Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Parable of the Honest Man

 Parable of the honest man

Marvin X reading at the University of Chicago, Sun Ra Conference

The young man seeking wisdom came to the wise man for the truth of the world. The old wise man informed the young man that there was little truth in the world. He told the young man to take off his rose colored glasses so he could see clearly. Didn't you hear God tell the people if they could find one righteous man He would save the whole town? Did they find one?

Seeing the young man was of sincere heart, the wise man said, "The world is full of illusions of the monkey mind. We seek happiness in 99 things that are pure illusions.
Yes, the world of make believe, Dr. Frazier said. Why do you fill your closets with clothes and shoes you never wear?
Why do you want 10 women when you don't know how to love one? You don't even know how to love yourself? Who are you and what is your purpose in life?
Why do you waste the precious years of your life drifting without aim or purpose? Discover your life purpose and all things will come to you. Few men or women follow their Bliss as Joseph Campbell said we must do to achieve spiritual Consciousness or the Divine State of Mind. The wise man ended the conversation with the young man with the wisdom of his elder woman friend, "If you ain't doing something that you love, you don't know what's going on!"
P.S. Don't worry about the corruption in the world. Those are they of the low information vibration mentality. Their corruption consumes them until the judgment day arrives and they are overwhelmed by the Big Payback.
Does not the law of physics teach that for every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction?
 God is good to you. Are you good to God?

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