Friday, February 18, 2011

Pharoah, American, Let My People Go!

Let My People Go!

I do not care who you are, kings for life, presidents for life, let my people go! I don't care if you are American running dogs or religious running dogs from Saudi Arabia, let my people go. I don't care if you are Sunni or Shia, let my people go. I don't care if you are Christian Imperialists, let my people go! Take your guns, your tanks, you drones, your plane, your tear gas, your tanks, and let my people go. Let them go right now, today, right now!

My people belong to God, not me, not you, not religious movements, but God Almighty, not Sunni, not Shia, not Hamas, not Hezballah, no sect, no group, no cult, no tribe, no nation, but to God. Let my people go! No president for life owns the people, no king, no prime minister, no globalists, imperialists from America owns the people, only the people own the people. Let my people go!


  1. Well spoken! Freedom has a price no one lets go without been pressured, the release is not based in justice nor humanitarianism. Those are scenes in Hollywood movies, they yield only to pressure! When you make a demand makes sure you have adequate amount of pressure to force the hands of the group you're pressuring. Pressure is related to consequences they may suffer, not your emotional right to justice
