Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Marvin X and Aries Jordan on The Black Arts Movement District, downtown Oakland CA, photo essay by Adam Turner

The BAM/City of Oakland planning committee voted to make The Black Arts Movement Disrtrict the official name of the proposed BAM District, a cultural and economic area along the 14th Street corridor, downtown Oakland. The BAM District will give honor and respect to Oakland's radical tradition of artists as artistic freedom fighters (Paul Robeson). According to Ishmael Reed, "If not for the Black Arts Movement, Black culture would be extinct!" BAM co-founder Marvin X says, "We give all praise to the Harlem Renaissance artists who expressed Black consciousness, inspired by the teachings of Marcus Garvey. We who are part of the Black Arts Movement give praises to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Think of writers Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), Sonia Sanchez, Last Poets, Askia Toure, Sun Ra and Marvin X, all influenced by Islam. Muslim American literature originated with the BAM poets, writers, musicians, painters, dancers, actors. BAM artists were "sisters of the Black Power Movement" (Larry Neal). Marvin X says BAM was the Mother of the Black Power Movement because many students and young people came through BAM, then joined the Nation of Islam, the Black Panther Party, Black Students Union. Even the American Prison Movement was influenced by BAM after the staff of Black Dialogue Magazine visited the Soledad Prison's Black Culture Club, chaired by Eldridge Cleaver and Alprintice Bunchy Carter.

BPP co-founder Dr. Huey P. Newton said, "Marvin X was my teacher. Many of our comrades came through his Black Arts Theatre: Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Emory Douglas, Samuel Napier."

The Black Arts Movement District gives honor and respect to the artistic and political freedom fighters who fought to liberate Oakland and America from the addiction to white supremacy. We think of dancer/choreographer Ruth Beckford, Ellendar Barnes, Raymond Sawyer, Ed Mock, Judith Holton, Suzzette Celeste, Deborah Vaughn, Halifu Osumare, Malika Jamillah, Nisa Ra, et al. We think of Avotcja, Adam David Miller, Sarah Webster Fabio, Dr. Nathan Hare, Dr. Julia Hare, Bob Chrisman, Robert Allen, Abdul Sabrey, Aubrey LaBrie, Duke Williams, Saadat Ahmad, et. al. We especially recognize actor Danny Glover who was with us at San Francisco State University and was a member of Black Arts West Theatre, San Francisco. Danny is in the Paul Robeson tradition of the Artistic Freedom Fighter.

As was noted in the BAM/City of Oakland planning meeting: BAM was/is an international Black Arts Movement, that expressed itself nationally and internationally, from Europe to Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, Africa and elsewhere.

Oakland's Black Arts Movement District serves as the model of a national and international/Pan African artistic movement. Those who think BAM is something from the past are simply lost and turned out on the way to grandmother's house (Whispers). They need to get a healing and come into the present era. After all, we are yet free and thus the mission of BAM continues until freedom is won. Oh, Ancestor Harriet Tubman, speak to us tonight, "...I could have freed more slaves if they had known they were slaves...."
--Marvin X, BAM Planner, December 7, 2015
Next meeting: Oakland City Hall
January 4, 2016, 2PM-5PM
Be there or be square!
Information: 510-200-4164

Graphics design by Adam Turner


Oakland City Council President Lynette McElhaney addresses planning session on establishing an Arts Commission and the Black Arts Movement District

Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb making a point. "Lynette, why didn't you include or sync the BAM agenda with your agenda?"  

Anyka Barber, Director of Betti Ono Gallery, Elder Paul Cobb and Aries Jordan, all BAM District planners

 Menhuaim Ayele, holds a Masters in Architecture, is author of  a book on creating an Afrikatown. His dream is coming true! He is a member of the BAM District planning team. To left of Menhuaim is Duane Deterville, Editor of Black Artists in Oakland. He is a member of the BAM District planning team.

The next meeting of the Black Arts Movement District is January 4, 2016

BAM Notes by Aries Jordan

On Monday 12/7/15 the 2nd planning  meeting for the Black Arts Movement District began with a review of norms and the ambitious agenda to finalize recommendations for BAM District and Arts Commission. Participants acknowledged the past efforts of  many culture keepers who  also  envisioned a Black cultural district in Oakland . Participants were also  challenged to move past grievances and grief towards a collective vision for  the next  100 years.  The large group was broken into  two working groups to explore the scope of  BAM district and   reestablishment  of the Oakland Arts commission. Both groups passionately shared the need for  protection for Black artist and businesses leaders in Oakland and beyond. 

