Sunday, April 25, 2021

Politricks, the Art of Deception

 1 Politricks is simply the art of deception or how to gain power with lies, for as Ancestor Dr Julia Hare noted, "I know of no politrickcian with truth at the top of their agenda!" A politrickcian will say one thing to one group in the morning, something different to another group at noon and contradict himself with another group at an evening dinner, depending on which lobbyist is paying the tab.

2. Politrickcians have no permanent friends only permanent interests. Call it the hidden agenda. 
3. The Piper calls the tune for the politrickcians, i.e., lobbyists remain on the down low while politrickcians come and go. It would be more beneficial for the consent of the governed to know the lobbyists or to become lobbyists themselves to advocate for their interests because lobbyists will tell you straight out they lobby for anybody who pays them. Alice Huffman, just retired as a chief California lobbyist, often did so in the name of the NAACP of which she was the State Secretary, but lobbied for issues in contradiction to NAACP policies. So who can lobby for us except us? And we must keep a 24/7 watch on whose representing us. 

4. Politrickcians love problems not solutions. If crime was ever solved what would police have to do, prison correction officers, social workers? A correction officer told an inmate upon his release, "Keep coming back. I got me a yaucht, now I got to get one for my son, so keep coming back!"

Except for NewArk NJ, you have heard of police killing of Blacks. Mayor Ras Baraka has almost eliminated this problem in Newark.
If he can solve the problem, why can't other cities? And why haven't you heard of the NewArk Model?
Why hasn't the fake news media told you about the NewArk Model?
You are bombarded 24/7 with depressing problem news, almost never solutions, to the point you no longer believe in solutions. As Malcolm X said, you have been Hoodwinked and Bamboozled, yes, by your politrickcians. How many presidents have promised to upgrade America's decaying intrastructure? And what percentage of President Biden's trillion dollar bill shall go for rebuilding the USA'S roads and Bridges? Finally, have your politrickcians told you about the dark side of the Green revolution that shall create a new scramble for precious metals that shall cause the continued devastation of Mother Earth, e.g., the scramble for graphite, lithium, copper, etc.?

Chew on the above and send me your comments.
Marvin X

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