the woman his Academy is East coast style vending of conscious literature, more often seen on the streets of Harlem, Brooklyn, Newark, Philly and elsewhere. When on tour, Marvin X sets up shop in all these locations.

On Lakeshore, Academy of da Corner is morphing into a regular discussion of spirituality as opposed to religiosity in the usual dogmatic manner. Brothers and sisters talk in a civilized manner, perhaps because of the calm manner of the host that remains so lately because brothers bring their music, jazz in particular, that no doubt soothes the wild beast of dogmatism and sectarianism. Today the music was Jimmy Smith, Miles Davis and John Coltrane. The teacher did not object when a brother from Los Angeles put on some rap music, Harbor City Krip rap.

In the days ahead, we shall see how the Lakeshore Academy addresses critical issues. A white man passed and after seeing the anti-trump poster, told the group that President Trump had lowered the employment rate of North American Africans. Responding to the man, Marvin said, "That's the last thing we need is a job. We came here 400 years ago to do a job."

At the entrance of the Trader Joe's parking lot, a homeless man spilled his shopping cart. When people tried to be negative with the man picking up his belongings, Marvin said, "They can talk about the man if they, but most people are only a paycheck away from pushing a shopping cart."

During today's conversation, Marvin X interviewed for the second time by his nephew for a grad school project to obtain his MSW.

On November 27, Marvin X will speak at his alma mater, San Francisco State University, in Davey D's Hip Hop Class. On December 5, he will read at the Beat Museum, along with poets in an anti-capitalist anthology. The reading is from 7-9pm. The Beat Museum is located in San Francisco's North Beach, Columbus and Broadway.

Marvin X also found time to meet with his book design editor, Adam Turner, for a final proof reading of his forthcoming essays. The poet is scheduled to read from Notes  of Artistic Freedom Fighter Marvin X, December 15, Charles Wright Museum, Detroit, MI.

Marvin X is now available for booking coast to coast. Send letter of invitation to

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