A consensus was reached on the name “Black Arts Movement”  District  for the 14th street corridor.  The Black Arts Movement is  a part of Oakland’s history of resistance to oppression and was a catalyst for the spread of Black consciousness in the 1960’s.  The BAM district would serve as a place for cultivation of Black art and economic prosperity. The BAM  group  identified the creation of a BAM Land trust as a top priority; also, an assessment of City of Oakland Properties that BAM district can acquire for performance space, artist space, housing, business space. 

The BAM members envisioned a green space that incorporated Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.  The BAM committee also proclaimed that they will support and not compete with our brothers and sisters in east Oakland working on creating a Black Arts Movement district

The Oakland Arts Commission group made recommendations on the process going forward which included partnering with the Oakland's Department of  Race and Equity to ensure protection of existing Black cultural institutions. Moreover, it was also clear that once the Oakland Arts commission is re-established the arts fund needs to be restricted for sustainability, including a citizen review board.

Lastly, the group recommended the establishment of Oakland Entertainment Commission to address the challenges of obtaining permits and licensing. The meeting concluded with closing remarks from City Council President Lynette McElhaney on next steps for the  proposed legislation before the City Council.  Participants departed the meeting  with a sense of hope, fierce determination and commitment to move thoughtfully and swiftly to turn the BAM District into a reality.  
--Aries Jordan

Saturday, December 5, 2015

If you only knew how beautiful you are

I wish black people knew how beautiful they are
no matter negrocities
beautiful people
strange fruit cross lynching tree
century after century
in the sun in the rain pain
a miracle
silence of centuries
strange tongue
songs without memory
songs broken smashed
drama of resurrection
Kemit drama of resurection
Yoruba tales a  thousand years
drama of a thousand years
ancestor tales so rich vivid
look at them before the king
they crawl before the king
and he embraces them
the tale of a thousand years
we hear music
 “Blues” from Mali
Why do you let me hear the music
that rocks my soul
why do this to me?
rock my world
take me back a thousand years
look at me sitting on the river bank
my queen and me
look at me dancers before me
telling the story of our tribe
a thousand other tribes
warrior dances
women dances
the dance of priests and priestess
let the come before the Oba
let them crawl before the holy one
let the holy one accept them
Please, do not let me hear the Kora
Do not let me hear the kora
do not shake my world like that
kora is memory vivid and true
I walk around Timbuktu
I teach at the University
Fluent in many languages
we translate for the world in darkness
while we walk in the sun and students
will not leave us alone

I wish black people knew how beautiful they are
something even slavery could not destroy
though it tried in every way every day
to no avail
even the whip could not prevail
destroy the beauty of blackness
a soul force energy beyond time and matter
atomic particles quantum physics
high mathematics
equal justice righteousness peace
Ma’at yes
MIzan (Arabic) balance

so let us travel the space ways
honor Sun Ra Arkestra
travel the space ways
beyond this world
if you find earth boring
the same old same place
take a trip to outter space
next stop is Jupiter Jupiter
You want to get off at Saturn
Let’m off, Saturn!

Black people so beautiful
that’s why they hate us
we beautiful
in spite of our negrocities (Baraka term)
we can be ugly
slipping into darkness fear
do not let fear consume us
the only thing to fear is fear itself
beyond fear is freedom discipline
beyond fear all things are possible
beyond fear nothing is impossible
if we say yes to life yes to joy yes to love
yes to success yes yes yes.
say yes and be blessed
say yes be blessed
and yet as I write
some are saying no no no
say yes my friends
stop showing God your fist
open your fist so blessing can flow into your hand heart
Did you know God is in the blessing business
but even when He/She comes to bless you are depressed
won’t open your hand to receive
how can God bless you with closed hand
how can God bless you when you are full of the pain of yesterday
let it go let it go let it go
be beautiful
black and beautiful.
—Marvin X

