Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Parable of the perfect man and the savages

In his full blown delusional mind, he was the crown jewel of God's love and mercy to the world. Except for him, the world could not and would not exist without his presence going to and fro spreading agape love to all. His version of Civilization was the best of all, no culture could be better for all mankind. In his mind, he liberated savages from ignorance, poverty and disease. He freed them from nakedness, tattoos, bones in noses, ears, and primitive belief in many gods except the three in one god of his choice. Even though they had lived in heaven on earth from the beginning of time, he convinced them they had to die to enter heaven. Sometimes he beat them to death or worked them to death so they could properly enter his heaven. He told them to stop using their herbal medicine and take his little pills he diluted from their herbs of flowers, bark, roots, weeds, gums, leafs. 
Everything he told them was a lie but he convinced them it was the truth so help him God. He told them the police was their friend no matter the police murdered them on a regular basis under the color of law.
He sold them dope to get them high but they overdosed and he did nothing to the big time dope dealers called drug stores. He put the little baby street dealers in prison for long periods of time.
He said the drug store dope dealers were too big to jail! He said the bankers who laundered dope money were too big to jail.

So the perfect man and his perfect world enjoyed his days of power and glory until The Big Payback!
He wasn't happy about the big payback! He didn't smile. He didn't want to make love to his woman anymore. He wanted to kill himself.
The people told him he couldn't kill himself. They rounded him up and took him to a camp for long term recovery and reeducation. Those who couldn't recover from their disease called hubris and narcissism, were simply denied food until their demise. The others were eventually released but required to wear the ankle monitor for life. They were required to drink an herb tea that prevented them from telling lies and spreading fake news. The police were disarmed, drug stores closed and the bankers banked long term. The people returned to their Aboriginal myths and rituals and enjoyed the natural order of the world.

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