Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Charlie Parker with Strings - Just Friends

That sound like Charlie Parker to me

Bird and Miles

Don't nobody sound like Parker except Parker
Parker made style inimitable in the modern times
defined style for all times
but along with Miles, Coltrane, Monk, Duke, Ella, Bessie, Nina, Billie
But you know Parker like you know yo mama
lyrical fast paced setting the language of rap
Parker did it with his comrades 
Imagine the genius of Bebop
advancing time and language
preparing the stage to transform nursery rhymes 
never again such simplicity
not when those African black beats morphed with technology
still the heart was there
the juju
sacred voices of everyone
essence of jazz
black classical sound
call response
let each god have his moment in the sun
let the bata drums run
we dance to all the gods denying none
polytheism is monotheism on the run
through all the lands gods tribes clans 
villages lands
nations beyond Wakanda
family land of love
unity equality we are free
Study Gullahland
islands in the sun
Gullah family door to door
no sell Gullah land
family love evermore

Do 4 self
nothing else
Gullahland came with rice
Senegal tribes nations
rice yams blues
Gullah family
Mississippi blues
Mali news
Ali Farki say
No blues come my way
Mali music ten thousand years old
No blues in my song
We sing with strings 
kora sounds Niger river

Charlie Parker Griot of liberty
Blow Charlie
Kora your African strings
no violins of western hearts
they took you in
made you play
for money
medication in the night
violin sounds no kora River Niger sounds ten thousand years ago
king queen farmer wife natural love no strife 
music from hell to feed the devils in your midst
monkey on back
toxic juice pouring into your mind
killing the genius you gave humankind.

sing to me this night 
and eternity
You made time speed forward
new dimension
of need
play Charlie Parker
We know you Prophet David Walker, 1829
same same
smashing time
time is zero
time is negro nothing time zero negro no remembrance of things past
Dr Hare say amnesia presumes we just forgot but no
whatever we knew was deleted on the computer of our genocide minds
trauma cut off
assuage pain
release memory
Can't remember rapist
language suppressed
remember drum
Baraka say
don't let them take your um bum babum
if they take your um boom babum 
you in deep trouble
take your several centuries to get out
1829 is 2021
Solomon say ain't nothin' new under sun
after my trials tribulations under the sun
her comes son ungrateful
destroys all my labor under sun
I cry all is vanity vexation of spirit
ungrateful bastards inherit my legacy
they have no love of me
they deposit my legacy into dustbin of history
my dreams not their dreams
they claim no loving connection to me
they the blood of technology
No matter DNA
no mama's love
what is the price of her estate
Sis, we ain't giving brother nothing
I been hating that nigga since I was two

they think time negro time
negro time nothing  time 
Charlie Parkerknow
Parker made time
Cornel West tell Marvin X
We on black minutes 
beyond time
We on the other side of time, Sun Ra said.
Check your watch on the other side of time.
You scared to check cause your time is on the other side
of the other side of time.
You actually believe the white man's time is time?
He just arrived from cave with dog and woman,
what he know bout time?
Saddam in Iraq told devil Iraq 8,000 years of history
Chinese say we got 10,000 years
We study Art of War
we fight without fighting
no bullets 
virus panacea double trouble no bullets thought
Charlie Parker you pushed time ahead of time
think fast negro
like rap song beats bout bitch ho motherfucker
kill nigga fa nothing just fa show
Ah, let us end with this
beyond Charlie Parker
Beyond rap bitch ho motherfucker twist
Let Queen Sonia Sanchez sing song of freedom
What she say,
"Will your book free us
your poem
will it free us
or enslave us 
free us Sonia say
And I say with my Sister Queen
As King I say
let your music be Charlie Parker
Coltrane, Miles, Billie, Nina, Ella
Sun Ra Myth-Science
Reading my poetry and plays with Sun Ra Arkestra
I missed Charlie Parker
but Sun Ra Arkestra was my own
Sun Ra Arkestra played in my theatre
Everybody gone
Arkestra play like full house 
played hard with love
Charlie Parker love
Sun Ra discipline love
can this generation understand
Sun Ra taught me
fuck freedom
fuck justice equality
Sonny said, "Maavin teach discipline not freedom
they born free
look at your actors dancers
ain't they free
wild free
I teach discipline
freedom no friend to me. 
And yet as I said at the Sun Ra Conference, University of Chicago
Afrofuturism Symposium 
Those beautiful women scholars
But listen to me
Sun Ra was free
most free spirit in the world
and yet yet
most disciplined focused
mythology ritual linguistics poetry dance music of eternity
Myth-Science Arkestra took you through time and space
pyramids planets hearts souls of the dead 
Space is the place
Come back Charlie Parker
You ushered Sun Ra to us
Picked up the pace to free the race
Church of God in Christ preached sermon
Keep the faith till' you win race
Dr. John Henrik Clarke said
This is not a sprint
This long distance
We thought it was over in the 60s
We thought pistols and shotguns would defeat domestic colonialism.
We steeped in marijuana smoke dreams
Pistols gonna defeat. US army, navy, airforce, marines, fbi cia, nigga snitches agents provocateurs
jesus niggas allah niggas jah niggas yoruba niggas communist socialist nothing ass niggas
Elijah said easy to lead in the wrong direction hard to lead in the right direction
Meet me at 9am you come at 10
come by yourself you bring your woman
meet me in the north you go to the south
don't tell nobody you tell yo woman and yo mama she tell preacher
he tell fbi
slave revolt over.

Play Charlie Parker
Bird Lives
and you never heard
think bird is bird
bird is motherfucker
baddest motherfucker you ever head
bird mind blower
monster mash time changer
bird blew time out window
called Miles, Dizzy, Billie, Monk 
just for show
how these niggas get to other side of time 
Sun Ra said
How they get from Egypt to Saturn
no space ship black mind travel
other side of time
Myth Science Arkestra departed chanting
"It's after the end of the world
You ain't heard it yet?"

Charlie Parker wailed into the night
on his way to Sun Ra's outer space encampment

When Charlie arrived playing Just Friends
Sun Ra said Bird what kinna friends
Brother man friends
Brother beast friends
Sonny said agin, Bird it's the end of the world
you ain't heard it yet
the myth-science arkestra played on
blues jazz hip hop Sunny Blunt played it all
his dancers danced
people danced til wigs popped off in drunken joyfullness
If you can't keep time with Charlie Parker
Go back to nursery rhymes. Sleepy time tea rap songs
bitch ho motherfucker rap death rituals in the night

forget all that Miller Lite stupid shit.
Let Parker sounds take you through the night.

I love Just Friends but I know Just Friends wasn't it.
Not the strings for dope money Milford Graves said.
Listen to Charlie speeding through infinity raw naked
ushering rap rhythms world wide in every language you see.
Bird Lives
Bird Lives
Bird Lives
Ted jones wrote everywhere
Bird lives tonight
feel Parker in your hair.
--El Muhajir/Marvin X


1 comment:

  1. Great. Could hear it all. Preach [as we said back then]
