Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Smart People and White Supremacy

 Marvin X reading at the University of Chicago, 2015
Photo Burrell Sunrise

You are so on point.I tried to warn activists of the rise and return of the white nationalist right. There are approximatlely 40 million .many with military training.
--Muhammad Ahmad

Very mature (comprehensive) analysis, Marvin. As always well written. 
Li'l Joe

You are so right, my brother!
--Dr. Cornel West, Harvard 

O, the smart people, smarter than God people,why couldn't they predict the explosion of pervasive white supremacy as the natural reaction to the Obama presidency? Didn't you smart people listen to the white right fan the embers of white supremacy every day of the eight years of his administration? Didn't you learn in physics 101 that for every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction? After the initial Black uphoria of his election, many North American Africans were soon disappointed with his policies of soft white supremacy or globalism, a continuation of American imperialism. My more radical friends tried to tried to check my emotional response to his election. They tried to tell me not to be blinded by a black face, after all, they warned me, African and the Caribbean is awash with black face white supremacists. And we've had decades of black elected officials who did nothing for the hood, but became domestic neo-colonialists under the facade of black political power, a betrayal of the revolutionary black power we fought for in the 1960s. After organizing to elect the first black Mayor in Newark NJ, Kenneth Gibson, ancestor Amiri Baraka told me Gibson sold out before inaugratipn day to Prudential Insurance, and the Black mayor's who followed were convicted of corruption. We suspect the present Mayor Ras Baraka may break the black political tradition of corruption. 

But back to President Obama who assassinated American citizens without trial or conviction; who expanded American military hegemony in Africa, yes, a son of Africa; who murdered Col. Gaddafi of Libya, unleashing the ephemeral Arab Spring and the migrant crisis with the concomitant upsurge in neo-slavery and Sunni Muslim terrorism from Africa to Afghanistan, inspite of Obama's right wing Globalist policies that caused black disillusionment with our first black president, such matters of black concern were not the spark that ignited the flames of white supremacy that resulted in the election of Donald Trump. Our jubilation at the first black president was equal or surpassed the jubilation of white supremacy nationalists at the election of President Donald Trump, even though his mantra of MAGA is the delusional cry of a people steeped in their addiction to white supremacy and in full blown denial of USA demographics that are essential to the survival of the USA itself as per economics. America needs immigrants since the white birth rate is declining. Alas, white people of all classes and political stripes prefer dogs as children these days. And the MeToo Movement may stop the sexual abuse of women, but it will surely cause men to decline the chase ritual thus exacerbating the already problematic mating ritual leading to marriage rites. Men addicted to the patriarchal myth-ritual are deficit in knowledge of how to deal with their so-called toxic masculinity since they have not been taught the necessary manhood training for the MeToo Era.

This social phemona is not divorced from the MEGA madness, it is an essential part of the psychopathology of white supremacy nationalism that if not addressed in a communal recovery program, long term, we see the Second Civil War as the final solution.
After all, it is the height of romantism and idealism for anyone to expect white people to dismantle and deconstruct their fantastic notion of white supremacy over night. And let me be clear, this is true for the Right and the Left. Alas, for North American Africans as well who suffer, according to Dr. Nathan Hare, Addiction to White Supremacy Type II.
--Marvin X


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Marvin X new poem: The Smart People

The smart people
smarter than God people
God did not create Smart people
Smart people created God
gave birth to the God idea
There was no God before smart people
They are the mothers and fathers of God
Smart people made God in their image power glory
They define God
He does not define Smart people
Smart people marry trees dogs horses cows
do anything their hearts desire
murder lie steal rape plunder lands
destroy souls of men women children
The lands of smart people
havens of every filthy unclean bird
God cannot save smart people
nor will smart people save God.

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