I wish black people knew how beautiful they are
no matter negrocities AB term
don't steal my term Marvin X

we are beautiful strange fruit
no matter 
cross lynching tree
century after century
beautiful in the sun rai
we speak is pain
that we can speak at all is a miracle
after the silence of centuries
strange tongue given to us
and yet we sing songs without memory
songs from the past broken smashed
imagine the drama of resurrection
Yoruba tales from a thousand years
the “Blues” from Mali
Do not let me hear the kora
do not shake my world like that
kora is my memory vivid and true
I walk around Timbuktu
I teach at the University
Fluent in many languages
we translate for the world in darkness
while we walk in the sun and students
will not leave us alone

I wish black people knew how beautiful they are
something even slavery could not destroy
though it tried in every way every day
to no avail
even the whip could not prevail
destroy the beauty of blackness
a soul force energy beyond time and matter
atomic particles quantum physics
high mathematics
equal justice righteousness peace
Ma’at yes
MIzan (Arabic) balance

so let us travel the space ways
honor Sun Ra and his Arkestra
travel the space ways
beyond this world
if you find earth boring
the same old same place
take a trip to outter space
next stop is Jupiter Jupiter
You want to get off at Saturn
Let’m off, Saturn!

Black people so beautiful
that’s why they hate us
cause we beautiful
in spite of our negrocities (Baraka term)
in our beauty we ugly
slipping darkness fear
do not let fear consume us
oh my children move beyound fear
fear is in your heart mind
fear controls you unless you jump out of the box like jack
jump jump
you can do it jump

the only thing to fear is fear itself
beyond fear is freedom discipline
beyond fear all things are possible
beyond fear nothing is impossible
if we say yes to life yes to joy yes to love
yes to success yes yes yes.
say yes and be blessed
say yes be blessed
and yet as I write
some are saying no no no
say yes my friends
stop showing God your fist
open your fist so blessing can flow into your hand heart
Did you know God is in the blessing business
but even when He/She comes to bless you are depressed
won’t open your hand to receive
how can God bless you with closed hand
how can God bless you when you are full of the pain of yesterday
let it go let it go let it go
be beautiful
black and beautiful.
—Marvin X

Publisher wants to release Marvin X's next book of poetry

At the Pen Oakland Literary Awards Ceremony at the Oakland Main Library today, the publisher of Poetic Matrix Press tentatively agreed to publish Marvin X's next collection of poetry. Marvin's last collection was Land of My Daughters, 2009, Black Bird Press, Berkeley, CA.

Stay turned for the forthcoming poetic collection by Marvin X, known variously as "Plato teaching oh the streets of Oakland" (Ishmael Reed); "The USA's Rumi, Saadi, Hafiz...." (Bob Holman); "The father of Muslim American Literature"(Dr. Mohja Khaf).

At the PEN Oakland Literary Awards, Jack Foley mistakenly said there were no Muslims being awarded today. When Marvin X came up to receive his Lifetime Achievement Award, along with BAM poet/musician Avotchja, Marvin noted that he is a Muslim poet, in fact, considered the "Father of Muslim American literature" (Dr. Mohja Khaf), along with other Black Arts Movement Poets, including Amiri Baraka, Sonia Sanchez, Askia Muhammad Toure', et al. According to Dr. Khaf, "The Black Arts Movement poets are the foundation of Muslim American literature."

After receiving his award, Marvin X read his classic poem What If, a poem any Muslim would recognize, although Marvin transcends Islam in the poem by including an essential dose of pantheism or African religion. Ishmael Reed puts Marvin X in the Yoruba tradition, while others place him in the Islamic literary tradition. In truth, Marvin X defies all traditions by embracing all traditions.

When I write, I write to write, I do not write in sectarian traditions or any religious tradition. "I am the pen, Allah is the ink."

Sometimes I have had a writing plan for a book until the Holy Spirit took over and I saw I was only the pen and Allah was the ink. It was then that I forgot my plan and let the Holy Spirit guide my hand. I wish somebody could understand. I wish somebody could hep me tonight.
--Marvin X

James Sweeney has noted, "Marvin X is the freest Black man in non-free America." Indeed, being Black listed from Academia has allowed Marvin X to speak freely on any subject that comes to his mind, and for sure his mind is global. Former California Poet Laureate Al Young introduced Marvin X. Al said, "I've known Marvin at least half a century, and we have watched him evolve and expand his consciousness. In his memoir on Eldridge Cleaver: My Friend the Devil, Marvin X revealed not only things we didn't know about Eldridge, but Marvin was more than honest about himself, his own foibles and flaws. What else can we ask of a writer?"

