Friday, January 29, 2021

Parable of the Negro busy doing nothing

Parable of the Negro busy doing nothing

In Master Sun Ra's Afro-futuristic film Space in the Place, he asks a Negro what he was doing? The Negro replied nothing. Sun Ra then asked the Negro if he wanted a job? The Negro replied doing what? Sun Ra said doing nothing. How much you gonna pay, asked the Negro. Sun Ra said I ain't going to pay you nothing! 

Master Teacher the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had a lesson that asked Why do we love the devil? Answer: Because he gives us nothing!

And so it is, the Negro loves nothing. Doesn't his name Negro end in zero, nothing? Didn't he work 400 years for nothing, not even one food stamp, one proper meal (unless he was a house Negro) because the field Negroes ate animal food along with the horses, cows, pigs and chickens. They made the best of animal food and still eat it today even though it causes multiple diseases as we saw in the film Soul Food. Even after Granny died from eating Soul Food, her children continued eating the very food that caused her death, nothing food, nutritionally deficient food that makes us prime victims of Covid 19 in the present era.

Eldridge Cleaver, my most controversial friend among many (Mama said I had the worse friends in the world and she met many of them but she said Eldridge was the worst RIP), made the astute observation that we are tired in our genes, i.e. DNA, from 400 years of free labor, thus this is the reason the Negro is busy doing nothing today. You can't even pay a Negro to do something, even if you pay him in advance he may not show up and for sure he will not show up after payday. Let's be real. Why won't he show up?

Because he's busy doing nothing. He's so busy doing nothing he won't answer his cell phone and you know he knows you are calling to find out why he won't come to work, especially after you have paid him in advance, of course a gross error on your part in believing in such a wretched human being who's mental equilibrium is shattered almost beyond repair. In short, he is exhausted in his DNA from labor, free labor, thus often money will not inspire him to show up for work on time, no matter how much you have mutually agreed to pay him. 

I've had musicians leave my concert before I was able to pay them because they were no doubt in a hurry to get their dope that was more important than money, if you can imagine such. Well, I admit there were times when I was a dope fiend and dope was more important than money. On one occasion or several, I left a white man in charge of my stand while I made a dope run and when the white man came with my money I was too busy doing dope to stop to get the money from the white, even though my dope friends told me to take a break and let the white man give me my money. You know when a dope fiend is sprung he dope give a funk about money, pussy or anything in the world except his next blast into the sunset or moon or some other planet when he can fly into nothingness and dread. Yes, of course, he is busy doing nothing or maybe (in the Crack era) smoking hot air to the point of exhaustion, physically, mentally and emotionally--yes, from doing nothing but drowning on dry land in a room filled with smoke that killed the flies or had them crawling on the floor like slow motion zombies and he joined the flies in their dance of nothingness and dread. Getting up the next morning as he had done a thousand mornings on zero, broke, hungry, nasty, filthy, although may have saved 50 cents for his breakfast, a Snickers bar, that he survived on for years in his sojourn into nothingness and dread. 

So know the Negro who lives on zero but is busy doing nothing and knows nothing but nothing until the magic whip strikes his black ass to awaken his long dormant DNA that only resistance will save his black ass from the whip and lynching of his mind, heard, body and soul. 

Let the Negro know is is something and not nothing but he must pull up his pants, yes, his bootstraps, yes, as Booker T told him, do so wherever you are, and Garvey told him the same, Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad, Elijah told him to do for self because they day would come when he would have no choice because the slave master would drop him like a hot potato in his own white supremacist nothingness and dread. Yes, the socalled Negro would be compelled to rise from his slumber and denial of his divinity and accept the challenge to be the descendent of King Tut, Queen Nefertiti and all the warrior kings and queens, warrior workers and craft persons who transcended the do nothing syndrome in the do for self dimension and raised themselves to the Upper Room of their Fathers and Mothers house of Divine Consciousness and Political Power.

--Marvin X


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