The Black Bird—A Fable By
Marvin X
The cage door was always open, but the little bird wouldn't come out. He loved the cage, he had been in it so long. Other birds would fly into the white house and beg the little bird to come out, but he wouldn't. Sad, the other birds would fly away home to paradise, their hearts white with anger and sorrow for their lost brother who loved the cage. "He is so hard-headed, "the other birds said on their way home, "but we will get him out, we will get him out...." He was a smart bird. Nobody could tell him anything—except his master.
He could sing too. When the master
sang, the little bird sang. He knew all of the master's
songs by heart. He didn't like to sing bird songs. From
all around, people came to see him do tricks. The little
bird knew a lot of tricks the master had trained him to
do when visitors came to the white house. He was a good
house pet. The little bird was so good his master always
left his cage door open; he knew the little bird had
forgotten what freedom was. "Come, fly away to freedom
with us," the other birds would say. But the little bird
didn't want to go for self! "I like being in a cage,"
he said. "You birds are the crazy ones—get away from
For days and days, the black bird would sit in the cage
looking at himself in the mirror. "He is such a
beautiful black bird," all the visitors said. "Yes," the
master said, "I have a good bird." To himself, the
master said, "This little black fool has made me rich
doing tricks and he's too dumb to fly away to
freedom—what a stupid bird!"
The master would feed the bird
crumbs from his table. The little bird loved the crumbs
so much he wouldn't eat anything else, not even when the
other birds sneaked into the master's house and offered
the little bird some righteous soulfood.
One day the master's house caught
on fire. Nobody knew how the fire started, not even the
little black bird. The master fought hard to put the
fire out, but there were too many flames, so he ran
outside, leaving the little black bird behind. The
flames grew bigger and bigger, but the little black bird
just sat in his cage. Maybe he was waiting for his
master to return....
Then, suddenly, a friendly bird
flew into the burning white house, "Black bird!" he
yelled, "don't you know the house is on fire???
Hurry—come fly away with me!" "But I love my cage," the
black bird cried, "I want to stay!"
"You want to burn," said the
friendly bird. The friendly bird went into the cage,
grabbed the black bird and flew away from the burning
house. "Bye, master," the black bird yelled as he passed
his master who was crying in the yard. "Bye, master,"
the little bird called out again—he was on his way home.
from The Wisdom of Plato Negro, parables/fables, by Marvin X, Black Bird Press, Berkeley.
(c)1968, 2007
The Black Bird is Marvin X's classic fable written in
1968. Many children were taught this story by conscious
parents, including the parents of journalist Wanda Sabir of the San
Francisco Bayview newspaper.
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