Black Arts Movement Distrtict tentative Agenda for City of Oakland Plannning Meeting, December 7, 2015

1. The need for the BAM land trust is top priority. Just as the Eastside Arts Cultural Center is under a land trust, we want a parity of buildings in the BAM District under the land trust. We call upon Black developers to work with us, e.g., Amy Groves and/or Thomas Dolan. Foundations can help us secure buildings in the BAM District, investment bankers, Silicon Valley corporations can assist us, e.g., Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, et al.

Municipal bonds can be sold to acquire properties. Bonds attorney Amira Jackmon suggests creating jobs for BAM people as bonds salespeople.

We need an assessment of City of Oakland properties that BAM District can acquire for performance space, artist space and housing, businesses, including proposed buildings at 14th and Alice that we understand are part of the Oakland Downtown Plan.

2. Banners up before Xmas along the BAM corridor. Let us start with the Red, Black and Green that Marcus Garvey created during the Harlem Renaissance. We have added the heart because all we do we do in the name of love.

3. Immediately establish the African Women’s Market for vendor’s along the corridor. We suggest a pilot project between Clay and Franklin. We suggest women from the African Diaspora Bazaar organize and operate the African Women’s Market, under the leadership of Aishah Boone.

4. Develop the BAM Business Plan and incorporation papers. Establish Board of Directors and project directors for the various BAM entities. Separate profit from non profit projects.

5. Organize the BAM Union of Artists, modeled after the National Writers Union, AFL/CIO. The Union of Artists will be a membership organization to promote the works of artists in all genres, painters, poets, writers, playwrights, dancers, musicians, graphic artists, directors, technicians. The union will help artists in legal matters such as contracts, royalties, commissions, grants, loans, housing, publishing, printing, exhibits, housing, emergency funds, health insurance, life insurance, mental health and physical health matters.

6. Immediate BAM planning grant so we can work on making the BAM District a reality at the earliest.

7. Tour guides hired for BAM District tours ASAP.

8. Create employment opportunities for artists, craftpersons, entrepreneurs, youth and children.

9. Partner with business community for expertise, especially the African American Chamber of Commerce and the Oakland Chamber of Commerce.

10. Students from the College of Alameda have asked to partner with BAM to establish the BAM Love Zone, a sacred space for lovers only. We would hope the entire BAM District would be a Love Zone.

11. Establish a BAM General Assembly of all BAM members.
12. Establish Elders Council to advise
13. Women’s Council
14. Young Adult Council
15. Children’s Council

These are some of my thoughts. Please let me know your thoughts or agenda items that you feel should be a priority for the December 7 meeting.
—Marvin X, BAM Planner

Meaning of the Red, Black and Green Flag

The Red Black and Green flag is an act of love. Prior to the flag, there was a song called Everybody got a flag except a Coon. Marcus Garvey then presented the Red Black and Green to show the world Africans have a flag, Red for the blood shed, Black for the people, Green for the land we must have as a nation of people. We add the heart for the precious love in our lives. God is Love, so we are in God, God is within us.

The Red Black And Green is sacred to us. We honor the tri colors and want the world to know we are a nation of people under the Red Black And Green. We see the Red Black Green flying coast to coast as we strive toward freedom in the present era. We ask the children to accept the heart in the Red Black and Green as per the Black Arts Movement District. Why the heart?

The heart has been an essential part of the Black Arts Movement/Black Liberation Movement, i.e., Black Power Movement. Revolution is for love, love of family, love of community, love of self, but love always and forever, love. No hate up in here, only love survives and transcends hate, jealously, envy. Let us then move beyond hatred, beyond jealousy, envy toward the pure sprit of love.

