Would you like to have Bobby Seale speak at your university, college..

Taking to the stage with his lively charismatic and activist eloquence Mr. Seale illuminates the true sixties birth and youthful intelligentsia of the Black Panther Party. Unfolding the pragmatic unknown philosophical range of the sixties protest movement, ["…which grew out of student activism, historical class analysis, scientific research, and programmatic grass-roots community organizing. NOT street life hooliganism as COINTELPRO political conservatism continues to distort…"].
Mr. Seale transports the audience back to the turbulence of the late sixties and early seventies. A time when the activism of hundreds of thousands of protesters of many different ethnic groups created coalitions, which included young Black men and women selling hundreds of thousands of "THE BLACK PANTHER" weekly newspaper. Who created numerous community programs and registered thousands to vote, complete with law books in their hands and "legal" guns handy for self defense against racist and fascist police and FBI's planned COINTELPRO vicious overt racist attacks at the time. Today our right to self-defense stance is unheard of.
Within the last three decades plus, the demise of several sixties left radical icons [including Huey P. Newton's death in August of 1989; Abbie Hoffman 1991; Jerry Reubin 1993 & Eldridge Cleaver & Quame Turea in 1998], Bobby Seale, (the original 1966 Founding Chairman & National Organizer of the Black Panther Party & “The Eighth Defendant: of the Great Chicago ‘7’ Conspiracy Trial.) in effect, has become one of the last surviving architects of the most important social change movements in American and African American history, complete with his historic political court room trials of that era.
Defining himself as "revolutionary humanist" Seale brings the BPP/Sixties protest movement era full circle showing how times have changed. How we must reach for the future: Demonstrate, Protest, organize real peoples' programs and evolve a greater direct [participatory] community control democracy, void of racist, bigoted or chauvinistic practices. Void of all the extremes of global corporate exploitation and complete with a profound cyberspace activism, science-based civil-human rights, and all people's ecological rights activism. Understanding how all civil-human rights issues today are interconnected intertwined, interdependent, and interrelated with ecological environmental problems, new-millennium political issues, and global economics.
If you are interested in having Bobby Seale speak at your university, college, service group, community gathering or event you may be holding send an e-mail request to bobbysealecom@yahoo.com.
Be sure to include all your contact info. Bobby Seale will contact you to go over the speaking event arrangements.
Power To All The People!
Bobby Seale
1966 Founding Chairman & National organizer of the Black Panther Party
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