Friday, October 19, 2012

Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain (full album) (1080p)

The Moors were in Spain from 711 til 1492, thus Spain has a thousand years of African/Arab history and culture. What has Spain done since the fall of Granada, Seville, Toledo? Much of what we know as Spanish, including the language, is African/Arab,e.g., lettuce, lemon, jacket, shirt, etc. When Miles Davis' wife took him to a Flamenco concert, he got turned out/on to this music, but he was only getting turned on to himself. Clearly, he made himself at home. Love live Miles Dewey Davis! As historian DeGraft Johnson tells us, when General Tarik crossed into Spain in 711, it was an African victory, so let's be clear! It was the Moors who guided Columbus to the Americas. And when he arrived, what did he see but mosques, clear evidence the Moors had been here long before Europeans. Perhaps we should celebrate Moorish Day in the Americas rather than Columbus Day! Long live Prophet Noble Drew Ali!
--Dr. M

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