Let the BAM banner fly up and down the BAM District. Let the people know they are loved. Let the people know they have a sacred space. Let them know there is a space where their bodies are sacred and holy and will not be violated. Let the people know there is a space where their creativity is respected; where their economic genius is respected, especially in the BAM African Market Women’s Bazaar along the BAM corridor, which they shall organize and operate, in the African/Afrikan tradition
Let the artists form the Union of BAM Artists. Let the business people from their association. Perhaps there must be a General Assembly of Black Arts Movement associates. Let us do this now and for the the generations to come. Ache.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Poem: Ain't Nothing Changed by Rudolph Lewis

Ain’t Nothing Changed

                                  --- For Ben Carson


Ain’t nothing changed but you, Brother—

searchlights, night helicopters, hunting runaways:

shock & awe sameness. Satan still enlightens, still

passes along the apple of knowing in evening

news, a veil of innocence applauding how we change

faces, how Wall Street masks its account on islands.

Heads crowned with fresh hoarfrost yet rambling

in high-spun circles as the defenseless are dragged

from their moment, from their sunny yesterdays.

We grow apart as armies conquer & occupy.

Ain’t nothing changed but you, Brother—you no

longer call me with urgency, with hot words

like NationTime! / The Revolution Is On!

Tongues sniff the air for Italian patent leather

shoes grinding like jackboots—you whipped

into dark suits & red ties, broad denture grins

for PR cameras, mirrors of error dancing in eyes

of black athletes, trapped balling for billionaires

clawing through to the bone, crawling on floors.

But you, Brother, you’re playing golf at the club

with MJ & Tiger. For you, no gunship clouds skies

raining fire on head-holding dreams, no blackness.

Scavenging birds crowd into laboring landscapes

while success prophets celebrate suburban havens.

Ain’t nothing changed but you Brother—a retiring ceo,

daylight comes, daylight goes, leveraging pyramids,

staging annual bus trips to graves of Martin & Malcolm.

Nothing but blue vertigo, barbs of steel wire enclosures

& tanks—colloquiums, councils justifying war,

flying machines crushing Gaza & Baghdad . Nothing’s

changed, Brother—we won’t give up & we won’t let go.
--Rudolph Lewis

Poem by Fritz Pointer: Heightened Awareness

Heightened Awareness
By Fritz Pointer

Where do bomber pilots worship?
Do they genuflect before boarding their bomber planes?
Do they sing “Onward Christian Soldiers Marching On To War?”
            In a Choir like I did?
Do they attend mass
            In a Cardinal Francis Spellman-like cathedral
            To hear a priest say:
            “This is a war for civilization…This is Christ’s war against…”
                        Name your enemy.
This Catholic Cardinal, this “Man of the cloth”  - as they say
            Blessed the bombs, the missiles, the guns
            That sent 2 million Vietnamese and 4 million Cambodian souls
             “To a better place”
            Sprinkled them with Holy “Shit”
            In the name of the Father, the Son and the Ghost
And, bomber pilots are not Terrorists
            Because they go to church not mosque
            Because bombing from planes is more Christ-like?
                        And such priests  represent the “Prince of Peace”
                        “With the cross of Jesus”…blah, blah, blah.
Obama sends drones to kill Muslim clerics who speak ill of America.
            Where does he go to pray before this?
            What hymn does he sing?
Je Suis Paris
I am France
Je Suis Damascus
I am Syria
Je Suis Kabul
I am Afghanistan
Je Suis Moscow
I am Russia
Je Suis Manhattan
I am New York
Je Suis Khartoum
I am Sudan
Je Suis Narobi
I am Kenya
Je Suis Beirut
I am Lebanon
Je Suis Columbine and Aurora
I am Colorado
Je Suis Tripoli
I am Libya
Je Suis Nablus
I am Palestine
Je Suis Kiev
I am Ukraine
Je Suis Charleston
I am North Carolina
Je Suis Sana’a
I am Yemen
Je Suis Newtown
I am Connecticut
Je Suis Yola and Kano
I am Nigeria
Je Suis Ciudad Juarez
I am Mexico
Je Suis Baghdad
I am Iraq
Je Suis Bamako
I am Mali
Je Suis Boston
I am Massachusetts
Je Suis N’djamena
I am Chad
Je Suis Kerawa
I am Cameroon
Je Suis Charlie Hebdo
Je Suis Amadou Diallo and Orlando Barlo, Sean Bell and Sandra Bland Oscar Grant and Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and Dante Price,  Trevon Martin and Ranisha McBride, Walter Scott and Darus Simmons  Mike Brown and Freddie Gray, Andy Lopez and Ramarley Graham,  Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell …

