Sunday, March 8, 2020

On Socialists and Capitalists

Would you bet on a three legged horse or a man who can't recognize his daughter from his wife? Sadly the choice is between Twittledum and Twittledee, Biden or Trump. We say Biden because of the black firewall and Trump because of the white firewall. In a sane world, Bernie Sanders might be the more reasonable choice because of his progressive policies but in the current ideological quagmire, reason is not a consideration and sanity is an impossibility.
As per socialism/communism vs capitalism, the capitalist are the socialists and the poor wage slaves are forced sycophants of capitalism. Alas, we live in a so-called capitalist society with no capital. Most of us don't have one thousand dollars in the bank for emergency. And most wage slaves retire broke financially, physically and mentally.

But the real socialists (pseudo capitalists) rushed a multi billion dollar welfare check to the farmers in the tariff war that the farmers rejected in favor of trade.

The real socialists, fake capitalists, bailed out their brothers in crime, the bankers, telling us the banks were too big to fail, thus the wage slave home owners were scammed out of their basic wealth in the so-called capitalist system, i.e., home ownership. The sub-prime loan scammers suffered no prison time. Bernie Maduff went to prison for his pyramid schemes only because he robbed the rich rather than the poor.

Imagine, it costs more to be poor than to be rich. In the hood the poor pay more for everything, food, housing, medical, education, etc. The capitalist politicians have socialist medical care but offer the poor and wage slaves capitalist medical care. Why don't the people demand the same medical plan that politicians have, especially since the people pay for it? 

The poor pay more at the grocery store for food not even considered food. Ghetto food is essentially petrochemical, derived from oil, not earth, thus toxic and prepares the poor for the pharmaceutical and medical industry. My friend is a retired truck driver who used to deliver food to supermarkets in Los Angeles. He said the food he delivered to rich neighborhoods was not the garbage he delivered to ghetto stores.

The pseudo capitalist, aka, socialists, practice a form of communalism called interlocking directorates whereby they rule by switching hats except there are no good guys wearing white hats, they are all blood suckers of the poor. They had to kill Mr. Epstein before he revealed all the members in his Lolita Express club!

Elijah told you no politician of this world can save you, yet you persist driving into a cul de sac, a dead end street. Year after year you vote Democratic Party, then get fucked four more years. Your voting rights are perennially violated, including  renewal that indicates your rights are not permanent. Yet you are the most loyal citizen yet  not a citizen. You were the first to die in the American revolution, Crispus Attucks, but still seeking revolution in Babylon. How long, oh Lord, how long?

As per socialism and capitalism, a sister noted on the news tonight that she was no better off under Democrats than Republications. So we think socialism will save us? Hell, we thought Rev. Jim Jones would save us. Some years ago Minister Farrakhan went on world tour and came "home" with the revelation that no matter where he went in any country, whether Christian, Muslim, Socialist, Communist, or Capitalist, black people were on the bottom.

I have had and still have many friends who were and are socialists, communists and capitalists. I don't give a damn about ideologies, religions, izms, schisms, sects, cults, just get me the hell out of this motherfucking bullshit called Americanism, the biggest lie on the planet that is rapidly being revealed as the whore Babylon, the haven for every filthy unclean bird. FYI, I left Babylon but was brought back against my will and thrown into prison. I have been under house arrest ever since. Vote for me, I will set you free. 
Marvin X

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