Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obama's Drama

Obama's Drama

Bombs fall from Drones
children, women men
called terrorists
a wedding party
Yemen Somalia
citizens of America even
no trial no arrest no charges
what man is this
so called black
not negro
no slave history here
some clone perhaps
made for the USA
organizer from Chi town
beloved of Wall Street
no bank the bankers here
give 15 year girls
morning after pill
for his daughters too
let's see if they get the pill
without Michelle's permission
Obama's drama
murder list in hand
Afghanistan or USA
no matter
Badder than Bush
You wit me or against me
I don't like you
so you enemy combatant
civil rights workers
liberation fighters
Asata Shakur
Mumia Abu Jamal
down in the American gulag
Will Ruchell McGee ever see the sun again
Russell Soaltz
why you lie about closing Gitmo'
No bankers in jail for robbing the poor
No bankers in jail for money laundering Cartel money
slap hands with a fine
2.4 million doing petty crimes
did you give up Benghazi for election win
spy on AP
you tell IRA interrogate Tea Party
what is you, man
the devil in black face
imperialist African style or Jamaican
won't talk to Cornel and Tavis
won't discuss the poor the black
talk of gays, lesbians, Mexicans
no mention of boyz and girls in the hood
give boyz and girls in Iraq, Afghanistan
jobs, education housing
if they lay down arms
why not jobs, education housing in the hood to stop the violence
Chicago is Iraq, Oakland Afghanistan
New Orleans is Yemen
Philly is Somalia
C'mon man
this drama must end.
You got Osama
Now get man in mirror
--Marvin X

Coming Soon: Pull Yo Pants Up: Critical Notes on Obama Drama: 2008-2013, Marvin X,
Black Bird Press, Berkeley, 2013.

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