I am Prince Jones and Samuel Dubose, Aaron Campbell and  Jonathan Ferrell, Justin Sipp and Alan Blueford  …

Hanging from an oil-stained Cross, Crescent and Star

Je Suis !  Je Suis!!  Je Suis Humanity!!!
I am!  I am!! I am Humanity!!!


Marvin X new poem: I Cannot tell you of love

I cannot tell you of love
When you do not seek love
Cannot see love roaring in the surf
In the quiet mountains
You cannot convince me
Mountains hate
Bees birds little children
Even beaten lovers love again the same night
Their pain is love
How did we get here
Through the door of love
Ancestors sustained us
With love
Black lives matters
A call to love
There is no hate 
Black lives precious sacred as
All lives
No selective suffering
When we recognize
The poor are rich in love
See the lovers pushing shopping cart
Drinking together rut gut wine
But loving
Homeless lovers
Asleep in the alley
Hugging tightly against the frozen night
But loving like the rich
Or better 
With purity not money
Sincerity not money
Not even knowledge
Except the truth of love
The actions of love
Let haters hate
Drink their vomit
Until they are no more
And lovers dance
And praise the God
Of Love.
Marvin X

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Africa, China's Second Continent!

Draft for the Black Arts Movement Founder's Concert and Awards Ceremony, TBA 2016


proudly presents

Oakland CA

Presenting the Amiri Baraka Artistic Freedom Fighter Award

Nikki Giovanni* Last Poets* Marvin X* Sonia Sanchez* Haki Madhubuti* Askia Toure'



Black Arts/Black Power Babies Awards

The New Yorker Festival 2015 - The Fire This Time 
 Author: Ta Hanise Coates

OP-ED: Ras Baraka Takes Oath of Office as Newark's Mayor - Post News ... 

Mayor Ras Baraka, Newark, NJ

... interview wit filmmaker Muhammida El Muhajir | African American News
Muhammida El Muhajir, global producer, filmmaker

Alase Oba Adefunmi Adejuyigbe

King, Yoruba African Village, Sheldon, SC

Call: 510-200-4164

Monday, November 9, 2015

Marvin X poem: I AM AMERICAN

photo Ken Johnson

I Am American

Dedicated to my brother Ollie (January 21)
daughter Nefertiti (January 29)

I am American
no citizen of the United States
gave up years ago
Toronto, 1967
protesting US in Vietnam
no Viet Cong called me a nigger!
willing to be US citizen again
will pledge. I AM AMERICAN

underground Chicago

Harlem Black Arts Movement
Nikki Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, Sun Ra, Last Poets, Amiri, Askia, Haki, Barbara Ann Teer, Milford Graves, et al.

crucified at Fresno State University Black Studies
Angela Davis on the cross at UCLA, 1969

I am American
exiled second time Mexico City
exiled Americans from the Americas!
brothers and sisters
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Columbia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil
call me Pele Pele Pele on the streets Mexico City
touch my hair for good luck

I am American
Mexico City founded by Africans
AFRICAN young men exiled
president for life regimes in the Americas
resistance MEN
women too
wife with me from US Fresno State University

mostly young men
planes landing  Chapultepec Park
cerca de Paseo de la Reforma
cerca de Metro
lovers in the park Sundays
we in love
Hasani B and me
running from American imperialism
Hasani B
pregnant with Nefertiti
beautiful one has come
"My parents were in flight when I was conceived. I am thus a freedom child."
Nefertiti El Muhajir
beautiful one in flight

I am American
cannot speak with brothers in exile
Spanish pochito pochito
Choco, Columbia
Enrique Venezuela
My Spanish pochito
muy pochito
no Portuguese
Poder Negro
Poder Negro
Black Power!

revolutionary amigos.
black power!

