Wednesday, February 26, 2020

We thought

We thought

We thought king Leopold's
Congo genocide
Horror of horrors
Baby food
South Afrikana apartheid
Small matter
European ate native American hearts for breakfast
Thanksgiving morning
White diseases worse than guns
Bishop Las Casas the pimp
African whores work harder
God bless Africa
Slavery in the name of Jesus
Holy Mary Mother of God
Pray for all sinners
Let the Good Ship Jesus sail
Let Africa wail through door of no return
And this is not all
All is not accountable
Armenians we don't mention
It didn't happen
Hitler and Jews fake news
Jews and Palestinians fake news
1948 Jewish state
1948 Palestinian concentration camps
How can Jews out Nazi Hitler
The ovens taught them nothing
Railcars gas showers ghettos
Memory gone into Jewish fantasy
Baldwin said it best
"Murder of my child will not make your child safe!"
Then Rawanda
Cambodia Mexico
Chicago every weekend
China Mao millions slaughtered
Russia Stalin's millions
USA's eternal wars
Trillions for retired generals
When will the people win
Listen to the wind.
--Marvin X

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