I am American

I flee Mexico City
Yucatan, Vera Cruz, Merida, Chetumal
land of Yanga
el Africano Mexicano
Yanga so bad the Spanish gave him a town
San Lorenzo de los Negroes
Vera Cruz

I flee against advice of Elizabeth Catlett Mora
revolutionary artist
begged me not to go
negroes in raw colonialism
she said
young hard headed
easy to lead in the wrong direction
hard to lead in the right direction Elijah said

I am American
want to hear English
tired of Spanish
basta ya!
I want to see los Negroes
in Belize
pero Negroes
yo esclavo tambien
I am American

my land the Americas
all of it
before Columbus
Maya Aztec Incas Olmec
I was here
by canoe Ghana, Mali, Songhay
land of Sonni Ali, Askia the Great
bling blingMansa Musa
thousand camels with gold on his haj to Mecca

I am American
Belize Negroes speak English
pero muy rapido pero English
Espanol tambien
I am American
Norte Americano Africano
Simon Bolivar Americano
Simon Simon Simon

I am American
North Central South American
Caribbean American
I am American
Toronto, Montreal
Georgetown, Caracas

Slums Mexico City 
shacks Belize
madness Kingston
cocaine Port of Spain
C. Eric Williams
Capitalism and Slavery
interviewed PM Burnham at his residence
Africans with AK47s at his gate
genocide of Jonestown
assassination Dr. Walter Rodney
can we forgive the reactionaries
never turn into Buddha heads
put down their butcher knives

I am American
join the revolution of Evan X and Shabazz
on trial for sedition
government games old people play
they say
this is
covered trial for Muhammad Speaks
my sin
a 1970 Wikileaks
emperor has no clothes
no water no electricity no toilet
no nothing

why I left America with no gold
they want American gold
why I leave without gold
America gold
slaves and gold

I am American
people are rich in Belize
poor rich
joy and peace, sun and land
gardens paradise
islands in the sun
I live on Gales Point
no water no electricity no bathroom
wife pregnant and happy
sand flies
mosquitoes love her blood
bathe in the river
out house on the other side of the island
catfish collect waste
people do not swim on that side of the island
do not eat catfish

I am American
people beg me teach black power
do not check in village headman

drunk man sings

day comin ta git ya in da mornin
been down here teachin dat black power
day comin in da mornin, boy
wife and I laugh
wish dat drunk nigguh git way from our door
they in the morning

I am American
get on the boat to city
five hour jungle ride
police on boat
under arrest
don't know it
police undercover
say nothing 
get to the city
say nothing
police come friends house
call me out
grab rifle
black panther shoot out
put rifle down
mulatto greets me outside
under arrest
Ministry of Home Affairs
Minister reads deportation order
presence not beneficial to welfare British Colony of Honduras
deported to United States on plane Miami

Until then under arrest.
Mulatto takes me to police station
sit down. No cell,
no handcuffs.
Black police gather around
in circle police
what's up.
broder man, teach us about black power!

I am American
police victims too
teach us broder man.
I say
Marcus Garvey came in 1923
get Queen of Englabd off yo walls.

It's 1970 and you still got that white bitch on yo walls.
Get that bitch off yo walls!
police crack up!
you all ite broder man
point out uncle tom police
black man wit white heart
black man wit white heart!

I am American
Plane come.
Mulatto pushed me on plane.
refuse to leave without wife. plane door slammed.

Fly south Tegucigalpa, Spanish Honduras.
ask asylum .
Espera un momento, Negro!
marched back to plane.

land in Miami. Two gentlemen greet me at airport. Escort me to my hotel suite Dade County Jail.
put in pit with dead, deaf dumb blind negroes.
call them brother.
we ain't yo brother, nigguh.
I am silent.
I Am American!

gentlemen come
transfer me to Miami City jail, Federal facility.

White Cuban drug dealers greet me.
What do you want, my brother?
money, food?
We send out for food to the restaurant, what do you want?
I am American

hamburger, fries milkshake!
No problema, hermano!
give money to call my wife.
She is home in America. Father sent for her.

I am American
Cubans say whatever you need let us know.

I am American
Simon Bolivar
Nat Turner
Grabriel Prosser
Harriet Tubman
Stokely (Kwame Toure)
CLR James

I am American.
--Marvin X
Now available for readings/lectures/performance